Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp

Unveiling Joy: Navigating Life's Challenges with Andrea Lehmann

May 15, 2024 Beyond Hope Project Episode 33
Unveiling Joy: Navigating Life's Challenges with Andrea Lehmann
Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp
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Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp
Unveiling Joy: Navigating Life's Challenges with Andrea Lehmann
May 15, 2024 Episode 33
Beyond Hope Project

Join us in this enlightening episode of the Beyond Hope Project podcast as we delve into the transformative power of pursuing joy and self-expression with Andrea Lehmann. With over 17 years of experience in the health and wellness field, Andrea shares her insights on integrating anatomy, biomechanics, and breathwork to unleash the body's potential for healing and self-discovery. From her journey as a competitive athlete to embracing motherhood, Andrea discusses how Pilates and functional training have been her steadfast companions, guiding her through various life stages and empowering her to cultivate self-love. Tune in as Andrea opens up about the importance of addressing trapped emotions, the resilience gained through facing life's challenges, and the therapeutic journey of embracing alternative healing methods. Prepare to be inspired as Andrea shares her wisdom on living in flow, nurturing the mind-body connection, and finding strength amidst adversity.

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Hi, I’m Jason!
Ever since I was six, I knew I was born to tell stories. As a best-selling author, illustrator, and sought-after speaker, I've turned my personal battles with grade four brain cancer, obesity, and negative self-talk into fuel for transformation. My keynotes don't just talk—they spark potential, ignite creativity, and build resilience. If you're ready for an engaging experience that challenges the status quo and propels your organization to new heights, let's turn your 'impossible today' into 'possible tomorrow' together!

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Show Notes Transcript

Join us in this enlightening episode of the Beyond Hope Project podcast as we delve into the transformative power of pursuing joy and self-expression with Andrea Lehmann. With over 17 years of experience in the health and wellness field, Andrea shares her insights on integrating anatomy, biomechanics, and breathwork to unleash the body's potential for healing and self-discovery. From her journey as a competitive athlete to embracing motherhood, Andrea discusses how Pilates and functional training have been her steadfast companions, guiding her through various life stages and empowering her to cultivate self-love. Tune in as Andrea opens up about the importance of addressing trapped emotions, the resilience gained through facing life's challenges, and the therapeutic journey of embracing alternative healing methods. Prepare to be inspired as Andrea shares her wisdom on living in flow, nurturing the mind-body connection, and finding strength amidst adversity.

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Hi, I’m Jason!
Ever since I was six, I knew I was born to tell stories. As a best-selling author, illustrator, and sought-after speaker, I've turned my personal battles with grade four brain cancer, obesity, and negative self-talk into fuel for transformation. My keynotes don't just talk—they spark potential, ignite creativity, and build resilience. If you're ready for an engaging experience that challenges the status quo and propels your organization to new heights, let's turn your 'impossible today' into 'possible tomorrow' together!

For more information or to partner with me -

I would say find one thing that just like brings them the most Joy because I


feel like if you find that one thing that brings you Joy and you follow that


even if it's a hobby that is going to continue to like build in your body and if that continues


to build in your body that just helps to kind of flush out some of that other stuff because if you're finding Joy


maybe you're it's like drawing you're really good at drawing but you're an accountant and you start to draw then


like those creative Pathways start to open and that self-love starts to build and then it makes these other things


that you're trying to change in your life easier to do [Music]


so hey guys welcome to the Beyond hope project podcast my name is Jason Tharp


and I am very excited to welcome Andrea Layman Layman to the podcast uh I know


Andrea from the gym and anybody that listens to this obviously realizes by now that uh I surround myself with


really great coaches because I think I've had every coach from the gym on here um and uh it is uh you know really


really great to get to know you over these times and we've had lots of discussions after the class and stuff


like that um and so just really appreciate you coming in here and I look forward to talking to you you know and


to to Dive Right In You you know we Define Hope on our podcast as an impact point so like a starting point um and


then you're going to go down your path and then you're ultimately going to fail just like everybody else does and a lot of people think that I'm a failure and


they kind of give up there but what we also Define hope is is also the way back


path so you can see that you didn't actually fail you just learned and the path just moved a little bit Yeah so


with that definition the question is is like if you can go back to any point in your life and give yourself that piece


of Hope yeah what would it look like what would you say how old you know all those good things like that wow um could


