Abundant + Aligned
Welcome to the Abundant + Aligned podcast. We welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. Here, we talk all things mindset, manifestation and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of life and playing small just isn't our jam! So if you are ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and live with intention, you are in the right place! We are abundant and aligned.
Abundant + Aligned
174 // How to do a 2024 reflection to manifest more in 2025 ✨ Get the method that gives me ongoing success each year
My friend, stop rushing into the new year before this one is even over! It's a time to reflect, celebrate and recharge your spark - and this reflection method will show you exactly how to do that.
Making this an annual tradition is one of the reasons why my business has had increased success every year since I started.
In this episode, we’re diving into:
✨ Why reflecting on 2024 is the key to unlocking your full potential in 2025.
✨ The energetic shifts that happen when you do this reflection before setting new year goals.
✨ A simple powerful method that will ensure 2025 is even bigger and more success than this year.
This episode is perfect for anyone looking to start 2025 with clarity, confidence, and high-vibrational energy. Tune in to uncover how to align with your goals and create the momentum to attract more success, wealth, and happiness in the new year.
2024 reflection, attract abundance 2025, self-reflection for success, year-end review method, manifestation for 2025.
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Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, where we welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. So if that's you, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Jess, your host and your new bestie, here to remind you to dream big, live with intention and believe that actually, yes, you can. Here we talk all things mindset and personal development. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of our life, and playing small just isn't our jam. So if you're ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and start showing up with intention. Buckle up for the ride. We are Abundant and Aligned.
Speaker 2:Hello everyone and welcome to our annual reflection day.
Speaker 2:If you have been a listener of the Abundant and Aligned podcast since day one, you would be familiar with this exercise and this episode, and it is tying a nice bow on the year that has been. I am huge on doing a reflection before we focus on goal setting, because you guys have accomplished a lot this year. You have had a big year with so much growth, so many lessons, and it's really important that we're taking the time to reflect on all of that before we move through to setting your new year goals and establishing a plan for that. So welcome to our reflection exercise, where I will be taking you through the exact method that I follow when I do my end of year reflection exactly what I reflect on and, most importantly, why. Next episode I'm actually going to take you guys, or bring you guys, behind the scenes of my year. So I'm going to share the numbers, what come up during my end of year reflection and, ultimately, what this year has been like, as I said, in terms of numbers, but also just how this year has felt, the vibe of this year and how I'm feeling towards the end of another year. You guys have actually caught me on a day where, quite honestly, I'm exhausted and I cannot wait for a break. I am intentional about taking a break at the end of every year. I get offline, I have no work, no clients, I'm not on social media Like I take the break, but this year I'm really really looking forward to it. It has been a gigantic year in the business but also planning this wedding, so many social events and I'm sure you guys can agree, it's just been a huge year. It's gone really fast, so I think that's also made it feel so busy, like no one has stopped to take a break. So, yeah, honestly, I need the break this year.
Speaker 2:I'm really looking forward to just switching off and resetting before a big 2025. But, like I said before we get to taking a break and really just switching off. I want us to sit down together and reflect on the year that you have had. However it has looked like for you, whatever you have got up to this year, I want us to take the moment to take a look at what your year looked like, kind of like you know how Spotify does the 2024 wrapped. That's what we're going to be doing for your year. So, as I mentioned today, we're going to be doing for your year. So, as I mentioned today, I'm going to be talking about the importance of doing a reflection day before you worry about your new year and the exact method that I follow to do these reflection exercises, and then, as I said, tune in. Next episode, I'm going to actually bring you behind the scenes and all of the numbers, and then we are going to tie a bow on another season of the Abundant and Aligned podcast, which is crazy, exciting. Okay, cool, let me just get my notes up and we'll get into this, alrighty.
Speaker 2:So, as the title says, I want to help you do a 2024 reflection in order to attract more in 2025. So the purpose of this end of year reflection is to ensure that you are finishing your year in an energy of gratitude, as opposed to lack. Now, maybe you have had a really, really successful year and you are very aware of all of the growth that you have had, but maybe you are getting to really, really successful year and you are very aware of all of the growth that you have had, but maybe you are getting to the end of the year feeling like you could have done more. Maybe there were some goals that you didn't achieve and maybe you're getting to the end of the year feeling disappointed or at least focusing on the lack. I want to retune your energy and I want us to highlight the growth that you have had, because there will be growth in there. And I want us to get to a place of gratitude, because gratitude is a very, very, very magnetic energy and that's the energy we want to be in as we enter the new year.
