Keeping It Candid - Wedding Photography Unfiltered with Sandra Henderson

059 Utilizing Systems To Deliver An Amazing Client Experience with Diana Wei Fang

Simply Sandra Yvonne Season 2 Episode 59

Systems aren’t just about making things easier for you behind the scenes. When you utilize them to their fullest, they’ll help you deliver an amazing client experience in your photography business, too!

Diana Wei Fang from The Finer Points joins me for an interview today and shares some real life examples of businesses that are doing just that, and how you can implement the same strategies, too.

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Diana Wei Fang - The Finer Points:

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  • Systems are essential for scaling and moving a business forward.
  • Choose a platform that aligns with your business needs and prioritize the client experience.
  • Don't let the search for the perfect platform paralyze you—pick one and get started.
  • Center your systems around the client's needs and create a seamless experience.
  • Embrace change and expect to evolve and grow your systems over time.


00:00 Introduction and Personal Reflections
02:34 Overview of the Podcast and Guest Introduction
04:00 The Importance of Systems in Business
09:30 Choosing the Right Platform for Streamlining Workflows
19:19 Centering Systems Around the Client Experience
26:55 Don't Let Perfection Paralyze You: Just Get Started
29:14 Embracing Change and Evolving Your Systems
30:55 Closing Remarks and Call for Listener Input

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[00:00:00] Sandra Henderson: This episode is airing on August 21st, and for me, this is already the start of winter. I know that technically winter doesn't actually start for many more months, and where I am in Canada, it's still sunny, still positive temperatures.

[00:00:19] The leaves haven't even started changing it for fall, but I am a summer girl through and through. I love the heat and Every year prior to this my husband's birthday, which is August 10th After that the nights start getting colder you start having to have a sweater on at night You start having to wear pants at night.

[00:00:39] You can only wear shorts and t shirt during the day and That just is not cool for me. I need to be in shorts and a tank top 365 days a year. I know I'm in the wrong country for that to happen, but a girl can dream. And so, with it already being August 21st, that means it's officially winter for me.

[00:01:00] I'm sorry if you disagree, but it just is what it is. And so I'm just over here trying to mentally prepare myself for the cold and the end of my favorite time of year.

[00:01:10] But to cheer me up, I am talking with Diana Wei Feng today, all about systems. 

[00:01:16] Diana is the owner and founder of The Finer Points. She's a systems architect who believes that there is room for all of us in the world and that none of us are meant to pursue our dreams alone. Whatever you think of when you hear the word systems, Diana will change your mind and your heart with her story and her expertise. Through a structured system, she helps creatives and small business owners just like you tell your story and reach your people in less time. 

[00:01:42] She and I share the same passion when it comes to simplifying and streamlining the way that you run your business. And she's actually one of the first people that I ever had the chance to connect with from the HoneyBookPro team that offered me some invaluable advice about the way that I was approaching my workflows.

[00:01:58] Before my call with Diana, my wedding workflow was, I think somewhere around 30 to 40 steps, which had come down from the 72 that I had with my very, very first wedding workflow. So we'd simplified a bit from there, but there was definitely still some room for improvement. And once Diana had a look at everything that I was doing and gave me some tips on how to simplify it.

[00:02:24] It was like a light bulb went off and I have been living with my 12 step wedding workflow ever since that I just love so, so much.

[00:02:34] So having a firsthand experience of working with Diana, I knew that I had to have her on the podcast and we talked all about different CRM systems, the pros and cons of having everything all in one versus on different platforms. And of course, some tips for creating successful systems in your business.

[00:02:53] Welcome to Keeping It Candid. I'm your host, Sandra Henderson, an international wedding and family photographer and business coach. I help wedding photographers use systems to build out the back end of their businesses to gain control and continue to thrive no matter what life throws their way. And on a more personal note, eneagrine three wing two who's obsessed.

[00:03:12] I'm obsessed with tacos and my love for traveling combined with navigating chronic illness life are just two of the many things that drive my passion for all things systems, workflows, and beating burnout as a business owner. Join me every week for a candid behind the scenes look at what it's really like working as a wedding photographer, where I'll give you actionable steps to take your business to the next level.

[00:03:33] Absolutely no fluff here, friends. So go grab your favorite notebook and pen and let's dive into this week's episode.

