Abundant + Aligned

173 // Guarantee illogical results with this episode 😮‍💨 Why upgrading your subconscious is a MUST w/ Katie Bambrick, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist

Jess Martin

Ready to tap into the power of your subconscious mind and upgrade your life FAST? 

In this episode, we’re chatting with Katie Bambrick, an NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist. If you’re curious about mindset shifts, personal growth, and how to reprogram your subconscious for success, this one’s for you!

Here’s what we cover:

  • Why upgrading your subconscious mind using these powerful modalities is the fastest way to change your life. 
  • How to use subconscious modalities to upgrade your money mindset, break-free from limiting patterns and remove limiting beliefs holding you back from your dream life. 
  • The key characteristics you must understand about the subconscious mind and how it's controlling your life experiences. 
  • Practical tools like affirmations, journaling, hypnotherapy and mindful practices to help you start rewiring your brain today.

Instagram: @katiebambrickcoaching


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Speaker 1:

And if there is something that you have been working towards and you haven't been able to see it come to fruition in your life and you feel a lot of frustration around it, sometimes even resentment around it, chances are there is a secondary gain. There is something that, on a subconscious level, you are doing to keep you safe and to keep you in the familiar. We will choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned.

Speaker 3:

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode and I'm loving the lineup. I have another guest speaker here with me today and these conversations are just providing so much value, and this one I'm particularly excited for today because we are going to be chatting all about the subconscious mind and really using the different modalities that are available to upgrade the subconscious program to get the life that you want, which is the biggest vibe. So, to help us with that combo and to inspire us as to what is actually possible, I do have Katie here. Katie, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited. I'm so excited.

Speaker 3:

So Katie and I have done an episode on her podcast and it was a really good conversation. So I know this one's going to be just as powerful and, like I said, I love that we are in alignment with the power within the subconscious mind and what can actually come when you know how to upgrade that. But we will get to that. Let's kick off first with a bit of an introduction. I'd love to hand the mic over. Personal intro, business intro. Tell us all the things, sure.

Speaker 1:

So, hey everyone, my name is Katie, I am another Aussie, but I live in Edinburgh. So I chose to live in one of the coldest places. Don't ask me why. It's like really dark right now. So I'm questioning my life choices. But I live in Edinburgh, it is a gorgeous place and I am an NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist.

Speaker 1:

So, for those who might not be aware, nlp stands for neuro-linguistic programming. Essentially, what I do is I help people reprogram their subconscious minds. I work with both business owners and people that don't own their own businesses on breaking old habits, patterns, behaviors, thoughts that they are sick to death of. Essentially Because a lot of people come to me and they've done talking therapy, they've been to psychologists and, although that is extremely valuable work, what I often see is that I've got the awareness behind their self-sabotaging behaviors or things that keep happening in their lives, those patterns that keep reoccurring in their lives, and they're aware of what they do, they know what's going on, but they haven't been able to stop it. And that's where the subconscious reprogramming comes in with hypnotherapy and NLP, because I'm actually able to bypass the conscious mind, get to the subconscious mind and rewire the neural pathways so that they start to think differently, believe differently, act differently, and then they see different results.

Speaker 3:

Which is why I love this work because, as you said, for a lot of us, we're aware of the shit that's getting in the way of what we want, we are aware that we self-sabotage, we are aware that we have these limiting thoughts, but where we get stuck is knowing what to do next and, as you mentioned, a lot of what we get taught is just dealing with that conscious, surface level way of thinking and feeling and believing and to know how to get in. It's an art, but, as you said, it really does unlock so much potential. So how the hell did you end up in this field? Have you always wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Speaker 1:

No, that's the short answer to that question. I never thought I would be a business owner. But that's funny because then, as soon as I started working for other people, I was like, hmm, I'm not loving this and I always struggled to look, I was a fine employee, I did what I had to do and I showed up and I worked, but I don't think I ever really went above and beyond because I struggled to do that for someone else's business. So it was interesting that I ended up working for myself and my dad also works for himself. So I think what I often see with people that run their own businesses is that usually someone in the family is also another entrepreneur as well, another business owner. So I didn't see it in the cards for me, but it obviously ended up happening and I love it. But I didn't have a very straightforward career path either. So I used to be a teacher. I used to teach early years, didn't love that.

Speaker 1:

Then I went into marketing and I did really enjoy marketing and it was when I worked in marketing that I started my own business and I was doing a lot of like marketing and sales coaching.

