Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp

Jason Hewlett on The Promise, Overcoming Challenges, and Embracing Authenticity

July 03, 2024 Beyond Hope Project
Jason Hewlett on The Promise, Overcoming Challenges, and Embracing Authenticity
Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp
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Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp
Jason Hewlett on The Promise, Overcoming Challenges, and Embracing Authenticity
Jul 03, 2024
Beyond Hope Project

Join Jason Tharp on the Beyond Hope Project Podcast as he engages in a heartfelt conversation with Jason Hewlett, Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker and Author of “The Promise To The One”. Discover Jason’s journey from entertainer to inspirational leader, his insights on embracing authenticity, and the importance of keeping promises to oneself. This episode is packed with wisdom on overcoming challenges, finding your true path, and inspiring others along the way.

Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE, is a Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Author, Award-Winning Entertainer, Coach & Consultant. His book, "The Promise To The One" debuted at #1 in Spiritual Self-Help on Amazon in 2020, and his Dry Bar Comedy Special, "Father Time", is a YouTube viral hit. He lives in South Jordan, UT, loves to hike, ski, and travel in the RV with his family, beautiful wife, Tami, and 4 amazing children. He is the President of Utah founded company, Cardio Miracle, a nitric oxide and D3 supplement that helps oxygenate the blood vessels and assists with cardiovascular and heart disease challenges.

Jason has just launched a new YouTube channel for Speakers and Performance @JasonHewlett-JHE


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Hi, I’m Jason!
Ever since I was six, I knew I was born to tell stories. As a best-selling author, illustrator, and sought-after speaker, I've turned my personal battles with grade four brain cancer, obesity, and negative self-talk into fuel for transformation. My keynotes don't just talk—they spark potential, ignite creativity, and build resilience. If you're ready for an engaging experience that challenges the status quo and propels your organization to new heights, let's turn your 'impossible today' into 'possible tomorrow' together!

For more information or to partner with me -

Show Notes Transcript

Join Jason Tharp on the Beyond Hope Project Podcast as he engages in a heartfelt conversation with Jason Hewlett, Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker and Author of “The Promise To The One”. Discover Jason’s journey from entertainer to inspirational leader, his insights on embracing authenticity, and the importance of keeping promises to oneself. This episode is packed with wisdom on overcoming challenges, finding your true path, and inspiring others along the way.

Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE, is a Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Author, Award-Winning Entertainer, Coach & Consultant. His book, "The Promise To The One" debuted at #1 in Spiritual Self-Help on Amazon in 2020, and his Dry Bar Comedy Special, "Father Time", is a YouTube viral hit. He lives in South Jordan, UT, loves to hike, ski, and travel in the RV with his family, beautiful wife, Tami, and 4 amazing children. He is the President of Utah founded company, Cardio Miracle, a nitric oxide and D3 supplement that helps oxygenate the blood vessels and assists with cardiovascular and heart disease challenges.

Jason has just launched a new YouTube channel for Speakers and Performance @JasonHewlett-JHE


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Hi, I’m Jason!
Ever since I was six, I knew I was born to tell stories. As a best-selling author, illustrator, and sought-after speaker, I've turned my personal battles with grade four brain cancer, obesity, and negative self-talk into fuel for transformation. My keynotes don't just talk—they spark potential, ignite creativity, and build resilience. If you're ready for an engaging experience that challenges the status quo and propels your organization to new heights, let's turn your 'impossible today' into 'possible tomorrow' together!

For more information or to partner with me -

go to Great we've heard that quote Yeah but truly what is your promise to


yourself if you promised yourself you were going to do that and let go of what was good and you say I still have great


I got to go for it even if it means we're going to starve a little bit and we have starved my friend we have


starved but it's finally worked yeah because if you have enough resolve to


say I'll leave those other clients behind in order for this to come in and


create something new then you just get new clients then you build it up again and here's what's fascinating man once I


brought in the new stuff and the leadership and the teachings and the promise and I melded it with the


entertainment once the entertainment didn't just outshine the message but the


message was so strong that it was supported within the entertainment guess who came back those clients all those


clients [Music]


Jason thank you so much for joining me on the beyondo project podcast uh we have uh really just met and had one


conversation so I I appreciate you diving deep in with me here uh on the second meeting to go straight into like


letting me drill you with a bunch of questions so I appreciate that man let's do it man I'm I'm happy to be hanging


with the champion of Hope himself that's right what a deal what a deal yeah so


before we jump I want to I want to kind of Define what hope is for you then I'll start the first question so how we Define hope here is this idea of the


ignition switch so it's the the beginning of your journey finding the path right and then you're going to start down your path like everybody does


and some people are going to uh try to find latch on to a guru or L latch on to somebody else's way and ultimately you


know it's not going to work out or something's going to go bad and most people will say I'm a failure what we try to do also then is use hope as a


definition of like well you didn't fail you learned path just might have moved let me show you it's over this way so


it's really on the mission of showing somebody the path to what their intention is um so when you kind of hear


that definition first question is is that if you could go back to any part of Jason's life ever and sit down with them


and give them that definition of Hope like what kind of context would that be


in maybe what age and what do you think how the respond would be and that's a


deep question right off the bat I love it you know I I think I grew up very lucky to


have parents that helped me to find that quickly and I believe that it was


probably when I was about to fail school and I was I was not doing well in that sense and so if I could go back that


would be the place that I would naturally go back to where my parents were like hey look things aren't going


well school-wise you're not able to read you're not you know you're having a speech impediment I had all these


challenges that they were not sure what to do do you hold him back do you keep him you know where he is it was


