Abundant + Aligned

162 // MONEY SERIES: Part 3 - Four steps to feel rich (to make you rich)

Jess Martin

How to become a vibrational match for more money, so money flows your way 💅

This is the final episode for the money series and it includes practical steps you can take in your day to day life to tune into a wealth frequency.

There is an unlimited amount of money available and it will go to whoever wants it. These steps will ensure you're in a place to receive it!

Part one: How to set a clear money goal to attract it
Part two: Three money blocks and how to clear them
Part three: How to attract money more easy

Enrol in my money program and learn everything you need to know in order to manifest more money in your life. Open for a limited time only (closes 15 Sep).

Event date: 21 September 2024.


🔥 Enrol in The Academy - 4 month mentorship for women in business wanting to grow to $10K or $20K months

✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)

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🎓 See what's currently open for enrolment here or browse courses available on demand here

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome back to the money series on the Abundant and Aligned podcast you are tuning into part three. I hope you have been enjoying this series. You guys know I love talking about money and I love helping you make a lot more of it, because the idea of a woman who has so much money that her life is full of choices and being able to have it all, as opposed to living by this either raw mentality, is the mission behind my business, which is why I created a program called the Wealthy Woman. If you're not yet in, this is the last week for enrollment before cart closes on Sunday and we start together next week. The next six weeks are solely focused on helping you clear your money blocks, which is number one to making more of it, making more money, whether that is in business, career or otherwise, and normalizing financial overflow. So my mission is about true wealth and true freedom, not just getting by, just surviving, just having enough to pay your bills and then have a dinner date every now and then. I want you to be in a place of overflow, like more than enough financial wealth and, like we spoke about in last week's episode, I want you to have a lot of money without the stress and overwhelm and responsibilities that often come with money and therefore block people from wanting or having more of it. I want you to have a lot of money, but I want you to also have time, freedom and to be able to prioritize what matters in your life, not sacrifice them.

Speaker 2:

So last week I very briefly spoke about the fact that I grew up in a family where it was very much the programming in order to have more money, you have to work hard, and that means you have to sacrifice some fun and play in life, and that never sat well with me. I was always like, why can't we do both? Why can't we have a lot of money but also travel the world and go out for dinner regularly and spend money on luxurious items and also take days off without that jeopardizing the amount in our accounts and incoming revenue? Like, why can't we do it all? And I found a way to do that. I found a way to have an uncapped income. I found a way for money to work in that way, and now my mission, as I said, is to help you guys experience that.

Speaker 2:

So if you are just tuning in and this is your first episode as part of the series, then welcome. But I do encourage you to go back and watch part one and part two and then go back to last year's series around the same time. It's linked in the show notes because I did a series last year and it's all very different content. I don't, like you know, when people do series, like do a series, and they just kind of repeat what they did the first time around. I didn't want to do that. I wanted it to be all fresh content and new ideas for you all. So I thought I'm just going to direct you to the series I did last year for help on how to set a clear and specific income goal, how to remove common money blocks and how to normalize overflow and then make this series something different.

Speaker 2:

So part one and two are in the previous episodes and this is our final segment to the series, and it's all about things that will make you money really, really fast. And no, that is not tied to posting more on social media, working longer hours, putting your hand up for more tasks at work, doing anything more. It's about changing your inner state, and I've got so many examples and ways that you can do that in today's episode. So buckle up for a good one and I think this is a really good one to finish on, because it means you guys can go out and start making money Literally the moment you get off this podcast episode. You don't need to wait any longer, you don't need to post another reel, you don't need to work an extra two hours tonight. You literally just need to change your inner state, and everything I share in today's episode is going to help you do that, no matter what. So to kick us off and the foundation or the principle you need to know in order for this episode to make sense and mine, just bear in mind, this is a very brief overview of the energetics of money. So if you're coming into the Wealthy Woman, we spend an entire week learning about the energetics of money, which knowing how money works energetically means that the amount you earn is literally off limits and you no longer have to wait any longer or do anything more in order to attract more money to you.

