Confessions of a Recruiter

The Secret to success | #84

May 27, 2024
The Secret to success | #84
Confessions of a Recruiter
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Confessions of a Recruiter
The Secret to success | #84
May 27, 2024

This episode is your golden ticket, revealing the small but mighty steps that distinguish the best in the business from the rest. It's about the grind, the office vibes, the energy from your peers, and the time-honored tactics that sports icons swear by. We're laying it all out for you, so be ready to revamp your recruitment game plan.

We don't just talk shop; we walk you through our accountability framework, a concentrated concoction of methodologies from the crème de la crème at xrecruiter. Whether you're a fledgling agency owner or a veteran in the field, the insights shared here will shepherd you through the industry's maze and steer you toward your aspirations.

We shine a light on community significance, perseverance, and learning from the elite. So strap in for a session packed with wisdom and actionable strategies that will reset your journey to recruitment royalty.

· Our Website is:

Show Notes Transcript

This episode is your golden ticket, revealing the small but mighty steps that distinguish the best in the business from the rest. It's about the grind, the office vibes, the energy from your peers, and the time-honored tactics that sports icons swear by. We're laying it all out for you, so be ready to revamp your recruitment game plan.

We don't just talk shop; we walk you through our accountability framework, a concentrated concoction of methodologies from the crème de la crème at xrecruiter. Whether you're a fledgling agency owner or a veteran in the field, the insights shared here will shepherd you through the industry's maze and steer you toward your aspirations.

We shine a light on community significance, perseverance, and learning from the elite. So strap in for a session packed with wisdom and actionable strategies that will reset your journey to recruitment royalty.

· Our Website is:

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another Confessions of a Recruiter episode. In this special episode we get back to basics. One of the special things here at XRecruiter is we get to find out what all the high performers do when starting their recruitment agency.

Speaker 2:

So this is where they work, how they work and the metrics that matter most. So if you find yourself getting lost in the weeds in the big blue ocean of being in recruitment, working along on your own, then this episode is going to bring you back to what matters most. So enjoy and make sure you implement. Welcome back to another episode of Confessions of a Recruiter. It's Blake and Declan, and today BT. There's a topic I really want to bring up. I think the secret to success is literally doing the work that you're avoiding. I hear that term thrown around a lot.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah. This episode is going to be a bit of a tribute to the recruiters out there that might have lost their way. They're feeling the pinch of the market. They're not getting the wins that they expected from last year or the year before. So today we're going to break down the basics of what you need to do to be a high-performing recruiter. This is a bit of a refresher. We're not reinventing the wheel. There's no magic sauce here but it's just going back to basics and making sure you're doing the small things first.

Speaker 2:

Because there's a lot of things that you can trip up on. You can expect there's a silver bullet, people are doing things a certain way. There's something you don't know. They're better than you, they've got existing relationships. There's many things that you can throw out the window and say, hey, this is the reason why I'm not successful, when in reality, the best recruiters, this is what they do. It's their performance, the collaboration and I think, mate, I want to kick this off with they're in the office.

Speaker 1:

Office is a really big thing, especially for a recruiter. Look, some a very small portion of recruiters can work from home, but I would say, for the 99%, being in the office, being around other people, absorbing their energy, becoming better by osmosis. So the whole concept that if you're around high performers, you will naturally become a high performer yourself is really accurate and true. So being in the office is a crucial part of making sure that you are performing well.

Speaker 2:

It looks glamorous on social media and we look to these big brands and what they've come before us, but everyone starts at zero and sometimes you need to go back to that and start again, no matter where you're at in life, and realize you can rebuild. So I read a book thanks to Maddie for giving me this but it's called Winning by Tim Grover, and Tim Grover I'm about halfway through. He is the coach, the life coach and all-round high-performance coach for Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan and he took them to new heights. And one thing that they did meticulously was the basics. They never got away from it, no matter how far they went through their career, no matter how many NBA playoffs they won, no matter what, they always got back to the court the next day and did the basics.

Speaker 2:

And we've helped a phenomenal amount of recruiters I think not just in X Recruiter but across the board get self-belief to be able to start their own agencies. And now we've been in the game long enough the 18 months, 19 months to realize that other agency owners they're doing it tough. There could be nine months in business. One year in business even a conversation the other day seven years in business and people are going. What the hell is happening? Why can't I just make it stick and you get in your own head? So I think it'd be good just to go through our accountability framework on what it means to be a really good recruiter and the foundations you need to focus on and what's going to drive outcomes, because there is a big blue ocean out there and sometimes you can get super, super lost. So we'll run you through it. Blake, do you want to kick off with the outcomes that matter most?

Speaker 1:

What we've got here with this accountability framework is a combination of data from all the highest performing recruiters at XRecruiter. It's no secret that when you're a high-performing recruiter, you join X Recruiter to start your own brand and work for yourself. So the valuable thing that we get to look into with X Recruiter is we get to lift the bonnet up of all these high-performing recruiters and try and work out exactly what the patterns are that they do that make them ultra successful. So that's why we want to share this accountability framework with you today, just to remind you on the things that the high performers are doing that you may have forgotten or missed in the thick of it. So here are the outcomes that really matter.

Speaker 1:

If you're a high performer, the only thing that matters is how many new jobs you got for the week and how many interviews are taking place for the week. Anything other than those two metrics, it is irrelevant. It doesn't matter how many conversations you're having with hiring managers. It doesn't matter how many candidates you're meeting. It doesn't matter how many LinkedIn posts you're creating. The only two major key factors to your success are new qualified jobs and interviews booked and taking place.

