Keeping It Candid - Wedding Photography Unfiltered with Sandra Henderson

061 See You In November!

Simply Sandra Yvonne Season 2 Episode 61

It's not goodbye, it's see you soon! Season two has come to an end. Listen to today's episode to learn more about ways we can work together, and what I have in the works over the next couple of months.

Thanks so much for being here for another amazing season!

Full Show Notes - Coming Soon

HoneyBook Housekeeping:

VIP Days:

Template Shop:


  • Sandra expresses gratitude for her loyal listeners.
  • She emphasizes the importance of community feedback in shaping the podcast.
  • Services include HoneyBook housekeeping and VIP days.
  • VIP days focus on HoneyBook template design and workflow services.
  • Sandra is launching a YouTube channel for HoneyBook tips for photographers.
  • She is preparing for a speaking engagement at the High End Wedding Summit.
  • The podcast will feature re-released popular episodes during the hiatus.
  • Sandra encourages listeners to connect with her on social media.
  • She shares insights on the value of community in the photography industry.
  • The next season of the podcast is set to launch in November.


00:00 Season Wrap-Up and Future Plans
05:58 New Services and Offerings
09:03 Community Engagement and Upcoming Events

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[00:00:00] Sandra: Another season of Keeping It Candid is coming to an end, and it feels a little weird to be saying that because it's just a short little hiatus that I'm gonna be gone. I will be back with brand new episodes in November, 

[00:00:12] But in the meantime, I wanted to just put together one last episode where I can share Ways that we can connect and work together in the fall. What to expect from the new season of the podcast, and some projects that I have coming up.

[00:00:25] One thing that I have never been really great with on this podcast is talking about ways that we can work together. I'm here sharing all the tips and tricks and I love doing that so much, but I know firsthand that sometimes that just isn't enough. And so I want to fix that today and leave you with some info on ways that I can help, what we can do to get your business streamlined and simplified and all the things so that as you're heading into your fall busy season, you have one, two, three, maybe even 10 less things on your plate.

[00:01:01] Welcome to keeping it candid. I'm your host, Sandra Henderson, an international wedding and family photographer and business coach. I help wedding photographers use systems to build out the backend of their businesses to gain control and continue to thrive no matter what life throws their way. And on a more personal note, I'm a strong eneagram three wing two who is obsessed with tacos and my love for traveling combined with navigating chronic illness life are just two of the many things that drive my passion for all things systems workflows and beating burnout as a business owner.

[00:01:31] Join me every week for a candid behind the scenes. Look at what it's really like working as a wedding photographer, where I'll give you actionable steps to take your business to the next level. Absolutely no fluff here, friends. So go grab your favorite notebook and pen and let's dive into this week's episode. 

[00:01:49] So before I dive into all the things about me, I do want to take a minute to just say thank you to every single person who tunes into this podcast every week that I've released a new episode. There are specifically about seven people who jump in every morning . The numbers are all anonymous, but whoever you are, I see you and I am so, so grateful.

[00:02:13] the longer I've been working on this podcast, the more inspired I get for ways that I can change it and make it better going forward. And that is all because of feedback that I get from you guys

[00:02:25] and from conversations that we have online and in my Facebook group. So thank you guys so much for just participating in that, for being a part of my community and for supporting my business and this podcast.

[00:02:40] If you are interested in working together as I'm preparing for season three, there are a few different ways that you can do that. 

[00:02:47] If you go on to my website right now, at the time of recording, we are in the middle of September, and right now you will find both HoneyBook housekeeping and VIP day category under services.

[00:02:59] HoneyBook Housekeeping is a service that I offer where I pop into your HoneyBook account and I just tidy up all the things. Just like having a housekeeper, come over and clean up your home. I go through your HoneyBook pipeline and make sure everything is all cleaned up and organized, archiving old projects that don't need to be there.

[00:03:17] I go into your templates and I get them all organized into folders and renaming them so that they all show up in a way that actually makes sense and is easy to find and just clearing up all the chaos that can build up when you are in the thick of busy season and just working in your business all the time.

[00:03:36] and then when it comes to VIP days, I've been giving a lot of thought about calling them VIP days, what that actually means, how it's being perceived by my clients. Just kind of trying to get some clarity on what I want that to look like in my business. So like I said right now, middle of September, if you were to go on my website, you are gonna find that VIP category there.

[00:04:00] But what I'm actually planning on doing after fall busy season is over is to actually hone in and get even more clear on what a VIP day is. So I'm going to be branching these out into a HoneyBook template design day where I would be creating smart files like pricing guides and questionnaires, requests for reviews, and any email templates that you need for your business. Then there will also be an option for a done for you honey book workflow service, which is the primary way that my clients at this point have been utilizing their VIP days. But I think it just makes more sense to call it done for you honey book workflows. That will include me going into your HoneyBook account and creating either automated or semi automated workflows for a service in your business, including any templates that you need to go along with that workflow to make it all work seamlessly.

[00:04:53] I'll also be offering HoneyBook account setups HoneyBook users can have their account set up fully with all of the proper branding and migrating over any templates that you might have from an old CRM system.

