Abundant + Aligned

166 // Build to $100K - Part 1: The golden rule to six-figure success

Jess Martin

Have the goal to hit six-figures in your business? You're in the right place. Join me over the next three weeks for a three part series helping you grow to (and maintain) six-figures in your business.

We are talking mindset, manifestation and strategy to ensure you are hitting all aspects of business.

This is a business series you definitely don't want to miss so let's get into it!

What you can expect from part 1:

Ever wondered why hard work in your business alone doesn’t always lead to success? The truth is, without deep self-belief and a sense of worth, your efforts can fall flat. It’s time to break through those subconscious money blocks holding you back. By shifting your mindset to already being successful, reaching your six-figure goals becomes not just possible, but inevitable. Get ready to own your power, challenge your doubts, and step into the version of yourself that’s raking in the money.


Applications for 2025 are now open! Apply here.

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Browse free meditations and journal prompts here 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned. Hello everyone, and welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast and welcome to our 100k series. I'm so excited for this three-part series helping you grow your business to six figures. Now, if this is the first episode that you are ever tuning into on the Abundant and Aligned podcast, welcome. I am a mindset coach, but I do a lot of work with women in business and, while I'm so here for the corporate girls and I'm so here to help you manifest and create a life beyond your wildest dreams, I have a soft spot for business because, as I said, I feel it is a profound way to create freedom in your life. Because you have the flexibility you can really influence how much you earn and ultimately create this life of freedom. So we are diving into a business series. So if you are in business and you do want to grow to six figures, welcome to the podcast. If you have just hit this episode and you don't have a business, I'm sure you'll still learn so much in here to do with increasing your income, even if that is in your career. But just know this is not a business only podcast. We do have a bunch of mindset routine based episodes a little bit further down, but today's episode and the next couple of episodes is for those in business growing to 100K. I'm so excited to help you hit your six figures in business and what we're covering in this series is honestly going to blow you away and, as always, I'm over delivering. We're having conversations that I tend to only have with my clients. I'm sharing things that I share in my top level business mastermind and, honestly, you're going to walk away from this series with so much knowledge based on mindset and strategy to help you hit six figures. So let's do it.

Speaker 1:

Part one of course we're kicking off with mindset because you cannot do anything unless you believe in it. So we're talking about mindset in part one. Part two is all about creating space for the six figures. Hang around for part two, for more on that. And then part three is more of the strategy. So I did have a few questions come through on Instagram in terms of what software I use and what action I actually took within the business to grow to six figures. So our final episode will be more on the strategy in terms of, like, what's actually required to hit these income years within your business.

Speaker 1:

So buckle up for the next three episodes. Get your notebook, take heaps of notes because I promise you will learn so, so much. And, yeah, let's just get into it. This one is obviously out today. Part two will be out next Monday, part three the following Monday. So back to our usual Monday episode drops. Just an FYI so you know when to tune in. Make sure you're subscribed to the show, make sure you've got notifications on so that you get an alert when these episodes are dropped and let's go.

Speaker 1:

So, like I said, part one of this, actually let's do a little bit of a story time about my journey to six figures. So, as those who listen to the podcast, know if you're new around here. I had another business in network marketing. It was very far from six figures. I think my biggest month in business would have been $2,000. And I don't think I hit that again. So I was very far from the six figure mark. So I know the frustration you may be feeling if you were working really hard in your business and you're not seeing those numbers. I get it. It's annoying, but we will figure that out. So I know that once I started this business, I made it a goal to grow this as quickly as possible, obviously and I knew I could because I had done a lot of inner work before I launched this brand. But I completely removed the 100K from the pedestal. So I moved to six figures in this business within the year, which is something I'm very proud of. But it is a testament to all of the inner work that I had done before launching this business, inner work that I had not done in my last business, hence why I never hit those numbers.

Speaker 1:

So inner work is number one. It is key and my story is the testament to the difference it can make, because, let me assure you, I worked very, very, very, very, very hard in my first business. There is nothing I didn't try in terms of selling strategy, showing up on social media content creation. I was doing the do, I was putting the activity in, but the numbers weren't there, and it's simply because I was not doing the inner work and I was not someone who was a match for 100K, even though the activity may have been, my inner world was not. So it matters, inner work matters. So, so, so much.

