Abundant + Aligned
Welcome to the Abundant + Aligned podcast. We welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. Here, we talk all things mindset, manifestation and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of life and playing small just isn't our jam! So if you are ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and live with intention, you are in the right place! We are abundant and aligned.
Abundant + Aligned
160 // MONEY SERIES: Part One - How to be unapologetically rich!!
More freedom, paying off debt, luxurious shopping sprees, a big sexy bank account is all possible once you declare your desires to HAVE MORE MONEY.
This episode is exactly what you need to make that declaration! And take the first step towards a life with financial overflow.
Be sure to tune into parts two and three as they drop over the next week 💸
Part one: How to set a clear money goal to attract it
Part two: Three money blocks and how to clear them
Part three: How to attract money more easy
Enrol in my money program and learn everything you need to know in order to manifest more money in your life. Open for a limited time only (closes 15 Sep).
Event date: 21 September 2024.
🔥 Enrol in The Academy - 4 month mentorship for women in business wanting to grow to $10K or $20K months
✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)
👉🏻 Browse the free resources - meditations, manifestation tracks and more
🎓 See what's currently open for enrolment here or browse courses available on demand here
Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams.
Speaker 1:So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned. Welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast. I'm so excited that you're tuning into the money series, which will be a three-part series, by the way. I love talking about money, making money and, most of all, I love helping women have a lot of money. So if that is you, then you are definitely in the right place. Buckle up and stay tuned for the next two weeks as I drop this three-part series.
Speaker 1:I did a money series around this time last year, which I have linked in the show notes below. I didn't want to go over the same steps and foundations as I did in the last series. I would rather just direct you guys there. If you haven't listened to that first series, I did, or you need to go back and listen to it. I wanted to make today's topic on this series topics new and exciting. So just an FYI the first series that I did focused on how to set a specific money goal, three common money blocks, and how to clear them and how to normalize financial overflow. So again, I've linked them in the show notes below. Go and listen to them or re-listen to them and then tune into this series. As I said, I wanted to make it different and not just talk about the same things we spoke about last series. But welcome to this series.
Speaker 1:As I said, money is a topic that I love to talk about, which is interesting because, as we're going to flesh out in today's conversation, money is kind of a taboo topic that we feel awkward talking about. It makes us feel stressed and it's not something that we are talking about enough. If you ask me, I find conversations around money expand me so much and that's my goal here for you guys is for these money conversations to expand you, to plant in your mind a new possibility when it comes to money to make you feel more at ease when it comes to money and, most importantly, make more of it. I put up a poll on my Instagram yesterday asking what you guys would do if you had more money, and the yeah, the first one I put up was what would you do with more money? And I think the options were go shopping, buy something, pay off debt, go full-time in your business and leave your career and retire your partner. And, yeah, it was quite even with those responses, but the top ones were put it towards a larger investment. That was always also an option. Put it towards a larger investment and pay off debt. So if that is something that you would like to do, then again you're in the right place. Another poll I put up is when you think about money, what is something that comes to mind? And the options were there's never enough of it, it's hard to make, it makes me feel stressed. So, again, if that relates to you, then this series is going to help with all of that.
Speaker 1:But our first one part one of this money series is how to be unapologetically rich, and I wanted to start there because my program, the Wealthy Woman, opened today if you didn't see it on my Instagram, and the mission behind that program is to, of course, help you feel better towards money and remove that anxiety and that stress that you may feel, but help you make a lot of money. I want you to be filthy rich. I want you to live in overflow and have more than enough so that you are never restricted by the amount of money in your bank account. So just very quickly, if you would love to join me in the wealthy woman, doors have opened up today for a very limited time. It is a four week intensive course helping you clear money blocks and manifest more of it and normalize financial overflow. So I'm not about just making enough money to get by. I'm not about just making enough money to pay your bills and then just have a tiny little bit left over at the end of the week. I'm about overflow, like I'm making so much money I don't even know what to do with it, kind of vibe. So that is what the wealthy woman is all about. I've linked that in the show notes below. If you have any questions about that incredible program, please send me a message, because doors close next week. It is a very short enrollment period and then we're spending the next four weeks clearing your money blocks and manifesting more for you.
Speaker 1:But this series? I wanted to kick this series off with the notion, or the how to be unapologetically rich, and the reason I've included the unapologetic part of this is because of a human condition that you may be very aware of, and that is that money, as I said, is this taboo topic that we don't really talk about, and when we do, it's awkward and we never want to tell people what our financial situation is like or what our true desires are when it comes to money. Because we feel the need to hold back for many different reasons, some of which include holding back from admitting you want more, so that you don't look greedy or you don't look like you're being selfish. Because, I mean, shouldn't you be grateful? You have a roof over your head and you have groceries in the fridge and you can go on holidays once a year Like, shouldn't you be grateful for that? We're here for more than that. We're here for more than that, but we hold back from from admitting you want more because of this sense of greediness, of selfishness, or we feel unworthy of making and having larger amounts of money. That in itself is really deep and we go into that in the Wealthy Woman, clearing that.
