The Christian Worldview

Election Recap: America Chooses Trumpism over Marxism

David Wheaton

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GUEST: Robert Knight, columnist, The Washington Times

Last week in our program before the election we started by reading Psalm 103:19: “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His sovereignty rules over all.

We said that God’s supreme power and authority is what Christians need to be trusting in now and always, for He controls the past, present, and future, moving people to accomplish His purposes.

On November 5, millions of voters in our nation were moved to elect Republican Donald Trump to a second term as president in a landslide victory over Democrat Kamala Harris. There’s no other way to interpret the results than a sizable majority of the American people rejected the Marxist worldview of Harris and Democrats who seek to overturn traditional American values based on Christianity.

Democrats are very clear that they want the “freedom” to abort babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy. They brought millions of illegal immigrants across our borders to make them into a permanent voting bloc dependent on government. They want to “transition” boys into girls and girls into boys even in the face of parental objection. They even want self-identifying boys to enter girls’ locker room and compete in girls’ sports. They want to tax and spend massively on social programs, despite costs and debt rising, so more people are dependent on and thus will vote for them. They want to shut down dissenting speech as “hate speech” and “inciting violence” and a “threat to democracy”. These are examples of Marxism, the toppling of Christian values and more in favor of big government secularism.

Robert Knight, columnist for The Washington Times, joined us last week to preview the election and he will join us this weekend to analyze various elements of this stunning victory by Trump.

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