Speaker 2:

But, in summary, money is energy, you are energy, and whether or not you tune into more of it depends on the frequency that you're in, and when there is a match between your frequency and the frequency of money, more comes into your life. The easiest way to understand this concept is a radio station. We know that in order to listen to one radio station, we need to be tuned into the frequency of it. If we want to listen to something different, all we need to do is change the frequency. That is the exact concept when it comes to life. What you're currently experiencing in your life in the realm of money is because you've tuned into that frequency based on your thoughts and feelings and the energy that you're in. The other frequency is financial wealth and overflow. In order to listen to that radio station, you need to be tuned into that frequency and these things are going to help you be able to do that. But being in a having energy is what we want. Focus on what is working and you will create more of it. Focus on the good and more will come your way. We've all heard this before and that's exactly the essence of today's episode getting yourself in a having energy. So when it comes to money, it is very easy to focus on the lack, focus on what we don't have, focus on the stress and the lack and the scarcity and the struggle, and when we're in a frequency of lack, we simply attract more lack, and you guys will notice this now that I put this in your mind how much time you spend in your day focusing on what you don't have versus what you do. My mission today is to get you in a having energy by helping you or getting you to focus on what you already have.

Speaker 2:

So I used to be someone who lived pay week to pay week. I avoided checking my bank account for fear there would be nothing in there, and every time I thought about money, my body would automatically react with an anxious feeling in my stomach. Given, I've always dreamt of having a lot of money. This money blueprint was not ideal. After maxing out a credit card, having nothing to show for another pay rise and a somewhat failed first business in financial terms, I reached my enough is enough moment terms. I reached my enough is enough moment For the next year. I got to work.

Speaker 2:

I studied the mindset of the wealthy, upgraded my subconscious money blueprint and learned how to make a lot more of it. And, guys, the results were pretty insane. I now run a successful six-figure business, drive my dream luxury car and just today, actually, my fiance and I were browsing first-class tickets to Europe a reality. That would not be possible if I didn't learn about the subconscious money blueprint, the energetics of money and how to make more of it, and this is something I teach inside my money program called the wealthy woman. Over four weeks, I will help you upgrade your subconscious money blueprint, which is key. You will become a master at attracting more money to you. I even help you set up more income streams by adding products or services to your business, increasing your prices, asking for a pay rise, and you get my systems when it comes to managing your money, so there is always space for more of it to come. And not to mention, I just help you feel better around money and help you regulate your nervous system, because I know money is a trigger for a lot of women, so I help you with all of it. The Wealthy Woman is open for enrollment on the 2nd of September and closes on the 15th of September, and then, as I said, we will spend the next few weeks making you more money and ultimately making life full of so much more choices, because money is always there to support you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a DM on Instagram or email. Otherwise, I am so excited to see you in this incredible program and help you become the wealthy woman.

Speaker 2:

Now. I know that maybe you have the goal to make $20,000 in your month in your business this month, and you don't have that in front of you right now. So, yes, your default isn't going to feel like you have the 20K because you don't. If you do the wealthy woman, I'll help you feel like you have the 20K even when you don't, which is such a powerful place to be able to get into, because then the 20K comes your way. But while, yes, you don't have the 20K, you have other things in your life and by focusing on what you already have, you switch into a having energy. When you're in a having energy, that transpires into all areas of your life, and when you're in a having energy based on what you already have, you will be in a having energy when it comes to money, and more money will be able to come your way, because now there is a match between your frequency and the frequency of having money because you're in in having energy. Is this making sense? So what we're going to do to get you into having energy is get you to a place where you feel like you already have the money before you do is the end goal, but we can work on that in the wealthy woman.

Speaker 2:

But today I just want you to focus on what is working in your life right now, what you already have in your life right now and if that isn't money, then that's fine. But what else do you already have? And come up with all of the things you already have. Focus on what is working in your career, in your business, in your relationship. Focus on what you do have when it comes to the clients that are already in front of you, the number of followers that you have, the opportunities that keep showing up for you right now, the angel numbers. You keep seeing the synchronicities. You keep seeing the sign from the universe that keeps showing up. If it's a car, that was a car for me. What is already in front of you, what do you already have and what is already working. Make it your mission every day to spend more time focusing on that, as opposed to the lack, as opposed to the separation and as opposed to the scarcity. When you get good at focusing on the growth, the increase, the opportunities, the things that went right in your day versus the things that didn't.

