Abundant + Aligned

169 // BTS of building two businesses as a mum with HER Empire client, Emily Orr, Health and Wellness Mentor

Jess Martin

This literally covers everything! Starting a new business, time management, setting and achieving big goals, navigating life as a working mum. 

I seriously loved this expansive conversation and I'm so excited for you to listen. 

In this episode we cover:

  • Emily’s journey from personal trainer to successful network marketer.
  • How motherhood inspired her business pivot for more flexibility.
  • The secrets to balancing family life and entrepreneurship.
  • Key mindset shifts and lessons from HER Empire. 
  • Strategies for managing time effectively, including audits and outsourcing.
  • Exciting future projects and business ventures Emily is working on.

Tune in for actionable tips and inspiration!

How to connect with Emily:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emily_jane_orr/
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2lNsakWm4mjt3lYn5y4rS3


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast. I'm so excited that you're tuning into today's episode, which is another guest session today with another one of my beautiful clients, which I'm so excited to have her on. We have been working together for the last four months four or five months in her empire and just this week actually, she has secured her spot for her empire in 2025. So I'm so excited to continue working with Emily. I always say long-term mentorship is seriously gold. So I love when women see the benefit of that and I always just create the most beautiful connections with my clients. So it's always nice to know that we don't have to say goodbye just yet. But for the listeners, I would love to introduce everybody to Emily. Emily, in terms of an intro. Well, firstly, welcome to the show. Thank you, excited to be here. Yay, in terms of an intro, I'm just going to hand the mic over to you. Let's start with a bit of a personal intro first and then tell us about your businesses, which are now two.

Speaker 3:

Yes, two businesses now. So I am actually living in New Zealand, down in Hamilton, and I am a mum of two boys who are 15 months apart. They are now two and three. I've also got two stepdaughters who are a little bit older as well, and I do have now two businesses.

Speaker 3:

My background is actually personal training and I moved out of home maybe 10 and a half years ago with probably less than a thousand dollars and I bought my bed. I bought my bedside table. I was flatting with I don't even know who back then, but I just knew I didn't want to live the life I had in Auckland, and so that was like spending all my day in traffic working for minimum wage and like working all day and I wasn't even covering my bills. So that was where I actually started my entrepreneurship, and it was about the start of 2014. I was 23 and I went out on my own as a personal trainer and that there created so much. I just I love all the lessons from that business, but that probably didn't once I became a mom, like I ended up building that. I started that business with, you know, one-on-one training, and then I realized I wanted a bit more flexibility when I got a bit older, I wanted to have kids, so I built it into a six-figure group fitness business and that there was like blood, sweat and tears into that business.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, so much time went into that and I did free up lots of time. Like I wasn't spending all day taking like physically taking sessions, because I'd managed to put lots of people into one class and they pay just a certain amount of weeks. I could leverage my time, but there was still so much admin I was doing behind the scenes in about a week, so I could leverage my time, but there was still so much admin I was doing behind the scenes. And when I had my first son in 2021, like he took up all that time and that was where I was like, oh my gosh, this is such a life shift. Like I didn't realize how much time a baby would take. Like they will say, yes, they take time. I'm like, okay, now I get it. Like I've actually got a baby and he cries all the time, he needs me, he like nappy changes, he needs sleep, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

There's so much that goes on with kids and that was when I just knew I didn't want to do that business, like I literally just didn't want to do it and it was so hard for me to accept that because that was my, that was my identity and people in Hamilton they knew me for that, they just knew me Yep, emily's the personal trainer person, and so that led me into the business that I have now. It's a network marketing business with Arbonne and that there has actually created so much time. It's the biggest blessing into my life because it's managed to help me create that time with my kids. I've now got two kids who are 15 months apart and I've only had that business with them and I've built it to the top 2% and it's honestly just been a lifesaver because I am a driven mum and I wanted something where I could have my own, like it's my own business and I wanted to work as much as I could or if I you know, if kids got in the way, I didn't need to.

Speaker 3:

And so, yeah, I guess where it led me into meeting you was probably almost three years into my Arbonne business and I just felt like a little bit stuck and I just felt like I was doing all the things but like it just it was kind of just like stale, like it just kind of like didn't move no matter what I did. And it's not a bad, it wasn't a bad place to be stuck, it was just, yeah, I just felt like I needed a bit more help and that's where I reached out to Jess and, yeah, that's where we've kind of got our relationship started and the mentorship started.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it and we've done so much together in that time as well, which I'm sure you'll announce shortly. Your third business, which will be in your life, which is how cool is that? Like you're going to founder three businesses with two kids and also just having a fun life, like I always say you on Instagram, like you're off socializing and drinking and you work out and you are the proof that balance does exist and you can kind of do it all. Before we talk about where you were at with Her empire and why you joined and all of those things, I would love to actually just take you back to when you were a PT. You mentioned you had built that business to six figures and then had a baby and it required a pivot in your business and life.

