Travel Devil
Travel Devil is all about unconventional travel. In a world of mass tourism and cheap flights, your host Clara Francken inspires you to travel differently. This podcast holds space for a conscious and sustainable travel lifestyle. You'll get inspired, you'll laugh, and hear incredible stories from a wide range of guests.
Go to @clarafrancken on Instagram to get in touch.
Travel Devil
17- Solutions for over tourism in Portugal w/ Marta Domingues
How can we visit Portugal in a more sustainable way? Today's guest is the portages Marta Domingues, a founder of eco-projects and a biodiversity activist.
Marta explains the problems she faces on a daily basis living in Portugal. Over tourism caused her not to visit Lisbon anymore, taking the bus can take a long time, visiting beautiful beaches with her kids became a 3-hour-queue experience by car... But all of those negatives make room for positive solutions.
How can we do eco travel in Portugal? Take the bicycle, visit locals, support communities, find small businesses to do your activities.. Marta shares very valuable information on how to find these activities and inspires you thanks to a great amount of examples.
You'll get inspired, listen to stories and get lots of useful tips!
- Background of Marta Domingues
- Public transport in Portugal
- Portuguese intercity busses vs trains
- Impact of over tourism on housing prices in Portugal
- How to find sustainable travel alternatives
- How to find great activities via Facebook, TripAdvisor and Google Maps
- What's the impact of expats on Portugal
- ...
Connect with Marta?
Instagram: @florestadaslebres
Complaints / Suggestions about Portugal:
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- Connect with me on Instagram @clarafrancken
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