Abundant + Aligned

163 // Immersion recap, what's coming up for the rest of the year + pep talk to finish 2024 strong

Jess Martin

Grab your cuppa and sit down for a catch up on the Gold Coast Immersion, what's on the calendar for the rest of the year and my tips for ensuring you don't give up too early on your 2024 goals.


Get on the waitlist here. Applications for 2025 open 14 October 2024.



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned.

Speaker 2:

Hello podcast family and welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast. I hope you're having a beautiful week. I am coming to you still on cloud nine from the Gold Coast Immersion, which was on Saturday, but a week out by the time you guys hear this. As you can hear by my voice, I'm now sick, but it's a good sickness because I poured so much into that event, obviously wrapping up the launch of the wealthy woman as well. It's kind of all caught up in me but so grateful that I can just take the time to rest, which is exactly what I've been doing this week. But I wanted to jump on today and just say hello. I know it's been a couple of weeks since we've had an episode, but honestly we've just been so busy behind the scenes with organizing the immersion. I wanted that day to just be perfect and it was. I'm going to give you guys a little bit of a recap if you couldn't be there. And then, yeah, as I mentioned, we had the launch of the wealthy woman, so really just pouring into that. I also have the Academy full of clients at the moment, her empire full of clients at the moment, so really just showing up a hundred percent for my clients and everybody in my world, which means that the podcast was put to the side for a couple of weeks. But we are back and, honestly, today's episode is just a bit of a catch up with you all, just to let you know. Well, firstly, we're going to celebrate the immersion, but also just let you know what is coming up for the rest of 2024. I'm sure you're all feeling so inspired, maybe a little bit of FOMO, after seeing all of the content from the immersion. So I just want to make sure you guys know what is coming your way so that you can find your best place in my world If finishing the end of the year and coming into 2025 with me is on your agenda. But firstly, for the immersion, oh my god, I don't even know where to begin.

Speaker 2:

So I guess from the moment I decided to start my brand yeah, yeah, pretty much since day one of having my brand I always knew I wanted to do in-person events. I love in-person connection. I'm a really outgoing person and just love holding space and hosting. So I always knew that an event would be on the agenda eventually and we finally got there a couple of years later and it was honestly perfect. So it was a full day immersion.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't really taken a look into the itinerary and the content and all of that kind of stuff, it was honestly a day of transformation. We had a workshop in the morning that was all about breaking beyond the mold. We did an afternoon of meditation, breath work, releasing past trauma, letting go go of limitations, stepping into their power and, honestly, I have the women in the room to thank for how powerful that day was. They embraced every single moment. The afternoon session was a very vulnerable moment and, considering no one knew each other in that room, it is a little bit uncomfortable doing breath work, screaming into a pillow, crying, like letting all of that trauma out. It's very vulnerable and very raw, but every single one of them embraced the moment and they got so into it, they let go, they surrendered, they yeah, they did all plus more that I could have asked for for that event to be what it was. So I'm so, so stoked with how it went.

Speaker 2:

It was honestly the most perfect day, like no hiccups, which is so good for our first event. The PA system worked, the music worked, the stage looked incredible, all of the food came on time. I had Sarah there on the day helping with that, and every time we break it was all ready to go, our drinks were there, it was, honestly, everything was perfect, everything was on time, everything was to schedule. I just, yeah, I finished the day and I was like, oh my God, wow, I mean, I guess that is a testament to my mindset and my belief. I went in just knowing that it was going to be the most perfect day and that's exactly what it was. So if you haven't had a look on my Instagram, definitely go and have a look at the content, because it was just beautiful and all of the comments from the women really just demonstrate the transformation that went on that day and it just makes me so excited for future events. So if you couldn't get to the Gold Coast immersion, there will be plenty more coming your way.

Speaker 2:

Definitely another one next year in Australia, probably on the Gold Coast, but I am really keen to get over to the States and to Europe and do these immersions as well, because I know I have an audience and I have people over there who love what we do. So I would love to come, go over there and share this and allow you guys to experience how incredible this day was. I think what made it so special was because it actually there was a lot of women there who have done the Academy, her empire, one of my clients actually a couple of clients have been working with me for over 12 months and they were there on the day, so they've done some of these modalities with me before. But I think what made it so special was being in a room with people. We had the music so loud, the microphone loud, so you could hear every word. It was crisp. The energy in the room was insane, like having women next to you crying, screaming, letting go of those limitations and really just stepping into their power. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it and obviously that gets lost within the online world. So that's why I'm so excited to make these in-person immersions a big part of my work, because, yeah, you cannot beat what we experienced together on Saturday. So definitely keep your eyes open for future immersions.