Speaker 1:

And if you are someone who is busting your ass in business and you aren't hitting 100K and you're so confused as to why, it's very, very likely that you do not need to do anything more in terms of your activity and instead you need to turn the dial up on the amount of inner work you're doing, because you will only create results that you believe in and that you feel you are worthy of. No amount of activity will get you to 100 K if you don't believe it's possible for you, to 100k if you don't believe it's possible for you. So I feel like I am the woman for the job to help you grow to six figures because, like I said, I've been on both sides of this. I've been on the side where I was working so hard and not seeing the results, and I've been on the other side, where I was working hard but I was also doing the inner work, and the combination of the two allowed me to build to 100k within one year. So, mindset, let's start there. There are so many different conversations we could be having that would go into a series to build to 100k and that could involve marketing, social media.

Speaker 1:

What does your product suite look like? What's your branding? Like all of the strategic back-end side of business, but, honestly, none of that matters if you don't believe in yourself and you don't believe you can achieve 100k in your business. The best strategy will not matter if you don't believe in yourself, your brand and your business, which is why I could have two clients in front of me and give them the exact same strategy a strategy I know works because I've seen it work and we could get two very different results. The strategy is not the cause of the end outcome. It's your belief in yourself, your brand and your business that is the cause of your end outcome. Strategy is, of course, important in business Aligned action is necessary in business, but none of that will matter unless you believe in yourself. This is why, when clients come to me, we hardly touch what they're doing in their business. We hardly even chat about the activity when they first come into her empire and we go straight into.

Speaker 1:

What do you believe when it comes to your business? What's your money mindset like? Do you feel worthy of the clients and the money that would be attached to you hitting these figures? We start there and usually there is a block within themselves, which is why they're not hitting the money. The money will come when you feel worthy of it. So we need to make you feel worthy of the success that you want, and it starts with upgrading your mindset. So you must believe you can achieve 100K and the best strategy will not work unless you believe in yourself, your brand and your business.

Speaker 1:

So I have a question for you how do you feel about hitting 100K in your business? What's coming to mind right now and how do you feel inside when I say 100K is possible for you? What's happening in your body right now? Tune in, likely, a feeling of lack, likely doubt, likely can't do it. Don't believe in myself. The reason for that we need to uncover and, if you're joining me inside, my business mastermind, this is a lot of the work that we'll be doing because obviously this is tailored and personal to you, but there is a reason you don't believe that you can hit the 100K if you really strip this back.

Speaker 1:

So right now, when you first joined this podcast episode, you probably would have answered this question with yeah, I do believe in myself. Do you believe in yourself to hit the 100K? You would have gone. Yeah, I do, I do. I believe in myself, I can do this. I know I can do this. Consciously, you believe in yourself. Consciously, you want 100K. But the reason you're not hitting 100K is because your subconscious mind is choosing something different and, subconsciously, you don't believe in the 100K. You don't believe in yourself, you don't believe in your brand, you don't believe in your business. So if you're joining me on in her empire, in my mastermind we will figure out why that is the case and we'll go right back to your childhood to find those answers. But for the sake of this episode today, when I asked the question, how do you feel, a few factors that may cause doubt and may cause resistance to you hitting 100k. The first question is is the way you're trying to hit 100k different to how you saw your parents make money.

Speaker 1:

So in my household the men worked in businesses. The women either got corporate jobs or they were stay-at-home moms. I never saw women in my family start and grow businesses. There were no female entrepreneurs in my family. I was also conditioned to just go just like to get get a job, to go to university and get a corporate job in the public service. That's literally all I heard over and over and over again growing up. So when I decided to start an online business that allowed for passive income in the mindset world well, actually, back then it was network marketing, but eventually the mindset world that path was so unfamiliar to my mind I had had not seen it done by anyone, not even the men. Their businesses were carpenters, mechanics, butchers. So not only had I not seen women grow businesses, but I had not seen anyone grow a business of the kind I was trying to grow. Therefore, I was simply not equipped within my mind to grow a business of the kind I was trying to grow. Therefore, I was simply not equipped within my mind to grow a business in the mindset, within the online world, to 100k, because I simply had not seen it done before.