Speaker 2:If we enter 2025 feeling disappointed, feeling like we didn't do enough, focusing on the lack, we are going to send out a lack broadcast and 2025 is not going to be a successful year. Our energy is everything right and if we want to attract success, we must be focusing on success and feel worthy of it. And this reflection will help you do that, no matter what your year has looked like, because, as I share the method in a second, I'm going to get you to share your top 10 wins and I'm going to make sure that you find them. And again, if you're getting to the end of the year looking at goals and feeling like you didn't achieve a lot of them, again I am not going to let you get up from the table until you have found 10 wins, and trust me when I say this this reflection exercise is going to make you realize how incredible your year actually has been, no matter what it has looked like, because there are going to be pockets in there that you can be grateful for, and the more we hone in on that again, the more magnetic your energy is. When you focus on growth, more growth comes, and we want 2025 to be a year of growth, more success, and in order to manifest that, we must be broadcasting an energy that would draw it in. So gratitude is a very magnetic energy. Focusing on growth will attract more growth, so let's do exactly that.
Speaker 2:Obviously, reflecting on your year will also give you a bit of a blueprint in terms of what needs to change before 2025, things that you want to leave behind. Take into the new year Again, just to ensure that your new year is set up in a way that's intentional, not another year where you sit down and set goals for the sake of it or you make a vision board because you see everybody else do it. I want you to go into the year with so much purpose behind what you're here to create. I want it backed up by what felt good in 2025, sorry, 2024. And I'm going to do it again. What did I hate about 2024? And I'm leaving it behind. What needs to shift in order for 2025 to be the year I want it to be? So, allowing yourself to reflect on what's working, what feels good, what didn't feel good, allows you to really set up your new year in a way that's going to be perfect for you and just feel really good and ensure that you do manifest all that you desire in 2025.
Speaker 2:So that is why you don't see in my world posts, emails, podcast episodes talking about your 2025 goals, because we're not up to that point yet. We've firstly, got a tie bow on the year. That has been and I know it's really easy and often we see this a lot this time of year to just get into next year already and focus on the next thing what's next for me? What's next for me? What's next for me? And when you're living life from this way, you're constantly focusing on the destination as opposed to the journey, and I'm here to help you with the journey. So we won't be focusing on 2025 just yet. We're going to reflect on this year, we're going to take a breather, we're going to get our spark back if we need. We're going to just take some time to rest and then we can focus on 2025. Okay, amazing. So the method to this 2024 reflection day. Like I said, this is something I do annually before the end of the year and it's something I do really look forward to and I really really needed it this year.
Speaker 2:If I'm completely honest, when I sat down to do my reflection exercise yesterday, I was feeling a little off in terms of what this year has been. It has been a year of growth, nonstop progress in the business, so much going on with the wedding, bridesmaid lunch, my 30th, my hands, like it's been a big year, and I was confused as to how I was feeling. Given that, and before I did this reflection, I was feeling a little bit like I don't know what this year has been and even though, as I said, I've seen growth in the business, I've been in a lot of momentum, I've had so much to celebrate, I just kind of felt like I was getting to the end of this year, like not feeling like I had heaps to celebrate, I guess, compared to last year, like 2023 for me was a huge year and I just remember getting to the end of that year, just feeling like it was a really really good year and so excited and just so proud. And for some reason, I didn't have that feeling this year and it was, I don't know, like not a nice realization, because I want to get to the end of the year and just feel so happy as to how the year went down and, most importantly, how I felt throughout the year, but for some reason that spark just wasn't there until I did this exercise and I realized just how much growth there really has been and it just allowed me to kind of stop and take a moment for everything that has been this year and I think that was probably my issue. I have just been nonstop go, go, go, go go that I haven't actually stopped and just taken a moment to celebrate the growth, feel gratitude for the moments and just sit and be for a second. So that is my own fault and that is definitely something that I am avoiding in 2025, fault and that is definitely something that I am avoiding in 2025,. Slowing down more, smelling the roses more, as they say, and just just being more present. Again, like I said, this year has just been launch after launch, big milestone after big milestone, so many social events, and it's been incredible. But I really just have been on this train of just nonstop, nonstop, nonstop, nonstop. So it's probably why I'm so exhausted and really needing a break and, like I said, that's why I'm giving myself the break. But everything did kind of shift after I did this reflection and, as I said, I did just take a moment to celebrate the year that was. So I hope you feel the same after doing your end of year reflection. I'm confident that you will, because there will be growth in there, no matter what it may look like.