Speaker 2:

You're now in that having energy. What you've done now is upgraded yourself energetically. Now you're a match for more money and while you may be focusing on things that you have in your life that don't even tie back to money, again, when you've upgraded energetically, money will find you. Suddenly, your business starts making money, or more money. Suddenly, the manager comes to you and lets you know that you're up for a pay rise. Suddenly, you walk down the street and you find a $2 coin. Suddenly, you open up a book and you've used a scratchy as a bookmark and it turns out there's money on the scratchy. Suddenly, things shift like magic. But I promise this isn't magic, this isn't woo-woo, this isn't living in la-la land, it's science, the energetics of the creation of matter.

Speaker 2:

Focus on what is working. More will come to you. Focus on what you have and you will be in a having energy and you will have other things in your life. So how do we do that? Well, yeah, like I said, focusing on what you do have and focusing on what is working. But now I'm going to help you add more luxury into your life without it being tied to money. So this moves on to the concept of acting as if and acting like you already have the money. And there are other ways you can do this without actually seeing the figures in your banking app or on your Squarespace or in your Stripe or on your Payslip. And again, the more you feel like you have the money, the more wealthy you feel, the more luxury you have in creating your life, the more you will be a match for more money to come, because you're changing that energetic frequency that you're putting out, you're changing that broadcast and you're tuning into the money frequency, which is what we want. So I've come up with a list of things that you can do to add more luxury to your life, with the ultimate goal to make you feel good, make you feel wealthy, make you feel successful and, again, when you feel a certain way, you create the results that match that.

Speaker 2:

So let's start with the bedroom. The bedroom, a place we spend a lot of time in every single night in our bed, night in our bed. Do you have beautiful sheets on your bed, the comfiest pillow, something smelly in the room, some flowers or some greenery, so that when you're in there it just feels like your sanctuary? Or are you just like rolling into bed, not even noticing or experiencing what it feels like. If that's what you're like, I want you to go out on the weekend and I want you to buy some nice bed sheets, some nice linen bed sheets that when you get in, you just feel so beautiful in them, so comfortable. You're going to have a candle burning, or get one of those diffuser sticks which I've only recently got around and they're incredible. I don't know why I used to buy candles all the time. I just always make the house smell, and it was.

Speaker 2:

You're going to go and do things to make your bed room feel nice because you spend so much time in there. But, more importantly, it's the place that you start your day in. And I promise, if you're yet to do this, when you wake up in a bed that feels good and you look around your room and you've created this sanctuary that feels uplifting and calming, then you have now started your day from that energy and that will transpire into everything else you do, so bedsheets, a calming space being your bedroom. The other thing we do a lot throughout the day is we stay hydrated. We drink water, we drink other drinks, whether it's like a soda or a soft drink, or a wine or coffee or tea always drinking. So we're going to elevate that experience as well. So next time you make your coffee you're going to, or tea in the morning, you're going to drink it out of a beautiful teacup or a beautiful coffee cup. When you have your wine at night I'm so huge on this one it's not going to be out of your shitty Kmart wine glasses that don't make you feel like you are in a five-star hotel down at the bar lobby waiting for your dinner reservation. That's the experience we want to create. So we're not going to be sipping out of the Kmart glasses, we're going to be sipping out of the beautiful wine glasses that again make you feel like you're in that five-star hotel lobby waiting for your dinner reservation. I promise, just these tiny shifts make the biggest difference and I'm not crazy.

Speaker 2:

Your house and your car generally, we're going to uplift. So if you have shit that falls out of your cupboards every single time you open them and it makes you feel so Frustrated every single time you open them, you're going to clean your shit up. You're going to get those organized and you're going to make your house feel nice and calm and peaceful and luxurious and wealthy, same with your car, and this is particularly for those who want to buy their dream car and, okay, and your dream house. So if one of your goals is to buy the dream house, the dream car, but at the moment you're treating your current house and car like shit and it's always dirty and messy and you know you haven't spent the time and the money to make it feel nice, you will really struggle to manifest the dream because you're not in that having energy. So the more you can treat your current home like it's the dream and drive and clean your car like it's the dream, the more you'll be in the energy and the more you will be in this place of like worthy of having the dream car and the dream house. So go and clean your car this weekend.

