Twin Flames: The Great Spiritual Awakening Podcast
Twin Flames: The Great Spiritual Awakening Podcast
Stop Chasing & Start ATTRACTING Your Twin Flame | With Yoreen
In this episode, you can hear an in-depth account of artist Yoreen’s exploration into Twin Flames and how she accelerated her Life Purpose by following the breadcrumbs God had laid out for her, allowing her to build foundations for the life of her dreams!
With deep vulnerability, she shares how she has been shaped lovingly by her Creator into a strong woman who knows her worth. By feeling confident enough to release all doubt and control on her Twin Flame journey, Yoreen has freed herself up to “radical non-attachment” and trusting fully in God’s Divine plan for her Harmonious Union.
Often on the Twin Flame journey, God tests us to see how much we truly want to cultivate love from within ourselves, or whether we are still holding onto hopes of getting love from our Twin Flame. Listen to this enchanting account of how Yoreen sailed peacefully into the arms of Love, healing herself to this pivotal point on her journey: “Someone could be here beside me, and my life wouldn’t change one bit. Because I decide – I choose – what my life is!”
At Twin Flames Universe, you have everything you need to permanently heal separation from your Twin Flame and achieve your Harmonious Union. The journey to Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) is a science and a process that we are here to help you master for yourself.
To get started, be introduced to your Twin Flame Ascension Journey, and sign up for our free Introduction Course, click here: www.twinflamesuniverse.com
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The Mind Alignment Process (MAP): https://mindalignmentpro