Speaker 2:

I would love if you can take us behind the scenes of how you navigated that, because in your case you had a baby. So that was the reason for shifting gears in your business and choosing a different way to do business. But I'm sure there was still a lot you had to navigate because you had built so much success in that business. To step away or to realize that there's something else out there. That takes courage and it takes something there. So I'd love for you to like talk about that, because I know in business well I'm sure there's so many listeners who may be at that point now where they've realized they need to, because maybe they've had a baby or maybe that it's like I'm kind of not feeling my business anymore and I want to do something else. So how do you navigate that pivot and change?

Speaker 3:

Honestly, it's probably one of the hardest things was to navigate that change, but it came down to just backing myself, and so it was a bit of a process.

Speaker 3:

I knew I needed a change. Pretty much it was probably coming up. When I was actually the end of pregnancy. I was like, oh man, I'm still running these classes the mornings and nights. I'm actually really tired to get up and take these classes. I'm full. I gave birth at 38 weeks and I think I took my class like three days before I gave birth.

Speaker 3:

Like I was working right up but because when you have your own business like if you're, if you're listening to this podcast, you probably have your own business or you're like you're self-driven and I feel like having your own business never feels like work. So it was just kind of like, but in the back of my head I was like, oh man, this is like really awkward hours now, but I loved the people and I loved the social side of it, and so that was one thing I had to really break down. I was like, okay, what do I love about my business? And I, you know, and like, what do I want if I, if I'm looking somewhere else, like, what do, I need to do it myself and I didn't want to work on anyone's hours. I didn't want to be told what I needed to get paid, so that was never an option, but I did knew I didn't want to start from scratch at that time, um, and so I got myself in like honestly, it was so dark. I remember my husband walking in and he was like not excited to see me and me and my husband have like a great relationship and I could just remember it was like kind of like really that was stale as well. I just remember thinking, man, this, like everything needs to change right now because this is not the life I want to live.

Speaker 3:

Um, but honestly, it came down to backing yourself, backing myself, if you're listening, and you just need to actually know that you can do it and it's it's a power of just going in and just not don't focus on what if it doesn't work like, just focus what if it does work and focus on how your life can look like and focus on you know what your every single day looks like. And one thing I'd tell my team is like, focus on what your everyday wants to look like. Like focus on the little things. Sorry, the little things what I'm trying to say, because your day is made up of the little things. It's not like the big holidays you think about, like your everyday life is needs to be enjoyable, and if you can make your work like a lifestyle, it is so incredible. So, yeah, it was probably just came down to like just backing myself, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love that and just trusting that you will make it work out. And it's easy to get stopped in your tracks when you are so unsure about what the next move is going to be or even look like and, in your case, changing a business. You hadn't done a business like that before. You had no proof that it was going to work out and sometimes that stops people. They're looking for the proof, they're wanting it to be predictable and they're paralyzed by the fear of what if it doesn't work out. And, as you said, you just need to have this self-trust, this inner knowing that, whatever it is, I will make it work, like I will make sure it works.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, a hundred percent yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Now fast forward. So you jumped into your Arbonne business, I guess. Talk about that, what the success of your Arbonne businesses look like. And then, yeah, lead us to where you were at just prior to wanting to join her empire, and I guess you mentioned you were doing everything. So what did that look like and what was missing from your business?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so my Arbonne business is something that I just I love, like I love everything about it.

Speaker 3:

But one thing, the biggest thing I love about it is like the people you're around. The people you're around like really dictates, you've probably heard like you're the power of the five, you're the sum of the five people around you. You know, and it's so true because the people in the Arbonne, the way the business works, is that everyone's there to help each other and so it creates a really incredible community, a lot of fun, but it makes you realize how incredible you can be. And my business was up and down. It wasn't straight to like we did hit the top 2% of the company just over two years into the business, but it wasn't like that. Like I went up, I think I promoted, then I went like I demoted, then I went back up again. Now my business has gone kind of like a little bit down again, but it's on the way back up, like it's one of those businesses where it's not like straightforward.

