The Business and Life Channel
This channel explores Business and Life principles to help listeners improve their Business and improve their life. It’s a series of interviews, stories, case studies and insights from people who have experienced success and achievement in many different Business and Life settings.It draws on clients and contacts of Lead Australia and Peter Daniels.
The Business and Life Channel
A module of Learning on Goal Setting
Peter Daniels
We’ve all heard about the importance iof setting goals. This module of learning is out of one of my programs designed to help individuals and businesses to be able to set and achieve their most important goals. It has been professionally recorded for you. I trust that you enjoy it!
This module of learning is copywritten and is for your personal use only and the contents cannot be reproduced in any form without the the written consent of the author.
For further information, suggestions, feedback or to make suggestions of other interesting interview candidates contact peter@leadaustralia.com.au