Abundant + Aligned

I just faced my biggest fear in business.... 🤯 A money block I bet you didn't know you had

• Jess Martin

Sharing the raw moment when my biggest fear in business became reality. I won’t lie—at first, it hit me hard. I felt like absolute shit. But then, something clicked.

I realised that this fear had been silently blocking me from the next level of growth in my business. My subconscious mind had been keeping me small, protecting me from the very thing I was afraid of. And if I was doing this, I know so many other women in business are too.

The reason you’re not making the money you desire, working with dream clients, or seeing the growth you crave isn’t because you need to do more. It’s because some part of you is scared of what comes with that success. And until you face it, you’ll keep holding yourself back.

→ So in today's episode, let's face those fears head on 🪞

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Abundant and Aligned podcast, a place where you will come to realize anything you desire is possible. I'm Jess mindset and business coach, and I'm on a mission to lead women to a life far from average. In this show, you can expect conversations around manifestation, subconscious reprogramming, entrepreneurship and the daily habits of a woman living a life that is both successful and fun. Imagine a TED talk, but over wine. My wish for you is that you experience an unlimited flow of money, a business that attracts your dream clients and the freedom to spend your time how you choose, and if you stick with me, that will soon be your reality. I'm honored to be on the journey with you, so let's get into it. Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Abundant and Aligned podcast.

Speaker 1:

We are going straight into today's episode with a story. So get your popcorn, get your wine, turn the volume up because, yeah, I have a story with a massive, massive lesson in it for you and a huge realization I just had in my business, like I just faced one of my biggest fears in business. So the story is this I am really working on creating polarizing content on my Instagram at the moment, moving away from the bland content that every other coach is doing moving away from being involved in all of the trends and creating content that stops the scroll. Obviously, there is a huge energetic component to that, going into my content with the intention that it's going to magnetize my dream clients, but there's obviously also an art within the messaging, and this is something I've been working on with my coach really creating polarizing content that will piss people off but it will also draw people in. And she always says you cannot be a magnet unless you have both sides one that attracts and one that repels. So that's where I've been at creating polarized, polarizing content. Scroll, scroll, stopping content. That's a tongue tie.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I created a reel that said the hook was how I made $20,000 during a cyclone, which is true, but the context behind that was we decide our fate, not anything external to us. And even though I had no electricity for three days, my phone never went above 5% and we were literally in the middle of a cyclone. The Academy launch crossed multiple five figures, like literally, I was in the first two days of a launch when all of this happened. But yet we crossed multiple five figures, like literally, I was in the first two days of a launch when all of this happened, but yet we crossed multiple five figures. So this caption was just saying, guys, don't let external circumstances make you crumble Like you decide your fate. You decide how money finds you, and if you send out a broadcast where, no matter what, you make money and you grow your business, then that's what will manifest for you. So and then I wrapped up by saying that a business like that isn't a luxury, it's a necessity, and we really need to learn how to manipulate our results within ourselves so that business is easy, not just in the smooth times, but also in the times like a cyclone.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I created this piece of content and I purposely made the hook how I made 20,000 during a cyclone capitalized cyclone because I knew it would stop people scroll. I knew they would be like, wait what? 20,000 through a cyclone? And it would force them to read my caption and be really engrossed in how the hell I did that. Now, I knew, going into this, that it would piss people off, but not to the degree that it did. So I posted this reel and within the first half an hour, I got 7,000 views and just kept going up and up and up.

Speaker 1:

24 hours later it was up to over a hundred thousand views and a lot of comments from all the angry people, the sookie people that are like how dare you take advantage of people during a disaster oh my God, slay queen, sending all the abundant vibes your way, even though you're ripping people off and just nasty, toxic comments. And I immediately froze. I immediately went fuck, what have I done? Even though I purposely created this reel to create some clickbait, I went in wanting that response, in a sense, because more engagement equals more views and the intention behind that piece of content was to blow up my account and create some polarizing content. But when these comments started rolling in, I honestly shit myself. I was like, oh my fucking God, and suddenly I just shrunk. Suddenly I felt like a fraud. Suddenly I felt like everything I was doing in my business was at the bottom of the barrel and, honestly, I let those shitty men dictate how I felt in that moment.

Speaker 1:

This didn't go on for very long, but honestly, I felt really, really shit about myself and about what was happening from this content. Anyways, I was like I'm going to let it ride, because, again, this was a clickbait reel. It's the point of this reel like let it ride Because while these shit men were commenting on my post, I was also getting a lot of followers from aligned people like women in business who are my dream clients, so it was also having a positive effect and with that, a lot of people were getting access to the magnetic success masterclass. So, while it was pissing people off, it was also inspiring a lot of people and they were following me, they were interacting with me and they were grabbing the free masterclass. So, again, that was the whole point of it Amazing. But yet I felt like absolute shit. So, anyways, I was like, no, I'll let it ride because there is some good coming from this.

