The Business and Life Channel
The Business and Life Channel
Glen Davie- Ignite signs and Visual
I don’t know whether you have ever thought about the huge role that signage “plays” in our society and Business. In this Podcast we talk to Glen, originally a teacher, who had a career change. Glen has developed a system for new Medical Centres and the like, and it will amaze you how much new business comes from a well presented sign!
This thought also begs the question…what signage and “messaging” are you communicating to the public?
We also chat about the LIV golf bus Glen “wrapped” and some trains and how vehicle “wrapping” vehicles can be a 24/7 ad that can bring you new business.
Glen can be contacted on https://www.ignitesignsandvisual.com.au/
For further information, suggestions, feedback or to make suggestions of other interesting interview candidates contact peter@leadaustralia.com.au