Confessions of a Recruiter

Recruiter Real Talk Introduction - with Declan Kluver - Episode #1

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of Confessions of a Recruiter. It's going to be a 10 to 15 minute hot take with everything I've learned with almost a decade of experience in the recruitment industry. My name is Declan Kluver. I am the Chief Business Officer here at XRecruiter, and the reason why I'm bringing you this series is because I want to help specifically three types of recruiters the ones that are ambitious but you feel burnt out. The ones who are working in a system where they know there's a next step but they feel like their career growth is capped. And then also the recruitment directors who have everything going for them but they're just in a broken model and not working this new way in recruitment like what we are pioneering. So they're the three types of people I really want to be able to help with this podcast. So if you're one of them, I appreciate if you could keep listening, and there's going to be six segments that I'm really going to dive deep on with, and they are as follows so, being able to break free from agency limitations and work the new way in recruitment. So this is going to be for the recruiters who feel stuck in their roles and they don't know how to get out of it, the ones that feel like, hey, recruitment's maybe not for me, but you're really good at it. We want to change that.

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Next is the blueprint for building a successful recruitment agency. So there's going to be guides, there's going to be checklists, there's going to be amazing products that I will share. Throughout this entire journey, every single episode, you'll be able to walk away with a content of value from XRecruiter, which is an absolute game changer. We'll also be talking about financial independence, wealth building for recruiters who feel like they want more control over their earnings, and how they can unlock that potential. Also, I've been coached by many people around the world business coaches, sales coaches, communication experts who I'll be introducing to you along the way and letting you know about it. But what's really important is you get the information that's important to you now. So, learning about sales, business development, the techniques on what I've implemented to be able to go from the recruiter that was building a cold desk, to then transition into my own recruitment agency with only two years experience, to then build that business up it's still in operation today on a national basis to then launching XRecruiter and helping Blake, the team, everyone here become the fastest growing business in the country and to help nearly now, a hundred recruiters set up their own successful recruitment agencies is incredibly fulfilling and building a brand and authority. That's what XRecruiter is all about.

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And Confessions of a Recruiter. We want to be the go-to number one operating system for recruiters Australia-wide and then, one day, internationally, so I'll be able to show you how to do that and how you can actually get inbound business. None of this stuff is made up. This is trialed and tested in our own agencies, then with our partners, multiple times before bringing any information for you. So everything you're getting ensures I'm at the top of the advice ladder in the entire country when it comes to how to build a recruitment agency and how to level up as a recruitment consultant. So where I get my information from everyone is at the top of the food chain when it comes to the advice ladder. So it's really, really important.

Speaker 1:

I know there's going to be concepts we chat about in this segment and on the Confessions of a Recruiter guest episodes where you're going to be hearing terms that you've never heard before. Some of these terms have taken five to seven years for me to grasp and understand, but my ability to communicate and for me to break down the micro lessons is what I'm really going to be focusing on, on how I can deliver you this content. So, if you're, because the reality is running a recruitment agency is not for everyone. Probably 1% of recruiters should actually run a recruitment agency, but there's, you know, 76% of the market is a one to three person business and I believe as a whole, as an industry, we can all level up and get better. So that's why I'm giving away this content for free, so one day you can not leave the recruitment industry and think it was a shitty career. You can get the most fulfillment, earn plenty of money and get the joys and freedom and flexibilities that recruitment's given to me, along with a couple of gray hairs, of course.

Speaker 1:

And then the last one's work-life balance. This is something that a lot of agency owners struggle with. They never feel like they actually get it. Same with consultants. You just always feel like you're on the grind. You got the up and down of recruitment champagnes, razor blades we get it. We've been there ourselves and now we have ways that we're able to embed certain meetings or time for yourself. So you don't feel like it's on a grind, because the reality is it's not a marathon. The ones who win in business are here. It's actually. It's not a sprint. I should say it's actually a marathon. So if you're trying to sprint, you're burning yourself out. There's a better way.

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So I'm going to show you a bunch of things over these coming episodes so you can get the most out of it. But what's most important is feedback. So comment on anything I say. Send me a DM, make sure we build a solid relationship. I can add you to an email list, whatever you need, so you can ensure you get the most out of this. It's a symbiotic relationship.

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I'm only as good as the questions I ask you guys, but I'm also only as good as the answers you give back, and I'll ensure we all take massive action together. So these types of things are really, really important. So I hope you enjoy this episode and that is Declan's first ever episode, so it's a little bit different not having anyone to bounce off. So I completely just free flowing. This is raw, it's unedited and everything I say is going to go up. Hey, serge, that's right. That's right, big boy. So look, I think I just need to highlight also just to delve deeper into my strengths. So one thing I'm learning lately is really being able to lean into my success. It makes me incredibly nervous, but being nervous about this is ultimately a limiting belief. So we all have these. They're all going to show up the further you get through life in certain areas whether that's finances, family health all these things are going to get highlighted the further you push yourself and working with R Michael Anderson.

