The GENDERED. Podcast is a documentary series. The purpose of this docu-series is to educate, elevate, and empower society to evolve and develop an INNERstanding of the identities of the gender expansive communities, such as the Transgender Nonconforming (TGNC) individuals. This docu-series will be used as an educational tool so professionals, educational institutions, politicians, and workplace environments can best serve the identities of the gender expansive communities.
Additionally, family members/caregivers whose loved ones are gender expanive can obtain the insight and tools required to learn how to actively listen, learn, love, and build healthy REALationships. Click the link below to listen. If you are interested in becoming a guest please email info@transparentlifeconversations.com for more information or to schedule a 15 minute meeting to get acquainted and discuss the podcast.
The Dr. Scholar Lee Experience Pilot
Greetings Great People!
My name is Dr. Scholar Lee, and welcome to my podcast, The Dr. Scholar Lee Experience. This is a short pilot audio providing a brief synopsis of what my podcast will entail. If you would like to know more about my podcast and or be a featured guest you may visit my website. https://www.drscholarleexperience.com . Also, if you want to see the video version of my podcast you can subscribe to my Youtube Channel, The Dr. Scholar Lee Experience.
Lastly, if you would like to know more about me you may visit https://www.drscholarlee.com . My first episode will be launching soon, you must subscribe for notifications!
I thank you in advcance for your time, interest, and subscription.
Humbly in Gratitude,
Dr. Scholar Lee