The Business and Life Channel
This channel explores Business and Life principles to help listeners improve their Business and improve their life. It’s a series of interviews, stories, case studies and insights from people who have experienced success and achievement in many different Business and Life settings.It draws on clients and contacts of Lead Australia and Peter Daniels.
The Business and Life Channel
Anthony Butler -Business owner- Client- Builder of Data “dashboards”
Peter Daniels
Anthony Butler and his team build “dashboards “ for his clients, so that they can capture relevant data that is presented in an easy to read manner, to improve decision making, profitability, and predictability.
His story is very interesting from changing direction from potentially accountancy to this business and seeing the benefits he brings to many organizations
Anthony can be contacted at https://emergentco.com.au
For further information, suggestions, feedback or to make suggestions of other interesting interview candidates contact peter@leadaustralia.com.au