Speaker 1:

So that is how I actually discovered neurolinguistic programming. I'd always had an interest in self-development and psychology and, of course, marketing and sales is very linked to human psychology because linked to human behavior and buying, like you know, consumer behavior. So I ended up discovering NLP and hypnotherapy through that and it just felt like the logical next step, because what I was finding when I was working with clients is that sometimes it wasn't just the strategy that they needed help with. I could give them the strategy and tell them literally step by step what to do, but they were getting in their own way, they were self-sabotaging, they were self-doubting, procrastinatinginating, being perfectionists, and I just felt a little out of my depth when it came to actually helping them. So that was when I qualified in NLP and hypnotherapy and then I have gone all in on that because I'm so obsessed with it. So it was not the most straightforward path, but but I got.

Speaker 3:

I got to where I got in the end, so it's fine. You followed the breadcrumbs and you stayed curious. I love that so much and I already love where these conversations going, because it's also very important to me that we are blending the strategy but also the mindset work, and what we often see in business is women focusing so much on the strategy and they're doing literally everything right. As you said, they're following step by step by step in order to change their life or grow their business or whatever it may be. But, like 95% of everything is coming from that subconscious and when we're not focusing on that, when we're not doing the right mindset work, the blocks remain and that's what leads us to being so frustrated, especially for those driven women who are literally doing all the things right and not seeing the results that they would like. So talk to us a little bit about what NLP is and what you actually do with your clients.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So a lot of people haven't heard of NLP. It's sort of a bit of a mixed bag. When I tell people what I do, they're like what on earth is that? And then some people are like oh yeah, nlp. I know NLP. So NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it is all about using patterns of language and also a lot of visualization.

Speaker 1:

So I do a lot of NLP interventions is what they're called on, my clients. So if someone comes to me, for example, and they have a lot of anxiety or they have a lot of problems with believing in themselves and confidence, what we do is we look for what that belief is underpinning their behaviors. So when someone comes to me and they're anxious, we'll look at okay, what's their core belief underpinning that? Because anxiety really is just a symptom of a bigger problem. So, for example, they might have a core wound. We typically have one of four or we'll have multiples of four if we're really lucky, and it will be.

Speaker 1:

I'm not enough, I am unworthy, I am not deserving and I'm unlovable, and so usually that is the underpinning belief of our problems.

Speaker 1:

People come to me with loads of different problems, so they present in different ways, but we tend to come back to those four core wounds, and so what we do with NLP is we look for that core wound and then we do interventions based on that. So one of the most common ones that I do with my clients is timeline therapy, where I get them to visualize them going back to when they took that belief on and then actually change that belief and instead of taking all the negative lessons, the negative emotional lessons from when that event happened to them, they take positive ones about themselves and then they can actually integrate that into their life. So it's hard to explain sometimes, but when you're in a session with someone it essentially is a lot of visualization, a lot of also mindset coaching, so a lot of like pulling questions and answers out of my clients, because we always have the answers in ourselves. It's just take someone else sometimes to facilitate getting that answer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and talk to us about how that is even possible. Like what, what qualities or traits or whatever does the subconscious have that does allow you to get in and manipulate a memory and then suddenly you've changed that root belief.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the subconscious mind is so fascinating because 95% of everything we do is down to the subconscious, and so that means like our emotions, our beliefs, our thoughts, our behaviors, and we can make decisions on a conscious level. But most of the time, unless we're really fighting against our natural instincts, we will make that decision based upon our subconscious blueprint of how we view and see the world. And so, when it comes to actually changing beliefs, the reason why it's so hard to do that on a conscious level and, as I before people come to me having done therapy and having having done that kind of talking work is that they've been working on a conscious level and you can still have big breakthroughs, but unless you have done subconscious work, it's really, really hard to change. And what I love actually about subconscious work is you can see changes really quickly.

Speaker 1:

People think that doing the work has to take years and years and years and years and years, and I always actually question people. I'm like, if they've been in therapy for like 10 years, I'm like is it serving you? Like, what are you doing? Yeah, um, because I'm like, if you're looking at the same issues again and again, okay, we're just ruminating now and that actually starts to become unhealthy and unhelpful. Yeah, so what I love about what I love about subconscious work is that it's you're using various strategies, a lot of visualization I mean with hypnosis I'm getting my clients into a really relaxed, trance-like state and you're in a theta brainwave state, which essentially just means that your mind is open and receptive to change. It's like that state you're in just before you're about to drift off to sleep, and that's where you can actually access the subconscious, because your conscious mind is switched off at that point, and so you can bypass all of that noise, all of the logical mind, all of that resistance, and just get straight to the subconscious and rewire it.

