Link Ahead with the City of Dublin, Ohio

How you can help our Dublin neighbors and friends have a fuller holiday table (year-round!)

City of Dublin, Ohio
The Dublin Food Pantry served more than 10,000 people last year — our friends and neighbors in our beloved City.  Yes, we're known as a thought-leading, innovation hub nationally with a thriving economy and class leading municipal services but it doesn't mean we're immune to societal challenges.   One of them is hunger.   Dublin reflects the broader data across Ohio in that 1 in 5 young people are food insecure.   Senior citizens in our area face challenges as well as increased living expenses zap more from households on fixed incomes.   That means our seniors are going hungry.  Fortunately, we have a dynamic and passionate Dublin resident leading the charge at the Food Pantry in newly hired Executive Director, Julie Erwin-Rinaldi.   As you'll hear in the conversation with Bruce and Lindsay, Julie comes to this work with a servants' heart as she spent decades working in non-profit, mental health and public sector behavioral health.    Personally, Julie has called Dublin home for nearly 30 years and still volunteers here for numerous organizations.   Your time, treasure and talent are needed at the Food Pantry too as the outlook for 2025 shows food insecurity only going up.  Listen and find out how you can help our friends and neighbors in Dublin, not just during the holidays but on any day.