Best Seller Secrets

The System that Launched 1,500 Best Selling Books!

Rob Kosberg Season 2 Episode 5

After all the hard work that’s gone into publishing your book, what happens next? Will it become a bestseller, or a quiet flop?

As someone who's behind 1,500 best selling books, I will break down the five-step process to a highly successful launch. This approach works for any genre, getting it seen by thousands and taking it to the top.

If you’re looking for the perfect book launch plan, listen in for expert advice and let’s make your book a smash hit!


  • Five established steps to kick off a best selling book
  • How to attract your ideal ideal audience
  • The power of media and advertising during a launch

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Welcome to the Bestseller Secrets Podcast, where business owners come to learn how to explode their business with their own bestselling book. I'm your host, Rob Kosberg, and today we are going to talk about the five step process that we have used to launch over 1500 bestselling books for our clients in 50 different genres and 30 different countries around the world. This will work for you whether you are writing an autobiography, whether you're writing a business book in any genre itself, even if you're writing a children's book or a fiction book as well. So I want to give you these five steps. I want to talk through each one of those steps with you. And I do want you to understand as we go through this that at any given time, one of these things may be something that you love doing and enjoy doing. But there's other things, there's other parts of this that you may say to yourself, you know what? That's really hard. I don't know how to do that. That seems difficult. I'm going to skip that. This is not a buffet. We do this every single week. In fact, we launch three or four new books for our clients every single week in multiple different genres. And I'm telling you, each one of these aspects are really, really important. So let me dive right in and discuss each one of these five steps. Step number one has nothing to do with advertising or promotion, but it is crucial, and that is the design phase. You need to make sure that your book has been properly designed with both a beautiful and attractive cover as well as a title that directly hooks your ideal client. Now, there's lots of pieces to what I just described, but I do want to make sure that you understand that if you want to spend $5 with fiverr and try to get a cover made and think that something like that is going to stop somebody in their tracks sure. Is it possible to spend$5 and get a good cover? Yes. Is it probable? Absolutely not. Look, you have a second or two to get somebody to stop scrolling on Amazon or Barnes and Noble because they see your cover, because they're hooked by your title, because they're interested in your subtitle. And if they pass it by, they will probably never come back to it. So you have one or 2 seconds to get their attention. You've got to make sure that you have a great design and that you have a great title. Let's talk about title for just a second. There's a couple elements of title that's important. Number one, your title needs to be interesting, and it needs to provoke curiosity. I like to tell my clients that your title should be no more than one to three words. Now, can it be four words? Sure. Can it be five words? Sure. But as a rule, one to three words works really well. Think of Malcolm Gladwell's best selling books, like his best selling book The Tipping .3 Words. You get the idea. His best selling book blink. Boom. It creates curiosity, interest, his best selling book. Outliers one word provokes curiosity and interest, and it stops you in your tracks. You can do just the same. Find one, two, or three words that really hooks somebody and stops them in their tracks. Now your subtitle is where you can really share the benefit of reading the book. This is where you give the potential reader the benefits and the promise of the book itself. You want to share the one to three benefits of reading it what they're going to get out of their book. My book, Publish, promote, profit is the new rules of writing, marketing, and making money with your book. That's the promise of reading it. The obvious hook is publish, promote, profit. The same with your book. So hook them with a great Curiosity provoking title, and then give them the promise with that subtitle. When it comes to design, there's a few different elements that matter. When it comes to design, understand that you need a design that's going to speak to your ideal audience. In fact, for a business or nonfiction related book, cleaner is always better. You will see, most business and nonfiction related books that are successful generally have a very plain image with beautiful font, right? They're not dressing it up with tons of different images and pictures and collages. Sure, there are exceptions to every rule, but go back and look in your genre at the most successful books and you will find that most of them have a very simple cover. Perhaps it's all white. In fact, all of Malcolm Gladwell's best selling books are with a white cover with a sharp contrasting font like black or dark blue, et cetera. You can do the exact same thing, and for the most part, simpler is better. Okay, that's step number one. Before you send anybody to your book, make sure that you have a great title and subtitle. You really hook your ideal client and make sure you have a cover design that pops, that stands out and speaks to your ideal audience. After that is done and you're confident that you have something that is really going to stand out, the next thing we do is what we call the soft launch. The soft launch is the review phase when it comes to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, et cetera. Here's what we suggest to our clients, and I'll give you kind of the step by step of it. Step number one, we suggest to our clients that they reduce the price of the digital book to as low as possible, and usually that's ninety nine cents. The reason we want to do that is because we don't want there to be any barrier to their sphere of influence, their inner circle, their friends, to actually downloading the book we're not telling the world about the book at this point. All we're doing is suggesting to the author, go out to your direct sphere of influence. Go out to 100, 200, 300 people. However big your current client, past client, your database is, reach out to them personally and let them know you're part of my inner circle. I've just launched a new book, and I would like a favor. And the favor is, I've reduced the price to 99 cent. Just for the next two weeks, please download a copy of the book, read just two or three chapters, and then offer me a review