Speaker 3:

I could not believe it how quickly you can change. When I started doing this work personally within my own life a few sessions and I had completely removed old beliefs that were creating this pattern within my life, like repetitively just seeing the same pattern unfold. Two sessions cleared that memory and that belief and the pattern stopped, which is why I've made it so much a part of my work. And my clients are the same. They're like this stuff is insane. I'm like I know we cannot make logical sense of this, but it's the power of the subconscious mind. Now talk to us about hypnotherapy, because there is often a stigma around that, like we imagine someone on the stage turning into a chicken. It's always a chicken. Yeah, what really is it. And how do you use that with your clients?

Speaker 1:

Again, it's one of those things that when I say to people like, especially if I'm at networking events, people in the coaching industry are a little bit more open to it, I think. But when I go to with very like other business owners who are like accountants and solicitors and things, when I say that I'm a hypnotherapist, they're either super interested or they're like, oh, and they probably think I am, yeah, crazy, crazy, that is not real. That's not real. Yeah, and there's so much stigma around it. And you're right, it's because what we see in the films, what we see on tv, is like more performative type hypnotherapy, where people are like literally being like, not almost. It looks like they're being knocked unconscious and people like I don't believe that it's almost. It brings the skeptics out for sure, and I can totally see why that is the case. I don't make my clients eat onions or clock like chickens during sessions. What hypnotherapy essentially is? It's very, very similar to meditation. The real difference between meditation and hypnotherapy and there are there are lots of differences, but the one main one that I say is that meditation is used for like grounding, becoming more present in the moment, connecting with yourself.

Speaker 1:

Hypnotherapy is designed to rewire your subconscious mind is actually to change your subconscious thoughts and beliefs, and that's the that's the purpose of hypnotherapy. And what you do in a session of hypnotherapy is I get my client will usually talk for about 20 to 30 minutes beforehand see what's coming up in my client's life, do some coaching in that sense, see what beliefs are coming up for them, and then we'll go into the hypnotherapy session and so they either like sit or they lie down and I do an induction, so I just get them to a really, really relaxed state and then I do a visualization exercise with them. Essentially. So that's how hypnosis is so effective is that you're using loads of metaphorical language, loads of metaphors to because the subconscious mind loves that to actually break patterns. So, for example, I had a client recently who came to me with a phobia and we looked, I used lots of metaphors. I didn't even mention her phobia in the actual hypnotherapy session. What I did was I got her to visualize her fear presented in different ways. So it would be like a big rock, and then she has to break the rock, or she is going to like see a word like a big rock, and then she has to break the rock or she is going to, like, see a word painted on a canvas and then she's going to repaint over that canvas. Things like that are really powerful to the subconscious mind, and so that's essentially what a hypnotherapy session looks like, and then I'll bring them out of hypnosis.

Speaker 1:

And people are often like, oh, that felt like it was like five minutes and it would have been like 30 minutes. Yeah, right, and they're aware of every. Yeah, they're usually aware of everything I'm saying the entire time. Some people forget what happened, but most people are aware of what I've said the entire time. They can remember everything. They can come out of that relaxed state whenever they want. So you're in total control. And I think that's what sometimes puts people off. Is they think they are going to go unconscious, that I'm going to be in total control of them, that it's all about mind control, but I can't hypnotize someone unless they want to be hypnotized, and they're not. They're not unconscious, they're not unaware of what's going on. They are aware the entire time of, like, what I'm saying. They're just in a really relaxed state. It's like almost like a spa for the mind, is how I describe it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and again, like it's such a cool thing to learn more about because it holds so the subconscious, holds so much power over our lives, but it can be changed quite quickly and easily. You know, like, obviously, consistency and repetition and knowing the art to communicate to the subconscious is important, but people go their entire lives carrying around this limiting story about themselves or, as you mentioned, phobias or allergies, and we can change it all and that's why I love having these conversations Like we are never stuck where we are right now and there is another way to think and feel and believe, and that's going to have the most profound ripple effect on your life. What's one insane story that you could tell us? That something like that you've helped a client work through or heal from in a session.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, I'm like oh my God, I was having a sales call with someone yesterday actually and she was talking to me about anxiety. And it was funny because when I was talking to her, I was having a sales call with someone yesterday actually and she was talking to me about anxiety. And it was funny because when I was talking to her I was like I, she was wondering about how many sessions. You know people always like how many sessions does it take to see results? And obviously it's like how long is a piece of string? Everyone's very different. Some people can do it like one session's enough, and then sometimes it's like like 10, 20, doesn't? You can't put a number and it depends on so many different factors. But I was saying to her, I was like I've not ever had a client come to me and do hypnosis and not seeing results ever. And it's just so, so powerful. And even some people that are skeptical are amazed at the results.