Speaker 1:

But then I got up to over 200,000 views, going on to 300,000 views, and the comment section was just filling up with all of these people calling me a scammer taking advantage of people during a natural disaster, like, clearly had not read the caption, clearly had not read the caption, but they were hooked by the clickbait intention behind it. Anyways, that was resulting in people starting to follow me who were very much not my ideal client. Men who I don't know obviously thought I looked good in the reel and just wanted to follow me, who were very much not my ideal client, men who I don't know, obviously thought I looked good in the real and just wanted to follow me. So I'm like no, you are not welcome here. So I turned the comments off. And then people started commenting on other videos on my page, being like turn your comments back on your cat. What a um. How hypocritical of you. You've turned your comments off. Oh, what's she hiding? Like you can go and have a look on my Instagram page. I've stopped the comments on the cyclone one, but they're still on the other one, so you'll be able to have a look at what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But the the lesson in this story is this I've been on Instagram for quite a while now. I want to say, let's say, five years, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, no six going on. Seven years I've been on social media and I've been quite consistent on social media and I do it from a place of. I genuinely enjoy showing my life on Instagram. But also it is one of my main marketing leads into, like main marketing avenues for leads into my business. It's where most of my clients come from. If not Instagram, it's this podcast. So, yeah, I lean on social media. I really enjoy social media, or Instagram particularly, and I've been on.

Speaker 1:

I really enjoy social media or Instagram particularly, and I've been on on on the online space for a long time and there have been moments throughout that journey where I've been like what am I doing wrong? I have never wait, can I just say, while, yes, more followers does not equal sales and your dream clients are sitting in your audience right now every now and then we create a piece of content. We're like this is going to pop off, this is going to own the stage, let's go. And then it completely flops. So I'm human and I've had moments throughout my business where I'm like what is happening here? Like I know this piece of content is good, I know my brand is appealing, so why aren't I popping off like other accounts are?

Speaker 1:

I knew all along because if something's not happening, it's because there's something in us causing that. So I knew all along it wasn't that I needed to better my content or learn how to master the algorithm or change what I was doing. I knew that there was something in me that was blocking the growth on social media because of a fear around that. And this story and what happened to me in the last 24 hours has revealed exactly that, and I was forced to face my biggest fear. So I have had a fear that the more I grow online, the more likely I am to experience shit toxic people coming after me, which is exactly what I just experienced. And because of that fear, I blocked social media growth to avoid that fear. Now this is why I go on and on and on about why the work we do in the academy is so important, because it really does not matter what you want If you have a fear around getting it, you will block it.

Speaker 1:

So if you have a fear that the more you grow online, you will have to experience this toxic shit, you will block growing online. You will have to experience this toxic shit. You will block growing online. If you have a fear that when you have more money, people will stop liking you, you will block money. If you have a fear that the more clients you enroll or attract, you will lose all your time and your life will be so overwhelmed, you will block those clients. If your fear is greater than the desire, you will block getting there. And like this, this has just solidified that over and over and over again. So I had a fear and that fear has played out.

Speaker 1:

But there is some good from this story One I'm obviously in a place where I could face that fear. So this comes from a lot of inner work that I've done. Again, all of the techniques that I've done, all of the reprogramming work that I've done, all of the work I've done within myself you get access to in the academy, but I've done a lot of work on myself. So I'm obviously the woman I need to be and the business owner I need to be to be able to face this fear. And, even though it did scare me and make it made me feel like shit, I was still able to deal with it, whereas a past version of me clearly wasn't, which is why I blocked it off entirely.

Speaker 1:

So your fears are stopping the growth in your business period and, of course, I'm talking to the women who are working in your business. You are posting consistently, you are going to the networking events, you are doing the outreach, you are pitching yourself to podcasts, you are doing the do, but yet you're not seeing the 10K, 20k months. You're not seeing the growth that you thought you would have. It's literally because, if you got it, there's something about it that you're scared of and that fear is greater than the intention that you wanted. Some of your fears are very obvious and a year ago, I would not have been aware of that fear. I would have been like, no, I don't care about toxic comments, like, I want to grow my Instagram account. It's only in the last probably six months where I really sat with it and gone. Actually, yeah, I am scared to grow because of that possibility whereby I do experience the toxic shit in the comments. So this is something we need to sit with and, again, your fear may not be smacking you in the face right now, but it's so important that we do this work so that you can be aware of what that fear is.