Speaker 2:

As I said, we are coming back bigger and better in 2025 although I don't think we could do that any better, but definitely bigger in 2025. And yeah, we are going on tour for sure. Um, so that's the immersion, but, like I said, I just wanted to give you guys a bit of a rundown about what's coming up. I know for a lot of you that immersion was a big point and a big um something you were really looking forward to, a big mark on the calendar. So if you're feeling a little bit like oh, what's next? Like how could we possibly do anything better after that day, I just wanted to give you the heads up about what's coming up, just so that you know what is coming up, you can plan. I know, obviously, working with mentors and coaches myself, I like to have a bit of a landscape in terms of what's coming up so that I know Do I wait and work with that coach in her mastermind or do I invest in this other one? What's coming up? Just so that you guys can fully plan where your investments are going, where your time is going and if it is sticking in my world and coming along with me, then you know exactly the dates to be aware of.

Speaker 2:

So the applications for my business mastermind will be opening up on the 14th of October for the 2025 round. I feel my business mastermind spots before Christmas, so that you guys have locked in your 2025 with me and you know that you are invested in a mastermind the moment we get back next year. I am a big believer on taking a break over Christmas, so I like to fill those spots before Christmas so that we're all connected, we know when we're starting the mastermind. We can go away and have a very well-deserved break and then know that we are all geared up and ready for the new year. So 2025 applications for her empire will be opening up on the 14th of October. The spots are very limited. That is my top tier container. It is for women in business who have an established business, who are ready to take it to the next level. So if that sounds like you, definitely apply for her empire. It's an incredible place to be.

Speaker 2:

If you are a woman in business for a few different reasons. One I'm there as your coach, helping you take your business and yourself to that next level. I know it is easy to get comfortable in business, especially if you have had your business for a little while. Especially if the level that you are currently at is somewhat successful and everything is working and you're really struggling to break through that ceiling, then that's what I'm here to help you do. It is a beautiful combination of mindset and strategy. I can help out with both mindset and strategy. Obviously, mindset is my, my wheelhouse and we do a lot of subconscious reprogramming. But I also help out with strategy in terms of bringing in new offers in your business, expanding your business, starting programs, starting courses, starting podcasts, pitching to your ideal client, finding your ideal client. But I also bring in an incredible panel of guest speakers, who include marketing strategist, instagram coach, influencers, women's health coach all to help you guys have a holistic approach to business, because there's more to business than just the mindset and there's more to business than just the strategy, and her empire combines it all beautifully. And not only do you get to learn from me, you also get to learn from other leading industry experts, as I said, in marketing, in social media, in women's health, to make sure that your business is this beautiful, well-rounded thing in your life. The cool thing about Her Empire as well is you get access to new experts within your round, which will provide a live session, but you also get access to all past experts. So if you are joining me in 2025 in her empire, you will be a part of the third opening, so that means you have two prior openings of experts that you can also dive into. So a really, really cool opportunity and you guys are actually the first to hear this.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing something we haven't done in Her Empire before and we're also adding on an immersion weekend together. So the business mastermind Her Empire does go for six months and at the end of the six months, we're going to have a weekend on the Gold Coast all together to meet, to mastermind in person, to hang out, to celebrate and just be around each other. So I'm really looking forward to that, because the friendships that happen and come out of her empire are always really special. The first opening that I did for her empire at the start of 2024 finished in June and all of those women still have the group chat going and they always still check in and share their goals. They all got to meet on the weekend. The friendships are so special, so I want to be able to create a space where we can all come together in person after spending six months together. So I'm really excited for that. More details will be found on the website about the inclusions of that weekend, but really excited add-on. So 2025 applications for her empire will be opening up in a few weeks. Make sure you're on the wait list so that you see that email go out. As I said, the spots are very limited and they do fill up pretty fast for her empire. So, fyi, any questions, just let me know.