Speaker 2:So, in terms of creating the space for this reflection day and the method, first thing I want to say is create the space, really set aside time to do this. Don't just rush it on a random Thursday afternoon after listening to this episode and quickly get it done before the year wraps up. Actually take the time to dive deep in terms of what your year looked like and the prompts that I'm going to give you and enjoy it. You know, enjoy it. So set aside some time. Yesterday I set aside the entire day for this reflection and again, I wanted to really take the time to answer each prompt and sit with each one and really just have that moment for myself. So maybe you can't set aside the entire day, but set aside the morning or the afternoon and just give yourself enough time. Also, set the vibe. So I did mine from home. I put some music on, I poured myself a nice drink, I had the house to myself, I sat up at my dining table, I had my book, my laptop, and I got into it and I enjoyed it. So set the vibe.
Speaker 2:You may even like to book a hotel room and actually take yourself away or go to your favorite cafe or your favorite bar and just create an experience for this reflection. Get a book to do this. So even if you aren't a book person and everything's electronic for you, give it a go. I recommend going and buying an actual notebook and having this notebook dedicated to your reflection exercise and your planning day for the new year when you do your goals and all of that kind of stuff, for a few reasons. One, it's really cool to look back on past years and one of the prompts that I'll give you is summarizing your entire year and the book that I'm currently using I started in 2019. So sitting there yesterday and just reading about my years since 2019 is a really nice moment, so it allows for that but also you can go back and have a look at goals that you had set and realize how much you have achieved. And, like I said, there were goals that I had set in past years that are my normal life now and that's a really, really cool moment to have with yourself. So go and buy yourself a book for this exercise and use this same book every year to do your reflection and your planning day.
Speaker 2:Once you have your book, once you have set aside your time, once you have set the vibe and created an experience. This is the method that I follow to do my end of year reflection. So, like I said, the first thing I do is summarize my entire year. So this is kind of like a diary entry and I start at the 1st of January and note how I brought in the new year, where I was, who I was with, how it was, and I literally just document my year what happened every single month of the year in business, in life, social events, things that happened with my friends, my relationship, my family, how I was feeling literally just documenting your entire year. If you forget what you did. A recommendation is to have your phone nearby and rely on your camera roll, because that will be a good prompt for what you did throughout the year. If you forget.
Speaker 2:And yeah, just document, try and include how you felt and as you write, you remember oh my God, yeah, like February, that was a tough month. Or April, I remember just feeling so proud of myself that month. Or navigated this challenge with my friend. This is how we overcame it. Or me and my partner grew stronger than ever. Like, include stuff like that. Don't just say in March I went to Sydney, in April I went to Hamilton Island, in May I celebrated my birthday.
Speaker 2:Like, really document your year and, as I mentioned, what you did, how you felt, challenges that you went through, wins that you celebrated, so you have a story of your year. Obviously, that's going to allow you to really reflect on the year and just remember everything that you've done, especially if it does feel like a bit of a blur. But also, again, when you read back in future years, it's nice to just reflect on the year and whatever you were going through and how much you've grown. And yeah, so that's the first part, summarizing your entire year. Once you have done that.
Speaker 2:I then want you to list your top 10 wins, and they can be in any area, regarding anything but anything that you consider a win from your year and, like I said, when I share my reflection in our next episode, you'll see. But mine include personal stuff, like growth that I've had within myself, business growth yeah, just like lots of random stuff. It can be literally anything that you want. So, just documenting your top 10 wins and I mean, if you have more than 10, go for gold, but I want 10 to be the bare minimum. Make sure you get to 10, because, again, this is going to ensure that you are drawing out the growth that you have had. And I know that maybe you're getting to the end of the year focusing on a revenue goal. Maybe at the start of the year you had set the goal that you would make a certain amount in your business and you didn't achieve that. So you've just thrown the towel in and just called this year a failure. But this exercise is going to make you realize, okay, maybe you didn't hit the revenue goal this year, but what about all of these other incredible wins that you were overlooking because you were just focusing on that one thing again the moment you do this, your energy shifts. You're now no longer focusing on the lack, but rather the growth, and when you're in a growth frequency, you attract more growth. So summarize your top 10 wins and, as I said, if you want to keep going, feel free.
