Money & Career Mastery: From Overwhelm to Ownership
Are you feeling stuck in the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, juggling debt, career decisions, and family goals while longing for financial freedom?
Welcome to the podcast that helps you take control of your finances, align your career with your values, and build a legacy for your family.
Hosted by Laura Sexton, Abundance & Legacy Coach, this podcast is your go-to resource for actionable advice, simple strategies, and motivational insights. Together, we’ll tackle the overwhelm of personal finances, optimize income, and design a life of freedom and purpose.
This show will provide answers to questions like:
- How do I create a budget and stick to it?
- Should I save or invest?
- What is debt consolidation, and should I consolidate my debt?
- How much should I save for retirement?
- What’s the best way to pay off debt?
- How can I maximize my income and career opportunities?
- How do I start building generational wealth?
- What is a 401(k), as is it the same as an IRA?
- How do I successfully transition from a 9-5 to entrepreneurship?
In each episode, you’ll learn how to:
- Pay off debt without sacrificing your lifestyle.
- Maximize your income and career opportunities.
- Navigate career changes and pivot toward entrepreneurship.
- Build generational wealth through intentional choices.
- Break free from financial stress and live with confidence.
If you're ready to move from overwhelmed to empowered, ditch the 9-5, and own your financial future, this is the podcast for you!
Subscribe now and start your journey to money and career mastery today.
Money & Career Mastery: From Overwhelm to Ownership
112. Fired from Your Job? Here’s What to Do Next!
Being fired can feel like a gut punch. Whether you saw it coming or it hit you out of nowhere, the uncertainty of what’s next is overwhelming. In this episode, I share my own experience of getting fired (yes, it happened!) and walk you through how to navigate job loss with confidence.
You’ll learn:
✅ How to process the emotions and move forward.
✅ The financial steps to take immediately after being fired.
✅ Why finding a new job fast is key (and how to avoid desperation mode!).
✅ How to turn this setback into an opportunity for career growth.
⚡ Don’t let job loss define you—take control of your future! Get my Career Assessment and book a free Career Clarity Call today.
🔔 Subscribe for part two in episode 114, where I’ll break down the four steps to landing your next job!
#CareerChange #JobLoss #Fired #FinancialSecurity #MoneyMindset #FindANewJob #CareerCoaching #MoneyMastery
Learn more about working with Laura Sexton
· Become a master with your money. Learn more here!
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Send an email to Laura@AccelerateYourLegacy.com or send a DM on Instagram @accelerateyourlegacy
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hello and welcome to money and career mastery from overwhelmed to ownership. I'm Laura Sexton, your abundance and legacy coach here to help you navigate the world of money, debt payoff, and career growth with confidence and clarity. In this podcast, we'll tackle the financial and career challenges, holding you back, optimize your income and build the freedom that comes with true ownership. If you're ready to break free from overwhelm, create a budget that aligns with your values and design a legacy that empowers future generations. You're in the right place. Hey there, accelerators. I'm so thankful that you were here with me today. I know that you saw the topic of today's conversation and were like, whoa, okay. You've either been there, you've been fired before, or you have felt like you might be fired at some point, or you are worried that it could happen to you or somebody that you love. The uncertainty and the unknown is terrible. Now, I've only been fired once. And the one time I was fired, it's kind of a funny story. I was Working at a local sushi joint, and they had just opened and I was one of the first servers they hired. It was one of those jobs that like I needed a job and they were hiring. So I put in a resume and I had an interview and I got hired and it wasn't the best fit ever because I don't eat fish. So, it's one of those things where it's like, Mm, this is really where Laura needs to be. Probably not. But I actually got fired because everybody except for me at that restaurant spoke Korean. And so, anytime they would have a meeting they would speak it all in Korean and then have to translate everything just for me. Eventually the GM was like, This is kind of annoying. And I was like, Yeah, I get it. He's like, Alright, so here's your last paycheck. Have a good day. I was like, all right, bye. You know, one of those things where if you look at it on the legal side, probably not the most legal thing. If you hired me knowing that I didn't speak Korean, firing me because I didn't speak Korean doesn't make a lot of sense. But at the same time, it makes a lot of sense that you don't want to have to have every meeting twice just for me. I had just started working at this awesome new burger joint in L. A. called Stout. And that happens to be where I met my husband, so I'm really glad that I was spending more time there. Anyway, recently I got a call from one of my clients. They had sent me a text message and said, Hey, is there any way that we can chat this afternoon? I got some news and it's not great news. I had a feeling that something had changed for them career wise. Now they are financial coaching clients of mine and we are working on getting systems and processes and everything in place for them so that their money is working better for them. And we thought that maybe at the end of the year we'd talk about finding a new job. Turns out it happened over the weekend where they got a call on Saturday. Hey, you're out. Don't come back on Sunday. So it was a bit of a jolt, big surprise. They weren't expecting it. It was very shocking and at the same time, I felt very honored that they reached out to me and said, hey, we need to have a conversation because we don't know what to do next. And they trust me to be that soft place to land and somebody they can talk to about this. So they called and we had a conversation. My first thought was, man, this sucks. There's really no two ways about it. You have to sit and think, wow, this is