Speaker 3:

I don't think any business is straightforward, no business is straightforward, to be honest. But it doesn't derail me because I know, like that I just always, every single week, I'm getting a paycheck At the start of every month I get an incredible paycheck and I'm like always grateful for it, because there's some days I don't work and there's some days I'm stuck with sick kids and it's just so powerful, um, but there were things that, like I really wanted to add on to it and I didn't know. I just didn't know how to do it and I feel like I've been I was saying this all the way up until, like this time last year I was saying this this time last year I was on one of their incentive trips and I bought, I went on a girl's trip. I took one of my best friends with me, um, and I was saying I was like I just feel like I'm made for more, like I know I want to carry on with this, but there's something else and I don't know what it is and I just, honestly, I just still couldn't figure it out. And then I carried on, keep, keep going, um, and it kind of got to like March, april, april, may, probably March and April this year.

Speaker 3:

And then I was listening to your podcast and following you online. I can't remember how I found you, but there were you, the Her Empire course you were talking about, and I was like, oh, I feel like this is what I need, just to kind of break down, break a pattern. I just need to break something and it's probably going to help me, like create whatever I'm trying to figure out inside of me. And, yeah, it really did help me.

Speaker 2:

I love what you said about realizing that if something was to change, something needed to change and we can't expect the same results by doing the same thing all the time. Oh sorry, we can't expect different results by doing the same thing all of the time. Again, just wanting to take you back. So you mentioned in your Arbonne business. You ultimately promoted to the top 2% of the company over a two-year period, but during that time there were some ebbs and flows and growth and then coming back down. How did you maintain that level of determination to get back on the bandwagon and just keep moving forward? Again, it happens in business. We could have an incredible month followed by a not so great month. We could have a really successful launch and then the next one could flop. So the ability to hold onto that, knowing that your success is inevitable how did you do that?

Speaker 3:

You just have to have a long-term vision. You just have to know what's going to happen. And yeah, you just have to have a long-term vision. You just have to know what's going to happen and, yeah, you just have to know that you can do it. And this is business and it's no different to any other business. Every business goes up and down.

Speaker 3:

I saw my personal training business have seasons like December, january were always super slow, whereas like August through to probably the start of December, it was so busy. Everyone's like I need to lose weight, I need to feel fit, I need to fit my bikini. Like it was always busy and so you learn to. I learned to budget through that and you know, you know, just learn how to navigate that. And it's the same with this business. Like it's gonna have height, yeah, it's gonna have peaks, it's gonna drops, but I just know that where I'm going with this business and who I can help. Like I know I'll be at the top of the company, I don't know when.

Speaker 3:

I haven't put a timeframe on it because I feel like it puts so much pressure and like I just want to attract people into my life and it's actually been happening. To be honest, there's been such a shift and I was going through my social media the other day and there has been such a shift in the way I show up too, and I feel like I have changed as a person because I want to be like I'm really embodying that future version of myself, like right now, and it's it's so shown through the conversations I'm having with people coming into my business, talking, asking about the business, people using the products. Um, yeah, it's really good just to just to be like so sure about where you're going and just don't let anything derail you, just stay your course and you know inevitably it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that. It's just don't make the slower months mean anything, don't make the smaller launch mean anything about your success. Just stay in that level of certainty. I love that. Now we get to the point where you jump into her empire. You mentioned that you were doing everything in your business and you just weren't seeing the growth that you would expect given the level of activity. I love this conversation because I know that feeling. I was in a place in my when I was in network marketing of just doing everything and not landing and it not sticking. And it's so frustrating and annoying because we are conditioned to believe that hard work is what creates success. So when you're ticking off the hard work box and you're still not creating the success, we have no idea what's going on. So talk to us about that point where you were at then and, yeah, I guess like what was the moment where you decided to jump into her empire yeah, I was honestly.

Speaker 3:

I was on a weekend away with my husband and I was like this course, I literally were probably sitting out in the waterfront. Um, it was actually meant to be a girl's weekend but my bestie, she bailed on me last minute. Her husband last minute made nationals for golf or something. I was like, oh my gosh, we tried so hard to get this girls weekend going anyway. So Luke came along, we had a nice, dragged my husband along. Now we had a good time. But I just remember like we had no kids and we sat on the waterfront, we had a few drinks and I was just saying I need to do this course, like I'm.

