InSight To The VA

InSight To The Blind Rehabilitation Centers

Wisdom 4 The Blind, Inc. Season 1 Episode 7

Welcome to another episode of InSight To The VA! In this episode, our host, Benjamin Keeley is joined by his good friends and Wisdom 4 The Blind volunteers, Mr. David Coe and Mrs.Vicki Stoughton. Vicki and David sit with Ben to discuss their own personal backgrounds and their experiences with VIST Coordinators and the Blind Rehabilitation Centers. Ben, Vicki, and David were also able to discuss the day to day operations of the Blind Rehabilitation Centers, including food, technology, features, and skills that can be developed to take care of yourself. Lastly, they discuss the importance and value of communicating with your VIST Coordinator to ensure that you are using your resources to the fullest. 

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