Speaker 2:

If you need to respect your house, do what you need to do as if it was the dream, what you wear. I talk about this all the time, but I'm the biggest advocate of getting dressed up for your day putting on some makeup, making your hair beautiful, putting on a nice outfit, spending some decent money on clothes and no, or I guess like I completely understand that not everyone can spend a lot of money on clothes, but you can still opt for the materials that feel nicer. You can avoid the clothes that you know will fall apart at the seam in a couple of weeks. Avoid the clothes that are scratchy and don't sit well on your body. You don't need to spend a lot of money to have decent quality clothes. But make buying decent quality clothes your focus and then wear outfits that make you feel wealthy and successful and rich. I promise the days where I'm in my office in a nice outfit, my hair and makeup's done, I've got all my jewelry on, my perfume, sometimes I even put shoes on those days are way more productive and I always make way more money than the days where I come home from the gym and I stay in my gym clothes all day and I don't have a shower, I don't do my hair, I don't do my makeup and I'm just like sitting in my gym clothes.

Speaker 2:

So make an effort to put on beautiful outfits, even if you're not even leaving your home, because, again, you're in a different energy and that's what we want to get you to. We want you to feel successful and wealthy and worthy and enough so that the things that you want more of in your life can find you because you're a match for them, where you eat, where you catch up with your friends. So be selective about those locations. Go and catch up at the cafe that is more upbeat in a nicer area surrounded by beautiful homes, as opposed to, maybe, the one you go to. That's more convenient but doesn't make you feel elevated while you're there. Or catch up at a hotel lobby. Or go for high tea at a beautiful resort. Get yourself in places that make you feel expansive and when you're there you'll get the nice glasses. You'll have an excuse to get dressed up. You'll literally be in a room with more high caliber people. Even if you're not intentionally tuning into them, your energy will be manipulated by them. So location matters just as much. What you eat as well, like fueling your body with foods that make you feel good. Spend a little bit more money on like the organic meat. Or go to the fresh fruit markets. Again, these experiences will elevate you and expand you and then put you in that frequency of money.

Speaker 2:

And then my final example is where you work. So, if you work from home, create a space where you can go to in your home to do your work. So set up a home office or, if you can't have an entire office, at least set up a desk with some flowers or greenery candle that smells nice, a nice pen, a nice notepad, having this experience that's so appealing to your five senses. If you do have to go to a job, can you I don't know ask to move near a window so you can at least look outside? Or can you make those little touches that I just mentioned to the desk at work to make you feel good while you're there Again, where you're spending your time for a lot of your day matters, because it's where your energy is for a lot of your day, and your energy is what's creating your life.

Speaker 2:

So there's some examples of adding more luxury to your life. Now I want to move on to getting in a wealth frequency by things that you can do. So throughout this episode I've mentioned being in places that expand you, being around people that expand you, being in places that expand you, being around people that expand you, and by doing so you're in another frequency. You're starting to change the dial on that radio station to listen to something different. So some examples of things you can do to get in a wealth frequency if you have the goal to buy a particular home that is in a certain suburb where you live.

Speaker 2:

It looks a certain way. It's nice and big and open and spacious. It's got a pool. It's got this beautiful kitchen. All of the things Start going to the open homes for these homes and wander through these houses. Stand in the kitchen and imagine yourself making your morning coffee in that kitchen. Wander upstairs to the bedroom and imagine waking up in that bedroom each morning and looking out at the view to the bedroom. And imagine waking up in that bedroom each morning and looking out at the view. Walk through these homes and experience the feeling you get in these homes. Chat to the real estate agent about the home. Watch the other people that come through this home. Surround yourself with that caliber and again, your energy is manipulated Now that home goes from a tiny picture on your vision board to something that you've brought to life and experienced through your five senses.