Speaker 2:

If you have no jobs, you're unlikely to place, and if you've also got zero interviews happening or not many interviews happening, you're unlikely to place. Now this sounds super basic. It sounds like it would be in the Greg Sadovich Academy on what you need to do. But essentially we need to be getting this right and get back to basics and then you can increase the volume and that's how you build your desk.

Speaker 1:

Let's break this down a little bit further. It's easy for us to go how many new jobs, how many interviews are taking place? But what does that mean from an activity standpoint? Now, when we talk about the activity metrics to get us to where we need to be, it's important that this happens every single day. So a lot of recruiters fall into the trap of they'll get one or two jobs. They'll go, oh my God, I really need to fill this job, like right now, and then all of a sudden, they might have a 50-50 strike rate on filling a job. They don't fill it and then they're back to zero and they're constantly in this feast or famine mindset or momentum of ups and downs. So you really need to make sure you do the activity every single day, no matter how you feel. If you've got a million jobs and you think, oh, I don't need to do BD anymore, you still need to do BD. It's really, really important to stick to these metrics every day. So, dec, what are these metrics?

Speaker 2:

So first one is sales. Sales is the lifeblood to any desk, any business, and it's the most important part. So I would be looking at BD calls, bd calls, sales, outbound calls, conversations. You can send voice notes and do the fluffy stuff, but this is the core stuff that you need to do every single day. So I'd be doing at least five connected calls at a bare minimum, ideally 10 per day.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

So just to provide a bit more context on that. So if we're talking, you want, realistically, 10 connected BD calls every single day, which, if your like connect rate is let's be realistic and say it might be 30%, 35% then how many actual BD calls do you need to be doing every single day to reach 10 connected calls? At least 30. Bingo. So if you're not doing 30 BD calls every day, then you don't have the foundations to be billing a million plus. Okay, so we've got that.

Speaker 1:

Now these 10 connected calls just to clarify as well, these are intro calls. This is not like pitching someone, getting a job brief and then going to fill the role. This is purely reaching out. Hi, my name's Blake. I work at Vendita Consulting. This is this is what I specialize in.

Speaker 1:

I help general managers find people for their team, increase revenues, reduce risk, blah, blah, blah, blah and value add them.

Speaker 1:

Once you value add them, then you move it into. Would it make sense to organize a quick 15, 20 minute meeting to talk about your vacancies, to talk about your hiring strategies, et cetera? So, okay. So if there are any recruiters out there that are interested to find out what it's like to have a VA, support them in their role, whether that be to bill more, reduce tasks that they don't enjoy doing or be a more effective recruiter in their niche then we definitely recommend reaching out to the outsource people or top Reach out to them, inquire on how they can implement a VA in your agency and to support you. And if you mention ex-recruiter or confessions of a recruiter, they will give you a 13% discount off your bill per month on this VA. That will allow you to scale your business, scale your desk and to bill more and make more money. So go reach out to the outsource people, say confession sent you, get your discount and see what is possible.

Speaker 2:

What's next Then meetings. So we need to be having minimum three meetings a week to five, ideally five a week, one a day.

Speaker 1:

So ultimately, this is how it looks at the moment. So you get 10 connected calls. Five say look, not right now, I'm not interested in meeting. Five say yeah, okay, I'll meet with you for 15 to 20 minutes to discuss potentially what you can do for us. So ideally five meetings a week. Now that could be Zoom. It's a video call or a face-to-face, ideally, push for face-to-face. But ultimately there needs to be three to five client face-to-face meetings to discuss a job opportunity, the hiring strategies, what's coming up, what projects they've got 100% and then from there your close rate on average would be about 30% to 70%, depending on what that looks like.

Speaker 2:

So that would then give you a return of either one to three jobs every single week.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yeah. So you know, no one's Superman, you can't close everyone, but you should have a pretty high close rate. If you're meeting a hiring manager about an open vacancy, you should always be able to get that job. However, sometimes you do meet them and there's no immediate need, but it ends up just being an introductory session, so you can't close them all. But ultimately, if you're meeting three to five hiring managers for 15 to 20 minutes face to face a week, you should be able to pull in one to four jobs every single week.

Speaker 2:

And then the average fee. That would depend on your sector. It could be 15,000 to 23,000 if we're in perm, if we're in temp. It can range quite dramatically depending on your industry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I'm not sure if everyone knows what their stats are on their job fill rate, but if you're pulling in one to four jobs a week, you should, over the month if you've got even a really bad recruiter should be able to fill 25% of their jobs. A good recruiter fills 75% or above. So even if you're a terrible recruiter, if you are sticking to these basics, you should be filling one to two jobs a month and putting 20, 30K on the board. Bare minimum, bare minimum. This is all bare minimum stuff, guys. We're not like lighting the world on fire here, but if you're in this point where you've got high ups, high downs and you're really inconsistent, then these are the metrics that matter. It's your jobs, it's your interviews, it's your activity and they're the baselines that you need to do to be able to consistently bill at least 30, 40k or above.

Speaker 2:

And then having that framework and understanding what a consistent week is. And if you get in your own head, I would be finding an office, I'd be finding a mentor, I'd be finding someone you could lean on, that they could be there for you and guide you through this every single day, like getting a voice note or a pump up, something to keep you grounded. Because if you're not in an office, then you will get in your own head. It's only common nature, human nature, for that to happen. So dial it back in, stick to these metrics, and that would be a surefire way to be successful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's get back to basics, guys. Do the basics right and everything will come thereafter.

Speaker 2:

Have a great week, guys, and make sure you implement the action is what it's all about. Let's go baby.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for tuning in to another Confessions of a Recruiter podcast with Blake and Declan. We hope you enjoyed and got a lot of value and insights out of this episode. If you do have any questions or you would like to recommend someone to come on the Confessions podcast, we would love any introductions and remember the rule of the podcast, like share and recommend it to a friend. Until next time.