Speaker 3:

We always talk. That's what I love about my husband and I is we both have our own businesses and we are both very driven and our conversations are so purposeful. Like it sounds real geeky, I don't know if that sounds geeky or not, but we always speak about what we want in our life and you know, like what we have in our life is honestly because we like, day in, day out, talk about where we're going, what we're doing and all the things. And I feel like this is even more planned out, but like all our holidays next year almost booked because we are so like we just want to know what we're doing and we want to, but we work. I wouldn't say we work. I don't want to like label anything hard or easy, but we do work in between and we do make sure we get our work done.

Speaker 3:

And we're like, and then, but we will say when I say work hard, play hard I don't know where was I going with it um, but we decided that I was like I need to, like I want to grow this business even more. Um, I want to do here empire, um, this is what it is, and we're like, yeah, let's do this. So I let him know, because obviously my income we always know we, you know like it's. It's almost like in one big pool. So I want him to know, like where we're going, what's going out, all the things and it is an investment. But I saw it as like I needed it to shift my mindset. I feel like that was obviously what was holding me back, because I know mindset, I know anyone in business who have done well. They've just worked on themselves, probably more than others, and I was at a point where I just needed a bit more help and that's where I knew like where you could come in and really help me.

Speaker 2:

I love that and again, like we'll talk about this success you've had in her empire and again, you've launched a whole new business since being in there. But a lot of the women who do come into her empire, business strategy is fine, their work ethic is fine, their determination is fine, Like they are doing the activity, it's just not landing where they want. And it is because of that mindset aspect To really recognize that. I was actually having a conversation on someone else's podcast the other day about this, which she actually pulled me up on this when I was at that place where I was working so hard and the results weren't coming, and I mentioned that I worked with a mentor and because I realized that it was something in me that was stopping the results. And she's like that's so powerful that you realize that Because again, some people would just go oh well, the business obviously doesn't work or the products are shit, or it's a bad time of year.

Speaker 2:

But to actually have that reflection of like no, it's something in me is so powerful and so, yeah, I hadn't actually put much weight on that, but it is a really powerful realization. So you've, you've joined her empire. Talk to us about your experience in her empire. More importantly, the success that you have had and the shifts that you experienced.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, also just want to firstly shout out to you because I feel like you totally do over deliver.

Speaker 3:

Like I felt like I feel like every single time you're in that chat like we have this daily chat where we can, we've got all of us are working our businesses at different times, so like we're all there's some days I feel like I just smash out all my questions and you're like holy crap, look at what I've got to go through today. But every single time you're always over-delivering your answers. Like you're super, super helpful. So that's so good, but the modules you've got, it's just a great setup. Like it's definitely like there's this overwhelming overwhelming is not the word, but overemphasize, overemphasis of like working on yourself and making sure you've got a really good morning routine and evening routine, which I think is so important because it is so true. One thing I've brought into since starting Her Empire is every single night I'll put a headphone in my ear and listen to your sleep meditation. I think I've been doing that religiously since May. Maybe a few nights around like away I won't do it, but it's really helps and it does. I feel like it really has helped shift my mindset around so many things. I'm like I'm so capable, like why not? Let's just go, let's bring you know, let's just do this, you know it's, and since then, like there's, there is definitely like things to work through, like the modules all about your subconscious. There is one I really love. I don't know what module it is, it might be an extra one, but it was where you like go back to your childhood memories and you kind of like reprogram your stuff, and I've done that for a few things. It's almost like a 20-minute thing where you like close your eyes, you shut down and you can kind of go back in time and it's almost like you're debunking these thoughts and these beliefs that I didn't even know they meant anything like there's some of them. I'm like, oh, I didn't even think that meant anything as a kid, like some of the situations that come up. But I'm like, wow, they held me back. And because I've debunked it, I'm like, oh, it doesn't matter anymore, like it doesn't even, like it's like I've just like erased it or rewritten it, and it's incredible. So, and I've one thing I think it's helped me is that every time I find myself like that, like I'm stuck, there's something like not right. I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go do that because I know there's something I need to go rewrite from the past and it's really good that I can identify that now.

Speaker 3:

Um, but with your program I've able to what I said earlier in the podcast I was like there's been something on my heart and I don't know what it is, and that is where my new business has come from. I'm like I kind of had this thing. I didn't know how to do it. But my new program I'm really excited about. I feel like it's like 50% done, um, and it was a big reminder about what it's like to actually start a business, because there were so many moving parts and like the overwhelm sometimes was incredible because, like as with little kids, they get sick or they're only.

