Abundant + Aligned

161 // MONEY SERIES: Part 2 - How to make more money without always doing more

Jess Martin

Can you make a lot of money AND have a lot of time???? Let's find out 🤔

Tune in to create your money mission so making money looks and feels how you want it to look and feel.

This episode is honestly like a mini-masterclass - with SO much value, so make this an episode you reeeeally tune into (and even take notes).

Be sure to tune into part three as it drops next week 💸

Part one: How to set a clear money goal to attract it
Part two: Three money blocks and how to clear them
Part three: How to attract money more easy

Enrol in my money program and learn everything you need to know in order to manifest more money in your life. Open for a limited time only (closes 15 Sep).

Event date: 21 September 2024.


🔥 Enrol in The Academy - 4 month mentorship for women in business wanting to grow to $10K or $20K months

✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)

👉🏻 Browse the free resources - meditations, manifestation tracks and more

🎓 See what's currently open for enrolment here or browse courses available on demand here

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned. Hello and welcome back to the money series on the Abundant Analyne podcast. You are tuning into part two of this series. If you are yet to listen to part one, I would actually encourage you to go back, tune in and then come back to this one. I also mentioned in part one of this series that I did a money series this time last year, which I've linked in the show notes below, as I didn't want to repeat what I spoke about last series, so that this one was brand new and had some fresh content in it for you. So last year's series, if you haven't listened to it or need to re-listen to it, will help you set a clear and specific money goal, which is number one to attracting more money. I talk about three common money blocks and how to clear them and how to normalize financial overflow. So, regardless of whether you tuned in last year or not, I would encourage you to go back, tune into that series, because we're not rehashing what I went over last year.

Speaker 1:

This series, though, is really expanding you to get comfortable with larger amounts of money, be unapologetic about wanting more in your life, and then how to make money work for you, and that brings us to part two. As you've seen in the title, it is all about making money work for you, because I'm a big advocate on helping you have large amounts of money, but not at the sacrifice of your time, other things in life that are important to you, like your family, and coming at the cost of, or having money, but also with a lot of stress and overwhelm. That is not what I want for you, and so when you see me on Instagram and listen to these episodes and hear me talk about wanting wealth and large amounts of money, that is coupled with knowing how to hold onto money while remaining regulated, knowing how to make a lot of money without it causing stress and overwhelm, and having money work for you in a way that's supportive and not detrimental to you, your health and your wellbeing. So part two is all about how the hell do we do that, and I thought it'd be really fitting to firstly talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to making money work for you. And having this sense of money is easy and it makes me feel good Talking about the elephant in the room, and that is for a lot of us. We grew up in a household or you know what. No society in general has ingrained this, but we have a programming that making money is hard and having it will come with a lot of stress, a lot of overwhelm, a lot of responsibility. And because we don't want stress, overwhelm and more responsibilities, we subconsciously block the money. And before I move any further, I thought it would be really fitting to talk about a story. So if you've been around for a while, you would know my story, but if you're brand new, welcome to the show. Very quickly. Let's just summarize.

Speaker 1:

I was a lawyer before I was in this space and I got into that career. One of the reasons, one of the big reasons I got into that career is because lawyers are rich, right. They earn a lot of money, right. So, anyways, I was in a corporate career as a lawyer and it paid pretty shit at the start, but eventually I was on six figures, so that's a decent salary. But it did not matter how many pay rises I got, I would always find myself living pay week to pay week.

Speaker 1:

Eventually I started my first business, as you guys know, it was in network marketing, in the business called Arbonne, and I worked my ass off in that business for about two and a half years and didn't really have much to show for it financially. I was making a little bit of money here and there, but definitely not enough to leave my corporate job, which is what the ultimate goal was. It was frustrating because I grew up in a family where I was told that if you want money you've got to work really hard for it, and that's exactly what I was doing. I poured so much into my job as a lawyer and then poured so much into my first business, but it didn't matter how hard I was working. I still found myself with not really much to show for it financially and I ended up in credit card debt, maxed out a credit card. I, as I said, was living pay week to pay week. I kind of ended up in an even worse off place once I did start my business because I went all in, which meant I cut down some hours in the law firm to go all in on this business. But that wasn't really making much money and the whole financial story for me was not great.