Speaker 2:

Browse a designer store. So if luxury handbags, luxurious clothes, sunnies is important to you and maybe you aren't making the money to align with being able to buy them yet, still go browse the stores. Experience what it's like being in those stores and having the store people come over and ask if they can help you and offer you a water. Try on the sunnies, touch the clothes, put the handbag over your arm and just be in these stores. Notice how you feel when you walk into those stores too.

Speaker 2:

So for a long time I never would walk into Louis Vuitton or Chanel or Prada, because I felt out of place and I felt the moment I walked in there I felt like the store people would just know that I didn't have enough money to be in there and I shouldn't have been in there. And it was just this weird uncomfortable feeling because that was a life I hadn't experienced growing up, so it was also new to me and it was like embedded in me. But I forced myself to get used to being in these designer stores and walking through and feeling worthy and knowing that one day I will be able to come back and buy that bag, buy those sunnies, buy those clothes and feel worthy to be in there. But before we can get comfortable with a new zone, we need to be uncomfortable first. But we need to just act anyway. So if you do avoid doing things like this because you're like, oh, I feel so out of place, all the more reason to do them like, oh, I feel so out of place. All the more reason to do them Because if you can't be in a designer store comfortably, then you can't own a designer handbag comfortably, which means you can't receive the money that would allow you to buy the designer bag comfortably. And now you're blocking money. So all the more reason to get into these new environments and experience what it feels like.

Speaker 2:

Plan a luxurious trip. So if flying first class is something that you would love to do, or business class and staying at these beautiful hotels around the world and maybe you can't do that now based on the amount of money that you have, still, imagine and plan for it, because it's going to happen one day, so it's inevitable. So have some fun planning your trip and, again, like, get used to browsing and looking at hotel rooms that are $3,000 a night and first class tickets that are $10,000 one way, and just get used to like experiencing that and seeing that on your screen and, while doing so, like, show your body that it's okay. This is a new way of being sure that we've never lived, but it doesn't mean we're not worthy of it, and just get more comfortable. Test drive your dream car.

Speaker 2:

So this is something I did before I bought my Mercedes and I know for sure was one of the reasons why that car manifested so quickly for me. So I had never stepped foot in a Mercedes dealership because of what I was mentioning before. I felt so out of place and out of whack and I just felt like the car sales guy knew that I didn't have any money. So I was like I'm not going there until I do. Eventually I got over that and I listened to the advice that I'm giving you guys now and I went and walked through the Mercedes dealership and got in a car and touch the steering wheel and imagined being in that car and owning that car. And I did that probably two or three times before I eventually bought the car. But each time I returned, the result of buying that car got closer and closer and closer, because I was now vibrating at a frequency of someone who would own the car and it was becoming more real life for me. So get in these cars, go for a test drive in these cars and again experience what it would feel like to have the car Now.

Speaker 2:

You're in that, having energy If you have a business and you're very new to the business but you have big goals to take that business far and build your empire. Don't wait around to go and book your photo shoot or have someone take some like photos of you. Like go and book a studio, have someone take photos of you and start to establish your branding and start to establish who you are in this business world and don't feel like you have to wait around for that Like. Really create something of your business even before you're making money or having real life clients. But treat it like you already are In the home. Pay for hired help, get used to that concept. If maybe at the moment you can only afford a cleaner for two hours a week, still do that, because that's going to get you used to delegating and hiring help and eventually that hired help may look like a cleaner, a personal assistant, a private chef, someone to do your laundry, and that will become normalized.

Speaker 2:

But this is just about starting somewhere and getting used to it and getting used to it and then finally setting boundaries. This is a huge one having respect for your time and setting boundaries to do that. So I have mentioned this book a lot on the podcast, but a book I always get my clients to read so I recommend this to you guys as well is we Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rogers, and I just love the way she talks about boundaries and she describes them as broadcast decisions versus million dollar decisions. And when you read that book, you'll be, you probably won't be shocked. But the amount of broadcast decisions we make on a daily basis and then wonder why we're still broke is outrageous.