Speaker 1:

And something that we're not talking about enough in business is more women are afraid of success than they are afraid of failure. Fear of failure is quite obvious. It's like yeah, of course I don't want to fall on my face, of course I don't want to pour everything into this business and then end up on the streets. That's easy to face and deal with and acknowledge what is way more prevalent and way more like, honestly, like blocky, like causes, way more blocks is a fear of success because we're not even aware of it. We're like give me the money, give me the clients, give me the growth. I want to get to the top of the company. I want to get to million dollar year. I want to be the queen in my empire. Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me. And then we show up every day and we're like what the what is happening? Why am? Why am I getting it? Because I want it, but I'm not getting it. It's like because you're actually scared of what will come when you get it, and there's so much in that that we can unpack inside the Academy. But I was forced to face my biggest fear in business and because of that, I've just activated to a whole new level. Because of that, I've just activated to a whole new level.

Speaker 1:

So sometimes we need to experience it for our nervous system to be like oh, okay, that wasn't too bad and you survived it at the end of the day, so you can keep growing online and you may experience further toxic shit like this, but we know you're not going to die, so we're okay about you venturing out into that territory. Think about it like this you have a tiger that's staring you down and you're back here and you're like I don't want to take another step forward because I'm scared that the tiger is going to eat me, or at least this is what your nervous system and your subconscious mind is thinking it sees the tiger. Because of your memory connected to that tiger and your programming that tigers eat you, you don't want to take that next step because you're scared you'll get eaten and killed by the tiger, until you take the step and the tiger doesn't move. And then you take another step and the tiger still doesn't move. And then eventually you get so close to the tiger and, I don't know, it turns out the tiger is a pet and it doesn't want to eat you, and you can pat the tiger and you're all fine. It's only then that your subconscious mind and your nervous system can go oh, okay, cool, you're not going to die, I'll let you hang around the tiger.

Speaker 1:

Money may be tiger the tiger. Money, maybe. Money, maybe a tiger for you. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say. Money may be a tiger for you. The level of success you're trying to get to in your business may be the tiger for you. More eyes on your Instagram may be the tiger for you and at the moment, your subconscious mind is literally not going to allow you to get there. Because it's like my job my primary role is to keep you alive. And if you take a step towards that tiger AKA money, aka more exposure, aka to the top of that company, aka to that level of success you may die, and so I'm not going to let that happen.

Speaker 1:

And so it blocks the clients, it blocks the money, it blocks the growth, it blocks everything that you're working so hard to create. Are you like what? Holy shit, holy shit. And these are the conversations we need to be having in business. You don't need to learn how to create the most perfect reel. You already know how to do that. You don't need to master messaging, while we can definitely work on that, but there's no point you mastering your hooks and your captions If you are scared of what will come if you nailed that piece of content.

Speaker 1:

There is no point you showing up and putting all the hours in that you're doing if, at the end of the day, the things that you're saying you want aren't actually what you want, and if you have got to the end of this episode and you still haven't scrolled down to hit the enrollment button on the Academy to get in and do this work. Let me just say this, and I say it with so much love nothing in your business is going to change unless you change. Nothing is going to shift automatically, unless what you are programmed to create will shift. Adding more hours to your schedule will not work. Making better reels will not work. Starting to show up more on TikTok will not work. Going to that extra networking event will not work. Sending the extra cold met will not. None of it is going to work if your subconscious mind is scared of the tiger.

Speaker 1:

So come inside the academy and do this subconscious reprogramming work with me. Regulate your nervous system. Be more comfortable with the money that you want and the success that you want so that it can finally manifest, because you should not be overlooked. You should be making way more money. You should have way more eyes on you. You should be way further along than what you are in your business, because you're really good at what you do. You have all the traits and the qualities of a very successful entrepreneur. We just need your mindset to catch up with the skills, your drive and your ambition, and that is my job as your coach. So I'm excited to see you in the Academy and I'm excited for you to have these realizations that I've just had in the last 24 hours. So let me know once you're in.

Speaker 1:

As I mentioned, the link to enroll is down the bottom. I know you guys are savvy shoppers. I know you know where to find the links and the buttons and you can decide if the payment plan or the painful option is for you. And, of course, if you have any questions, you guys also know just to send me a DM. I'm a real person and I'm more than happy to have a chat If anything's coming up, if any fear around this investment's coming up. If you're like I just need to know a little bit more to know that this is the right program for me or the right coach for me, feel free to ask away. I'm all yours. So we'll leave it there.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for being a part of one of the biggest realizations and one of the biggest shifts in my business in a long, long, long time, because, again, it was a fear that I was avoiding facing, but now that I've faced it, I've just activated to a whole new level. So come, come on this journey with me. Let's pop off together. Um, all right, cool, I'm going to leave it there. I love you guys so much. I'll see you inside the Academy.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. I'm sure you're loving each and every episode and, if you are, I would be so grateful if you could take just a couple of minutes to leave your review and or rating. This allows me to connect with you as I read your comment or see the review, and it also allows me to grow the show, which means more impact, more powerful guests for you guys to learn from and more women changing their life for the better. If this does align, send me a screenshot of your review or rating to hello at jessmartincomau and I'll send you a copy of my ebook for free to say thanks.