Baby Loss, Grief & Love
Baby Loss, Grief and Love is hosted by Kelly Wells MBACP, Founder and CEO of Making Miracles Charity. A counselling specialist in pregnancy, birth trauma and baby loss at all stages. Kelly also provides training for NHS staff working in this field. Making Miracles Registered Charity provides trauma and bereavement care through a number of services including professional counselling, a baby memorial garden, support groups, a published children’s book “The Baby", home therapy Care Boxes and so much more! The UK’s only Charity providing counselling support to the whole family, parents, siblings and grandparents. The podcast discusses all things related to trauma and loss. Making Miracles will be the first Baby Loss Support Charity in England to do this and will help people access self help or therapy who may live out of the area we facilitate and discuss relevant emotions, conditions, concerns and anxieties whilst navigating the pathway through the journey that is grief.
Contact: kelly@makingmiracles.org.uk.
Visit: www.makingmiracles.org.uk.
Baby Loss, Grief & Love
S6, E9 - Compasssion Circle
On this episode Kelly welcomes new team member Olivia to the podcast.
Olivia has joined Team MM as a Community Fundraiser and talks about her passion for helping bereaved families after her own experience of trauma and loss.
Olivia shares her experience of multiple miscarriage as well as her own anxiety around pregnancy after loss.
Kelly and Olivia also talk about MM's new and exciting online support sessions called the 'Compassion Circle'. This is our new online support pilot and we welcome anyone to join.
What is a Compassion Circle?
It’s a way of giving families the opportunity to connect, reflect and support to move forward, not move on, but move forward.
Online Support
We are here to shelter those who have experienced the pain & isolation of trauma baby loss!
Popular feedback from our Podcast listeners and families from our retreat has been that they would like to access some more MM support!
Kelly will be hosting sessions around MM’s specialist subjects, based online and a first come first served basis.
TOPIC: Pregnancy & Birth Trauma
ZOOM – 8-9PM on Wednesday 20th November 2024
TOPIC: Miscarriage
ZOOM – 8-9PM on Wednesday 4th December 2024
TOPIC: Stillbirth
ZOOM – 8-9PM on Wednesday 18th December 2024
What to expect:
- Like minded people sharing experiences
- Kelly providing therapeutic support
- Advice and tips
- Genuine support from peers and professionals
Please visit our website to sign up or for more information: https://makingmiracles.org.uk/compassioncircle/
Donate Here: https://app.goodhub.com/babylosspodcast