[00:03:38] Diana, thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited to get to connect with you and talk about all CRM platforms and everything like that, which I know that you are an expert in.

[00:03:49] But before we get to all that, I would love to just give you a chance to introduce yourself and let everybody know a little bit about what you're all about. 

[00:03:56] Diana Wei Fang: Well, thanks. Thanks so much for having me. I'm super excited to be here. I am a systems architect, which is just a really fancy way of saying I really love systems.

[00:04:07] I believe that systems are all around us. And I think that in order to have a successful business, you need a system. It's the way to scale. It's the way to move your business forward. It's the way to prevent. yourself from becoming another statistic of those scary numbers that we get whenever we start a business.

[00:04:26] Did you know that 50 percent of small businesses fail in their first year? Thank you. Negative Nancy. that I think systems are helpful in all of those things. And so I'm really, really passionate. I'm determined in my lifetime just to see that number. actual, Total 50 percent is actually only for Your first year, the total fail annual number is 90%.

[00:04:51] Sandra: Wow. That's huge. 

[00:04:53] Diana: I am determined to see that number go down in my lifetime. It's been like that holding steady for a long time. That's why I do what I do. 

[00:05:04] Sandra: I love that. Well, that is such a good motivator and I am totally with you and wanting to see that number go down. So hopefully this podcast will just be one of many ways that we can do that.

[00:05:15] So speaking of systems and all the things, what are some of your favorite platforms to use? 

[00:05:21] Diana: In terms of like a physical system for a small business owner, I love HoneyBook personally.

[00:05:27] That's what I recommend for a lot of my clients. For someone who is like a small team or, probably corporate, I would say Salesforce is really good, but it's a beast. So I would say HoneyBook. Not everyone needs Salesforce. Okay. And then, actually for event planners, this is not it's traditional use, but I actually really like this app called planning center online.

[00:05:56] They make. incredible run sheets for ceremonies and things like that. It's actually made for churches, because who runs events more than churches? But it's a great hack. It's a responsive time app. So like if the, if you change the like ceremony and flip it with something else, like it will do the time for you.

[00:06:16] It'll like, you can have Like notes for the planner notes for the photographer notes for and it's all in there. You could have DJ notes. It's really cool 

[00:06:25] Sandra: That sounds awesome. I absolutely like obsess over anything that can like Automatically update and trigger things. I just I for years. I've been thinking about getting Like playing around with Zapier, but I felt like it was going to be this overwhelming beast that I just didn't have the time or capacity to deal with.

[00:06:44] And I finally did it a little, like a few weeks ago and I'm obsessed. Like I want to find the way to zap every single thing that I do into each other. 

[00:06:54] Diana: The Zapier like the Zapier bug, as I call it, it's definitely a thing and I understand the passion because it's like a dark hole. Like you suddenly just are like, well, I can do this and I can do that.

[00:07:09] And then, you know, suddenly you're Zapping like a hundred things and then you made it more complicated, but you know, you feel better about yourself at the end of the day. So who cares? 

[00:07:18] Sandra: Right. It's so true. I'm totally with you on that. And I also am a huge lover of honey book. Listeners of the podcast will know.

[00:07:27] I talk about it quite a bit. But it is like my right hand in business. I've tried a lot of other CRM platforms and none of them really work for me. For the way that my brain works and the way that I like to interact with my clients, none of them really compare even a little bit to HoneyBook. So I'm so excited to have another HoneyBook stand on here.

[00:07:47] Diana: Oh, I love HoneyBook. I love the team. I love like the way they listen and to just like who's using it. And they're so relational. I feel like as someone who. Doesn't work for them. I'm just blown away by their response and their care for each one of us as business owners. And, they're just incredible humans.

[00:08:10] Yeah. I think that above and beyond, just like edges out any other app, you know, like, cause we're so tech oriented and I love tech obsessed with tech, but you need good people behind the people, the things that run the tech, you know? And so I think that. Yeah. Makes a huge difference for me. 

[00:08:29] Sandra: Yeah, absolutely.

[00:08:30] I'm sure everybody listening can think of an experience they've had with a platform or some sort of tech company where they haven't like gotten any sort of feeling like they're recognized as a person who is actually using this app and as their client, and it doesn't feel like there's a person behind on the other side of the business.

[00:08:51] And so I totally agree with you that that's so important. And really is going to be what helps. Having systems like that that we're using is what's going to help us set us apart as well, I think. 