terrible. And you have to give yourself time to grieve the loss of what was. This was not this person's ideal place. It was not running the way that he necessarily wanted it to run and things weren't perfect, but he did enjoy the job and he enjoyed the people that he worked with and he enjoyed the people that he served through his job. Unfortunately, the higher ups and he had different ideas on how things should be done. So, you know, it's fine in the grand scheme of things after taking a couple days to look at it going, okay, well, you know what? Yeah, it does suck that it happens, but at the same time, what a blessing to have gotten to do the job. And now we get to try and find something new. So with this new, happier attitude in mind. Because he took the time to grieve the change. And I think anytime you get fired or leave a job, even if you leave intentionally, it's always smart to take some time to grieve what was and what will not be in the future. Then we have to look at the bright side, because let me tell you, friends, there is always a bright side. This may take some slowing down, may take some deep breaths, it may take some intentionality and looking at what is possible and what is sitting in front of us. So the first thing I asked was, what kind of severance package were you given? Now this couple was given a semi generous severance package. Severance package for it being as abrupt as it was. They offered him the paycheck that he was currently starting as well as the following month's paychecks. Essentially, instead of getting three paychecks, he was going to get one large one. Now you may be thinking six weeks does not sound like a very good severance, and in all honesty, I would have liked something more as well. But slowing down and looking at it, we're going, okay, we know that we have six weeks to find another job. If we can do it sooner, then the severance actually becomes a bonus. That would be really awesome. In addition to this, his work had also loaned him some money. This was before I was able to work with them on their financial journey, but the business decided to forgive the loan as part of the severance package. Now that is another 3, 600 given to them, which is essentially another three weeks of paychecks for them. When we look at it that way, that makes an even bigger blessing. They were instantaneously 3, 600 closer to being debt free. Sure was a whole lot faster than if they were trying to pay it off 300 a month at a time. I don't wish being fired on anyone. Nobody likes that kind of upset in their life, but there are always, always blessings. So my friend, if you find yourself in a place where you were fired and you don't know what to do, we need to take a step back and look at, okay, what part of our job did we love? What part of our job did we hate doing? And how can we find a job that focuses in on those things that we love and reduces the amount of tasks of things that we don't? So here's the truth. There's always hope in any situation. No matter if you've just been fired and you're like, this is a kick in the gut. No matter what, there is hope. I hate that this happened to you. I do. I hate that you've gotten fired and that you are looking for a new job. But what I'm really excited about is the possibilities of what is to come next. You have a world of opportunity in front of you. Now, let's be honest. There are a couple of things that can derail you. I don't want you sitting around and waiting for the next thing. We have to go out and get it. You own your future. You are in charge of you and what your life will look like. One thing that I told this couple, we were talking about the severance that they have, the six weeks to find a job. I said, that's great, but I want you looking for a job because having the money in your pocket gives you this feeling of safety. However, what I don't want to happen is six weeks go by, then we're still out of a job, haven't found anything yet, and we're starting to get desperate. When we get desperate, we make bad decisions. Also, when you're desperate, the person that you were interviewing with, they can smell it on you. There is a certain way that desperate people look and sound and feel, and there's an energy in the room that we just do not like. So this couple that I'm working with, I said, at week five, if you have not booked your next job, you get to go to Target or Walmart or your local store, whatever it is, and you pick up an hourly wage job. You go work, cash register, you sign people in and out of Costco, whatever it is you need to do. But we are not going to be sitting back and waiting for life to happen to us. By going and getting a job where some money is coming in, that's so much better than no money coming in. So what you have to do. Is put yourself in a position to win. Now, when it comes to looking for what's next, there are four steps, but I'm not going to give those to you today. The first four steps to winning and finding that new career, will come out in episode 114. That means you're going to have to wait two weeks to get those four steps, but I promise you the wait will be worth it. If you have been fired and you need somebody to talk to, you know, you can reach out to me. You know, I'm here, all you have to do is get on my calendar. Scroll down to the work with me button in the show notes and I will be there for you. If you're not sure about the career that you're, that you were in, if you were, Feeling a little wishy washy. I have a career assessment on my website resources page. You can go check it out or you can scroll down in the show notes and I will have the career assessment down there for you. I look forward to talking to you soon Accelerators. Until then, go out and make a difference. thank you for spending time with us today on Money and Career Mastery from Overwhelm to Ownership. Remember, your legacy isn't just about financial freedom. It's about living with purpose, taking action, and building a foundation that lasts for generations. Don't just listen, implement what you've learned and share it with someone who could use a financial or career breakthrough. If you found value in today's episode, help us grow by rating, reviewing, and sharing the podcast. I'll be back next week with more strategies to help you master your money and career. Until then take ownership of your future and build your legacy with intention.