I go back every week now you can go back as many times as you


want um so I'd have to say um an a big


impact point for me in my life was going through some infertility issues and um


just learning a lot about myself and how to advocate for myself and realizing


that I'm not doing exactly what I want to be doing in my life I mean I'm still in the um Wellness space but to even get


like a little bit more specific to what I wanted to do so it just all kind of worked that way but um yeah that was a


challenging time I had two miscarriages before I had my oldest son and it was I


mean there wasn't a lot of people talking about it at that point and I went to some like to like a dark place


you know like all the emotions that happened like I felt like ashamed I felt


grief I felt guilty just like all of this stuff was coming up and that was my


first I think real taste of like these wounds all of these wounds coming up


around this infertility that I struggled with yeah and I think that um it set me on the


path of not only like healing these wounds of like emotional thing you know emotional things but I looked at I


looked at people around me how people around me were supporting me how they weren't supporting me um and learning to


trust myself you know my instincts my um my choices and things like that was that


like for you was that if you look back was that like one of the first times you actually did that


where you kind of put yourself kind of first yeah Pro I mean probably there was a


there was a time it was kind of hard when you said that I'm like oh there's this point like when I was like my senior year at college but this this


really was like got me moving right in the in the direction that I am now right


yeah what what would you say is that biggest part that you took out of that from like where you are now yeah do you


think you'd be where you're at now without having gone through through those the bad stuff no no no not at all


because through that a I learned how to start to have difficult conversations


because um I mean you're kind of already having difficult conversations but I had to really advocate for myself against a


doctor a physician who wasn't giving me the kind of care that I felt like I needed it was like oh this happens you


know people everybody a lot of people have miscarriages a lot of but mine my my cases were like a little bit


different they're a little further along and it just like didn't seem right and so at that point that was me I mean I


think throughout my life I'd always like listen to my int intuition not really knowing it was like that deep gut


intuition but this time there was definitely like clear messages like this


is where you need to look this is where you need to go even like finding names I mean I was just like a like a bulldog


just like going at it and figuring this out I wasn't going to just like lay back and just hope for the best so I was


taking action in my own hands did you like was that a trait that you've had your whole life where you've you know I


know we've talked before about growing up and all these things like that was that always like something that where


you know I always like to say it's I've been through so much but for whatever reason optimism yeah always was


there do you find the same was it the same sort of thing for you is that where that tenacity comes from like I think


you know I've I have I've always had this like we're going to figure it out like we're going to do it it's going to


get done I don't know how but but I just keep forging ahead right with everything


um and that yeah I don't even have to like think about that I don't know it's just kind of like ingrained in there I


don't you know you get down you can get down on yourself and you're like oh but then like I even have this uh bracelet


and I find myself it's called like little words project I think and someone made it for me and was like you got this


and that's what I always say to myself like start of every day you got this or something hard you got this deep breath


you got this yeah um and I I'll say it like a million times yeah it it's it's interesting because like that


that you know fight like standing up for yourself to me especially when it comes


in a physician yeah yeah it it wasn't even a question for me and that is probably the one thing that when I tell


people the my my story that they're Amazed by yeah they'll say like how did


you tell your doctor yeah that they were wrong and did you did you ever have any


sort of like should I cuz I just jumped straight into it I was just like I'm


screw you you're wrong yeah no I I was nervous now but here I felt so strong in


my like knowledge because at this point I had also been to a fertility


specialist that helped and a couple other like um Eastern like medicine


practitioners that helped me feel like I had the confidence and the knowledge to be able to speak to her in this way so


um when I went to talk to her I mean I had to bring in like studies to show her


that this is not where these specific hormone levels needed to be and she was telling me that like where my hormone


was at so here's the thing without really you know getting into two specifics um you and I also learned like