[00:09:02] Diana: Yes, agreed. I mean, it's bar none because they truly make it a one stop shop for so many of us. And I think it gets overwhelming to a degree, but also it's overwhelming because we don't need all those bells and whistles there.

[00:09:17] It's made for, you know, People like you, people like me, it's made for wedding planners and florists, and we're all using the same app, which is kind of incredible, actually, if you think about it. So, right. Yeah. Love it. 

[00:09:30] Sandra: now, while we're still on the topic of platforms, I would love to hear what your thoughts are on all in one platforms, because we're both all about streamlining and making things super simple and automated.

[00:09:43] And so, the idea behind every, having everything in one place. seems great, But I would love to hear what your take on it is. 

[00:09:51] Diana: I love it. I think you have to be smart about it. I think that, it's kind of like, you know, when you just, it's the easiest way, like, Going back to the beginning, when I was introducing myself, I was talking about the fail rate.

[00:10:06] The number one thing we do know about small businesses who fail is that they can't track their cash flow and that our cash flow is, that we don't, they quantify a failure as under Not enough cash flow. And I think one of the trickiest things to to track our subscriptions. I think that if you take a good look, you're not sure what apps you've got on a monthly subscription.

[00:10:32] You're not sure what , TV networks you have on a monthly subscription. And I think that goes the same for our business, you know, like, Canva monthly subscriptions, HoneyBook monthly subscriptions, all these tech tools have monthly subscriptions. And I think just keeping it all in one place actually reduces the amount of tech that you need to run your business.

[00:10:53] I run my business on four pieces of tech, just four apps. I am obsessed with Lots of them, lots of other apps, but I really try to keep it down to 4 because I can keep my expenses low to run it and I can actually invest more into humans. My team gets paid well, and it contributes to their education.

[00:11:17] I've got 2 in college right now. The 1 is studying masters and 1 is, you know, doing other things and so I think that is important. That's important to me to know where my money goes. And so for me, an all in one tool is, I mean, that's the gold, right? Like that's the golden ticket is to know and not, and it's also in our brains, just easier to say, This is where I go to run my business.

[00:11:43] This is where I go to see if someone has paid me to see if anyone needs to be followed up on. This is where I go when you're having a low season and saying, I don't know, there's no leads coming in. What do I do? And you can go to the one tool, look at your pipeline and say, I've got 23 people I could follow up on right now.

[00:12:05] Right. Or to even just like emotions take us sometimes, you know, and you're just like, Oh, look at the pipeline. I actually have 34 people who I'm currently actively working with. I'm not, you know, like an imposter. I'm not doing whatever. Like, we tend to make up these stories running your business, man. It is no small feat, but to have it all in 1 place, I think keeps it so organized for us.

[00:12:30] And I would say, why not? It can get overwhelming. There's a lot of tools. Do you need it all? I think this is too big for me. You want something to help you grow into it as you grow your business. Your business should change. Your business should grow. And so we want that. We want to see it. We want to see more of it personally.

[00:12:51] I don't want to download my clients and my contracts and invoices every time. My business outgrows itself and then move into a larger platform, you know, like it's almost why, why would I do that? I want something I can grow into, make it easy for myself. I want to be overwhelmed for a season, so that my business can take off where it needs to take off.

[00:13:11] And I don't need to control it in that way. But you do need to know. What you want in your business and tell the tech what to do. It's not going to read your mind. So I think that pros and cons pros and cons. 

[00:13:24] Sandra: Yeah, absolutely. Now there's some other platforms out there that also incorporate things like websites and galleries and things like that.

[00:13:32] Do you think that there's any sort of risk that photographers or business owners are taking when they're going that far? Like they're all in one. Is that all encompassing?

[00:13:43] Diana: I don't think so. But again, I would prioritize the client experience, right? So ask yourself, I think it's different to say, this is where my gallery lives.

[00:13:54] And if you sell albums, or if you have an upsell afterwards, that is where that is going to live, right? There's another way to send say, actually, all the financials for my client, they're already used to this platform. And maybe we're just going to use HoneyBook as an example in this scenario. Your client has been interacting with you on HoneyBook, whether or not they realize it, right?

[00:14:17] HoneyBook's really good at keeping the client experience within email, but whether or not your clients know that they're used to that, right? So throughout your journey, they've gotten used to what your emails look like, what the formatting looks like, what your tone is, and you've developed this relational aspect.