Speaker 1:

Hence now creating my program called the Wealthy Woman, which, by the way, congratulations to everybody that got in already into my program called the Wealthy Woman. If you're yet to enroll, it is officially open. It is my money manifestation program that is helping women change their money story. So I'm not going to talk about that too much, but show notes below Enrollment is currently open only for a very limited time. If you're ready to clear your money blocks, make a lot of money and have money work for you, then that program is for you and I'm excited to spend the next four weeks helping you step into your rich, wealthy era and really finish this year being in that financial position that you want to be in. But that program was inspired by my story.

Speaker 1:

That was, at one point, pretty grim and it didn't make sense to me because I was conditioned and I had a belief that if you work hard, you make money. So when it wasn't stacking up, when this hard work wasn't equally money, I took a pause on everything. And that's when I started my one year deep inner work, deep healing, and uncovered all of my subconscious blocks when it came to money. And what I uncovered, among so many other things which I share a lot in the Wealthy Woman you guys will too, if you're joining me. One thing I uncovered was I was subconsciously blocking more money because I had a fear that the more money I would make, the more overwhelmed I would be, the more responsibility I would have. And because my top value is freedom, specifically time freedom, I had a fear that the more money I would make, the more I would lose that sense of freedom and that time that I was wanting to create. And so when you have a subconscious fear that you are avoiding, you block the thing that would ultimately create it because you want to avoid it. So I uncovered I was blocking the money to block the overwhelm. And that opened up so much for me, because one awareness is very powerful. The moment you start to realize why something isn't working out for you, you know what needs to change.

Speaker 1:

And so when I realized that I did have this belief that more money would equal stress and responsibility and overwhelm and I didn't want that it then became my mission to find another way to have money, to find a way where I could have all of the money that I wanted and I could have this life of luxury, but I could also have time, freedom and peace and calmness and a regulated nervous system. That, for me, was a new path that I had to walk down, and I had to be the pioneer in my own life to find a way to make that happen. Because, as I said, I got brought up in a family where, I guess very briefly, having all of this time and a life of fun and play and having a lot of money don't coexist and you have to sacrifice the fun and the play if you want to make a lot of money and if you want to be successful. Obviously, that come with its perks, because it has built me in to the very determined, brave, courageous person that I am today, who is not afraid of a hard day's work, but it didn't mean that I wanted my entire life to be dedicated to working hard for money and, as I said, I became the pioneer in my own life to find a way. I knew there was a way where I could be filthy, filthy, rich and have all the time in the world and be this cool, calm, collected cucumber in my life. So this became the start of finding another way and then, once I did, it now is a huge mission in my business, and the essence of the Wealthy Woman is to help you find your way that you want money to work. So that leads me to my question.

Speaker 1:

So I used to be someone who lived pay week to pay week. I avoided checking my bank account for fear there would be nothing in there, and every time I thought about money my body would automatically react with an anxious feeling in my stomach. Given, I've always dreamt of having a lot of money. This money blueprint was not ideal. After maxing out a credit card, having nothing to show for another pay rise and a somewhat failed first business in financial terms, I reached my enough is enough moment. For the next year, I got to work. I studied the mindset of the wealthy, upgraded my subconscious money blueprint and learn how to make a lot more of it. And, guys, the results were pretty insane. I now run a successful six figure business, drive my dream luxury car and just today, actually, my fiance and I were browsing first class tickets to Europe. A reality that would not be possible if I didn't learn about the subconscious money blueprint, the energetics of money and how to make more of it.

