TTT Podcast | TN Truck Thought

Episode 22: How the Loper Bright SCOTUS Decision on Chevron Could Impact Trucking

TrueNorth Transportation Season 1 Episode 22

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The “Chevron Doctrine”, a principle that was decided by the Supreme Court in 1984 and has had a significant influence over federal regulations, was recently overturned by this Supreme Court. This doctrine, a pillar of administrative law that has influenced federal rulemaking over the last 40 years, directed courts to defer to federal agencies when interpreting sometimes ambiguous statutes enacted by Congress. In this podcast episode, we explore the Chevron Doctrine, the recent decision made by the court and its significance, the impact on the trucking industry and what it will mean going forward. Joining this episode are guests Prasad Sharma, Partner at Scopelitis Garvin Light Hanson & Feary, and Bill Zenk, Executive Vice President at TrueNorth Companies.

Topics Covered:
    • Supreme Court rationale in the Loper Bright v. Raimondo decision
    • Significance of the SCOTUS ruling
    • Impacts on federal agencies as they review and craft regulations
    • How the decision may influence Congress and how they legislate.
    • What this decision will mean for challenging existing or proposed regulations
    • Potential impacts on state legislation
    • Impacts of the decision on the Trucking Industry
    • And much more!

Featured Industry Specialists:
   • Host: P. Sean Garney, Co-Director at Scopelitis Transportation Consulting
   • Co-Host: Steve Keppler, Co-Director at Scopelitis Transportation Consulting
   • Guest: Bill Zenk, Executive Vice President at TrueNorth Companies
   • Guest: Prasad Sharma, Partner at Scopelitis Garvin Light Hanson & Feary

TN Truck Thought is a monthly podcast featuring some of the brightest minds in trucking. Our carefully selected panel of industry experts get to the bottom of the most challenging and controversial issues facing the industry today. In each episode, we take a deep dive into all things trucking, including: what's new in government and research, as well as practical and theoretical discussions on issues like the rise of nuclear verdicts, how to overcome this crazy supply chain, or the driver shortage. The TN Truck Thought Podcast is hosted by Sean Garney and Steve Keppler of Scopelitis Transportation Consulting and produced by TrueNorth Companies.

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