Speaker 1:

So if you are the first person to do what you are doing right now in your business. There's going to be a level of resistance there because you simply are not primed to do it, because it's not familiar for you, you have not been conditioned to do this. So what will tend to come on if that is the case is a belief that you hitting 100k and staying at that level within your business is too good to be true. How is that landing, with you Probably hitting home, like you know. Know, it's possible you are working towards it, but if you really sat with that, it does feel a little bit too good to be true, like you actually get paid six figures to work in a business you created that is so fun that you can do from anywhere, like what Immediately your brain goes. Can we actually do that? Because we've never done it before, we've never seen it done before. The next thing that's likely going on within your mind if you are doubting yourself hitting the 100k, if you are a woman in business in my world, then this is for you.

Speaker 1:

Applications for my business mastermind for 2025 are officially open and consider this your personal invitation If you want to work with me in 2025 to grow your business. I am so obsessed with my business mastermind and I feel like it is definitely in a league of its own as it combines mindset and strategy to provide a holistic approach to business to ensure that 2025 is your most successful year in business. So obviously, you work very, very closely with me over six months, but I also bring in a panel of guest speakers to talk to topics like marketing, social media, bookkeeping, accounting, women's health again to ensure that we are ticking all of the boxes involved with having a successful business. So if you have a business and you would love to be in my business mastermind called Her Empire, then go and apply in the link below in the show notes. Get your application in ASAP, as there are very limited spots. This is my high proximity, super supportive container, so I need to cap the numbers on this one. Of course, if you have any questions about her empire, feel free to send me a DM over on Instagram. Otherwise, really excited to work with you in my business mastermind over six months in 2025 to make it such a successful year for you and your business is.

Speaker 1:

You're lacking a belief that people will pay you. People want you, not your competitor. So you may be in an industry and you may be very familiar with your competitors and there's still a big chunk of you that's like if I really sat with it. I think they would rather work with them over me. I find it hard to believe that someone would pay me thousands of dollars when they could pay them. They've been here longer, they've got a bigger business than me. They're going to choose them. So, lacking belief that they want you, they want to pay you and again, if no one has ever paid you in your business before, you have no idea what that feels like and therefore you will struggle to believe that it is possible for you unless you get to work and you do the stuff we do in my mastermind, mastermind.

Speaker 1:

But lacking a belief in you, these doubts, these limiting beliefs will cause a huge roadblock between yourself and the 100K mark, which is why you could work and work and work and pour as many hours into your business as you possibly want and you could get on as many trainings about what it takes to be a good content creator and market your products and sell your products, but none of that will matter because that roadblock will persist while ever. You have those limiting beliefs and doubts and the money, the 100K, will not be able to drop in. No matter how incredible your strategies are, no matter how hard you are working, it literally cannot drop in because you are not a match for the 100K, because you doubt it, you doubt your belief, you doubt yourself, your brand and your business, and the idea of you making 100K still feels a little bit out of reach. So, with all of that being said, inner work is key and, like I couldn't, I would be doing you a disservice if I started this series anywhere else, because none of it matters. It's all after the fact, it's all after like.

Speaker 1:

We can talk about your social media strategy, I can help you build a product suite, I can help you market and sell your services, but none of that will matter unless you believe in yourself, your brand and your business and you are energetically a match for the 100K. Once you've ticked that off, then we can talk about the strategy and then all of that will get you incredible results and you can hit the 100K within a year, just like I did, and you can hit the 100K within a year, just like I did. So inner work is key. Come and join me inside her empire If you know you need to turn the dial up on the inner work and, honestly, there's never enough inner work. There's never too much inner work. You can do so. If you've hit the ceiling in your business and you do want to hit the 100K, then you are the perfect applicant for her empire. So go and apply below.

Speaker 1:

But that's the first thing. You must believe that you can achieve the 100k and you need to remove all limiting beliefs that are within you to remove the roadblock getting in the way of the 100k dropping in. The next thing we need to do is remove the 100k from the pedestal and remember that the income you're earning right now in your business once was unfamiliar and once felt hard, but now it's your normal, now you expect it. Now you don't even question whether you'll hit that amount because you've done it so many times. That's how we need to be feeling about the 100K. We need to normalize it, we need to bring it down from the pedestal and we need to make it our minimum standard, not a goal we are working towards.

