The Hear Me Out! [CC] Podcast
As someone who is deaf/hard of hearing, the host Ahmed Khalifa has created the Hear Me Out! [CC] Podcast to interview people in and around the d/Deaf community who have amazing stories to share with you. Even though some of the guests may have a more severe hearing loss than others, Ahmed will still interview them and also provide transcripts for those who prefer to read the discussion. If you have any questions, feel free to email Ahmed at hello@hearmeoutcc.com, and enjoy the show.
The Hear Me Out! [CC] Podcast
"Which sign language should I learn first?" - My thoughts
Ahmed Khalifa
Episode 91
Episode 91 - Which sign language should you learn? This is a common one for those who wants to go on that journey of learning it. And that is great.
By asking that question, it is hoped that you are looking to learn sign language for the right reason (communicate with deaf people) and not for social klouts like attention and because "it looks pretty".
Hopefully, this episode will help give you a starting point and it will take you on a journey that will benefit so many people without you realising it.
If you want access to the transcript of this podcast, plus links to relevant sources or even to watch the video version of this podcast, visit this episode page.
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