[00:14:34] If it's important to you for continuity's sake, then. Bring it back to HoneyBook to sell albums, but HoneyBook album delivery is not a thing, right? And we don't want it to be a thing. They've integrated really well with pick time. And if that's important to you, that's fine. Maybe at some point, it's easier for your brain to say at this point, we switch over and go to pick time.

[00:14:58] And from there, they can select the photos they want to like print. And then we can just take it to print right away. Right. Maybe that is easier for your client experience. I think you need to ultimately decide what's most important to you in terms of client experience. Do you want them all in one platform familiarity?

[00:15:16] Or do you want them to be able to click on the photo? Order it, create the album right then and there, push go. Both have great uses. There's no right or wrong answer. 

[00:15:25] Sandra: Hey friends. I'm interrupting this episode because I wanted to remind you that the wait list for my brand new template shop is now open.

[00:15:33] This template shop is going to be filled with everything you need to simplify and streamline your business behind the scenes, including things like HoneyBook smart file templates. Email swipe files, workflow processes, and tutorials to help you get them built inside your CRM. So many good things are coming.

[00:15:49] So head over to simplysandreevon. ca forward slash shop to get on the wait list. And you'll also have a chance to enter to win a free bundle, as well as getting a little special something to say thank you for being here. That's simplysandreevon. ca forward slash shop. 

[00:16:07] Diana: I think that's what we typically look for.

[00:16:09] We look for one right answer and it doesn't exist. I'm sorry to burst that bubble for anyone who thought there would be.

[00:16:17] Sandra: That's so true. That's one thing that I think a lesson I've learned both the hard way and the easy way a few times in the last year. Decade as a business owner is like, you have to try different things and some things that are going to work for you don't work for others.

[00:16:31] And it's just all about finding that thing that is going to work for you and resonate with your clients. So those are all amazing points. Thank you so much for that. 

[00:16:41] Diana: Yeah. Thank you for asking the question. 

[00:16:44] Sandra: Yeah, of course. So what are some secrets that you think that are hidden out there for creating?

[00:16:50] I don't want to say a perfect system. Maybe let's say a successful system, a systems that's going to really like help you thrive behind the scenes. 

[00:16:58] Diana: One of the biggest things that I see is that we tend to center our systems around our needs and our business needs. I really want to encourage every small business owners to center your business around your client's needs because they're the ones experiencing your system.

[00:17:20] So my favorite example to use with this is actually Amazon because they're so automated. Right, and Amazon may or may not trigger certain things for certain people, but I will say that we have a lot to learn from Amazon. And if we were truly being honest with ourselves, we kind of are a little jealous of Amazon.

[00:17:38] Right? And so that's like, when it comes down to the wire, this is what we want. So. If I think about it, what Amazon has created is that I, Diana, as a user and a consumer of Amazon can get on the website. I know exactly what I'm buying. I know the dimensions. I know if it's in my room, right? It wasn't always like that.

[00:18:01] They listened to their clients and they said, okay, you want something you want to know what it's going to look like to fit in your rooms. And that reduces returns. Was it better for them to reduce returns? Yes, but actually they, they developed it to serve us because we were always asking, does anyone know if this is going to fit in my apartment?

[00:18:19] Does anyone know? Like they're listening to the comment section. So they developed it for us. We know exactly down to how many stops I live in Washington, D. C. We are city. So there are stops. We know down to how many stops there are after I've purchased something before that truck arrives at my apartment.

[00:18:39] And that is what I don't need to ever, if you think about it, reach out to Amazon, wait for a person and ask them when my package is going to arrive. I don't ever need to ask them if I had to pay them. If there's a payment plan, I don't ever need to ask them when my warranty, like runs out for this specific product.

[00:19:00] I don't need to even like communicate with Amazon pretty much ever. And yet I feel as a consumer, so taking care of, I know exactly what I got when it arrives in the mail. It is exactly what it said it would be. It does fit in my apartment. I have read all the reviews of it. They are wonderful. Right. They have created something centered around my experience. And I think that when we create that for our small businesses, we need to do the same. It's not about the fact that I need to welcome you because, you know, every single website on the Internet says that I should welcome you. To, you know, my thanks for reaching out.