Speaker 2:The next prompt is your top 10 lessons. So what are some things that you learned this year, what are some challenges that you went through and what come from that? Maybe it's something someone told you throughout the year, or something you read in a book or listened to on a podcast or, as I mentioned, a lesson that you learned based on an experience that you lived. And so, jotting down your top 10 lessons and, as I mentioned, if you want to keep going, absolutely do, but try and get to the 10.
Speaker 2:The next part is what you will be taking into 2025 and what you will be leaving behind. So, again, this can be anything. It could be beliefs that you have about yourself. It could be certain routines and habits. It could be a hobby that you've started. It could be situations with friends, your relationship boundaries, what you've been doing in the business or at work, how you've been showing up as a woman like. Consider all areas of your life and document what you are taking with you into 2025 and what you are choosing to leave behind in this year and no longer make a part of your future.
Speaker 2:That is a really, really cool exercise to do, because it puts you in the driver's seat as to what your new year is going to look like and gives you permission to shed anything that didn't serve you this year Again. It could be stories that you've had within, beliefs about yourself or just external situations that have drained your energy and not made you feel the best this year. It gives you permission to leave it behind and release and let go so that you don't have to take that baggage with you into 2025. And, of course, if what you establish like whatever's on your leave behind list, if it requires you to take some action, then I would encourage you do that before the end of the year, as opposed to just writing down that you are leaving that toxic friendship behind, but going into the new year and still communicating and dealing with that, like if you need to have a conversation, if you need to set some boundaries, if you need to do something to remove yourself from that toxic friendship, try and make the time to do that before the year ends, so that you can really step into 2025 without that baggage can really step into 2025 without that baggage, without that energetic drain that you may have within your life. So take the action that's required in order to really leave things behind. Likewise, take the action, if anything, to solidify what you are taking into the new year. So maybe you have started a new hobby this year and it requires you to book for the new year. So maybe you have started a new hobby this year and it requires you to book for the new year. Then make sure you go and do that. Or maybe you were in Her Empire, my business mastermind, and you've decided that you want to continue that in 2025. Make sure your application is in before the end of the year. Actually, take the action to ensure that what you are choosing to take into 2025 is solidified and it's locked in.
Speaker 2:The next part of this exercise is then moving through to what were some firsts in 2024? And this is actually new for me this year. I haven't done this in past years, but as I was reflecting on my year, I realized that it was a year of many firsts, so I thought that was a cool prompt to put into this exercise. What did you do for the first time this year? And, yeah, what are some firsts from your year? Again can be within any area of your life and documenting all of those down. And then the final part of this method, and again, I guess this is relatively new for me as well I don't think I did this last year, but comparing this year to last year, and I, as I mentioned, have had a lot of growth in the business, which is really, really exciting, and sometimes we overlook how much growth we've actually had, and so that's why I wanted to compare this year to last year and really pull apart some numbers.
Speaker 2:You guys know I create based on energy, not based on numbers, and I don't allow numbers to dictate what is possible for me, and that's what I encourage you guys to do as well. Don't let the numbers mean what tomorrow is going to look like for you, and what I mean by that is. Sometimes we hear say in the business world that based on the number of followers you have, if we apply this percentage or conversion rate, you could make this much money in your program launch. Like, I do not think like that. Anything is possible and the moment you imagine it, it's now a. It exists as an energetic frequency and it doesn't matter what the numbers are or what pass proof you have. You can create anything you want if you tune into it and be in a place to receive it. So, while I did take a look at some numbers and really pull apart percentages which I'll share in the next episode, don't let that mean anything about your 2025. So, for example, if, maybe, if you had a loss this year compared to 2023, well that doesn't mean that you have to carry that into 2025.
Speaker 2:But, like I said, I did really enjoy this part of the exercise, so I wanted to give you the prompt and yeah. So what? I did? Really enjoy this part of the exercise, so I wanted to give you the prompt and yeah. So what I did is just I had a look at revenue, podcast downloads, increase in my followers on Instagram, tickets sold for my events and enrollments and I just had a look at those numbers and compared them to last year and, like I said, I'll share the results in the next episode. So that might not be applicable for you. Maybe it's taking a look at your consistency at the gym this year compared to last year, or your consistency with your morning routine, or sticking to that new hobby, whether it's surfing or pottery or cooking classes or whatever like. Maybe you did it more this year than last year. Maybe you traveled to more places this year than you did last year. Whatever it may be, anything but just if it feels aligned with you taking a look at the growth and some extras from this year that maybe you didn't do last year. So that's your method Summarize your entire year.