Speaker 1:

And this is something I teach inside my money program called the Wealthy Woman. Over four weeks, I will help you upgrade your subconscious money blueprint, which is key. You will become a master at attracting more money to you. I even help you set up more income streams by adding products or services to your business, increasing your prices, asking for a pay rise, and you get my systems when it comes to managing your money. So there is always space for more of it to come. And, not to mention, I just help you feel better around money and help you regulate your nervous system, because I know money is a trigger for a lot of women. So I help you with all of it. The Wealthy Woman is open for enrollment on the 2nd of September and closes on the 15th of September, and then, as I said, we will spend the next few weeks making you more money and ultimately making life full of so much more choices, because money is always there to support you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram or email. Otherwise, I am so excited to see you in this incredible program and help you become the wealthy woman.

Speaker 1:

What if your current money story wasn't it? So that, of course, will take you digging up. What's your story right now? As I mentioned, mine was having a lot of money would come with a lot of responsibility and losing your time. What's your story and what does having a lot of responsibility and losing your time? What's your story and what does having a lot of money mean, or what are you afraid it will result in at the moment?

Speaker 1:

Now, once you've established that, I want to ask you this and I want you to be curious and I want you to allow your mind to open to the possibility If you could make money however you want, how would that look? So, as I said, for me, I didn't want money to be attached to time and location, so when I had figured out that I wanted to leave my corporate career and find a way to work for myself. A big driving factor in that was, or a driving force behind, that decision was because I wanted my life to feel more free, as I said, and I didn't like the idea that, in order to make money, I had to be tied down to a job in a particular location. So I wanted a way to make a lot of money but be able to do it from anywhere and on my own schedule. So that was my answer to that question. If I could make money, however I wanted, it would look like making money from wherever, on my own time.

Speaker 1:

For you, it could come from a particular source. So maybe you want your income to solely come from your business, and maybe at the moment, the way that your income comes in mostly is through your career, and then your business is a side hustle, and so you have a fear that if you quit your job, you'll lose all of the money that's coming in. And because it is a job, it's safe, it's secure, it's consistent, and you've created this whole story about what staying in that job means. But your response to my question is if you could make money, however, could be well through this business. That lights me up that I'm so passionate about that. I could literally do even if I didn't get paid, but I want to get paid for it.

Speaker 1:

So actually choosing whatever the amount is that you want to get paid for it. So actually choosing whatever the amount is that you want to make. Have it come from your business and I know I'm making that sound easier than what it is or simple. Again. You'll learn why I'm the wealthy woman, but it's just an energetic frequency you need to tune into in order to have more money. So make that decision. I'm choosing for my particular source of income to come from my business. Or maybe you want it to come from investments. Maybe you love the idea of passive income, where you are off living your life and having this sense of fun and play and you're still making a lot of money and you don't even need to actually show up and do anything for it. You know you invest in real estate or you invest in other people's businesses, or you invest in cryptocurrency and whatever, and you just have money work for you in that regard. So coming up with a way that you want money to work for you in the sense of an income source. Another way you may like to do that is by having money come in faster and more consistent.

Speaker 1:

So again, there is this very common programming, particularly in business, that tells us you have to work hard for many years before you'll experience success in your business years before you'll experience success in your business, and you have to expect slowness and you have to be patient. And it creates this programming that we have to wait a long time before we can experience the wealth that we really want. But what if that wasn't true for you? My favorite saying I always say this to my clients in my programs there's no one up in the sky with the iPad saying every single person who makes money has to wait five years before they see true success, and the first two businesses they start will fail and they have to do things for free before. I'm willing to give them a paid product. It doesn't exist, right, it might exist for you, but that's because of a belief you have. It's not factual. So let's just lean in to another narrative with money, and that is that it comes in faster, it's super consistent as opposed to slow and sporadic.