[00:19:42] I am welcoming you because I genuinely am excited to get to know you. There's a reason you created your business. There's a reason you want to work with clients. There's a reason why you do what you do. There is a reason you're not in corporate America. Right. And so like there, I mean, we're all, we're all created and there was a reason why we're not in corporate America.

[00:20:03] Some of us just don't quite fit in that little nine to five box. And so I think. Helping our clients feel the way that Amazon makes us feel. Without doing anything is our goal, but they centered that around us. So how do we center our system around your potential client? How do we make it so that they feel really cared for, really like knowing exactly what's next, right?

[00:20:31] And because that's when it frustrates us. Oh, my gosh, this client is so needy. They have so many questions, da, da, da, da, da. Well, actually, if we answered them for ahead of time, they wouldn't. Come to our inbox. They wouldn't need. To email us 35 times in an hour, right? If we actually gave them clear next steps, we wouldn't forget that we had an inquiry and we would actually secure more leads.

[00:21:00] We would have a clear cut system. And it doesn't have to lose its relational. ability of it. Like, I don't feel like I have lost any relational equity with Amazon. I don't feel that way with Disney. Disney emailed me the other day and was like, hey, thanks so much for visiting Magic Kingdom.

[00:21:17] Guys, I haven't been to Magic Kingdom in a solid year. 

[00:21:20] Sandra: And I haven't been since 2019, but I'm like, keep emailing me because it makes me happy. 

[00:21:25] Diana: Yes. And then an hour later they sent an email that said, so sorry, you did not visit us yesterday. And I was like, but what am I going to do?

[00:21:32] Cancel Disney? Like I'm still in. It didn't make me feel any less. And then they immediately followed up with like, we hope you do come back. We missed it. This is your experience from last time. It was fully automated. No one wrote me. Right. But they centered that experience around me. And that is also why we love Disney so much.

[00:21:51] They center the whole experience around us. That is what I want for every small business owner because we do have the power to do that.

[00:21:58] Sandra: Those are such great comparisons. I'm also a huge Disney fan. I actually am following you along on Instagram. I think it was last year that you took like a 24 hour trip to Disney to use up some points.

[00:22:09] And I was like, this is my dream, right?

[00:22:12] Diana: It was, I found a 30 flight to Orlando for those listening, and that's unheard of. 

[00:22:20] And I had to, I had to do two more flights to qualify for status. And so for 30 bucks, I flew down to Orlando, went to Disney for a day and came back with stories and got my status.

[00:22:33] Sandra: I love that so much. I am in Canada. And so like 30 flights are completely unheard of, but thankfully I am not a far drive from Detroit. So I will literally just like drive. And it's cheaper for me to drive over the border and park at the airport and fly from Detroit than it is to fly in Canada. It's crazy.

[00:22:51] Diana: Exactly. Exactly. 30 flights are not very a thing in the U S as well, which is why you had to hop on the flight. 

[00:22:58] Sandra: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I was looking cause I'm actually going to Florida and there was some like 75, 80 flights from Detroit, but it was like, you know, you're going to get there at one in the morning.

[00:23:10] And I was, I'm like, I'll pay more to sleep. It's fine. 

[00:23:14] Diana: Yeah, those are a little miserable. Always the morning flights too. And I have to remember I'm an hour from the international airport. And so then I'm always like, an hour before the flight means I have to leave my house at 4 a. m. You know, so I'm always like, is it worth that?

[00:23:29] Yeah, 

[00:23:29] Sandra: I always think that. Get stuck on the morning flights too. And for me, because I am usually flying international out of Canada, I'm supposed to be there three hours early and it's an hour and a half drive, sometimes two hours in traffic to the airport. And so like a five or a 6 AM flight, I have to leave around 1 30 in the morning and it's awful.

[00:23:45] I'm like, I'll just, I'll pay extra to fly during the day so I can sleep because it just, it makes such a nightmare of a travel day. 

[00:23:52] Diana: My gosh, that's a sound crazy, but yes, I would be on your boat. Mm hmm. Same, same. For sure. Yeah, exactly. It better be like a first class ticket, I think, for me to consider otherwise.

[00:24:04] Sandra: So true. I dream of the day that I'm going to fly first class, but I also am worried, like I need to know the first time I fly first class that I'm going to be able to continue to fly first class forever because I'm never going to want to go back to economy after that. 