based on what you've read. When you do that, look, not everybody's going to offer you a review, but in your inner circle, 2020, 5% of those people should. And the other thing you may have noticed, maybe not, is that we suggest to people that they only ask for their reader to read just two or three chapters. Why do we do that? Well, very simply, the average American after high school reads one book in their entire lifetime. Right? Most Americans are not avid readers. Now, that may be different for you, it's certainly different for me, but it's not different for most people. So don't intimidate them by asking them to read the entire book. Ask them to read just a couple of chapters, and then give an honest review based on what they've read. When they do that, you take the onus off of them to spend a lot of money and to read your entire book. Now you're saying, look, just download it for 99 cent. I have it priced at that, just very specially for you, and read a couple of chapters. And you'll love it when you do that. You're going to get a great base of 1020 30 reviews. And here's the interesting thing with Amazon. When it comes to Amazon, your reviews are gold. If you have great reviews on your book, they're going to know, the algorithm is going to tell them, this is a good book. We can send traffic safely to this book because people are going to buy it. There are so many books on Amazon, and it's flooded with really poor quality stuff, right? Especially with the advent of AI. People are pumping out poor quality books all the time, and competition is only going to get tougher. So the books with the best reviews are going to get focused on by Amazon. So make sure that you do this step before you do the hard launch of the book. Okay? So, great design. We've done a soft launch. Several weeks have gone by, maybe two or three. We have 1020 3100 reviews for a book. Fantastic. Amazon says this is a good book. Now we're going to do what we call the hard launch of the book. The hard launch is a week long promotional period, and that promo period. Here's what we do for every single book and we launch three, four books every single week and have done this 1500 plus times, as I shared, in every different genre. So all three of these next steps happen at the same time throughout the entire week of the hard launch. Step number one, we're going to write three US. Based press releases. Now, two things to understand about press releases. Number one, press releases last forever, and they have great SEO link juice, meaning that if you've written a press release about your best selling book, you will find that on a continual basis, when people search that topic, they might run across your press release. So it's something that's going to live for a long time. And number two, each press release goes out to about 1000 media outlets. And usually if you do a good job writing it, you're going to find about 100 to 200 of those media outlets pick it up. So that's tens of thousands, and in some cases hundreds of thousands of eyeballs that are on your books because of each press release. We write three. We write one for Monday, we build on it with a Wednesday, and then we culminate it with a Friday. We want to do that because we're not trying to be a bestseller for 1 hour on Amazon. No real bestsellers hit the list for the entire week. So we want to be a bestseller in our categories and our genre for the entire week. So three press releases are the foundation of it. Number two, we do a ton of paid advertising on various websites that are genre specific. So on average, we will find 50 to 60 websites in the genre of our clients book, and we will do paid advertising on those websites. So if we're launching a financial advice book, we will find websites that have a big financial advice following, especially as it relates to authors and books. And then we will do a campaign on their website. We will spend it could be as little as $1020 for an ad. It could be as much as 100 or $200 for an ad so that we put our clients book on that website for the period of that week. And it could be for one day, three days, five days, or the entire week itself. An example of a website that you can do this with is BookBub. BookBub is a fantastic site with millions and millions of email addresses in every genre imaginable. And what we do is do a promotion to websites like BookBub and dozens of others. We usually 50 to 60 websites is kind of our basis, you may say, well, that's an awful lot. Well, our promise, our guaranteed for our clients is that we're going to make your book a best selling book, guaranteed, or we refund 100% of the money. Now, we don't refund because we make sure to live up to our promise. So if it's that important for me with my clients. It certainly should be that important for you with your own specific and personal book and story. So don't just get lazy and write ads for one site or two sites. Do the research. Find the sites. Find 30, 40, 50 different sites that you can advertise on, and you're going to drive tons and tons of eyeballs and interest, and people are going to download it, and people are going to buy the book. The last thing we do, remember these three things that we do during the hard launch week we do three US based press releases. We do paid advertising on 50 to 60 sites. And the third thing that we focus on is a big social media campaign. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well. We will generally advertise to 100 or 200,000 people a day during the launch of our clients books, because we can, especially on Facebook, really target who it is that we're trying to find that might be interested in this book. This is how we guarantee if you have no platform whatsoever, if no one knows who you are, if you don't have a single email address, we can guarantee that somebody becomes a bestseller by putting our clients book in. Front of the people that are interested, people that have their own websites, people that are searching for this kind of content, people that are in Facebook groups, et cetera. And you can do the same thing. Those are the five steps. Again, step number one, the design phase, which is all about your title and your cover design. Step number two, the soft launch, which is two or three weeks of a real focus on making sure that you have great Amazon verified reviews. And then steps three, four, and five happen during launch week. Three US based press releases, big paid advertising campaign, 50 to 60 sites, and a big social media campaign. This is how you can become a bestseller. Even if you have no platform and no following whatsoever, people are going to love your book. If this is helpful for you, then you can learn a little bit more about us at In fact, you can get a copy of my book at a 75% discount with hundreds of dollars in bonuses as well.