The Hear Me Out! [CC] Podcast
The Hear Me Out! [CC] Podcast
How to be awesome at creating, editing, structuring and uploading a transcript?
Episode 85 - Even though my first love captions, I don't think that transcripts get the love, attention and respect they deserve. This is evident when most people just copy and paste a big chunk of text onto a document or web page and assume that "it will do".
But you are missing out on so much more. And more importantly, so is your audience.
If you are a content creator and use media such as videos and podcasts, having an accurate and well-designed transcript can impact both your website/content and your audience experience.
So instead of dumping some text, consider following the step-by-step guide below on how to create, edit, structure and upload a transcript that your content and audience deserves.
For transcripts plus links to relevant sources or even to watch the video version of this podcast, visit this episode page.
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