[00:24:18] Diana: I did, I did see chasing status sometimes does pay off because I was upgraded 1 time cross country from San Francisco to D. C. in 1st class and I will I can confirm it does ruin you for life. Especially long flights. You're just like, oh, what is this leg room? 

[00:24:38] Sandra: Right? Oh, my gosh. 

[00:24:39] Diana: What is this meal? A meal? Remember those on planes? What a dream. What a dream. That's so true. But yes, I do. I am a status junkie, like, I don't know if you do that, but I can talk miles all day.

[00:24:52] Sandra: I have another dream that I have, but all the airlines that I want status with, I would love to. Delta status. And Delta does come to Canada, but a lot of the other airlines that have like really great status options, they're all US based. So it's not nearly as fun up here, but one day I dream of it.

[00:25:11] It's going to get me on there. I'm going to have Delta status one day, for sure. 

[00:25:15] Diana: Okay. This is a complete and total tangent, but have you heard of the built card? B I L T. No. They do, they help you, their primary goal, like if you pay rent or mortgage, is for you to get points for rent or mortgage with a credit card, because you can't get points with that.

[00:25:33] You have to pay, you know, like it charges you transaction fees. So this guy came up with a card for you to pay your rent without fees and get points for it. And so, but then in addition to that. You get one to one transfer for most airlines. 

[00:25:54] Sandra: Oh my gosh, that's amazing. 

[00:25:56] Diana: That is how you obtain your Delta status.

[00:25:58] Sandra: Yeah, I should do that. I should look into it and see if we can get it in Canada. Cause that sounds so awesome. 

[00:26:04] Diana: Yeah. I know a ton of people who do it and then you can use your points to like literally fly all over the world. 

[00:26:09] Sandra: Oh, amazing. I'm going to be looking it up as soon as we are done this interview for sure.

[00:26:13] Diana: Just, I'm not a junkie in the sense of like, I'm going to convert dollars to see if it's worth it. Like to me. If I get to do it with community, it's worth it, but I do like to chase a good deal. 

[00:26:26] Sandra: Oh, for sure. You got to take advantage of those perks where you can find them, right? Well, on that note, as much as I like, I can go on talking about travel and travel hacks and things like that forever, but do you have any final takeaways about how to tackle systems or finding the perfect platform or anything like that you want to leave listeners with? 

[00:26:44] Diana: Yes, I would say 1, most platforms are almost the same. So try not to agonize too much about it. And don't let that be the reason why you don't have a system. Pick the system that you naturally feel like it.

[00:26:59] You can understand the most. I think pick one and go with it. I mean, obviously, Sandra and I, we prefer HoneyBook. So talk to either one of us if you want to talk about that, and we can weigh pros and cons versus other apps with you. But don't let that Paralyze you like, don't let that be the reason for analysis paralysis to when you get an app and when you decide on which system you need to be the business owner.

[00:27:27] Okay. So I think this, I know it sounds like a simple statement, but a lot of times we look at tech tools and we're like, okay. Cool. Tell me how to run my business and I will do what you say. I'm going to like send an invoice here. Okay. I'm going to send an invoice, right? But you have to, you are the business owner.

[00:27:42] So you approach that app tech tool and say, I want to send an invoice this way with this amount of information. And this is the payment schedule I want to give my clients. This is the late fee. This is if I want to give them to leave me a tip or not, right? You decide that don't look at the This is where the overwhelm hits in because every app serves more than just you.

[00:28:05] And a lot of them are customizable, but you have to know what you want to customize it to, right? This is the same scenario. We're going to use Disney and Amazon again. It's literally like looking at Disney and go, which park for me, Disney, you know, and it's going to be based on you. What do you want?

[00:28:22] How do you want your clients to feel when they interact with you? So I think a lot of times we're like, give me give me an email. I don't know what to write. Tell me what to do it. I can't run the system until you so I have it. I have to find the perfect email template. I will say it's okay. Not to have the perfect email template. Just go back and listen about the whole Disney thing that they sent Sandra and I right. It's okay not to have the perfect email. You are going to change it because over time, that's just who we are as individuals and small business owners. We will change. We will grow. We will scale. And that is expected.

[00:28:56] Expect it. Expect change. Embrace change. Do all of that. But also don't let it stop you from moving forward and serving your clients the best that you can. So I would say like you define it. You take the reins and control of your business and then apply that onto whatever tech you end up choosing.