Speaker 3:

I've just put them in four days a week at daycare, um, but up until like two weeks ago they've only been three days a week and then if they're sick, that's two days a week. I'm like how do I fit this all in? You know? So there's definitely some late nights in there, but it's that was where the overwhelm came on. But I just remember I was like you know what, like whatever I get done today is enough. I know it's in there, but it's. That was where the overwhelm came on. But I just remember I was like you know what? Like, whatever I get done, today is enough. I know it's enough and it's what's meant to be, and I will go again tomorrow and if my kids are sick or if I am needed somewhere else, then it's okay, like I'll go again tomorrow, and so it's been really good to have that mindset shifting me out, to like know that today was enough and I don't have to stay up till midnight to get things done or, um, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love that. And talk to us about the new business, like what is the program? Who are you serving? I'm so excited.

Speaker 3:

I'm so excited. I'm actually like so excited for this because I know I can help so many women and the few people I've talked to about they're like oh my god, that's incredible. Like I feel like I need that. I'm like it's honestly, it's like 12 years of my experience into like a 12 week program. I don't know, well, I do know, but it's basically for the mom, like it's for anyone who has gone through, you know, become a mom and they haven't quite navigated their new life Like they don't quite understand their body hormones, no idea that some food is actually making it worse for them. They don't have a really good mindset around food either.

Speaker 3:

There's a big emphasis on working with your hormones and working with your cycle too. And it was actually interesting because I had a chat with a girl today and she was feeling super emotional and we ended up rescheduling something and I said, oh, this is a really a weird question to ask, but where are you like in your menstrual cycle? And she was like yes, I've just started my period. I'm like, how did I know? Like. But I ended up giving her some advice and just saying like it's totally normal to feel like the way she was, and I feel like we can actually be such powerhouse woman if we are working with our menstru cycle and so, even like I know I've heard you talk about this in your podcast too but you can totally plan to be super productive on the times like within that that cycle, like right now, like this week and next week, I'm like I'm a powerhouse, like this is my powerhouse time. I'm getting shit done the following two weeks, like I'll be a bit more, like give myself a bit more but be a bit more lenient. That was the tongue tie. Do you know what I mean? And so there's a lot to do with that in our program.

Speaker 3:

Um, and there is what else is there? It's like a bi-weekly, so it's like it's a 12-week course. It's called she's a woman. Um, there's all these things about like understanding your food, understanding exercise, understanding hormones. It's basically I want this woman, this mom, to walk out super confident, in control, like just like a full life upgrade and just like kind of walking out and being like I'm the, I'm the boss mom. I am, and I'm just an incredible woman. I'm healthy, I'm fit, I am confident. She's like in control, you know, because I know there's so many moms who aren't like that and yeah, I just can't wait to like create like an army full of women. I love it.

Speaker 2:

Your brand is so much more than just a health and wellness brand as well. Like you said, your goal here is to impact women's confidence and have them feel empowered and have them feel in control of their body, their mindset, their life, their routines. Which I don't have children yet, but you often mention it's like something you just can never expect until you're in the thick of it. So to actually have someone there being like this is normal. But you also can do this to take back control. Like you're not at the beck and call of your kids and your life doesn't have to be over Um so, and I love that you instill that confidence in women you aren't poking at their pain points, being like you're a mom now, so you have to forget about that old way of being and it's all over.

Speaker 3:

You're like, no, like you can still be the woman and have and be a mom, like you can still be the woman and have and be a mom, but you can still be who you want to be. Yeah, you can. You 100 can. And I just want to like make sure, make sure it's known to moms out there and like it's a program that's really focused for new moms but, honestly, like it could, it could apply for any mom who still hasn't really found themselves.

Speaker 3:

Like your kids could be five, they could be 10, because I know women who just get in the thick of motherhood and they just never get out and it's going to be hard, because I totally get it Like I have support around me. So I've got my mother-in-law up the road and she helps out a lot, but she also loves the kids and we also, like I didn't grow up with any grandparents and I've seen my stepdaughter grow up and have an incredible relationship with her grandma, which is my husband's mom, and so we've always said from day one like we want them to have like a really good relationship with their grandma as well. So it's so nice to have that balance that I know, you know we do have her help up the road if we do need, but also they've got that and they love going to her house. Like we say, they love it, you know.