Speaker 2:Top 10 wins, top 10 lessons what are you taking into 2025? What are you leaving behind? What are some firsts from 2024? And what did this year look like compared to last year and what kind of growth have you had in that regard? Once you have done that, then go ahead and book in something to celebrate your year and, like I said, I do not really care whether you have had insane growth or not. Your year is worth celebrating. You made it to the end of another year, another 12 months of living. That is always worth celebrating and that is really just simplifying our purpose here on earth. We're here to live our life and you lived another life for a whole year, and that is worth celebrating, as I mentioned. Of course, if you are celebrating a big year of growth, then even more so, but I'm not making this episode tailored to those who have had the most successful year to date and only have seen growth. I am here to encourage you to celebrate your year, no matter what it involved.
Speaker 2:Like I mentioned, I'm really feeling this year. I'm feeling exhausted and I'm having moments where I'm like being an adult is freaking hard work. We have work. We have a household to run. We have, you know, we've got to be a good sister and a good partner and a good daughter and a good friend, and we've got to remember our self-care and go to the gym and make money and like being an adult sometimes is freaking hard, and I said to Bart the other day I just want to move home and get looked after by my mom. So the fact that you have survived another year as an adult, that deserves a big fat glass of wine or a nice dinner or even a night away or a big break over Christmas.
Speaker 2:If you are not one to usually take a break, I encourage you to take a break, especially if you have an online business and you feel the pressure to continue to show up online every single day your business. If you go into this break with the energy that your business will continue to grow, it will even if you aren't physically doing anything. You have worked so hard this year. You have been so consistent on social media. You have been so consistent with your podcast. You have been so consistent with your emails. There is so much out there that your people can consume and listen and watch.
Speaker 2:You are allowed to take a step back. You are allowed to do that and, of course, if your business, for example, is not set up in a way that allows you to take a step back, then please come into my world and work with me, because I will help you create a business that allows for more freedom and, most importantly, allows for you to take a break without it draining your bank account and leaving you stressed and anxious because you didn't make money or because your business didn't grow. I'm literally here to help you create a business and a life that supports breaks, supports moments of just switching off, resetting before you go again, switching off, resetting before you go again. So I'm really, really hopeful that you can take a break. If it's not for two weeks, like mine, will be at least a week, or at least a couple of days, where you fully switch off, get off social media, take a step back from your business, your work, your work. Let the house get messy, order food, you know. Just just let things go for a little while and just fill your cup up. Do more of what makes you feel good, relax, switch off and just, yeah, just take that moment for yourself, because I know I definitely will be like.
Speaker 2:You will not find me over the Christmas break. I'm out of here, out of office, off social media and, yeah, honestly, I'm really, really excited. It is really needed this year because remember, too, like, if we really want 2025 to be the year we want it to be, we need to reset, because your creativity, like will not be there if you go into the year exhausted and if you go into the year just on to the next thing, on to the next thing, on to the next thing. Like we want to take a break so that we can recharge and so that we can, yeah, get that creative spark, allow new ideas to drop in, figure out what's going to be new for 2025 and who we need to be in order to really create it. And again, sometimes we need to take a step back in order for that to drop in. So just know that a break is never a waste of your time, ever, ever, ever especially if that break is spent feeling really good about the break, not guilty and just enjoying every single moment. So that wraps up your 2024 reflection and, as I mentioned, it is really going to allow you to attract even more in 2025.
Speaker 2:So please take the time to do this reflection exercise. Send me a DM on Instagram If you are doing this, if you want to celebrate your growth with me, even if you're not a client, I would love to hear from you and, yeah, just take a moment for everything you've achieved this year. You guys know I'm your biggest cheerleader and I'm always here in your corner, so if you want to celebrate with someone, I'm happy to be that person for you. So enjoy your exercise and I will speak to you guys in the next episode where, as I mentioned, I'm going to take you behind the scenes of my 2024, sharing the numbers, my reflection and what the year was in my world. So I will speak to you guys then. Thank you.