[00:29:14] Sandra: That was all so perfect.

[00:29:16] I am not going to add anything because I love everything that you said so, so much. So for everybody that's listening, if you need to just rewind a little bit, grab a pen and paper, write some notes down. Cause that was serious gold for helping you get started. And on that note, thank you so much for being here, Diana.

[00:29:32] This was such a great conversation and I always love getting a chance to sneak Disney in there. And even Amazon, like you said, like some people have feelings about Amazon, but I think whether It's good or bad. There are lessons to learn from these big companies, right? So, yeah, I really, really enjoyed this.

[00:29:47] I hope you have a great rest of your day and I hope our paths cross again one day soon. 

[00:29:52] Diana: Yes. Thank you again for listening and for inviting me. I'm so excited.

[00:29:57] Sandra: With that amazing interview with Diana under her wraps, that means we are officially at the last few episodes of this season of Keeping It Candid and I cannot believe that I am saying those words. It was so surreal saying them the first time around after season one and the fact that season two is now wrapping up.

[00:30:16] It doesn't feel any more real and I'm so thankful for each of you who tune in every week that there's a new episode and for everybody who has reached out to me over social media and in my Facebook communities and all the places. You are the best. exact reason why we are in season two, getting ready to head into season three.

[00:30:38] So I am so, so thankful for you. And speaking of season three, I have a million and a half ideas in store of what I want to do, but I think as business owners, you can all relate to me when I say what we want and what other people want are often two totally different things. I don't know if you've ever been in the situation where you've taken a photo at a wedding or at a session, and it's your absolute favorite one. You want to plaster it around everywhere, and then your client starts sharing photos on social media, and that one photo is nowhere to be found, and all the ones that they are sharing are some of your least favorite photos that you took.

[00:31:19] It's always so mind blowing, but it really goes to show how our brains work totally different from everybody else's. We're all unique. We have different interests. And we see things differently. And so I want to take that approach into season three of the podcast. And I would absolutely love to hear from each and every one of you about what you would like to hear, what you would like to see coming your way, what kind of topics you want to hear about, or who I should have on as a guest.

[00:31:49] Your input is seriously invaluable to me. So whether you send me a DM, send me an email, pop into the Facebook communities at The Unfiltered Community, or chronically ill, disabled, and neurodivergent photographers, come and send me a message in any way, shape, or form, and let me know what you want to see for season three, because I will absolutely be taking every single suggestion to heart as I go into planning mode for the next season and for new episodes that will be coming your way later this fall.

[00:32:21] So on that note, friends have a great rest of Wednesday and I will be back with another episode next week.

[00:32:30] Today's episode of the podcast was sponsored by PicTime. This is the gallery service that I use in my photography business that literally doesn't compare to anything else I've tried. First and foremost, it's fully accessible to Canadians. All the other platforms I've tried have been open to Canadians, but they limit the features that we can access because of having to work with American printers or tax limitations and things like that.

[00:32:54] But with PicTime, it is you. Fully accessible. All features can be used up here in Canada. You can set it to Canadian pricing. You can set it to Canadian printers. If you are a U. S. listener, of course, you have lots of options. But as a Canadian photographer, those Canadian features made me very, very happy.

[00:33:13] Picktime also has pre made and custom automations to help you boost your sales year round.

[00:33:19] There's also optional AI facial recognition, AI watermark protection, custom storefronts with international pricing options, it even integrates with HoneyBook so you can keep all of your client files organized and linked together and even view the photos from the gallery inside your HoneyBook account.

[00:33:37] I could truly go on for hours about how much I love this platform. 

[00:33:42] If you're looking for something new for your photography business this busy season, I want you to head over to my website or the show notes for today's episode to get my affiliate link that will get you one free month in addition to the free months that pick time already gives you for a trial.

[00:33:55] So that means two free months for you to get a feel for the platform and get everything set up and running to make your clients happier and hopefully boost your sales in the process.

[00:34:05] Thank you so much for listening. You can find full show notes from today's episode at simply Sandra Yvonne. ca forward slash keeping it candid. In the meantime, let's connect. You can find me on Instagram and Tik TOK, just search simply Sandra Yvonne. And if you're loving this podcast, I'd be so honored if you'd go ahead and hit that subscribe button and leave a review until next time.