Speaker 1:

I've had clients come to me, for example, I always find it really fascinating when people come to me around money mindset, because I think it's one of those things that we link it so heavily to strategy and of course strategy is so important that no one is debating that. But when people come to me for money mindset, it's so fascinating how quickly people can see results and when they remove those blocks. So I had a client come to me and she had issues around worthiness and she believed that she really had to prove herself in order for someone to buy from her. She didn't believe that people would pay high ticket they did. She didn't believe that she could sell to people without discounts or early bird bonuses, that kind of thing. And we did two sessions. Um, and she was like she messaged me a few days after our session and she was like I just had two people come to me paying for. So it's so fascinating how it can happen really quickly and you can see that evidence fast you know, yeah and yeah.

Speaker 1:

I always love like seeing when the tangible meets the intangible and you sort of see the evidence for it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like there's actual proof there of the change. It's not just a matter of like oh, I feel better. It's like I went from being broke to now having two full-plane clients. Or I had a girl on here once before and she did it's a particular modality matrix reprinting or something, but it's still a modality using the subconscious mind and she healed from a peanut allergy that she had had since she was two years old. Oh, wow, yeah, and she was anaphylactic. It was deadly for her. And yeah, just another modality using the subconscious, and she's fully healed from it. And now she's a practitioner in that area and she always does photo shoots of her eating like actual peanut butter.

Speaker 1:

That blows my mind I've not dabbled with that. I think I'd be a bit nervous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know, that's what I said. I was like the first time you had a peanut would have been so scary, but she's like, no, like I. I just knew within me that it was gone and it was yeah, crazy, so crazy, um, that it was gone and it was yeah, crazy, so crazy, um. Now, because we do have a lot of women who listen to this podcast, who are in business or who just have a desire for more in their life more money, more luxury, more freedom. What is something that you recommend to people? Obviously, like, coming to you for a session is ideal, but is there anything that people can start to do within their own lives, habits, routines, one of your favorite exercises to help them do this? Or is it a matter of, like, you literally need to work with an expert?

Speaker 1:

Of course it helps to work with an expert especially with things like hypnotherapy and NLP, I would say but there is lots of work you can do around reprogramming your subconscious mind without that, and the first step is always annoying to say, but it is awareness. It's creating awareness around why you don't have what you want yet, and so a really great exercise that I like to do and get my clients to do, is actually figure out the fears underlying why you might not have what you want. Say, for example, you want to meet the love of your life and write on a piece of paper you're like, okay, if I were to meet the love of my life, what's the worst thing that could happen? And then people might write well, I could get heartbroken, I could get rejected. Um, the same thing that happened to me with my ex might happen again. I might get cheated. So, all right, list out all the things that are coming to you and they might not come to you immediately. So just sit with it and just be like, okay, this is coming up, this is coming up, this is coming up. And there you've got potentially the reasons why you haven't brought this into your life yet, because on a subconscious level, you might be afraid that that those things can happen to you. And then, once you know those things, you don't need to keep looking back at the past. What I love to do with my clients is actually like, usually the first session we will look quite a lot, look a lot at the past, but after that it's very future focused, because I'm like cool, we know why it's happened, we get it, let's, let's move forward now and let's look at what you do want. And so when you know, okay, these may be the potential blocks going on for me this is what's coming up journal on a few of those things, see, see again what comes up.