Speaker 2:

I love that perspective as well, because often moms from conversations that I get into have that guilt that we can't go away because they focus on the guilt and they're doing something wrong. But you've just mentioned no, like potentially you're doing something wrong by the kids by always just being the only person they hang out with. Like you said, they love going to grandma's house. It's doing them a favor as well. Yeah, just a change in that perspective. I'd love you to talk to us about how you have navigated starting this business that you had never done before. So you were a PT back in the day, but that was working directly with clients, so a different format. Then you were in network marketing, or you still are in network marketing, so that's a different format Again. Having this online program is a whole different business in itself. So talk us through navigating something new and working through what felt very overwhelming and unfamiliar and just getting the work done.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was definitely overwhelming to start and I think it was because with my network marketing business, which is not going anywhere, I'm absolutely like in love with that business. But it's so easy. You just turn up and everything's done for you, like if you guys aren't familiar with network marketing businesses like it's all done for you. You basically sign up, you recommend products, you recommend the business, you help people, and that's kind of it like then Arbonne takes to give shipping, all the other stuff, like it's so easy, they've got all the marketing done. But with your own business, like you've got to set it all up. And that's where I was getting the overwhelm, cause it kind of like took me back, like if I could have done it before, and I'm like, okay, I've done this before, emily, like remind yourself, you're, okay, you've done this. But it was kind of like getting my head back around, like all that needs to be done, and I guess what I came down to I was like, okay, I've done this before, like it's, it's no different, like I feel like any business is probably a similar structure. You've just got to kind of get set up the groundwork and understand like who your niche is, how you want to run it. Like you've got to understand how you want to run your business and then build it.

Speaker 3:

And I think the biggest part for me was actually fully understanding who my niche was and who I really wanted to help, because I had all these ideas that I wanted to do and, honestly, I probably fine-tuned that niche, that person I'm trying to talk to like seven or eight times. Like every time I do it I'm like no, there's something missing. Then I go back and forth with you and then I'm like write it on these. Like I don't know, you can't see anyone on this podcast, can't see anyone, anything anyway. But on my walls I've got all this brown paper and these whiteboards. And like back to basic pen and paper stuff.

Speaker 3:

Because you had to get, like I wanted to make sure this was something that's going to actually help people, not just like another program or like fully knowing who I'm speaking to and like their problems and that's one thing you'll help me with too. Like you actually have to like niching down. Do you know what I mean? Like if you actually are speaking to one person, you're going to attract the right people, but if you speak to everyone, you don't speak to anyone, and it's so true.

Speaker 3:

So that's why I really wanted to get the niche down, um, but I think the biggest hurdle was, like I'm still running my art bomb business my mum comes first. I've got all the house jobs to do. Like I'm also the person who takes care of like, the groceries, like the accounts, like all the things, like anything to do with the house washing. Like those are full-time jobs. I end up getting a cleaner and we get them in twice um, twice a month fortnight. So it like gives up two hours of it, helps out with cleaning, but like, yeah, you kind of feel like you've got so many hats on, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like, where the hell am I going to fit this business in? And how have you fit it in? Like, what have you done to help with that? Because, again, like there's people out there that have these beautiful incredible business ideas, but they haven't started yet.

Speaker 3:

Because of that reason, they just can't find the time. I think my two biggest tips would be be protective of your own like what you're consuming and your own mindset. So making sure like your morning starts on your terms, like don't roll over and like check your phone, um, like get up and be intentional with your morning. Like you know, every morning I'll wake up and my eyes might not even be open, but I'll like think of three things I'm grateful for, and they're different every day, and sometimes I'm like I'm grateful for my kids only woke up twice last night. Do you know me? And some people could be like gosh, my kids woke up twice last night. I'm so tired. But no, you have to like spin it. You have to put everything, like spin everything around to positive, um, like being careful what you're consuming on social media. But the second thing is also like being you have to be really planned out. You have to know your plans, and so I've got like two ways of planning things I've got.

Speaker 3:

I actually did a podcast episode on this and it's been like one of the most listened to podcasts. It is about how to plan your weeks but also have fun in it, and I use the notes section. So I've got an iPhone, so I use a note section on that and I literally have Monday to Sunday like as their own little notepads, and then I just like go through every single day what I want to do, and I have had to learn to not put too much on there because then it like, then you just feel like you get nothing done. But if you kind of like reduce it but make it like, but still get stuff done, you can't. You do feel like, and that's also because it's got a tick box on it. So if you tick it off, you're like, ah, the best feeling, the best feeling, yeah, and you finish the day then like it's I do know what.

Speaker 3:

To this day I still don't even take everything off. Okay, like I don't, I'm like I'm not perfect, but I get most of it done. I'm like, gosh, I got a lot done today, you know, um. And then I tie that in with my calendar. I just make sure, like if there's anything like appointments, like any appointments and stuff go on my calendar. So I just I go back every Sunday night, I'll sit down, look at my week and then I know, like what my weeks are at. Um, and yeah, just being very protective of your time, who you hang out with, I'm gonna say it's your mind, it's who you hang out with.