Speaker 1:

Can you see the shift in that language and therefore how you feel about the goal? Minimum standard feels like yeah, it's easy, I expect it, it's just there. Working towards a goal creates the separation. It leaves it in your future. It puts it on that pedestal. So language shifts here are key. Let's stop calling the 100K a goal you're working towards, but instead a minimum standard you hit all the time every year. Already done it. Now you start to expect it instead of waiting for it. So make the 100K minimum standard, not a goal. Then I want you to act like you are already making 100K, not working towards it Now. That K, not working towards it Now. That will influence some big changes in your business. Very likely, and like I said, when clients come into me in the mastermind, very rarely do I get them to do anything more. When we focus on their activity, if anything, they actually pull back because a lot of what they were doing was coming from that fear, scarcity mindset of working towards something as opposed to already being there.

Speaker 1:

The version of you who is working towards a goal and who has already achieved the goal are two different people who show up differently in their business. Your job is to be the version of you and show up in your business like you already have hit the 100k. Perhaps that will mean you sell different products and services. Perhaps that will mean you show up differently on social media. Perhaps that will mean you make bigger moves in your business, whatever it looks like. You need to start doing it now, instead of waiting for the 100k and then showing up that way, or stop doing things like that. You need to be her now.

Speaker 1:

Now a quote from Neville Coddard, I think his last name is. He says this isn't delusional, it's living from a place of certainty. Huge difference in awaiting and having energy. Huge difference, huge difference in behavior between someone who is already making 100K and someone who is working towards 100K. Huge difference in energy between someone who has been hitting 100K years over and over again and versus someone who has still put the 100K on a pedestal Act. Like.

Speaker 1:

You have already made the 100K and, of course, in order to figure that out, you need to sit with her. You meet with her. There's a whole bunch of incredible meditations in her empire that you'll get access to that allow you to connect with your future self. So you'll be able to figure out, okay, who is this 100K version of me? What is she doing in her business? How does she show up on social media? What products are she selling? What products does she not sell anymore? How does she talk about her services? Like? You get to find those answers by doing these meditations and then you can start being her, but that is not delusional, it's living from a place of certainty.

Speaker 1:

What you're then going to do and this is something that really, really helped me, like I had the biggest quantum leap in my business, but also my life, when I did this instead of working towards a goal, okay. So, if you are hitting the 100K a year, that is about 800, eight, eight and a half thousand a month, about eight and a half thousand a month. So if, okay, no, let me go back, let me go back, let me go back. The next thing you're going to do is break down the goal. So, at the moment, you have the goal of 100K per year, and that may sound big and scary and whatever, but if we broke that down on a monthly basis, that's about eight and a half thousand. Eight and a half thousand is a much smaller figure, to your mind, than a hundred K in energy exact same, but your perception is eight and a half smaller than 100 K. Now that may be seeming more doable for you, but what I did in my business and again I had a huge quantum leap after this.

Speaker 1:

I was working towards 10 K months at this point and I was putting 10 K months on the pedestal and I was working towards 10K months at this point, and I was putting 10K months on the pedestal and I was working towards it. What I did one day is realize one that some people could not even survive an hour of 10K Like if they were making 10K an hour. They literally still couldn't survive the life that they had. So I was like, okay, immediately, one like 10 K is nothing. People are making like a hundred K days, so 10 K a month is fine. But then what I did is started aiming for an income goal beyond that. So instead of working towards 10 K months, I made 10 K months my minimum standard and I started working towards 20 K months. When you are going for a goal that's beyond the initial goal, suddenly the initial goal is like smaller, easy, and something shifts inside of you and again it goes from being on the pedestal to being a minimum standard. If you're shooting for 20K, of course you're going to hit the 10K. So that's something else I would recommend.

Speaker 1:

One thing I will say, and I won't go into this too much. This come up in a conversation with my client yesterday. If that lands with you, if your goal currently is, again, just for the sake of it, 10 K a month and you want to play around with that, and you go okay, I'm going to start aiming for 20 K months. So the 10 K is just like a halfway point and suddenly that's easy. If that lands with you and you want to do that. It's so important to remember that you still need that emotional connection to the 20K. So you still want to have this feeling of like you still have skin in the game. You haven't created a goal that seems so far out of reach that you want to give up on the whole thing. So you still want to have that emotional connection to whatever goal you choose. But starting to choose a new goal that's beyond the first goal will make that first goal so much easier. So that's something else I would recommend Now, assuming that you work through your mindset and you fully believe in the 100k and you remove it from the pedestal.

