Share The Wisdom

Sharing The Wisdom With Corinne Nero and Bali March Of OrCam

Douglass Cram Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode, your host Benjamin Keeley is joined by special guests Bali March and Corinne Nero from Orcam. Ben, Corinne, and Bali discuss some rumors and misconceptions surrounding Orcam, including the rumor of them moving away from the visual impairment space. Corinne and Bali also gives us some updates on the Orcam products, and the effects Israel has had on the company. Join us in a great conversation about Orcam with Bali and Corinne. If you want to get some updates about some of Orcam's new and existing products, this is the right episode for you! Don't forget to Share The Wisdom!

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