Kingdom Mothers Rise Up

What Do You Do When You're Up Against A Wall? #106

Mukkove - The Mom Mentor

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Do you ever feel like you're doing what God told you to do and then you hit a wall?

The Lord showed me two ways of being against a wall

Wall 1

You are traveling the path God has called you to.
You are following and making progress. Maybe you’ve been running and striving to get where you think you need to be faster.

One day you run into a wall.
There is no way over or around this wall.

It feels like you will never be able to live the life for Christ you long to live.
It’s too hard. It’s not working. You’ll never get it right. You know what’s right but you question if anyone sees Christ in your life.

This is likely a wall that’s foundation was laid in childhood and with the sneaky influence of satan. It’s built with lies about God and His love for you. Lies about yourself. Lies about how the Kingdom of God works.

Jesus is ready and willing to take the wall down.
It’s your wall so He needs your permission.

From an adult perspective it may not make sense that you built a wall to stop yourself. Somehow it was intended to protect you. The thing is when we try to protect ourselves we are not trusting God. We’re getting bad information. When we are hurting the enemy is always there trying to help us make sense of things in a way that will keep us stuck in the long run. Without the help, maturity, and discernment to know the difference, walls get built to protect that eventually trap you.

Once Jesus has your permission
He will dismantle the wall in whatever way He chooses. Along with your permission you may need to forgive, repent, break wrong agreements or something else as you sit in His presence.

Wall 2

You have been following God’s call, walking the path He laid out for you. Now you feel He is calling you higher, to more. But you feel like you’ve hit a wall. 

The doodle of this is walking a path in the mountains and coming to a cliff. The trail seems to dead end right in front you.

Doubt floods in. 

Did You say to go this way? Haven’t I been obeying? Did I get it wrong? 

Then the accusations. 

You never should have come this way. Why did you think you could make it? Who do you think you are anyway?

You are tempted to stop. It feels hopeless and pointless. Impossible.

If you keep going you will see that when you get to the cliff there is a hidden stair cut in the mountain that goes to the next level. You can;t see it because you’re not there yet or because God is calling you to pivot. You need to turn, to shift your focus off the cliff to see the stairs.

You haven’t been wrong.

You needed to come this way to get to the stairs. The steps to get to the next level. There may be relationships, good ideas, things that worked in the past that need to be left behind to ascend the stairs. It doesn’t mean they were wrong or bad, just not for this part of the journey.

What God taught me about my daug

Discipling mothers to disciple generations

Encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

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In Kingdom Mothers. I wanted to talk to you today about being up against a wall. I had a conversation with someone last week that they were talking about just running and striving and trying so hard to do what God was telling them to do, and it felt like they were running into a wall, and we had a really cool conversation around that. And then one night, as I was I'm not sure if it was a dream or if I was just like trying to go to sleep and talking to God or whatever but he showed me another picture of running into a wall, and so I wanted to talk about both of those, because I realized that, depending on the wall you're running into, there's different things that you need to do. So the first wall when you run into the wall, you've been traveling the path that God's called you to, you're following it, you're making progress, or maybe you've been running and striving to get to where you think you need to be faster, and then you run into this wall and there is no way over or around this wall. It feels like you'll never be able to live the life for Christ that you long to If you know what to do and you're just not doing it, you question whether anyone would see Christ in your life and it's just too hard and it's not working and you're never going to get it right. If you're running into that kind of wall, that wall was likely built, the foundation was likely laid in childhood, was likely laid in childhood and you've been building on it ever since, without maybe really realizing it, because the enemy is sneaky. From an adult perspective, it maybe doesn't make sense, like why would I build a wall that's in my path, that's stopping me from what I really want? Yes, intentionally, you did not build a wall to stop you. You built a wall to protect you. Those foundations a link to. I did a different podcast on a foundation I laid in my daughter's life and the wall she was building Like the things that our parents teach us, that our environment teaches us, either through like directly intentionally teaching us or just through our experience and what we decide.


That means we end up setting things in place, maybe to protect us, probably to protect us that when we mature and understand things in a more healthy way, we see oh, this is actually keeping me from what God wants me to be, things like thinking that God is just waiting to get us in trouble or that we need to somehow perform well enough for him to stay happy with us. Perform well enough, well enough for him to stay happy with us? Um, that we need to protect ourselves. We can't trust him to do it. All these different things where things happen, and because of our experience, because of our um, our environment, our upbringing, and because of the enemy, he's right there to say, hey, this is what this means, like you need to decide to take care of yourself. You need to decide. You can't trust people and all of those things start building this wall.


So, if you find yourself up against that kind of wall, jesus is ready and willing to dismantle the wall, but he needs your permission. And that might sound strange. It's like he's God. He can do whatever he wants If he wants the wall down. Why doesn't he just take the wall down? He's God, he can do whatever he wants If he wants the wall down. Why doesn't he just take the wall down? Because he gave us free will and he gave us autonomy, where we have control over ourselves, we have the authority to say what happens and what doesn't happen with us, and we built the wall. So if he were to come and take it down without our permission. He would be violating our autonomy and he doesn't do that. The enemy will do that, but Jesus doesn't.


