Friday Night Gamecast
Friday Night Gamecast is a podcast dedicated to all things video games! Nick and Will co-host this podcast and are here to provide commentary and discourse surrounding games we're playing, gaming industry news and more. If you enjoy thoughtful discussion, ratings, reviews and fun arguments, you've just discovered your new favorite podcast! If you enjoy our content, please consider supporting us at https://www.patreon.com/fridaynightgamecast for exclusive offers!
Friday Night Gamecast
FNGC Reviews: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
For Glory & Honor, Nick and Will review Space Marine 2!! This week we have 40k on the docket to round out this action-packed fall season. In this episode Will and I both go in-depth on what makes this game sing on a technical level and how it offers a brilliant presentation worthy of being a hallmark entry into next gen consoles. From battling Tyrranid swarms to providing a proportionate response to heretical presence, we have you covered. The Emperor Preserves!
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Introduction
02:06 - History with Warhammer 40k & Space Marine Franchise(s)
06:39 - Story Setup & Context
12:40 - Gameplay Mechanics
41:59 - Music / Audio / Voice Acting
47:00 - Narrative & Spoiler-inclusive Theories
01:07:22 - Final Thoughts
01:10:22 - Outro
Music by: Daniel Campoli
If you want to reach out to Nick and Will personally to engage with us about the show, follow us on any link here: