Abundant + Aligned
Welcome to the Abundant + Aligned podcast. We welcome women who are ready to live the life of their dreams. Here, we talk all things mindset, manifestation and entrepreneurship. We are on a mission to create abundance in all areas of life and playing small just isn't our jam! So if you are ready to expand your mind to the possibilities, turn off autopilot and live with intention, you are in the right place! We are abundant and aligned.
Abundant + Aligned
Speed up any manifestation with this quick and powerful technique ✨ Opening your portal to receive!
What if everything you desire is available right now once you do this??
In this episode, I'm taking you through a powerful technique to shift your energy from waiting and hoping to fully receiving with ease. Whether it’s dream clients saying “I’m in!,” sales flowing effortlessly, or your Instagram growing with aligned followers—you don’t have to chase it. You get to welcome it.
Inside this episode, you’ll learn:
💫 How to embody the energy of already having what you desire, which will speed up the manifestation process.
💫 A simple receiving practice to attract more sales, clients, and followers into your business.
Now feel into this....
💖 Imagine opening your phone and seeing a DM from a dream client saying, “I’m so ready to work with you!”
💖 Picture a payment notification popping up, confirming your next effortless sale.
💖 Envision your Instagram growing with dreamy, aligned followers who can’t wait to connect with your work.
The moment you receive this in your energy, it’s yours.
So let's get to work.
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🔥 Enrol in The Academy - 4 month mentorship for women in business wanting to grow to $10K or $20K months
✨ Follow me on Instagram for daily mindset tips and lots of BTS content of my life (building a 7 figure business, living by the beach, my daily routines and travels)
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🎓 See what's currently open for enrolment here or browse courses available on demand here
Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, a place where you will come to realize anything you desire is possible. I'm Jess mindset and business coach, and I'm on a mission to lead women to a life far from average. In this show, you can expect conversations around manifestation, subconscious reprogramming, entrepreneurship and the daily habits of a woman living a life that is both successful and fun. Imagine a TED talk, but over wine. My wish for you is that you experience an unlimited flow of money, a business that attracts your dream clients and the freedom to spend your time how you choose, and if you stick with me, that will soon be your reality. I'm honored to be on the journey with you, so let's get into it. Hello and welcome back to the Abundant Inner Line podcast. I hope you're having a beautiful day. Today, you are tuning into an episode on how to be open to receive your manifestations. This technique that I'm going to share with you can be applied to anything that you want to call into your reality, whether that be more money, dream clients, collaborations, opportunities, the dream home, the dream car, whatever it may be. You can use this very powerful technique to open up your portal, so to speak, and receive in the things that you desire so energetically. There is a big, big, big difference between receiving something and waiting for something and, as I mentioned, I'm gonna guide you through a technique to get your energy into receiving so that the things you desire can actually drop in. I spoke about this in last week's episode. You have already created your dream life the moment you set the intention to make more money, attract dream clients, grow your business, get the DMs, get the sales, buy the house, buy the car. The moment you had that thought and created that intention, it was created as an energetic possibility. So it is available right now for you to tune into, just like a radio station. The stations already exist. They've already been programmed. All you need to do is just tune into them and then you can listen to them. You don't have to wait five years before you can go from listening to 106.3 to 104.7. It's just a matter of tuning into the station and you get to listen to it. The same can be said for the money, the clients, the success that you want to manifest. It is already existing. The radio station is already available. You now just need to tune into that, as opposed to the one you're currently tuned into, which is, however much money you're making, the results you're seeing in your business, the kind of clients you're already working with. So, again, this technique is going to allow you to tune into something that already exists, that is already available, and this is where you can get really good at collapsing time, separating the gap between where you are now and where you want to be Again.
Speaker 1:Time and space do not separate you from the things that you want. They already exist right now. It is just a matter of tuning into them energetically. And that starts with you and the way you feel and at the moment you are, because the dream life that you want, the dream business you want, already exists as an energetic frequency. It's available right now. So the reason it's not actually dropping in and manifesting in physical form is because your energy is not drawing it in and it's probably actually repelling it and, very simply, it's because you're in this waiting energy. You're sitting in the anticipation of having the thing, as opposed to already having the thing. Now, like I said, I'm going to guide you through a technique that's going to shift your energy. So you are in receiving mode, not waiting mode, but just sit with this.
Speaker 1:Have a think about something that you already have in your life right now, and you've had it for a while, and it's available right now for you to touch, for you to experience. You have it and once you've got that in mind, tune into how your body feels regarding that particular thing. Where in the body you can feel a sensation. What that sensation is, just how do you feel when you think about that thing that you already have? Now I want you to move to something that you desire. So what is something that you are wanting that you don't yet have? Again, it could be 10K months in your business filling the program or the one-on-one spots in your new program, a particular collaboration with a brand, the dream home, the dream car, whatever it is. A particular collaboration with a brand, the dream home, the dream car, whatever it is, whatever you want.
Speaker 1:Have a think about that now. Think about the thing you want, that you're desiring, that you don't yet have, and now tune into how that feels in your body and notice where the sensation is sitting and what that sensation is. And what you very quickly realized is the way you feel around. The thing you quickly realized is the way you feel around the thing you already have and the way you feel around the thing that you want is very different. The feeling is different, and that is an indication of the energetic blueprint that's surrounding the things you have and the things that you want, and that's what we're going to shift today. We need to get your body and your energy to a state and similar to how you just felt when you thought about the thing that you already have. We need you to be in a place as if you already have the things that you desire, and when you already feel like you have them, you are then that vibrational match and it can drop in, and that is literally, very simply, the reason why you have some things and the reason you don't have other things. Of course, we can go so much deeper in, like the subconscious program and the beliefs that may be repelling the things that you want, but very simply, energetically you're just not tuned to having it and therefore you don't have it.
Speaker 1:So what I want you to do is and obviously, if you're driving or walking, you can't do this, but hopefully you can either do this now or come back and do this, so, timestamp, when this is playing, if you need to come back to it, I want you to close down your eyes and I want you to just take a deep breath in and out, and another deep breath in and out and out. And another deep breath in and out Amazing. Now I want you to imagine that I am handing you a box. I'm standing in front of you and I'm handing you right now, a small little gift box, and you now have it in your hand and you take it from me. I let go and you now hold the box. Okay, did you get that visual image? Hopefully, that was able to play out Cool. Keep your eyes closed. Hand me the box back. Thank you, I now have the box.
Speaker 1:Now we're going to do that again and, along with visualizing this scene or this image, I want you to feel what it feels like to take the box from me, okay, and so, as I hand you the box and you take the box and I let go of the box as quickly as we did last time, I want you to tune into just how that feels in the body. Okay, you ready, eyes closed, all right. Visualize me body. Okay, you ready, eyes closed, all right. Visualize me in front of you holding the box, the small gift box. It's got a cute little pink bow on it. All right, I'm handing you the gift box. You grab the gift box, you take it from me, I let go, and now you hold the gift box and that gift is yours. You get to keep it. You can walk away with it, it's yours to keep.
Speaker 1:Take note of how that felt in your body and the feeling that that generated. What that would have generated is a receiving energy, a matter of taking something, accepting it, without waiting a long time for you to receive the box, without you having to work really hard before I handed the box over. You just grabbed the box, you took it, you received it. It was easy, it was quick, it was effortless. It didn't require you to run 10 laps around an oval before I could give you the box. It didn't require you to work for another five years in your business before you could take the box. You just accepted the box, you received the box. That feeling there is the energy that you want to cultivate and embrace and embody when it comes to the money, the clients and the success that you want to call in to your business this year. That receiving feeling, that receiving energy. And remember how quickly that process just was, and the same can go for any manifestation you have this year the universe, or scientifically, energetically, on that scientific level.
Speaker 1:It does not care what you did to receive the thing. It will give it to you if you want it. Just like when I was handing you the box, I didn't care or I didn't even ask the question. How long have you been in business? Have you failed many times before? Have you been working really hard lately? Have you been posting every day on social media? Are you doing all of these things? I didn't ensure that those boxes were checked off before I handed you the box. I just gave you the box. I didn't care about those things, I just wanted you to have the box. That is literally how we can create our reality Energetically.
Speaker 1:Money does not care what you did to receive it. It will be available for you if you want it. The dream clients that are existing right now and there's an energetic possibility, do not care what you're doing. They will drop into your world if you are open to receive them. We make up this stuff in our own minds. We have these beliefs that we need to work harder before we can receive the box. We need to prove ourself for longer before we can receive the box, to prove ourselves for longer before we can receive the box. But the box, just like money, just like clients, just like anything that you want in this universe, is neutral, it doesn't care, it will go to whoever wants it and whoever is open to receive it.
Speaker 1:If we were to do that scene again and I was to hand you the box, actually, let's do this. So that's a receiving energy, right, we just created a receiving energy and we got your body into a receiving feeling. Now we're going to demonstrate what you have been doing up until this point and just get you to understand the difference. So again, if you can, if it's safe for you to do so, close down your eyes. And again, I want you to imagine I'm standing in front of you and I'm holding the box.
Speaker 1:I hand you the box and you just stand there and you don't take the box from me and I'm like here, this box, this gift is for you, please take it. And you're like no, I don't want it. I haven't worked hard enough for this gift. I need to hustle in my business for another year and then I'll take that gift from you. And I'm like no, you literally don't. Like. I want you to have the gift right now, like you've done enough, you are enough. Who you are right now is the person that I want you to be to have this gift. Please take the gift and you're like no, no, no, I do not want the gift. Please take the gift back. I don't deserve the gift. I haven't proved myself enough to deserve this gift. Please come back in another two to three years and then I'll accept the gift.
Speaker 1:Once I've worked harder, once I proved myself more, once I posted more on social media, once I have more followers, once I have more programs, once I have more followers, once I have more programs, once I have more offers, once I'm living in a different place, then I'll take the gift from you. That's what you've been doing up until this point. When it comes to the money, when it comes to the clients, when it comes to anything that you want in your life, I've been standing there with the gift. All you need to do is take it from me and receive, instead of being closed off and repelling and telling you to go away and come back later after you've done x, y and z. So hopefully that has really demonstrated to you the difference in receiving and being in the anticipation of something and feeling like there's constantly more you need to do before you're worthy and deserving of the gift.
Speaker 1:So we're going to now apply this same exercise to some real, tangible things and desires that you have right now the top nutrition pack, or enroll in your program and be a one-on-one client, or buy your hair products, or book you for the full day as their wedding planner whatever your service or product is attracting the clients in that are willing to be at that top level with you. Pay without hesitation, or 10k months, 20k months, or particular enrollments or sales, or whatever it is. We're going to use this technique towards actual results that you want to manifest. And again, we can rehearse being in this receiving energy before it actually comes up, and we can show your body the blueprint or the feeling that we want next time we are faced with this situation. So again, if you're able to do so, close down your eyes and this time I want you to imagine the actual thing in front of you that you want to manifest.
Speaker 1:So again, whether it's a client, whether it's seeing a particular dollar sign on your Squarespace dashboard, whether it's seeing a DM from someone saying they are in, like whatever is relevant to the way that your business operates and the way that you make sales and the way clients come into your world. And I want you just to create that scene and create that scene and visualize that scene. Now I want you to receive what they have to offer. So I want you to imagine your client like well, imagine the email notification coming through on your Google Gmail confirming that someone has just enrolled in your program. Or I want you to imagine that you're opening up your dashboard and you're seeing the sale listed there. Or I want you to imagine that you're opening up your dashboard and you're seeing the sale listed there. Or I want you to imagine that you're going over to Instagram and you're opening up the DM and seeing that they just booked your service or enrolled in your program or bought your product and I want you to receive it in.
Speaker 1:I want you to acknowledge that the sale is already done, acknowledge the enrollment is complete, acknowledge that it's locked in, it's booked in, it's done, it's done, it's done and, instead of being in the anticipation of it, be in the it's already done energy. I've received it, it's over, the receiving part is complete and just sit with that and show your body that feeling, because what your body has been so used to up until this point is, as I mentioned, the anticipation of the sale, the anticipation of filling the spots, the anticipation of actually getting the result. That's what your body's used to and that's normal for your body. So these practices are showing your body a new way to feel around money, around clients, around the results that you want. It's showing the body this, receiving energy and anchoring that in and the moment you've made this shift, you tune into something different, just like the example I gave with the radio station, something different. Just like the example I gave with the radio station.
Speaker 1:If you want to go from 106.3 to 104.7, you literally click a button and instantly you're listening to that station. The same can be so for the manifestations in your life. The only reason it's not the only reason there is a delay and struggle and a lot of work involved is because we've made up that story in our own mind, that that's what it's going to take. But if we can just realize that the creation of life can be as easy as changing the radio station, then things will start to show up a lot easier. It's a simple, simple practice. It's a simple way to live.
Speaker 1:Sure, it's not easy because you have, however old you are, that many years of unlearning to do so. For the last 30 years, you thought that in order to change the radio station from 106.3 to 104.7, you had to go and work really hard. You had to wait a long time, you had to prove yourself, you had to fail a lot, and then you can listen to the station. So you haven't even been pressing the button. You've been listening to 106.3 and then, the moment you've decided you want to listen to 104.7, you, without even pressing the button, you're off. You've gone to work hard, post more on social media, prove yourself for longer, hustle more, wait, and then you come back and then you press the button. But no one actually told you up until this point that you don't have to do all of that in between and you can just press the button.
Speaker 1:That's the way I want us to approach life. But, just like when you learn any new skill, you have to practice and you have to get better at it. You guys are practicing and getting better at how easy the creation of life can be and that all these hurdles and obstacles that we've placed in the middle of everything through our own mind doesn't have to be there, but it takes practice and coming and approaching and having this perspective every single day. So, while it's simple, no, it's not easy, but the hardest part is just overcoming the years of programming that you have that are just made up anyway and none of it's actually true. So practice receiving and you can actually practice so if you're still building the muscle of receiving clients and 10K months and you know thousand dollar brand collaborations while you're still practicing getting good at receiving that, practice receiving in other ways. So next time someone says, oh, my God, I love that top, instead of saying oh, thank you so much, I've had it for so long, I really like your top as well Just say thank you, top as well. Just say thank you, I know it's such a nice top. Thank you so much. Or if someone reaches out and says that they love your Instagram feed, actually respond to their DM. Don't just ignore them, don't be too cool for your audience. Send them a message and say thank you so much.
Speaker 1:Receive, receive, receive, receive, receive and you remain in this, receiving energy, and then it will be applied to other areas of your life, your body. Well, your subconscious mind, which is your body, doesn't have the ability to say yes and no. Or I will receive this, but I won't receive that In terms of the fact of like. Once you're in the receiving energy, you're in the receiving energy and you can pick up everything around you. You know, imagine a magnet hovering over lead. The magnet just will pick up all the lead that's underneath it. It doesn't choose which piece of lead it will pick up and then leave the rest of the lead on the table. If you hover the magnet over the lead, every piece of lead in that field will be picked up by the magnet. The exact same will be for your life. So if you can practice receiving compliments and receiving gifts and receiving help, you're in that receiving energy and you'll pick up other things. While in that receiving energy, you'll pick up all the pieces of the lead, not just some of it.
Speaker 1:So your homework this week is to continue the visualization practice I just guided you through, like actually visualize being at the other end of the sale or the enrollment or the opportunity being solidified. Take yourself after the fact and sit with already having it receiving it in. Okay, visualize that and then actually that just reminded me. I might actually do a meditation on this. So keep an eye on my Instagram and I'll let you know when that is done. But then also just practice receiving. So again, next time someone gives you a compliment, just say thank you.
Speaker 1:Next time someone tries to give you something, offers, help receive it, receive, receive, receive, alter that energy into receiving mode, you will open the portal. You will open the floodgates to all of your desires, because now not only have you decided what you want and you've got really clear on that, but now you are that vibrational match for them. Law of attraction. You can draw them in as opposed to repelling them. Because you were in this waiting energy, the anticipation energy, the oh, I haven't done enough yet, I haven't proved myself. Energy. Everything literally is surrounding you right now in the quantum field, wanting to drop in, but you've been like pushing it away energetically because you need to work harder and wait longer and do more and do more and do more. Instead, shift into receiving and let it in, allow it to drop in. It wants to be a part of your life. It's why you've got the intention. So let it in, allow it in. It will drop in. Hopefully this has helped, I'm so sure it will.
Speaker 1:Let me know on Instagram if you like this episode and, most importantly, let me know on Instagram what starts to manifest. That wasn't before because of this very powerful technique. So have fun with this one and I'll talk to you guys next week. Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. I'm sure you're loving each and every episode and, if you are, I would be so grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to leave your review and or rating. This allows me to connect with you as I read your comment or see the review, and it also allows me to grow the show, which means more impact, more powerful guests for you guys to learn from and more women changing their life for the better. If this does align, send me a screenshot of your review or rating to hello at jessmartincomau and I'll send you a copy of my ebook for free to say thanks.