Confessions of a Recruiter

Michael Johns | Brick by Brick, Building a Business' Foundation | Confessions of a Recruiter #73

February 18, 2024 Season 2 Episode 73
Michael Johns | Brick by Brick, Building a Business' Foundation | Confessions of a Recruiter #73
Confessions of a Recruiter
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Confessions of a Recruiter
Michael Johns | Brick by Brick, Building a Business' Foundation | Confessions of a Recruiter #73
Feb 18, 2024 Season 2 Episode 73

Embark on a riveting exploration of the pivotal moments when a business decides to lay down its physical roots. Our latest episode strikes at the heart of what every up-and-coming company grapples with: making that leap from virtual to tangible. We're joined by enterprising guests who've weathered the storm of selecting an office space, and their insights are nothing short of a treasure map for businesses on the verge of expansion. From the bustling charm of Stafford cafes to the practical considerations of parking and accessibility, our discussion paints a vivid picture of how an office can transform client relations and the perception of a company's credibility.

As our guests share their stories, you'll be privy to a candid breakdown of the essentials for a business's first office. The conversation shifts seamlessly from the allure of 'end of trip' facilities to the necessity of a welcoming meeting room, guiding listeners through the labyrinth of renting decisions. Our delve into the world of co-working spaces uncovers why they might just be the silver bullet for businesses seeking that collaborative haven without the hefty price tag. With every anecdote and piece of advice, you'll feel equipped to make that daunting decision on where your business should call home. Join us and transform the way you think about your company's next big step.

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Show Notes Transcript

Embark on a riveting exploration of the pivotal moments when a business decides to lay down its physical roots. Our latest episode strikes at the heart of what every up-and-coming company grapples with: making that leap from virtual to tangible. We're joined by enterprising guests who've weathered the storm of selecting an office space, and their insights are nothing short of a treasure map for businesses on the verge of expansion. From the bustling charm of Stafford cafes to the practical considerations of parking and accessibility, our discussion paints a vivid picture of how an office can transform client relations and the perception of a company's credibility.

As our guests share their stories, you'll be privy to a candid breakdown of the essentials for a business's first office. The conversation shifts seamlessly from the allure of 'end of trip' facilities to the necessity of a welcoming meeting room, guiding listeners through the labyrinth of renting decisions. Our delve into the world of co-working spaces uncovers why they might just be the silver bullet for businesses seeking that collaborative haven without the hefty price tag. With every anecdote and piece of advice, you'll feel equipped to make that daunting decision on where your business should call home. Join us and transform the way you think about your company's next big step.

· Our Website is:

Speaker 1:

Now we've kind of got to a point 18 months in going, it's good, it's humming. We're ready to take that next step off of space, somewhere where we can go, and also, I think, with clients. It builds that credibility. Great a question. They always ask us where are you located? Where are you?

Speaker 2:

Oh out in Stafford, mate. It's up to us it is.

Speaker 1:

I'm just on the inner south side.

Speaker 2:

It's a great place, great cafes.

Speaker 1:

And some are super receptive and some are kind of like, oh okay, like so, if it's for us, we go. If we have an office, then they just. I think the expectation is, an office builds credibility, rightfully or wrongfully, but for us we're going to go. Okay, well, great, that's the next step in our journey to kind of then just build that next layer.

Speaker 2:

What are your considerations with an office? So if there's anyone out there that there's a ton of recruiters right now, that are probably thinking about getting their first office, like we've got some. Harwell got their first office in January, h people got their first office this week and there's a lot of considerations depending on, obviously, what's important. But for you guys, what are your considerations? Newstead lots of good coffee shops around. Size is certain, size of office.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not, does it? Need a meeting room or yeah, because I think for us we sit there and go well, what do we need the office for? We visit lots of big, beautiful offices with our clients and then they tell you about the rent and you kind of like that just blows your mind.

Speaker 2:

Oh, but it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe how expensive some offices are in Brisbane. Yeah, absolutely so I think. For us it's more I think like accessibility. Like Newstead, great, you can drive, you can park, you know, I parked out in the front today Whereas, like in the city, people are paying an arm and a leg to get in there. So I think that's a consideration for us. What are people coming to the office for? So if you have enough room for us to sit at the desks but then just like whether it's a meeting room or a breakout area with the client does want to come into your office, you've got somewhere comfortable to sit and it represents your business and it's got a bit of a vibe to it. They're probably the most important things to us. Like you know, the extra end of trip facilities and things like that For us and I guess, where we are and our business journey not really as important it's more just about that collaborative space that we can be in if a client wants to come visit us. There is a bricks and mortar location.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like a co-working space would be perfect. Yeah, yeah absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

that's along the tangent that we're looking at at the moment.