The Business and Life Channel
This channel explores Business and Life principles to help listeners improve their Business and improve their life. It’s a series of interviews, stories, case studies and insights from people who have experienced success and achievement in many different Business and Life settings.It draws on clients and contacts of Lead Australia and Peter Daniels.
The Business and Life Channel
Roam Generation-Erin’s exploits around the world!
Peter Daniels
Have you ever thought you might like to travel the world…or change careers and get into something different for your work. Well Erin and her hubby and family of 3 boys did that. They made a decision, set a goal, reversed engineered what they had to do and bought a boat and sailed the world for a total of 4 years.
While on this epic journey Erin “found “ her purpose, re-calibrated her skills and started her own successful PR business.
Its a great story and there’s lots for us all to learn from her experience.
….it might even float your boat!
For further information, suggestions, feedback or to make suggestions of other interesting interview candidates contact peter@leadaustralia.com.au