[00:05:09] and then lastly, I'm also going to be offering HoneyBook Strategy Sessions, which is a one to one coaching call where you get to ask me Any questions that you need answered about HoneyBook, if you're looking for training on how to use the system better, if you have specific hurdles that you're running into in your own business that you're looking for help on working through, the HoneyBook strategy sessions are going to be the perfect fit for you.

[00:05:32] As I started putting together all of these titles and getting a lot more clear on what these offers were going to look like, I can't tell you how good it felt and how excited I started getting about these services. Even though they're already things that I've been doing over the last couple years, It just feels so much better to have a clear vision of what that looks like, both on my side and on the client's side.

[00:05:54] I do have a couple of other projects in the works. If you have been following along for a few years now, you may remember the Unfiltered and Simplified Boot Camp, which was an eight week program for wedding photographers to get their systems All set up and streamlined and working for them in the back end of their businesses so that no matter what life throws their way, they're able to handle it and know that their business is going to continue to thrive.

[00:06:19] Which may sound familiar because it's exactly what we talk about on this podcast.

[00:06:24] so if one to one services aren't quite what you're looking for right now, this group coaching program might be the exact fit. And if you head over to my website at simplysandreevon. com forward slash unfiltered.

[00:06:38] You will find information to get on the waitlist for the next round, which I am going to be launching later this fall. And then I'm putting this into the universe. I haven't really talked about it much yet, but I'm also going to be launching a YouTube channel now that it's out there. I am going to use that to hold myself accountable, 

[00:06:58] I'm going to be focusing on HoneyBook tips and tricks so that when you run into a hurdle, you have an easy place that you can just go and find the answer. The HoneyBook community and HoneyBook help section is great, but sometimes there are just very nuanced features or nuanced problems for photographers that we run into when it comes to Booking multiple projects or how to use tags, how to use lead forms for mini sessions and things like that.

[00:07:26] And I want to create this resource that focuses not just on how to use HoneyBook, but how photographers can use HoneyBook. 

[00:07:33] So I'm super excited about that, which I feel like I've said more than enough times on this episode, but I've just got a lot of big things coming up that I am looking forward to. And speaking of, if you are listening to this episode in real time or anytime over the next couple of weeks I am lucky enough to be speaking at the virtual high end wedding summit at the end of September, and it is going to be so amazing. The speaker lineup is absolutely incredible and really focuses in on so So many different aspects of running a photography business and how you can set yourself apart to start booking more high end clients.

[00:08:13] If you check out the show notes for today's episode, I am going to have a link there where you can go and sign up for the waitlist. And if you're interested in getting an all access pass for a ton more freebies, you'll be able to find all the information there as well. And of course, I'm gonna be sharing this on my Instagram, and in my stories, and on threads, and all the places leading up to it.

[00:08:33] KP, and Jesse, and their team with Inkpot Creative, have been putting so much work into this summit and I want to give them a huge shout out, because it has been a success. Seamless process working with them. And for someone who is new into the summit and speaking space, I felt really welcomed and supported through the whole process. And so if they're listening, thank you guys for doing that and for putting together such an amazing week of speakers that I know photographers are going to gain so much from.

[00:09:03] So friends, those are all the places that you could find me outside of the podcast over the next couple of months while I am working behind the scenes on getting new episodes on the air and getting that YouTube channel ready.

[00:09:15] But all of that being said, the podcast is also not going to be officially gone because I am going to be trying out re releasing some of my favorite episodes and some of your favorite episodes. that have been the most popular, most downloaded, and have gotten the best feedback. So I will still be coming in every Wednesday with those episodes, and I hope that you find some value in them.

[00:09:42] I feel like I have been rambling on about myself for this whole episode. So I'm just going to wrap things up here and just quickly say again, thank you all so much for listening and for supporting this podcast. I can't tell you how much it means to me. And I know that you are going to love what I have in store for season three.

[00:10:03] So if you aren't already, come and give me a follow over at SimplySandraYvonne on Instagram or on Threads. I have been trying to be a little bit more active on Instagram. I just kind of was bored with it over the summer. But trying to breathe some new life into my account. So you'll find me hanging out a little bit more over there.

[00:10:24] And then I just love threads, like I've said in so many episodes already, so you will definitely find me over there as well. If you've wondered about threads for your business, the way that I explain it to people is that I really don't think it's a space where photographers are going to be finding new clients.

[00:10:43] It's not impossible, but it's more of a space for community and conversation and connecting with other peers in the industry. So, Take that for what it's worth as you're coming over to spend some time there. If that sounds like something that could be your jam, then come and hang out. And if not, you can take that pressure off of yourself of feeling like you have to show up on yet another platform.

[00:11:07] So, I hope to see you all there, friends, And I will be back in a couple months to kick off Season 3.

[00:11:13] Thank you so much for listening. You can find full show notes from today's episode at simply SandraYvonne. ca forward slash keeping it candid. In the meantime, let's connect. You can find me on Instagram and Tik TOK, just search Simply Sandra Yvonne. And if you're loving this podcast, I'd be so honored. If you go ahead and hit that subscribe button and leave a review until next time.