Surgical Goals - Sports Injuries Podcast
Unique sports injuries podcast hosted by expert, specialist sports orthopaedic surgeon, Professor Gordon Mackay, and broadcaster Jennifer Reoch who asks the questions you all want answers to! Together they explore the world of sport, injuries, treatments, rehab, and recovery.
We have amazing guests who range from Olympians to weekend warriors in all sporting disciplines- from football to skiing, golf to rugby, we learn how they managed their injuries and recoveries and discover what impact this had on their sporting careers. But we also love to chat about their sporting careers and highlights.
In other episodes, experts in fields of sports medicine and rehab join us to discuss how advances in research, technology and treatments are helping athletes both avoid injury or accelerate recovery.
Conversations range from the light-hearted to the more serious and along the way it is hoped listeners pick up tips about how to deal with your own sports injuries, how to avoid injury, and just enjoy the general sports chat.
Surgical Goals - Sports Injuries Podcast
Judoka Sarah Adlington on winning gold and beating shoulder injuries
Sarah Adlington's list of achievements is impressive - among them taking back-to-back golds in the Commonwealth Games in 2012 and 2022 (there was no judo in the 2018 games). She has also won the heavyweight British title no fewer than 6 times! As an impatient 5-year-old she watched her Dad and brother doing judo and could not wait to take to the mats herself - she never looked back. Along the way though Sarah has battled some pretty serious shoulder injuries.
Wear and tear injuries are common in judo just because of the nature of the sport. Typically of many high-level sportspeople Sarah battled on several times with shoulder injuries until the pain became too much and was hindering her chances of qualifications. An interesting discussion ensues about the professional mindset when it comes to dealing with an injury in the first place.
Sarah first met Prof Mackay after her right shoulder became unstable and treatment became necessary. From a surgeon's point of view, he describes how common this is in sports patients and that he often sees such injuries late on when often an earlier intervention would be indicated.
Sarah talks through her successful recovery process before she, unfortunately, went on to injure her left shoulder - describing feeling it tear during a competition. So we talk over advice on dealing with shoulder injuries and some of the other common injuries in judo.
A brilliant episode with a focussed sportswoman at the top of her game.
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