The Business and Life Channel
The Business and Life Channel
Tobi Knowles- Capital Building Works -we talk about The Murray River reparation
Tobi Knowles has a heart for people! He and his brother have a winery in the Barossa, but in this interview we talk about the River Murray Flood.
Some of Tobi’s wide experience has been in reparation work. He has offered to be available to have conversations with those who have buildings affected by the flood. We talk about changes to council requirements, rebuilds, dealing with insurance assessor’s and companies, and he provides some suggestions that may help.
We also chat about increases in costs, maybe a few things to think about to save money on rebuilds, and a couple of thoughts around when to build, building shortages and supply chains issues. I think you’ll fin this interesting.
Tobi can be contacted on 0431594330 or tobi@capitalbuildingworks.com.au
For further information, suggestions, feedback or to make suggestions of other interesting interview candidates contact peter@leadaustralia.com.au