Speaker 1:

So let me share a conversation I was having with one of my clients the other day. She was so she. She's currently in her. She's actually got a lot going on. She has a business and then she has a another business, and one business at the moment is bringing in consistent cashflow. The other one a little bit more sporadic, but the sporadic one is her passion project. She loves it. The only reason she has her other business is because of that consistency, that safety, that reliant money coming in. But I said to her the other day what if you got that from your other business? What if this consistency and this safety that you feel within that business was was in the other business and only in the other business? And when we actually sit with this question, we realize how much we are putting out when it comes to the result of things. So again, like when you really think about why, when you really think about what is working in your life right now and why, it's because you have an expectation that it will work out, whereas in the areas where it's not working out, if you really sat with yourself, it's because you have a belief and an expectation that it won't work out. So let's apply this same thinking to money and let's rewrite the way that you want this to go down and choose a different narrative and have that narrative, your best case scenario.

Speaker 1:

Same with business and leaving a career. I know I have a lot of you who are in careers but you want to work full-time in your business, whether you've started that business or not. But the reason you are still going to that job is because it has this security and this safety behind it, because you get a paycheck every single Thursday for the exact same amount of money. And so you're like well, I need to stay there because I've got bills to pay and I've got kids and I'm saving for a house, I'm saving for a wedding. I need that regular paycheck to come in every Thursday for X amount of dollars. Why can't that be the case in your business? Why can't you get a paycheck every single week in your business? And why can't that paycheck not only come in every single week but be even more than what you're getting from your career? Starting to choose the new story and having that story aligned with what you truly want. So with that, keep your head up to how you're falling back into that old money mold.

Speaker 1:

Falling back into that old money mold, and when you create that new story of how you want money to work and how you want money to come into your life and from what sources and how quick and how consistent. Once you've established that, be mindful that you don't fall back into the old way, the old way that tells you you need to do X in order to make money. You need to show up online like that, even though I know you don't like it, but just do that for the first year and then you can change it. You need to sell that product. I know you would rather sell the other product, but you need to sell that product for a little bit in order to create the momentum and then you can switch over. You need to work with all of those different kinds of clients just to get your client base up, and then you can niche down and then you can be more selective. These are examples of the old money mold that we often fall back into.

Speaker 1:

You need to do X in order to create more money. You need to wait a certain amount of time in order before you'll see this success. You need to expect the slowness before you expect the consistency. And again, a reminder that none of that is true. It is just a conditioning and, just like that, is just a narrative. There is another narrative that exists, so your call to action for part two of our money series is to go back to that journal prompt, actually do these journal prompts.

Speaker 1:

If you could make money, however, how would that look for you, and what this is going to become is your money mission, and that is all that matters. It doesn't matter what your dad tells you when it comes to making money. It doesn't matter what that old business coach used to tell you to do in your business. It doesn't matter what anyone else around you is doing, how they're making money, how they feel about money. Why on, why not they make more of it? You're creating your money mission and you're remaining aligned with it, so you're choosing. How do I want money to come into me? How do I want to feel when I have more of it? And when I do have a lot of it, what do I want it to mean? What's that end outcome? And, as I said, it can be a calm, peaceful, free life while still having a lot of money. But you've got to choose that narrative and then, of course, you've got to implement some systems to uphold it, which I'll help you do in the Wealthy Woman. But the first narrative is important. So if you could make money, however, how would that look? Through a business, through investments, fast, consistent, showing up online, having so much fun and I'm still making money. However, that looks for you and this will become your money mission, and then that is all that matters. Your next call to action is once you have oh no, actually I'm helping you bring this to life now Once you have your money mission, you're going to get to work on bringing that mission to life. So you're going to start the business.

Speaker 1:

If you want your income to come through a business, you're going to make product changes. If, at the moment, you are doing one-on-one clients because somewhere along the line, someone told you that that's what you need to do for a couple of years before you can pivot to group programs, but you just are so fired up by the idea of a group program, you're going to make some changes in your business and get rid of those one-on-one spaces and open up the program and commit that. That's how money will find you. You're going to do some research on investments and learn what investments you want to make and how to go about that. If investing is a way that you want to make more money, you're going to get to work immediately to bring that money mission to life and then your final call to action is once you have that, you're going to expect money to show up and you're going to expect that outcome when more money is here and you're going to stay in alignment with it.