Speaker 1:

And there there are like so many subliminal YouTube videos out there that I think are really great. There are again. There are online hypnosis as well. So I I have a mindset lounge, which is a membership for people that want to do mindset work but maybe don't quite have the budget or the time right now to do one-on-one work, but maybe don't quite have the budget or the time right now to do one-on-one work. And I have a library of hypnosis, so there's offers like that that are low ticket or that, I think online as well. Actually, I have not actually dabbled much with like online random people's hypnotherapy, but there would be things out there that you could find for sure. So just about being resourceful and and looking at, okay, like what is the belief that's probably underpinning why I don't have what I want yet, if it's money or more luxury, or if it's health or whatever that you want, and then, with a lot of repetition, you will find that you'll start to see results.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you're doing more conscious work, like affirmations because I do also really love doing conscious work I think that can be really powerful too. Um, things like journaling and affirmations you just make sure that you're doing it in a way that you feel is believable, because if you don't believe it, your subconscious is not going to believe it. You can feel it within yourself. If you're saying an affirmation that doesn't really resonate, so using softening words, yeah, exactly. So if you're, if you're broke and you're like I'm're like I'm a millionaire, I'm a millionaire, you're like, okay, well, it doesn't it actually? Yeah, exactly, you're not, and it's further reinforcing your negative belief that you're broke, so it can actually have the opposite effect on you.

Speaker 1:

So, just saying something that might be a bit softer, so like I am becoming more financially educated. It doesn't sound as sexy, but that is something that you could probably hopefully get on board with and if it doesn't, then choose something that is so using bridging, softening words really helps. Like that, having affirmations as an app called ThinkUp and you can record yourself saying your affirmations and it's free. There's a free version of the app, so that can be a really good thing to do, like if you're going on a walk or whatever. Put some like nice music on in the background, put your affirmations on, go for a walk and with repetition it helps a lot. But, of course, the best way really is to work with a professional, if you can.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love that, the exercise that you mentioned at the start, the awareness piece and just writing down all of your fears and worst case scenario Again, I remember when I did that back in the day and it was just like pages and pages and pages and pages of like fears and reasons why I actually didn't want the thing I thought I wanted. And I remember that like that's when the penny dropped for me, I was like, wow, this makes sense now, like again, I wanted all of these things, this big beautiful dreamy life. Consciously, subconsciously, I wanted all of these things, this big beautiful dreamy life. Consciously, subconsciously, I wanted something completely different.

Speaker 3:

And now again, this is a conversation I love to have with my clients because it seems so simple, but unless you are thinking about it in that way, you likely have not thought about it in that way the amount of fear you actually have around the success that you're saying you want, or the amount of fear you actually have around having money that you're working so hard to create, you know, like you can't create what you demonize and we do demonize so much stuff, especially if you've lived in a family where all you've heard your entire life is, you know money doesn't grow on trees and money is limited and you've got to play it safe and there's so much in there that is going to keep us stuck until we have that awareness piece. But yeah, again, like when I, when I did that exercise and just the light bulb moment I had, I was like holy shit, I get it now.

Speaker 1:

I get it. Yeah, there's always. There's always something that we are gaining from a negative behavior or something that we have in our lives that we don't really want anymore, like a negative pattern. So, on a subconscious level, we want safety, we want familiarity, even if it's not what we consciously want. So consciously we're like I want more money, I want more money, like everyone wants more money.

Speaker 1:

But on a subconscious level, you have all of these beliefs, maybe from when you were growing up and, by the way, it doesn't have to always be. I think people are like I don't have a money story, like I grew up with enough, and it's like trust me, everyone has a money story. There is something in there. The richest people in the world can have such a scarcity mindset, so it really doesn't matter what you grew up with. There'll be be some money stories around that, good and bad for everyone. Yeah, and if there is something that you have been working towards and you haven't been able to see it come to fruition in your life and you feel a lot of frustration around it, sometimes even resentment around it, chances are there is a secondary gain. There is something that, on a subconscious level, you are doing to keep you safe and to keep you in the familiar, we will choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven. Any day of the week yeah, I'm wired.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love seeing that quote circulating the internet right now. I've been seeing it so much and, um, yeah, again, it's so true. And like, again, that was a big awareness I had. Um, I wanted my business to take off. I was still working as a lawyer. I wanted my business to take off. I was still working as a lawyer. I wanted my business to take off so much. But if I actually grew and made the money that I wanted, a fear that I had was that I wouldn't be able to be relatable to my friends and my family anymore and like they wouldn't be proud of me because I wasn't a lawyer anymore. And again, I just remember that light bulb moment so much. So, yeah, I love that. I guess like to wrap that. Remember that light bulb moment so much. So, yeah, I love that. I guess like to wrap that. What is something you're scared of and you're fearing, and what good are you gaining from the situation? Being addicted to the struggle? We all are in one way or another?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, people can be addicted to so many things that we think of that, the classic things like drugs and alcohol. It's like no, no, no, you can be addicted to drama. You can be addicted to chaos. You can be addicted to anxiety. You can be addicted to chaos. You can be addicted to anxiety. You can be addicted to so many things and people will subconsciously create that. If you grew up I see this quite a lot and I can think of specific people in my life. Actually, if you grew up with a home that was unstable, unpredictable, you're used to being on high alert and you create that again and again throughout your life. When things feel stable, you will subconsciously do something. You will choose partners that will create chaos. You yourself will pick fights to create chaos. You will do things to create drama in your life because that is what you are familiar with, even if you're not obviously enjoying it. But there is an element of you subconsciously that it is, and it can be hard to come to terms with that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's wild to think that you, actually your normal self, is not feeling great and like that's what's comfortable for you, like not feeling your best, which is wild, wild, yeah, how long have you been doing this work for? About two years now that I've been doing this. Yeah, yeah, like you would just see so many crazy stories of people just like unlocking what they've been stuck with for so long, but just the realizations that we're talking about would just be part of your everyday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it, I'm obsessed with it and even like what I was saying before, when I talk to people who haven't necessarily like sought me out for help with hypnotherapy and LP, but when I tell them about what I do and if they're curious and they want to know more, I often have people open up to me about things that are going on with them. I've had friends as well that because they know me and what I do, they've been like okay, I'm going to go and find a hypnotherapist. I don't really like to work with friends or family that much, for obvious reasons. So but they they've like gone and done and been more open to different types of therapy because they've tried all the other things you know, and they're like, okay, I want to try something else.