Being able to sit with Jesus and be like what is this wall made of? What happens if I take it down? It down and paying attention to those thoughts and emotions that come up can get you to a place where like, okay, yes, I want you to take the wall down and I trust you to take it down in the best way possible, because often we think like if you just snap your fingers and the wall was gone, that'd be great. But often there's so much more in that wall than we really realize of the way that we've been thinking and relating to God and relating to people that if it was all just suddenly wiped out, it would be like an implosion. And God is gentler than that he will take down. Like here. Like here, we can get rid of these pieces pretty easy. You've already started to see that these things aren't true and you're not holding to these. Or let's do some work forgiving over here and then this part of the wall will go away, of the wall will go away. That, like, you made some agreements here. You made some choices here that you need to repent and, um, clean up some stuff there, and then this part of the wall can go away and he's there to walk with you every step of that journey of dismantling this wall.


I would encourage you to like, even as I'm talking, like did you get a picture of a wall? And if you're not a visual person, maybe you didn't If you resonate with this, asking what is that wall and what's it going to take for it to come down, and if that's a process that is intimidating to do on your own, that's what I'm here for. I have spots for that. If you are like, yeah, I think that's the wall I'm running into, what does that look like for me to give Jesus permission to start taking this wall down? The other kind of wall that he showed me is he showed it to me like walking in the mountains and you're on a path that it's a nice level path, even and smooth, gradually going upward, and then you come to a point where there's this sheer rock wall in front of you. Like it looks like the path just runs straight into it and it just dead ends. So you've been on this path. This is what God calls me to. It's what he's put on my heart. This is where he's been leading me and I feel like now he's calling me to more. He's calling me higher, but now this isn't making any sense because I see ahead like just this dead end, the rock wall, like I'm still. I'm still going, but it doesn't seem like it's really going to go anywhere and I'm not seeing how this is going to work to get higher from here.


And the doubts flood in like Lord, did you really say to go this way? And haven't I been obeying you? Did I get this wrong? And then the accusations you never should have come this way. Why did you think you could do this? Who do you think you are anyway? So you're tempted to stop because it all just feels hopeless and pointless and impossible. But you know you can't stop because you know there's more. You know god is saying this is what he has for you and he showed me with this like it feels like it's this dead end and you're stuck and you've maybe done all this wrong.


You know the doubts, the accusations, and you're getting closer and closer to this wall. That just looks like it's a dead end, but if you keep knowing you'll see that when you get to the cliff, there's a hidden stair that's cut into the mountain. So there's these steps to get to the next level and they're there, but you don't see them until you get right to the end, right to the cliff. So you haven't been wrong. You needed to come this way. This is where your steps to get to the next level are. Yeah, you haven't been wrong. You needed to come this way. This is where your steps to get to the next level are. Yeah, you haven't been wrong. You haven't been deceiving yourself. You haven't been deceived.


He showed me like there's two possibilities, like one that you can be so focused on. This is what god told me to do, this is the way to go that you stay facing straight ahead and you just see the rock wall Looks like you have to scale this impossible cliff. So you might not be seeing the stairs because you're so focused on the old instructions, and the old instructions were just to get you where you're at and now it's time to pivot. You might not be seeing the next steps because you might not actually be there yet. They might still be hidden from you. Or you might not be seeing them because there's things you're holding onto that you need to let go of. You need to turn, make that pivot to see the steps and to take different steps now, because the path coming up was a level. Just you could walk along and, yes, you can walk upstairs, but it's a different step than walking on a level path step than walking on a level path If you feel like you're up against either of those walls.


Sometimes it might just be one session and there's just that one little thing you need and you are ready to run, and that is fabulous and I truly am blessed to do that and have it be nothing more than that, because it's still impacting the kingdom, it's still helping you to rise up, and that is definitely what I'm about. I also offer the one-on-one coaching to walk alongside you, to teach you different skills, like finding Jesus and discerning your voice from the Lord's voice, from the enemy's voice, identifying why things that you absolutely know are true don't feel true, and not only teaching you the skills of like. Here you go. This is I can outline it real simply. These are the steps, this is what you do, but actually walk with you as practicing and help you see how to use those tools, as I felt in my journey.


People would give me tools and be like here's what you need to do. You need to give it to God, you need to set boundaries, you need to let God love you, and they all sounded like just simple here you go, just follow these steps. Sometimes they didn't even have steps, it was just the just do this, like you're just supposed to know how. I didn't know how it was. Like somebody handing me a power saw so that I could cut up a pile of wood without teaching me how to use the saw or without even seeing if I had a place to plug it in. So I don't want to do that Like try and lay it out Like this is how to use it.


But sometimes it takes the relationship of walking with someone, someone coming beside you, and yes, that's that's how you step, that's where you need to go next. That's what this feels like. When you learn these things that challenge what your family always taught you. It's going to feel scary and that's okay when you set boundaries. It's going to feel like you're super selfish and that you're out of line, when you've been taught that boundaries were bad and selfish and all these things to have someone to walk with you and remind you until you've learned it well enough to do it on your own. That's a a huge part of the power of the one-on-one coaching that I do. I hope that those pictures bless you. Let me know if you resonate with running into one of those walls, whether you've run into one in the past or you feel like you're up against one now, and I will see you next time.