there's no real point of going back in the wood ifs like that happened it's


unfortunate um but when I went to look back at what the lab results were like I my these hormones were like five times


higher than they should have been and when I questioned her on that she still was like no it's still okay like you're


okay and I'm like well that's not what these people are saying and this is not what these studies are saying so as I


hand her you know can you imagine a physician and at the time I was like some like late 20 early 30s like kid


essentially giving you like a study to look at so in my mind I'm like thinking


like oh God she hates me but you know what then I was like there's this this like voice my higher self a guide


whatever like you got this you know you know so um I did have that that that


small part and then I just kind of pulled through and yeah stood up to and


that was a hard conversation for me sure because that's a person of authority I don't necessarily know what I'm talking


about um know what I'm talking about but um I did and now I've helped friends


through through that like they'll have they've had the same sort of issue kind of I'm like get your thyroid levels


checked get your TSH checked get like look at your adrenal glands all this and um for a couple of them that was it yeah


and it's just at the time I guess that wasn't something that they were really looking at or my physician wasn't right


and I I think that's the the big part um before we jump off this and talk about a little deeper stuff too is that that


idea like when people are hearing this stuff it you know your physician only knows what they're willing to Le to


learn yeah and I think that's the big part where people will question yeah but they're afraid to question and they'll


question other people yeah well my doc said this and whatever but you never have that conversation with your docor


and I think the the big part that I I advocate for for people is understanding that like your doctor is not living your


life yeah like and so you have to you have to be willing to ask those things yeah um you know and I know we've talked


a lot about like you already kind of mentioned higher self and all these different things like that you know we


like how out of all the stuff that you've done yeah in that world of


overcoming things and speaking and stand up for yourself what role did that play in like the evolution of where you


started to learn who you were yeah and how do you apply that like on a daily or


best time yeah practice of those types of things and how do you deal with that in life yeah so um um well it it showed


me how much of going back to that specific and how scared I was to have that conversation and stand up to this


how much of a peop pleaser I had been throughout my life and that's something that's still like I just need to um make


sure that I don't say too much or I don't like be too um opposition of what


you're trying to say you know without really like saying exactly how I feel or what I what I believe um


so that that was kind of like a jumping off point for me I was like okay I can do this like I have my you know it's


okay to make people uncomfortable and it doesn't mean that I'm a bad person it doesn't mean they're a bad person but


like I don't always have to agree with you right um we can be we can be kind to


each other and it's just like okay let's agree to disagree um and so I I mean I


you know still you can have these conversations with people in everyday life um and I think it's just coming


back to um knowing that


you you know yourself you feel comfortable in being who you are um and


then I guess it all just kind of takes care of itself from there but it was um


I don't even know where I'm going with this now but it it it took a lot of it


still takes a lot of work too because I just want to make sure that I'm being as authentic as I can showing up in that


way every time and not trying to conform and make myself to fit in here right


well I will tell you um what I think is one of your strongest points um and and


maybe you will agree or disagree up to you is that you have um a cool ability


to push people to a level where and I think this is a a tra of like a lot of the coaches gymm but you in particular


um I guess first off like you to kind of people I guess that are listening don't really know so Andrea um coaches this


it's called Powerhouse and um Powerhouse is so funny because I always joke with you I'm like you're like you know this


little package but pure pure evil like because it's just it is the hardest like


it's on Wednesday it is the hardest thing for I would say for guys and the


reason why I say that is because I'm usually the only guy in the class um and for me what you have been is this like


this voice that has always pushed me and believed in me and I wonder how much of


what your of your experience or if you even practice it I don't know because like it it just seems so natural to you


that you're you'll have other distractions going on people talking or whatever but


you'll say the little things that you know that somebody's struggling with and you can kind of pull that out and just make a little adjustment kind of on the


fly with disrupting stuff is that something that you're well aware of or is it just something you kind of do like


is it from your own awareness like where does that come from so I think I have um what I've learned is that I have


this this gifted sense of like seeing the body move and like and you know like


physics and biomechanics and I can just tell by looking at you like what you


need to do just a little bit you know just to get that right feeling get that right connection take the breath here um