Speaker 2:

Eh, that's the biggest thing, yeah yeah, you could be with a group of women who are complaining about their life, saying they have no time, and like the victim mentality, and then you will get sucked into that. But if you're around conversations just like we're having right now, where it's like look for the good, be grateful for it, all be accomplished, like you're like oh my God, it's a whole, and it's like being able to identify that too.

Speaker 3:

Like the gym I go to out the road, there's some incredible women there, but there's also, like there's still the conversations you can hear that like they're not the ones I want to be around and so like I just purposely just don't engage in those, or like you won't find me hanging out with you know, like doing a group session with those people. And it's not to say they're bad, it's just like I'm so protective of my energy and because anything can like knock you, and if you start thinking that, like anything you focus on is going to like is it manifest, is it the word for it Like you're going to start focusing on it. So, if you start hearing these bad things, you're going to keep thinking of it. But if you keep focusing on, like the positives and you know, spinning it on like a positive, like the way you want to be going and people supporting your goals, like it's there's a no brainer, you're going to, you're going to get there. So yeah, 100%.

Speaker 2:

And what I loved as well in there with your time management I love that you mentioned that you got a cleaner. So I've been having these conversations. I must be with the girls in the academy, or maybe it's your group chat, I don't know, but yeah, no, it's the academy and one of the women in there has just been so time poor and I said okay, go and do an audit of your week. I want to know exactly what you're doing in your entire week where you're spending your time, and then we're going to come back and we're either going to delegate so, like you mentioned, get a cleaner or get your groceries delivered, instead of going to do the groceries Um, see if someone can pick the kids up a couple of days a week or we're going to get rid of things, cause a lot of the things we do in our week don't need to be there.

Speaker 2:

Um, like, how often do we just randomly pick our phone up and start scrolling Instagram and not even realize our brain's done and we're like, oh my God, there goes 20 minutes, like little things like that, and it's, there's so much in there that you can actually get back. Like, so much time you can actually get back. But I just love what you mentioned about getting a cleaner. So I know our brains instantly go to well, that's money for a cleaner, it's money to get my groceries delivered, it's money to put the kids in daycare for an extra day.

Speaker 2:

But I encourage everyone work out what your hourly rate is. And let's say it's $100 an hour for you to clean your house. Let's say it takes two hours. You've just spent $200 to clean your house, whereas a cleaner will probably cost $60 for two hours. So when you start to look at it from that point of view, you're actually spending more by you doing it. And yeah, like just realizing paying for help is actually more money in your pocket because it's more time and you can't put a price on that.

Speaker 3:

I know and that's one thing I want to get like implement in the first half, like the first quarter of next year, is like getting like a PA, but I don't know how to like. I'm like feel like my every week is so different and when you're a mum, like every week is so different, so I just don't know how to do it. So I've still to figure out how to get that done. But I know I know my time's better spent like creating another, like with this program, building my Arbonne business, like actually helping others, rather than doing like the folding and the washing and run around to the post office or pick up this. Do you know what I mean? But I just don't know how to put that together. So there's still things I'm navigating. And also, just on that topic, before we even started this podcast we couldn't even get our microphones working.

Speaker 2:

Eh, and we were like we should have had that recorded because we couldn't, and like guys like you, just we don't know everything, you just have to do it. Yeah, yeah, I was like damn it. I wish we were recording this, because we were both just sitting here for 10 minutes going. Can you hear me not? Can you hear me now? What about now?

Speaker 3:

no, and then we got it working. I couldn't even see you. I was like, okay, I can see you now. But I was like, oh yeah, we'll just figure it out um, but that's it.

Speaker 2:

You just gotta jump in and just figure it out as you go, and that should be everybody's life motto. Um, yeah, I'm loving this combo. Um, now what's next for you?

Speaker 3:

you've got so much just starting, so there's still so much to come your way honestly, I feel like I'm just scratching the surface and that's why I really want to do another round and I am. I'm gonna do another round and I am going to do another round with you. You've got me for another six months. How exciting. There's more I want to do with that. Like she's a Woman is. There's so much more than that one course that's coming out and I know there will be more and I have got them planned out, but I just feel like I just really want to focus in on that one right now.

Speaker 3:

I really want to focus in on growing my album business again, like even more again, because that's like I just obsessed with that. There's so many reasons I'm obsessed with that business and I've I'm currently getting someone. That's how. Something else I've outsourced is my website, because I was not good at doing that. I spent so much time.

