God-Sized Stories with Patricia Holbrook
God-Sized Stories with Patricia Holbrook
Recognizing the Unseen: A Conversation with DeAnna Lynn Sanders
Welcome to another soul-stirring episode of God-sized Stories with Patricia Holbrook!
In today’s episode, I have the privilege of speaking with DeAnna Lynn Sanders, an inspiring advocate who has spent years working with "She is Safe" to empower and give voice to unseen individuals globally.
DeAnna joined She is Safe in 2011 and has since traveled the world to document stories of resilience and hope from countries like Bolivia, Bangladesh, India, South Africa, and Indonesia. Her blog and now her new book, "Unseen People," encapsulate her journey in amplifying the voices of those often overlooked in society.
We delve into the societal issue of feeling unnoticed and undervalued, whether it's a waitress at a local diner or vulnerable young girls in Indonesia. DeAnna shares her personal anecdotes, including touching stories about connecting with service workers like Juan and Julie and forming meaningful relationships with neighbors.
We touch on the critical need to be present and aware of God's nudges to reach out and provide comfort, especially to those who might feel abandoned or unnoticed in their grief or daily struggles.
This conversation is a beautiful reminder of our calling to serve as ambassadors of God’s love, recognizing and valuing every individual we encounter both near and far.
To watch the interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0QW1J2-kOQ8
To win a copy of the book: https://kingsumo.com/g/m2rpw71/unseen-people-by-deanna-lynn-sanders-book-giveaway
PS: Did you know I now have a new Portuguese Channel? Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIs2E8r5EUaPF0O7B7NeQGg
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