and I do practice that on my own like when I'm when I'm working out on my own it's such a or I should say training on


my own or moving on my own it's almost like a meditation because like I get deep into my body and it helps me to


feel the things like I mean these teeny tiny little muscles where the joints at


um what I need to do to feel this lengthen what I need to do to feel this contract and just a certain way um I


mean I've done a lot of like studying and and school and everything and I keep


learning like and I will forever um but I also think it's just like intuition


right it's just and it's kind of hard to explain like the way I pull like the


energy like I could see maybe like you're holding that tension in your hips and that needs to release some way so


we're going to move you this way or push you that way right so that that I mean


that's that you're you're right on with that I mean there a little I even when I'm not in your class I'll explain to


you like something hurts here and it's and it's you're like oh I'll just try this and you move and you're like oh my God like it really you can feel that and


yeah and you're you know you're really it's a it's a very valuable skill that you have for yourself and I I know I


think I have suspicion that like from our our conversations outside of the class that what you've been through in


your own world in your own mind is what has allowed you to see people for where


somebody let's say that feels like they're not in great shape yeah yeah you come and work out with they come in and work out with you and and it can be


intimidating because you're in great shape a lot of the people at the gym are in great shape and it could be like


those intimidating but you have a really cool way of making everybody feel at ease yeah and I I just I think that it's


got to come from your own insecurities like maybe you can talk a little bit about


what is something that you really struggle to overcome yourself that um to


get over yourself to be right who you are so it's interesting like I have um


when I look back at myself as like a child and I look at pictures in my own mind this started in


in fifth grade I remember like I had like a bigger butt and I was just like you know a little curvy or even as like


a young kid but like the girls around me are the my friends were not that way so


right from the bat even like taking dance my mom made me take dance I hated it and I remember like the


dance teacher come by like poking me with a stick like get your butt in and I was like I can't like this is my butt


you know like this this is it and so um but it was that that first little


experience of where I'm really starting to feel insecure about my own body and


um I did Str but then I looked back at pictures and I was like I didn't really struggle with what but a little bit


probably more um and just feeling different you know feeling um like I was


shaped differently than all the people on TV all the people I was around um but


what really helped me with that was like sports and when I got into find so the


first um soccer was it I ran track um but with soccer we started to lift you


know that's when you started to like introduce and I just just fell in love with weight listing I did like some


competitive weightlifting in high school which was funny I was made fun of it because me and this other girl were the only ones that did it but I loved


lifting heavy stuff and I still love lifting heavy stuff and women still need to lift heavy stuff but it gave me such


a sense of um confidence and like I felt


empowered that I was like okay I'm strong like I my body's strong and I'm


happy that I can move with power and force and I don't need to be this little


ballerine I don't need to be this tall but it's it's funny because then I get into Pilates and traditionally Pilates


and everyone around me is very tall is very thin and has this like dancer body


and then like here's me this like short powerful just kind of changing up almost


like a like a gymnast and um I mean I would even I talk to Amy and I um would


have conversations all the time like I would look at us in this lineup and be


like oh God you know I just look so different but now I've gotten to a point and just now like just now in the last


like two years where I'm like owning it I love it like I and I like to to be


that for other women who may be coming in and feeling a little insecure like I


I I see you I get you I was you in a sense right and you got this you're


capable you're going to be strong we're going to pull out that inner like goddess liess whatever you want to say


yeah what's the like what's the key for somebody cuz I I I agree with you 100% I think even dudes don't address the fact


that like they also body shame themselves and you know and I think especially guys my age right where it's


like they're because we were we were told you know you had a man up and suck


it up buttercup and all of those stupid t-shirts that would be out there right


and you know I think that the question is like let's say I'm some somebody that is you know you know my age that is


trying they know that they want to get healthy and they know like you got the doctor telling you got all these things


yeah like what is that like key for that you would give them as the piece of advice to get started whether it's even


at the gym at home or what like what what is that what is that trigger that you could give a piece to get them to go