Speaker 3:

So that's going to be like a really good way to find me, but it's probably not going to be live until the start of November, but it's a really good way to find ways you can fit into my world and like there'll be something for everyone, because I know some people obviously don't want to do an album business or maybe they're not interested in products. Maybe they need something else Like and that's where they can find a place in my world and I'm really excited about that because I know that's what I was being trying to uncover this last year or two. And also starting the podcast. I started that podcast July this year and it actually ranked like I don't know what it ranked it ranked like top 30 or was it top 20?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it was top 20. I think it was like 17 or something.

Speaker 3:

I remember screenshot and I can't remember. It's on my Instagram somewhere, but it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time, probably like two years, but I haven't wanted to do it because I knew I couldn't commit. And this year there's been a shift in my kids. So, like last September through to this May, with the busiest time with my kids, I remember thinking I just can't do anything, like I was struggling so much to get anything done, but it was just the age gap, the 15 months. They were both just like literally killing each other. They were on me all the time. I was just overstimulated and I just felt like it was just never time and then, like it, kind of freed up. I was like I feel like they have and they had definitely easy. I wouldn't say that. I feel like that it's probably another phase where something else will come up, but yeah, so I really wanted to make that.

Speaker 3:

Something like this podcast is something that I really wanted to be able to do weekly and I think I've only ever missed like one week on it, which is really good, and I just like that was something else you helped me with is just like planning it and I kind of like bulk, do my recordings so that way I don't have to do it every single week. I'm just like that's another thing with my calendar, just making sure I'm really precious with my calendar, yeah. So I'm really excited to see what next year brings. I know it's going to be a big year. I actually want to put it out there that I want to make 200K with my online businesses and I have never done that so well. I've never done any business. So I'm really excited because I'm putting it out there and the universe will bring it to me 100% and you're making the moves for it to come your way.

Speaker 2:

You know you are launching a new business which will bring in more income. You are working on yourself, which means you're a match for more money. You're getting in a container like the mastermind. So you're constantly around expansive conversations and constantly with people who are running to those kinds of figures. It's, it's normalized, it's like a standard. So, yeah, it's 100% happening next year. I have no doubt it's happening. It is so exciting. Well, thank you so much for this conversation. We've actually covered a lot in there which I knew we would, because you're doing it all and you're navigating it all and you're just so relatable in that respect. So thank you for sharing all of that. Now, where can they find you? Where are you hanging out? What's your podcast? When's the program launching All of that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, so your best place to find me is on Instagram and it's Emily Jane or there's underscores under the Emily Jane or um yeah, link in the show notes. I think they all do that anyway, but that's the best, best place to blessed place to find me. I get tongue-tied. I was just saying this. My podcast I just recorded before this. My brain works so fast that sometimes it can't come out. I just like I just it's honestly a problem, like I just always get tongue-t. It's honestly a problem. Like I just always get tongue tied. It's so bad.

Speaker 3:

But hey, um, yeah, so you can find me on Instagram. I am on there every single day and then I also have my podcast, which is mothers in business. So that is where I really try to help you navigate, like running a business and being a mom and everything in between. I also share a bit of my life on there and at the moment I'm actually running like a five-week or a five-part women's health series. That's like a really it's a really good way to capture my new business that I'm doing. And, yeah, my website will be out soon, which will be a really good way to find me, which will be on my Instagram.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah and yeah, keep an eye out for her program, because if you are a mom a new mom or not even a new mom, like you said if you're just a mom and you want to get yourself back, then this program because I know what's going into it is literally what you need. It's going to be an incredible program, a one-stop shop for everything you need to really step into the identity as a woman that you want, even while you're a mom and even while you have a business and a wife like you still exist, and there's a way to find that. So, but yeah, as I said, all of those links will be in the show notes below, so just scroll down and go and find Emily. Please let her know, send her a DM. If you enjoy this episode.

Speaker 2:

It's really nice to hear from the listeners that something landed, so if you could do that, that would be amazing. Well, thank you so much, emily. I'm so excited that we can continue this work together and I know for a fact that 200K year is yours and this new brand is going to be such a success and I'm so honored to be a part of it all.

Speaker 3:

Yay, thank you so much. Thank you so much for your help and having me on today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's do it Well to the listeners. Thank you so much for tuning in and I will talk to you guys in the next one. Don't forget we have the incredible six-figure series happening at the moment. So among this episode will be those episodes. So make sure you're tuning in if you are in business and you're ready to grow and expand. But otherwise I will talk to you guys next one, thank you.