Speaker 1:

So make every move align with your mission, every move align with your mission. So if, prior to doing this exercise, you were like me and you had a belief that the more money you would make, the more you would lose your time, freedom and the more responsibility you would have, but your mission now is that the more money you have, the more free you are, the more peace you have in your life, the more choices you have piece you have in your life, the more choices you have. If that's your money mission, then you're going to make every move align with that. So maybe it is always being mindful If things are starting to feel stressful and overwhelmed because you're going for that new income goal, take a look at why you're allowing that to be so and what shifts and new systems you need to implement to bring that overwhelm back down. Maybe you need to start to ask for help and delegate tasks so that you aren't doing it all when it comes to achieving that financial goal.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you need to automate some things in your business so that, again, going for that money goal isn't going to be blocked by this fear of once you get there, your life is controlled by your work and your clients and you're not going to have any spare time. Like there's literally automations that will avoid. Like that will help with that situation. Keeping your head up like that will help with that situation. Keeping your head up Am I on track with making my money mission my reality? And if I'm not, what do I need to do to ensure that I am? Again, the wealthy woman will help you do this, but it's systems, it's automations, it's asking for help, it's delegating tasks. It's just choosing a different outcome.

Speaker 1:

Again, like I keep saying this, but when I established that I was blocking money because I had a fear that the more money I would make, the more responsibility I would have, I chose a different narrative where the more money I make, the more time freedom I have and less responsibility. And I did that by creating a business that is all online, that has this vibe throughout my community, where sometimes I am responding to a message while I'm on my morning walk, other times I'm in my office. It has this like community and this vibe of like freedom, and we all allow that, we all expect that and we're all okay about that. We all allow that, we all expect that and we're all okay about that. And I have systems in place. So, the more my business grows, my capacity as a human being isn't being stretched to its limits, and so I have actual systems in my business. I have automations, I pay for help and I will continue to do that to ensure that I uphold my money mission, and that is money is not attached to having to sacrifice anything, but money is there to support my free life, my calm life, my peaceful life, and, again, that's the only expectation I have around money.

Speaker 1:

I want to quickly wrap up by saying this, and I know I very briefly spoke about this, but I feel like I just need to quickly rehash over this Making money work for you is your responsibility, and it will come down to just ensuring that every move you have when it comes to money is in line with that mission, so that I will just say, will come with some resistance, you will feel like you are the odd one out in your family or within your community, you will feel like you are going against something that has so much proven result. But you need to trust that you can make money work for you however you choose. You can have it come in however you choose. You can, once it's here, have it, create this feeling that it is whatever you choose, and money doesn't always have to equal stress and overwhelm. But we have to make sure that we're creating that container and ensuring that again, we have those systems. We are asking for help. We're setting our businesses up or our career. We're setting boundaries to ensure that it doesn't result back in that old money mold.

Speaker 1:

That's part two. So a reminder to do that call to action. Well, there's three in there for you. There's a journal prompt, there's an actionable task that you'll need to take in order to ensure you're aligned with that money mission. And then, of course, just keep expecting it and knowing that whatever you did choose in this exercise is possible for you and your money story, whatever it is, can be so for you if you believe in it and show up and take every action in accordance with it. I will see you or talk to you in part three.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited to welcome more of you into the Wealthy Woman Again. It's linked in the show notes below. Any questions at all about this four-week money transformation program? Then don't hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram. It is open for a very limited time and it only opens up once a year, and I've kind of thrown this out there, but this might be the last time.

Speaker 1:

I do this program live 99%. Sure I might change my mind, but at the moment, don't bank on that that I am going to change my mind. Just get in there for this round and let's make the next six weeks of 2024 your most successful. And I want you to know that that money goal that you had set at the start of the year can still be achieved. You can still get to a place where money makes you feel more calm and more at peace and you can make a lot more of it. So see you inside the wealthy woman. Talk to you in part three of our money series and any questions, come and find me on. Come and find me on Instagram. Bye.