like all right let's show up today yeah I mean I think it's just taking one day


at a time one healthy thing at a time so


um if it feels daunting for you to go to a gym do a class whatever it is just


start walking set your get get yourself something where you can track your steps and just start walking increase your


fluid intake like things that are that simple like it's that habit stacking right so if you can do a few good things


that's going to snowball into a few more positive things and it's just making one


small little change at a time yeah that's great and what so it with that kind of idea for you like what what was


a big massive thing that you had to like take that small step that was like a toxic thing for yourself yeah not


necessarily Health stuff but maybe just like in in just in general of like the belief system of that can overcoming


that sort of thing because I mean I think that you know um there's always been that pressure for women to be a


certain way and like you mentioned about the butt like that's always been my thing too it's like my ass has always


been hug doesn't matter how much like I would lose or whatever I'm always jeans are always going to look like I wear


skinny jeans I've accepted that it's like when I'm buying the baggies and they're still tight like I I'm like


thank God they discovered those stretchy jeans cuz now at least my jeans look normal right well especially with all


the quads gu has to do but like what like what was that big thing for you


like that was that CU I mean I think we what we do and the reason why I ask it is I think what we do is we end up


starting yeah and and then you give up yeah and it shows back up and you think you can outrun it yeah like what was


that that thing for you that you thought you could outrun right um well poor I


think it was routine okay like organization um for me to set up myself


for Success so like that's I mean now it translates to like meal planning and like prepping all that stuff so you can


because I mean I have healthy habits but if like I don't have things ready for me


to go and I have it thought out like yeah it's easier to grab pretzels it's easier to grab rather than like carrots


and hummus or something like that but um for me I I think it is making I said


those small changes a little bit of a time but it's also just like if you fall off the horse you just get right back on


so I think so many people fall off the horse they're like well I'm down like why don't I just do it so I had


like I I ate this really terrible meal and now it's all derailed so I'm like well that one was bad just start over


the very next snack you have or something like that so I taken that and


applied that so for me the biggest change that has helped me is starting a


morning routine and that was if you would have asked me two years ago that if I would ever be up at 5:00 a.m. every


day I would have laughed and like no way I am not a morning person but it took me a year to get to that point because I


would just set my alarm like three minutes earlier one day and I would do that for like a week I'm just going to


get up three minutes earlier and in that three minutes I'm just going to like stand in the shower I'm going to visualize or I'll do a guided meditation


and it and it just kept building and now I have my full routine where I'm up I do


my meditation I journal or whatever it is it's something different and um and


then my day is off to a good start you know I have that time for myself in the morning to be with myself to figure out


where I'm at uh what emotions I'm dealing with at that you know at the start of the day and um that's been just


life-changing for me did you have like a massive emotion like a big monster in your closet that you had to kind of overcome that there's been so


many um uh people pleasing that started I I you know figured that out and that's


interesting because that kind of came later in life like I went from when you asked about like I went I almost like


oscillated all the way to just being um to make up for not feeling good enough and not feeling worthy and feeling so


different to just being like angry and like Scrappy and I still some of that's just like naturally in there but then I


swung all the way over the other way we like well I was too much of that way so now I'm just going to be so nice and so kind to everybody and then I was just


like losing who I actually was right um and now just kind of landed back in the


middle um but the I think one of the biggest um emotions is just that feeling


of not being enough lacking failing you know just um and it and it shows up and


it's going to keep showing up until and I don't know if you ever truly like heal a wound I think you can like I mean it's


always kind of there and you can like feel it in certain ways but it just the energy that comes with it intensity is


like less and less or I feel that emotion coming up um and I'll be like oh


there it is again okay you know and just like asking what it's trying to tell me essentially what are some good tools


that has helped you deal with that stuff like what are things that really have opened up yeah that world for you to be I mean


because clearly what you what you display is one of the traits I talk about in Hope is like hyper awareness


right you're very aware of like what is what am I feeling in this moment but I think it takes that other twist is what


you're where you're at is that being openhearted enough to to to do it yeah right it's one thing to recognize it


