Metaverse Mentors
Metaverse Mentors
#22 Web3 Braingames
In episode 22 we sit down with the founders Sona Protocol. Sona is digital decentralized cognitive game platform. There are many apps and technologies that track your sleep, heart rate, number of steps in a day. But if we are looking at the brain we barely know something about it. That's exactly the thesis that Sona is tackling. They're buillding an app that helps you to understand your brain from a multidimensional perspective through gamification. Paired with native web3 architecture they are working to provide everyone with a digital cognitive passport that indicate your brain powers. Which can lead to interesting use-cases such as, using that data on top existing university credentials in an interview process, or meeting like-minded people. But as always fun comes first and that's also of the tenets of Sona. Much more to learn in the entire episode!
If you want to learn more about Sona Protcol you can visit:
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