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Look him up. He's an amazing mindset coach, business coach and psychologist. I see him every two weeks. He's. Look him up he's an amazing mindset coach, business coach and psychologist. I see him every two weeks. He's located in London. He's an American gentleman. He's built an amazing business, exited a couple of them as well in the software space, so a lot of the information around mindset and mindfulness comes from him.

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Empowering others Like nothing gets me more excited than seeing others succeed. I've never been happier in being able to be a part of X Recruiter and a part of this journey and helping people like not only just step into business and be successful at scale, but also seeing recruitment consultants, people that have never been in the industry come in and go. Wow, this is an amazing career and I know the trajectory for them has changed immensely. So you know I'm probably the best rec to rec in the industry. I've never actually charged a fee, but that's my claim to fame, so challenge me on that. I would love to An exceptional, exceptional communication.

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This is not something I was ever good at. Ask Blake, he goes bro, you are the worst communicator ever. Whatever you're feeling, I can see on your face, but I've worked closely with Ryan from Swiss Sales Coaching, spent over $80,000 with him across blended and X Recruiter Matt's also obviously working with him as well, and really how to level up and get better. It's taken me five years to grasp his concepts and really get dialed in and, like he says, even he doesn't fully understand everything. But we're going on this journey together, so it'd be really cool to have him, you know, come in and share his two Bob sets in the future on one of our guest episodes, which would be pretty cool. In regards to qualifications, just so you can understand. You know it's not just the Declan and Blake show.

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We're not just making this all up on a whim. We've got nearly a decade of experience in the industry. We've got a track record. We're building businesses and we've created many successful recruitment initiatives, which is really cool Proven business successes or recruitment success. We built a cold desk. We've excelled as a recruiter ourselves, found a blended employment, propelling it to rank in the top 8.4% of business sizes in Australia due to headcount Launched obviously ex-recruiter in August 2022. This was a two-year build on figuring out how this is going to work, earning accolades such as Young Entrepreneurs Award with Business News Australia. Afr number one spot out of 1500 entries. The chances of winning is 0.067%, which is wild. Also, the eighth most innovative company in Australia voted by the AFR across all business categories. That includes new startups, that includes ASX listed businesses across the board, and then also the RCSA Innovation Award, our only industry award, which is incredibly hard to win because obviously we have a few competitors that are edging to ensure we are not successful. But that's what makes this all so much more fun. So media recognition obviously, sky news, abc radio, courier mail, channel 7, the australian, the afr has all been generated by us forbes magazine as well. So this is all achieved through bootstrapping and building amazing relationships.

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In regards to, like industry thought leadership, confessions of a Recruiter is the number one recruitment podcast in the country, so it sits at the top of the advice ladder. Everyone we have on that podcast, whether it's ranging from a candidate manager right up to Andrew Banks, greg Savage. We have done over 110 episodes. So I've sat there in silence watching the conversations, adding my two cents, absorbing this knowledge. So if you were to just add up the amount of hours I've been specializing in this industry, I'm sure I'll be able to give you a tiny little bit of value so you can make the step from one to 1.1, hopefully to 1.2, and then 1.3. And we're committed to growth, like being able to help people invest in myself, get better. It's what this is all about. Look at Matt Cossons, for example. He's the first guy that took a risk and said, hey, there's something here, let's go to a new level. So it's exciting to have his expertise in the business.

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Taron Boats, blake Thompson, emma everyone comes from a really strong recruitment background, decades and decades of experience doing this, and that's just in the partner success team. So if you combine that with all other areas of the business, you can see why everyone is absolutely flying. So, yeah, I'm really pumped to be able to bring you guys this episode and make sure that everything we teach is focused around freedom and fulfillment for you all. Everything is built by recruiters for recruiters. This is all done by us. We've been there, done that. We've got proven playbooks, systems, community mentorship so there's obviously a really strong community within XRecruiter.

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We want to look at what that looks like, bringing more of the industry together. So we're working with the RCSA to do that, which is super exciting, and obviously you all know about the XRecruiter turnkey business model is obviously an absolute game changer. So that's why I'm really keen to get into this and I want to be chatting about lifestyle of recruiters, what goals you have, what challenges you have. So make sure we go on this journey together and that ensures we're all better together. So if there's anything you've gotten from this initial introduction, I'd really appreciate if you could let me know. But, yeah, really excited to be able to bring you this segment and make sure you subscribe, leave some comments like this post and let's get this message out there, because it's really, really important we level up this industry together. As I know, huge changes are coming. Huge changes have already been made, but we're really excited to bring you this second episode of Confessions every single week.