Speaker 3:

And it's amazing, and it's like it's amazing seeing people change their lives and get over their, their bullshit, essentially the things that they're just like sick of experiencing again and again and again, yeah, and like we were saying at the start, like you can, you can move past these things, um, and I'm sure you would say this a lot in your world, seeing women struggle in one way or another, whatever it is, and just knowing like there's a way out of this, like there is, you don't have to keep living with this and, yeah, it's really not as hard as what you think.

Speaker 3:

Again, which is why I'm loving having these conversations and just opening up these conversations and getting this in front of more people Because, again, like we are not taught this in school. If this was raised in my family, you would have been like that's silly, don't be so ridiculous that you can, you know, change parts of you. Like that's not coming from you, it's coming from the government and the jobs and the school and everything's external, but it's actually all just feedback to what's going on within us everything's external, but it's actually all just feedback to what's going on within us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's neuroscience, like we're not talking nonsense over here. This is proven to work and it's, I suppose. If what you've already tried isn't working, what have you got to lose by trying something else you're in? You're either going to be in the same position that you were before or you'll improve your life. Yeah, and it's going to be the latter. That's what we're here for.

Speaker 3:

I've loved this conversation and I know you've briefly mentioned some things that you've got on offer, but where can people find you and what offers do you have going at the moment if they want to dig a bit deeper with you?

Speaker 1:

Sure. So the best place to find me is on Instagram at katiebanbrickcoaching is my handle, and I work with my clients in one-on-one capacities mainly. So I've got a three-month long one-on-one coaching and hypnotherapy. So I do NLP and hypnotherapy in that offer, or I have hypnotherapy only. So just reach out and we can have a chat to see which one might be better for you, and I've also got a Mindset membership as well. But, as I said, everything is over on my Instagram, so just come and say hi, tell me that you came from the podcast.

Speaker 3:

We'd love to connect with you and, yeah, and just meet you guys, yay, and I do always like to say that if you do listen to this episode and love this episode, please go and let Katie know, because it is nice to hear from people that the episode landed with them.

Speaker 3:

But, as for your Instagram and those links and everything like that, I will link them in the show notes below and you guys can just click through and go and check her out and give her a follow and some love and stay plugged into conversations like this, because it really does change people's lives. And, again, the common message here is everything that you're struggling with right now doesn't have to remain a struggle and everything you desire can be yours. It doesn't have to keep being this dream that remains at a distance, like you can be living it all out and, like we mentioned, like, whether that is mindset work, or you mentioned you work with women who are like, or people with phobias and just anxiety and things like that. Like again, like there's a way out of all of this. So thank you for being a part of this conversation, katie. I really do appreciate it and it's really nice to, yeah, like, have conversations with people that get it because, um, yeah, it's, it's creating a ripple effect, and I'm so grateful that you could be a part of it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

I had a great time, hey. Well, thank you for tuning in, guys. I'm sure you would have loved this episode. Um, go and check out the links and I will talk to you guys in the next one. Thank you so much.