Speaker 1:

Now we want to consider things will change when you hit 100K. Good and bad in quotes, bad, and at the moment maybe you're focusing on the incredible things that will come when you are making 100K in your business, figuring out what that specifically is for you. But it could be just this sense of accomplishment being full time in your business, proving to yourself that you can really do this. But there will also be things that maybe you aren't going to like or, subconsciously, you don't want to lose. And we need to figure that out because if subconsciously you're aware of something that you don't want, that will come once you've hit the 100k, you will block the clients and the money so that you don't hit the 100k, so you ultimately avoid whatever may come that you subconsciously want to avoid. Are you sticking with me? So what will come when you hit 100k, good and bad? What will you lose?

Speaker 1:

So, for example, maybe well, okay, let's say you're in a business like mine service-based business and clients are how you make money. So when you are earning 100K, it means that you have more clients in your world. Are you ready for that? Have you wrapped your head around working with larger group of women and clients? Do you have the mental capacity and the physical capacity to service that number of clients Like? Are you ready for the number of clients that will come with the 100K and there's so much that we'll go into this again. Get inside mastermind, because we'll go into this specifically for you. But it's like do you have the time, do you have the energy, do you have the systems, do you have the mental capacity, do you have the resources Like there's so much that goes into being able to service your clients have you considered all parts of that? Something else that will come with the 100k is more sales. So do you have the systems for more sales to come in? More inquiries do you have something to handle the number of inquiries that will come once you're hitting 100k? Are you ready to hold on to every part of the 100k?

Speaker 1:

And then, as I mentioned before, there might also be something that you will lose, and I can almost guarantee that you will definitely lose a part of yourself. Let me say that again when you make 100k in your business, you will definitely lose a part of yourself, an identity that you've carried your entire life. What is that? And that's what we need to figure out.

Speaker 1:

So, for me, I grew up dreaming and wanting to be a lawyer, and whenever I talked about that ambition with my parents, they would be so proud and they would always tell people Jessica is going to be a lawyer and everyone would say that's incredible, what a great career. And then when I got into law school, everyone was so happy and again, so proud. They would tell their friends and everyone would talk about how cool it was that I was going to be a lawyer. And then when I got a real job as a lawyer, again so proud and I was getting so much attention and recognition and acceptance within my family. And so I, without realizing, was so scared to be full-time in my business, because being full-time in my business would mean I wasn't going to be a lawyer anymore, which meant that I was going to lose everything that came with that identity. I subconsciously was scared that I would lose the acceptance by my family when I wasn't a lawyer anymore. I was so scared that I would lose the recognition and the attention if I wasn't a lawyer anymore. And until I figured this out, I was subconsciously blocking the results that would allow me to be full-time in my business, because, again, once I was full-time, I was no longer a lawyer, and losing the job as lawyer also meant I was losing a huge part of myself, and so I had to do a lot of work around that.

Speaker 1:

So what will you lose about yourself? And go as deep as you possibly can with that and it's more than just losing a job. Like I said, I wasn't scared about losing the title I'm a lawyer. I was scared about losing the attention and the recognition and the acceptance that I got from everyone around me that was attached to me being a lawyer, that I got from everyone around me that was attached to me being a lawyer. There's so much work we can do here. Again, I'll see you in the mastermind to dig up this stuff. But once you do establish what you're going to lose, it's then important that you either have to heal that or recreate that in your business so that you're not necessarily losing it. So you could have something similar like that Full-time in your business means you're leaving your career, which means you're losing a huge part of you, an identity that you've built your entire life. Another thing that maybe you'll lose once you are at 100k and therefore full-time in your business, is, if you are a mom, potentially losing the time you have right now with your kids.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just thinking about one of my clients that was in her empire at the start of this year and she was a mom of two and she had a health and wellness business. And when she joined her empire she didn't have any clients yet and was kind of still in the earlier stages of business. And while she had the conscious goal to grow her business and get clients and really have a full-time income from this business, she also had a subconscious fear that when she grew her business it would take her away from being a mom and being there for her kids. Because while ever she had no clients or team members to have to deal with and check in with, her schedule within her business was completely hers and there was no pressures or demands coming from clients and team members and things like that. So she really had that flexibility to come in and out of the business and still be there for her kids when they needed her. So if she had, say, tuesday scheduled for a business day but then her. So if she had, say, tuesday scheduled for a business day but then her daughter was sick, she could just jump into mom mode and she didn't have to reschedule or notify anyone. So she had that flexibility. So we worked out later of course she hadn't realized this, but there was a subconscious block there. She was blocking clients and blocking money because of that fear that the more successful her business would be, the less available she would be to be the kind of mom that she wanted to.