it's another thing to do it like what are some things that you could mention out there that's worked for you that


might work for other people so that so I started again back to like pre the the


pregnancy thing and everything um it's such a spiritual journey but I started


therapy like after I had some postpartum anxiety really bad with my second and so


that started to open everything up um but to be honest and this is like probably a whole another two-hour


conversation that really started to wake wake me up or have experiences whatever


is um a medicine Journey a psychedelic Journey I've done a few of them and it


is now not that's not going to be everybody's cup of tea but I think that


that that just kind of flips a switch or or or turns up the awareness um because


I think maybe it was already it was always there but I was just not listening yeah not tell me more about


that like what is that like when you say that like what what is it like are you aware of when you're when you're on


these Journeys like is it like you're in a dream state like how how


how it it's I'm kind ignorant to that whole time yeah no it's um I I am so


fascinated by it and I love it so much um I think it's it's a good tool for


some people not for everybody um you have to definitely be prepared but like when you're in it


um you have to have the intention set up you have to have there's a there's a very specific way to go about it because


I think some people are using and it can be harmful right but it it just shows


you what you need it brings to you and that's the only way I can really describe it as like um it shows you


what's there and what you need to do right to like heal it and you you get


this Clarity and you're like yes yes but then the real work comes after it's over and you have to integrate it and you


have to um say this is this is this is what I experienced and how am I going to


take this and move forward um you know the the first one I did was like this big Spiritual Awakening meeting guides


and all this and that was that was life Chang it was probably one of the most profound things of my life was that


first journey that I did yeah I've heard a lot from people that like you know i' I've heard it on a lot of different


podcasts too where people are talking about like you know the way that this helps people like see and it and I would


say that goes along with straight the theme I've heard from and I know some other people that have done it as well


that goes along with it is it's like it they've always said it just kind of shows that's kind of what and and I


think it's it's it's interesting because when I know you've told me about it before I kind of I kind of feel like


that's what the brain tumor did to me too it was kind of the same sort of idea


it was like it was like you had to get real with the you were telling yourself and you were like well this


thing showed me like you got one choice you can get this together or you might not be here anymore and it's like


that good motivator and I think that's the the key is that I think a lot of people tell me if you agree or disagree


is that they go chasing these these rabbits of this solution might be here yeah but when it shows up the same as


what you're talking about you have to do the actual work you have to do magic


pill like no it just it basically is just showing you give giving you what


you need but yeah then it then the real work comes and that's where for me the integration is is grueling it can be


grueling and all that but it's like so fun right I don't know I just love the I love self-discovery I


love just learning to understand myself more being able to get closer and closer


to the best the best version of myself um and continuing to just show that path


to my to my kids to my boys you know and like these triggers come up I mean sometimes I feel completely unhealed


especially in parenting like oh my God and then it's just like all right here we go again and it's learning okay I'm


not going to self- punish I'm not going to like think I'm not enough you know that's the common one that shows up for


me is like the unworthiness you're not enough and I think that's a big one for a lot of people um and it was yeah those


it was it was it was very profound it also it makes it helps you to see that


you're not so separate from every everybody and that's that's a really abstract thing for some people and some people you know it's like that ego self


which the ego is so it's important it protects us but also keeps us so separate from other people and it puts


up those that that wall of competition and this and that and like through those


experiences that I've had I'm like we're all the same you know we're all the same and if we could just come operate from a


place of like our heart shocker that heart center and just send out more love


it things would be so much better and I that's was very la la and like you know I agree yeah it's it's it's a


challenging thing to do though I well I think when you're when you're somebody that leads with your heart it's it's


hard to from what I have experienced when I talk to people that are kind of more


heart-led people is when you kind of genuinely want to help people yeah you


most traits I've seen of most people was it's a struggle with worthiness yeah uh it's a struggle with like um you know


the the people pleasing it's that balance I would say it's more of balance because I definitely was a people pleasing and I overcompensated by you


know blowing my life up if things went well it was like oh I only wait wait minut you're being like I'm doing you oh


and now things are going good oh I should probably explode this because I don't deserve it so I had a little I had