Speaker 1:But that generally stems from the fact that growing up you didn't see your parents have an overflow amount of money like more than enough. You're used to just getting by when it comes to money. You're used to conversations to do with money being centered around stress and not having enough of it. You're used to seeing your parents fight when it comes to paying bills and you watched arguments. That's what you're used to. So when it comes to having a life of financial overflow and true wealth like more than enough, then you know what to do with. That's so unfamiliar for you and what that results in is feeling unworthy to have that feeling like you're not good enough for that, feeling like you don't have what it takes. But this series is here to tear down all of those limitations and really enable you to step up and admit I want more and I'm being unapologetic about that. I'm here for more than enough overflow choices. Not only do I want to provide an incredible life for me, I want to provide an incredible life for my partner and our kids and my parents and his parents and our friends and those in our life and the world at large. I want to impact because of the amount of money I have. I want choices because of the amount of money that I have. So, stepping up and admitting I want more, giving yourself permission to want more, being unapologetic about it and then, of course, getting to work on bringing it into your reality, which is what we'll be focusing on in parts two and three.
Speaker 1:So I used to be someone who lived pay week to pay week. I avoided checking my bank account for fear there would be nothing in there, and every time I thought about money, my body would automatically react with an anxious feeling in my stomach. Given I've always dreamt of having a thought about money, my body would automatically react with an anxious feeling in my stomach. Given I've always dreamt of having a lot of money. This money blueprint was not ideal. After maxing out a credit card, having nothing to show for another pay rise and a somewhat failed first business in financial terms, I reached my enough is enough moment.
Speaker 1:For the next year, I got to work. I studied the mindset of the wealthy, upgraded my subconscious money blueprint and learned how to make a lot more of it and, guys, the results were pretty insane. I now run a successful six-figure business, drive my dream luxury car. And just today, actually, my fiance and I were browsing first-class tickets to Europe. A reality that would not be possible if I didn't learn about the subconscious money blueprint, the energetics of money and how to make more of it, and this is something I teach inside my money program called the wealthy woman.
Speaker 1:Over four weeks, I will help you upgrade your subconscious money blueprint, which is key. You will become a master at attracting more money to you. I even help you set up more income streams by adding products or services to your business, increasing your prices, asking for a pay rise, and you get my systems when it comes to managing your money, so there is always space for more of it to come. And not to mention, I just help you feel better around money and help you regulate your nervous system, because I know money is a trigger for a lot of women. So I help you with all of it. The Wealthy Woman is open for enrollment on the 2nd of September and closes on the 15th of September, and then, as I said, we will spend the next few weeks making you more money and ultimately, making life full of so much more choices, because money is always there to support you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram or email. Otherwise, I am so excited to see you in this incredible program and help you become the wealthy woman.
Speaker 1:So with that, with that admission that you want more and you want what more money can provide for you, I want you to sit and think about this. I want you to imagine what having more money will actually do for your life. And I love this question because, for my big dreamers out there that very regularly dream about a life of luxury, maybe you need to make that a little bit more detailed. What does a life of luxury truly look like? How is it going to feel when you can spend every morning with your kids or have your partner home with you, or travel first class to Europe and not be cooped up in economy Like? What is that actually going to feel like? But that question also goes out to those other women who aren't even curious about what another life may look like and feel like when money is in overflow. So I want us to sit for a second and just imagine what having more money will actually do for your life and go to town on this one Go to town on the impact that it's going to have on your life and those around you and the world, and keep going until you cannot go anymore.
Speaker 1:At first, if this is the first time you're being curious to a life of financial overflow, and more than enough, you may actually struggle to come up with some answers to that, because you're so used to feeling restricted by money. You're so used to just paying bills, saving money and then feeling guilty to spend it on anything else. That's all you know. So to actually imagine a life any different may feel a little bit weird at first, but, like I want you to do this exercise because I'm here to expand your mind to the possibility of more money in your life, and not more money that comes with stress and overwhelm Again, we're talking about that later on in this series but more money in your life and not more money that comes with stress and overwhelm Again, we're talking about that later on in this series but more money that creates more ease and more freedom and life is just incredible because money is there to support it. So do this journal prompt and sit with this journal prompt and really just create the possibility that is available for you and imagine what having more money will actually do for your life.
Speaker 1:I then want to move on to planting another seed in your mind and to think about this there is no need to keep struggling. There is no need for you to live another day where you're stressed by money. There is no need for you to live another day where you're stressed by money. There is no need for you to keep choosing an option that you don't really want because the other option you can't afford. There is no need for you to spend your life just surviving when there is another option available for you. And so, with that, we need to stop being available for the struggle. We need to stop being available for this autopilot life where we're just surviving and just getting by and we're complaining about it while thinking about something different, but not giving ourselves permission to have it.
