Link Ahead with the City of Dublin, Ohio
The City of Dublin, Ohio is home to nearly 50,000 residents and more than 4,000 businesses at the forefront of technological innovations and advancements. Our City is full of energetic problem-solvers who make a difference and provide a broad source of expertise and talent. Join Dublin City leaders and passionate Dublin residents as we connect conversations from street to street, neighbor to neighbor and business to business. Together, we'll link our commonalties, our shared experiences, and highlight Dublin programs and services that support us all. Welcome to the Link Ahead podcast!
Link Ahead with the City of Dublin, Ohio
Pizza boxes and clamshell containers? Yes! Throw 'em in your recycle bins
City of Dublin, Ohio
Isn't it only appropriate in the month of November, when we celebrate so much with food, that we get new items added to the list of recyclables that involve food. Those clamshell containers for fruit and eggs are good to go now! Toss them in your recycle bin. Same story with pizza boxes. No need to separate the greasy box bottoms anymore from the tops. Joining Bruce and Lindsay to also talk about the do's and don'ts of recycling is Andrew Booker from SWACO. Did you know when you recycle an aluminum can here in Central Ohio, it can be back on a store shelf full of your favorite beverage in less than 60 days? That's great, but we also have some serious opportunities to improve: about 75% of the materials in the landfill could be diverted, recycled or reused. Andrew gives all of us ideas on how to do just that. Plus, we have to talk about food waste. More than one million pounds of food waste comes to the Franklin County landfill every day. Dublin is part of SWACO's Central Ohio Food Waste Initiative, so Andrew provides updates to that plan to make it easier than ever to compost those food scraps!