dual things happening right and you know I think like you know I know we're kind


of getting close to in here I want but I want I do have a question I want to ask you like is um if you could duplicate


mhm that little you with the big booty like and she could be across the table


from you knowing what you know now yeah like what do you think that she would


think about you like what do you think that she could you tell her that like all the stuff that she's dealing with


like how you've overcome and the stuff you've done yeah from it yeah what do you think that would be like for you oh


it would be I've it would be so just amazing because I would just like scoop


her up or have scooped her up and just be like you're so like all these things


that you feel so insecure about that you don't like about yourself are what makes you so amazing and like if if if if you


can just you know feel that and feel that love and and and even as I'm saying


this and I feel her like I feel that softening um you know love yourself love you know


I'm giving that love to her to um and just how incredible she is right yeah


and isn't it crazy how scary that was to even think about when we were younger or like when you growing like when you even


started like you know going through all of your stuff like I I think what's what


is amazing is how much the stuff scared a crap out of you at the beginning of it and then once you get through it you're like wait a minute that was the answer


yeah like and one of the things I love to tell people is like you know uh I God I don't know


how many times I've said that on this even a million times like try to tell people like you don't understand everything you want is hidden behind


everything you're afraid to talk about yeah everything you're afraid to address in yourself and it's amazing to me how


much of our is rooted in like most of it's lies stuff that we thought yeah


you know I always would to say like hey I was bullied my whole I wasn't bullied my whole life but those were


really profound moments yeah that felt like a right for sure and I think that's


where you kind of you know bring when you bring up I love asking people these questions about as a kid because what it does is it it brings up those moments


and you're kind of like okay well wait a minute like think about like how many people out there that aren't willing to


go seek and stuff like that that's really kind of what we're trying to reach with this stuff so right I guess the the the one thing to kind of wrap up


would be like if there's any kind of sort of gift of hope that you could give to other people out there listening like that are struggling you know it doesn't


have to be a woman but a man or whatever that they're just the same place you are stuck in people pleasing they were stuck


in like self-doubt they were stuck in worthiness like what are those like what is a little nugget that you can drop on


their life today as a little guide post tells them like hey yeah like I've been here before too like yeah um gosh I


would say I would say find one thing that just


like brings them the most Joy because I feel like if you find that one thing


that brings you Joy and you follow that even if it's a hobby that is going to continue to like


build in your body and if that continues to build in your body that just helps to kind of flush out some of that other


stuff because if you're finding Joy maybe you're it's like drawing you're really good at drawing but you're an accountant and you start to draw then


like those creative Pathways start to open and that self-love starts to build and then it makes these other


things that you're trying to change in your life easier to do so that's awesome yeah that's great well hey you know I


just I just want to tell you uh how much I appreciate you being in my life um I


love I love it you're one of my favorite people to have in class and um you know and I do even though like today I


whimpered today I me think that is a good thing Jason's whing so it was like


oh my God like my my hips can't do this um but you know I just really do wanted to just tell you how much um I I proud


to call you a friend uh and I appreciate you uh it's it's funny when you can say that to people that you you're paying to


like basically kick my ass you know and but I I do I appreciate you I appreciate what you do for the group I appreciate


what you're doing for yourself yeah and the life that you're building for your kids to to make them understand that


it's cool you know to be because your your boys are crack me up I mean they're


they they definitely have your fiery side I mean like yeah I was I always joke about that when we were push


plating your kid jumped on the plate was dogging me because I wasn't going fast


enough so um I you know I just I just really appreciate you you're doing an awesome job being a human it's not easy


you know and um I just uh really just want to celebrate you and and really appreciate you coming in here and


spending some time and dropping it and being open to share some of the stuff uh and everything and guys I will make sure


that uh everything you need to know about Andrew will be in the show notes links to her bios links to her Instagram


where you can follow uh if you want to get some you know Pilates get your butt kicked too get back in shape or if you


just need some words of encouragement you know those are all things that uh that she's awesome at and uh so until we


see you next time uh we hope this helps thank you
