MAFS 2023 at Kitzh and Kazandra's Speakeasy

MAFS Australia 2023 Season 10 episodes 2 and 3 - four more weddings and some honeymoons

โ€ข Kitzh and Kazandra

IMPORTANT: Kitzh and Kazandra would like to acknowledge how unhinged this episode is. We are siting white wine and Lemsip as the core cause.
Tee hee :)

MAFSAU MAFS Australia 2023 Married at First Sight Australia podcast. Comedy.

๐Ÿ‘„ Tell us what you think, DM us๐Ÿ’‹
Facebook: MAFS 2023 at Kitzh and Kazandra's Speakeasy

#MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia #MAFS #marriedatfirstsight
#loveatfirstsight #romantics #realists 
#comedypodcast #hottakes #gossip 
#channel9 #Stan #lovetriangle #channel10 #Lemsip