A Year with Matthew 25
"A Year with Matthew 25" connects readings from the Scripture with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Matthew 25 vision of building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. This weekly podcast is designed for devotional use, formation for service, and preparation for worship for church members and leaders.
A Year with Matthew 25
Glimpses of God's Realm: Matthew 5:1-12 and Matthew 23:1-12
David Gambrell
Season 1
Episode 52
Proper 26, Revised Common Lectionary, Year A. [vitality] In the realm of God, the humble are exalted. The “five books” of Matthew’s Gospel begin (Matthew 5:1–12) and end (Matthew 25:31–46) with an emphasis on humble service in Jesus’ name. Why is this kind of leadership so important for building congregational vitality? Readers: Derek Wadlington and Kim Wadlington. Musicians: David Gambrell and Phillip Morgan. Music: “Abide with Me” and “Jesus, Be with Us.”