Speaker 2:

The next piece of housekeeping I have is the wealthy woman. So, as you've all seen, we have just finished the launch of that and I now have a group of women already to make a lot of money with me over the next six weeks, which I'm really excited about. But just an FYI, if you did miss that launch or couldn't get in when I was launching that, the Wealthy Woman is now moving to an evergreen course. So what that means is in the next couple of weeks, you will see it available as an online course on my website that you can purchase at any time and move through at your own pace. So I won't be in there live teaching the Wealthy Woman. The round that we currently have open was the final time that was happening.

Speaker 2:

However, the wealthy woman is a program that will make you more money. It will change the way you think about money, feel about money, spend money and, as I said, make money, and the end goal for that is for you to increase your income. So an incredible course if increasing your income is a goal that you have and you really want to learn how, how to do that. It's not just for women in business. We do talk about it more generally, so how to manifest money more generally, and then we do fine tune it for both business and career women. So there's a module in there around increasing your prices in business, adding to your product suite, but also going for the promotions and asking for the pay rises within your career. So it's for the woman ready to be wealthy, no matter how you plan to bring in more money, and you don't even need to know how you want to make more money either. Bring in more money and you don't even need to know how you want to make more money either. So, because this does combine money strategy with manifestation, a big part of that is letting go of the how and just learning how to be a vibrational match for more money. So the wealthy woman will definitely help you do that. So just keep an eye on my website If you didn't miss the most recent opening for the wealthy woman and you're itching to get inside. While I won't be in their live teaching that course anymore, it's still an incredible course to go through and you'll be able to do that in the next couple of weeks, so just keep an eye out for that.

Speaker 2:

And then, finally, in terms of the podcast, as we head towards the end of the year, which is insane that we are heading towards the end of 2024. Like, how are you guys feeling about that? I would love to know Are you feeling proud of what you've achieved this year? Are you feeling ready to end the year because you feel really accomplished and you're ready to tie a bow on the year? Or are you like how is it September? I have not achieved half the things I wanted to achieve this year? I would love to know. Feel free to open up that conversation with me on Instagram, but I do have a lot planned for you for the rest of the year to make sure that the next couple of months aren't wasted and you don't throw in the towel too early.

Speaker 2:

I have created a lot of change in my life and I help my clients do the in in a matter of two to three months. So I just want you to know you still have time to finish this year where you want to be, but we just need to be turning up the dial. So to help with that, I do have a lot of incredible podcast interviews coming your way. Also solo episodes that will help you finish this year where you want it to be set up your 2025 and just ensure that you don't give up five minutes before the miracle. So expect some cool podcast episodes coming your way. I have one coming in the next couple of weeks with a health coach talking all about burnout, which actually got raised at the immersion. You know I'm doing all the things in business and I'm feeling burnt out. I'm losing the spark, like what to do about that. I'll be doing it. I'll be doing a couple of solo episodes that will actually be continuing on conversations that were raised at the immersion. So we had a really actually had, really we had.

Speaker 2:

All the questions were incredible, but two in particular I would love to evaluate and go deeper on. One of them was how to move to your next level in business and I know this particular person who asked this question has quite a successful business making five figures and her question was how to move to that next level so say, going from 10 to 20 K months and we somewhat spoke about it at the immersion, but I would love to go deeper on that conversation. So moving to your next level in business will be coming up. There was also another question about how to start focusing on your big goal. So her question was around. So she has a big goal to open another business, but at the moment she's working on another business as like a stepping stone to the big business and the big goal, and she was asking how do I just go straight to the big goal and just start working on that big goal? And I somewhat helped her move through that, but again, I would love to go deeper in that. So there'll be another episode helping you take action on your big goal.

Speaker 2:

I'm also bringing on some other guest speakers. I've got a couple of clients from her empire coming on to share their experience. So a lot to look forward to and, as always, I just cannot wait to hang out with you guys and close down another year together. I know I'm calling that early, but it will be here before we know it. So let's enjoy the next couple of months of 2024. Let's continue to grow together, let's continue to learn, let's continue to expand and let's just make sure we get to the end of this year, feeling so proud of everything that we did in 2024. So if you guys have any questions about anything that I just shared whether it is her empire, my business mastermind, whether it's the wealthy woman, whether it's podcast interviews, something you would like me to talk about on the podcast then honestly, my DMs on Instagram are always open, so don't ever hesitate to ask a question or send any anything through in the DMs. Otherwise I will leave it there. I look forward to speaking with you guys next week and enjoy the rest of your day.