Speaker 1:No longer allowing a life like that and, as I said at the start of this, unapologetically screaming from the rooftops I want luxury, I want overflow, I want more than enough, I want choice, and I'm okay about that, and I'm going to do whatever I can to make it happen for me, because you can have so much money, no matter what, no matter what you got told growing up, if the old saying money doesn't grow on trees, we aren't rich like them, you have to work really hard for money was so a part of your upbringing. That doesn't mean you can't have money now and in the future. Your past no longer needs to dictate your present or future. You can have so much money, no matter how much debt you may have right now. You can have so much money no matter what's in your account right now, no matter what your current income source is, no matter what. You can have so much money.
Speaker 1:And we go into this in a lot of detail in my money program, the Wealthy Woman. So if you want to learn about the energetics of money and have money work for you and have money come into your life a lot easier than the programming suggests, then get inside the Wealthy Woman. But very briefly, money is energy. You are energy. That candle in front of you is energy. That drink bottle is energy. It's all energy, and what that means is there is no limit. There is nothing more that you need to do other than start expecting it, just like you expect oxygen to be available for you to breathe, just like you expect the sun be available for you to breathe, just like you expect the sun to come up tomorrow and the moon to come up tonight, just like you expect the things that are always there.
Speaker 1:When you change or when you take that perspective into the realm of money, it starts showing up for you. Money is just energy. It depends solely on the vibration you're putting out and your expectation around it. And so if you really stripped that back, when you think about your expectation around money, you expect it to be hard to come by and to make. You expect it to leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. You expect it to come and go and create this feeling that there's never enough of it. And so if you expect something different, that will start to show up for you. What that means is this is really fucking exciting, because you can turn your money story around right now and you can do that really really fast.
Speaker 1:Part two I'm going to help you exactly, show you exactly how to do that, but I just want you to know you don't need to wait another year. You don't need. You don't even need to wait another month to turn your money story around, to finally see the income come through your business, to get the pay rise at work to have your investment spike. However, money wants to find you, it can turn around really, really fast, but you need to start here by admitting to yourself that you want more, giving yourself permission that it's okay to want more, and putting it out there this new expectation welcoming a lot of money not a lot of money that's going to make you feel stressed and overwhelmed and take you away from your kids and those that are other things that are important to you and leave you feeling stressed out and lonely and wishing that you never listened to this podcast episode.
Speaker 1:No, that's not what I mean by having a lot of money. I mean having a lot of money with a lot of ease and a lot of choice and a lot of freedom, and I do believe that is possible. I see it done every single day in my world and, again, if you're joining me in the wealthy woman, you will experience that shift when it comes to money. But it does start with you claiming something different, choosing a different money story and only being available for that. Choosing a different money story and only being available for that. So this is how to be unapologetically rich. It starts with you.
Speaker 1:So take a deep breath and out. You are now on the path to being the most successful, wealthy and abundant version of yourself, and the magic that you are about to create is seriously unstoppable. So do the journal prompt that I mentioned really allow your mind to be open to the possibility of having a lot of money and go into detail about what it's truly going to do for your life. And go into detail about what it's truly going to do for your life, because when you do that exercise, I promise you will no longer accept anything different. You will no longer accept struggle. You will no longer accept just getting by. You will no longer accept months where you're not hitting these income goals and making all of this money, because that life that you created over here is too good to miss out on.
Speaker 1:So once you've done that, come back to the podcast and tune into part two, which is going to be all about let me just get my notes up making money work for you, and throughout this part one, I've kind of mentioned briefly that we have this conditioning that having a lot of money will result in stress and overwhelm and losing all of your time and having to sacrifice things, and I also mentioned. That's not what I'm about. I'm about creating your version of rich and successful and making that feel really, really good. And so in part two of this series, I'm going to help you make money work for you and I'm going to help you set yourself up for money to come in in a way that is completely aligned with how you want it to come in and be in your life. So I'm really excited to see you then. By the way, that one is dropping on Wednesday, so you don't even have to wait a whole other week for that. That's dropping on Wednesday, and then part three will be next Monday.
Speaker 1:But if you are dying to get into the wealthy woman, don't wait another minute. Enrollment is open right now. There are some perks for getting in before the 8th of September, which includes a extra masterclass on how to make money through social media, includes a extra masterclass on how to make money through social media, not what you think it is. It is not what you think it is. It is about how to make the algorithm work for you so that you make a lot of money through social media. So that's perfect for the business owner, the content creator, the influencer.
Speaker 1:So get into the Wealthy Woman before the 8th of September to ensure that you get that bonus extra. I promise it's worth getting and I'm so excited to help you become the Wealthy Woman. I'm so excited for you to create that life that you do following the journal prompt in today's episode. I'm so excited to chat with you guys on Wednesday. My DMs are open to anybody who has a question about the Wealthy Woman, but also this series. Let me know if this has put a fire in your belly when it comes to your money story and let's make it happen.