Speaker 2:

And it does start with setting boundaries that the most wealthy, successful version of you would set and again, not feeling like you need to prove yourself anymore or be further along anymore before you're able to do these things and start doing them now. So blocking your calendar out and not allowing clients to book, even if you're just starting out in your business and someone's telling you that you should be working around the clock to build up your client base. Well, if the most wealthy, successful version of you only works on a Tuesday and Thursday with clients, then set that boundary now. If you are in your career and you at the moment are working extensive hours, but the wealthy version of you would leave work at five so she can go home and cook a beautiful meal with her family and be present with her family at night. Then do that now, really start to set the boundaries and act as if you would if you were already the most successful version of yourself and boundaries is a huge, huge one for that. And then, to wrap this up, act like the money you desire is already here.

Speaker 2:

Now we hear this concept a lot. Act as if, think and feel like it's already here. And I'm the first to admit that can be quite hard when you're so programmed to focus on the lack and work and work and work and work until you have something. But then, even when you get it, it still feels like it's not enough. We're just so programmed to be in scarcity. So to actually shift into I've got enough, I'm doing enough, more than enough. It is a muscle that you need to build, but I promise when you get good at thinking and feeling like you already have the money, you just know it's there. It's expected it will come to you more than you can probably even imagine right now, and this is why I always say your money story can turn around really, really fast.

Speaker 2:

I saw it in my own business. I see it every day with my clients and the golden ticket to doing it is call it delusional if you want, but thinking and feeling like it's already here and having this sense of knowing that it's here, it's on its way, no more doubt, no more looking for it, wondering where it is, just knowing and expecting and trusting, thinking, feeling, acting like it's already here. So I'll hand that over to you. If the money was already here, or if you knew 100% that it was on its way, what would you be doing differently? And what would you no longer be doing and start acting? No more waiting around, no more settling for a life that isn't ultimately what you want, and start showing up and taking the controls, manipulating your reality to make it everything that you want.

Speaker 2:

And again, when you're in, having energy, you have something. It's why you have certain things in your life and there's other things you don't, because the way you think and feel about them and your beliefs around them are different. You have something because you feel like you have it, you feel worthy of it, you think and feel like it's there until it is. This is the frequency we need to take over when it comes to money. So, to wrap up, part three of our money series adding more luxury to your life, making your home, feel elevated, spending more time in expansive environments, changing your glassware so it's nice while you are sipping your coffee or your tea or your wine, wearing beautiful clothes, opting for the quality that makes you feel good, feel nice, elevating all areas of your life to feel wealthy and successful. And when you do know that you are worthy of more money to find you. When you do all this, you'll get in a frequency of having money and money will find you. That is it for our money series.

Speaker 2:

I hope you have enjoyed this. I hope it has put a fire in your belly that it's okay to want a lot of money. It doesn't matter what your upbringing looked like or what your current situation is. You can have a lot of money, and that is exactly what we're here to do so that you can have a life of true freedom, which is a value that I hold so close to my heart, and money is a way that you can do that. So, with all of that being said, if you are yet to enroll in the Wealthy Woman and you want to join me on the most expansive, transformative six weeks of your life, then enrollment is currently open, and it is only open until Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Given the transformation you get. The investment is actually pretty low, so don't let that fool you. But it is six weeks to remove those blocks that are stopping money from coming into your life and to get you to a reality where you never have to be stressed about money again. You never have to question if there's enough in your accounts, you never have to feel that anxiety in your belly when it comes to money and instead it's always available. There's plenty more where that came from and it comes to you in a way that feels aligned and feels good for you. I'm so excited to see you in the wealthy woman.

Speaker 2:

If you have any questions, you guys know where to find me. Don't hesitate to send me a voice message on Instagram. I love a voice message. Otherwise, email comment like do what you need to do to get the information you may need. Otherwise comments like do what you need to do to get the information you may need. Otherwise, let's do this together because, honestly, if I can turn my money story around, anyone can, and that is what I want for all of you. So thank you for tuning into this series. If you need to go back and catch up, please do that. Otherwise, see a lot of you next week, hopefully in the wealthy woman. Otherwise, talk to you next week.