Speaker 1:

So it's so important to look at all facets of achieving a goal, not just all of the shiny objects that will come with it, but also potentially losses that you subconsciously know about now and you don't want. We need to bring that to the surface and either do some healing around the fact that it is okay to lose that or figure out a way where you can still gain something and not necessarily lose something, because there's always that option as well. So, really, considering what will come with the 100K, are you ready for it? Do you have the systems for it? What will you lose about yourself? And do we need to do some work around the identity shift that will come once you do activate that next level in your business, and there will be one 100%. It might not necessarily be like the example I gave with my career, but there will definitely be a part of you that will change and that is a huge thing According to your subconscious. Your subconscious doesn't want you to lose anything. It doesn't want your identity to change because it's always. It's who you've always been and therefore it's safe and familiar and comfort, and that's how the subconscious thrives. So you will lose a part of you and it's really important that we figure out what that is and shift to you being okay about it or changing it so you don't necessarily have to. Like in the case with my client, we changed her business model. We changed how clients could find her so that the more successful her business was didn't mean that she was going to be a terrible mother who could never be there for her kids.

Speaker 1:

The final part to this episode is just a pep talk and I want to wrap up by saying this, and doing this was also something I did just prior to the huge quantum leap that I had in my business Stop allowing a life where you don't earn six figures. Make the decision that you will or are already earning six figures and stop being available for anything else. So at the moment, you're weighing up how incredible it would be to be making six figures, but you're also toying with a reality where you don't. We need to completely cut ties with a narrative where you don't hit six figures within the timeframe that you set. We need to completely let go of a reality where it doesn't happen. Burn that bridge, get rid of that plan B and be so committed to it's done and show up like it is already done.

Speaker 1:

Like I spoke about, there's a huge difference in the version you are now and the version you'll be when you've already hit six figures and you consistently hit it. We need to be her now thinking like her, feeling like her, acting like her, making moves in your business like her, making decisions like her. Being her now, you shift into a having energy, not a wanting energy, but it will come down to making the decision. Six figures is my bare minimum. It is my minimum standard. It is the only result I'm available for and my entire being is tuned into it, and I'm simply not available for anything less than that. A huge shift happens inside of you when you make that decision and if you haven't hit the six figure mark, you haven't yet made the decision like that, with your entire being. So make the decision, stop allowing a life where you don't hit the six figures and simply stop being available for anything less than that.

Speaker 1:

I believe in you guys. So so, so much. It's time that you do as well. Believe in your ability to hit six figures in your business. Remove it from the pedestal, consider all parts and make sure it aligns with what you want out of this goal and go for it. Go for it. Go for it like you have never gone for it before and make the decision that it's yours, you're claiming it and you're simply not available for anything else.

Speaker 1:

So there are a lot of journal prompts in there, a lot to think about in there. Please do the journal prompts and really think about the questions that I asked, because, honestly, there is no point us chatting about social media marketing, how to attract your clients If you don't believe in yourself and your ability to hit 100 K, if you don't feel worthy to receive that kind of money, if you don't feel worthy to have actual paying clients or people actually buying your product. If you haven't ticked that off, the best strategy still won't matter. The best content still won't matter. The consistency with the marketing and these business strategies will not matter if you don't believe in yourself. It is the golden ticket to you achieving the 100k. Everything else simply supports your mindset. Your mindset is key.

Speaker 1:

So I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please let me know on Instagram if this landed with you. If you share the episode on your social media, please tag me. Actually, if you could share this episode, that would be amazing. It allows me to share the series with even more women in business who are working towards six figures, and I will reshare your post so my people can see your business and we can collaborate and, yeah, it'll be amazing. So I will see you or talk to you next Monday for part two. We're talking about social media and how to create content that lands and makes your product and service irresistible and therefore people will pay you and therefore you will hit the 100K. And then, in our final episode, we're talking more about just business strategy behind the scenes of actually growing a 100K in terms of the activity and the aligned action that it takes. So I'm really excited for these conversations. Thank you for being here and I will talk to you in the next episode.