Kindergarten first grade second grade third grade my dad sat me down and he gave me a bunch of books and he said I


know you can't really read cpot run and those types of things but you need to at least know these books and he introduced


me to the greatest salesman in the world by Og mandino and he introduced me to


The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peele and as a man thinketh by James Allen and How to Win Friends and


Influence People by Dale Carnegie like titles that you look at now and you're like that sounds like an insane book but


like changed my life because I slowly chopped away at them and that was my first real glimmer of hope I would say


to to be able if I could go back and be like hey you know what you do this stuff just like you are going to and it will


change everything for you and and it did and I'm grateful that I had that kind of foundation from parents that saw


something in me even though everybody else is like ah this guy needs to be held back we need to put him in speech therapy and whatever type of therapy to


figure out what's going on cuz he can't sit still and uh yeah that changed a lot for me I'm grateful for parents like


that I hope that answered the question that's de great no that's a great it's a great and that that is definitely a uh a


big book to chunk off you know when when my son got a little older I started he wanted to start making money and I was


like I was like okay well he's too young to get a job so I I did a thing with him where I said you know if you pick any


book off my shelf I'll pay 20 bucks if you read it but the catch is that you have to give me a report on it and the


first one he chunk off was was uh The Alchemist and I was like I was like okay dude and you know and I I want to say he


was maybe fifth sixth grade at that time and he understood it and I was like all


right well you know this is like the foundational stuff man like it's really you know if I could have back to his age


and had known that stuff like it's great so Kudos your dad for kind of going like you know hey they may say this but I see


something else and I think a lot of times we we uh can reflect back at those moments of those people that have been


in our life and I you know I think that there are those those other parts that


you know where we're struggling I think people forget all of the guideposts that show up in our world um and you're out


there doing that now for a lot of people yourself and do you think that that is a direct reflection of having those in


your life is that what kind of drove you to doing what you're doing now absolutely I mean I'm very blessed


and lucky to have parents like that I know not everybody does but hopefully they find the mentors that change their


world or the friendships that help them to see something about themselves they don't and I i' call it the MCM process


when we figure out that which makes us unique and ICM stands for identify clarify magnify so they were helping


clarify for me things I had yet to ident identify that I had in me so now I can magnify those with the world you know


and so I'm so thankful for parents like that and I think you know as you introduced or allow your son to write a


report for 20 bucks and read a book like The Alchemist I mean give me some Paulo


Quello all day I'm I'm all in that's crazy good stuff that's hard read but it


proves to you that you can do it right and then the next thing you know you see the World opened up in a different way


When leaders are readers we know those quotes I mean I just I'm just proud of your son man I don't even know him


that's great story what so you know one of the things I I'm always like curious about is that


I'm sure that in your process of coming through things people approach you all the time that are shy about asking for


help or maybe at one point in time you were shy about asking for help you know in your looking back on your career and


where you've been like what have you learned about asking for help and what what would be the best piece of advice


you would tell people that are trying to reach up to those people that maybe are where they want to be or you know you're


stuck in a spot and I think the reason why I asked that is because I think so many people when they get there uh


especially if they're shame driven like it tends to be a shame Point like they don't know something or they're stupid and I don't want to ask this question so


those kind of shrink so um I'd love to hear your idea of like what is some good advice for somebody looking for help or


asking for help cool questions man so I wanted to


go into the entertainment business right as I became an adult you know I'm 21 years old trying to figure out what to


do with life and I truly thought I would go to the top right away like real fast I I had this whole plan mapped out I'm


gonna make 10 million a year and then a 100 million and I mean like I had this whole thing planned out so I went to the


top like I reached out to the guys what 20 plus years ago that were at the top


Robin Williams Jim Carrey there's a Vegas Entertainer named Danny Gans I mean there were guys that I was like I'm


going to reach out to them so for some reason I never had the lack of confidence to reach out to them but when


they never responded that was tough for me and the only reason I'm sharing that


as the example to this answer of to your question is that I didn't have the fear


to reach out to them I never did because I just assumed that they would help me and I thought that they would be ready


to be you know have their hand out to give me a chance and leg up Steve Martin these like Martin Short these people


that I saw as like comedy Heroes but also uh people that were inspiring to me


as well like they did up and the up stuff that was cool so I never heard back and I remember I I found then there


was another tear down like Carrot Top or that guys that had shows you know in


Vegas and a guy named Gordy Brown actually was at the Golden Nugget in


Reno if I recall and he was like in that you know level of you don't he's not a


household name yet but he's one of the best acts you've ever seen and that guy


reached out to me like he responded to me and I couldn't I couldn't believe it because nobody else on that A-list had


and here was a guy who was like on his way to A-list and he reached out to me I remember as a young 20s something he


actually sent me his this book called How to be a working comic and I wasn't


trying to be a comedian I was trying to be an Entertainer on in Vegas and then I wanted to be a speaker too so I was


reaching out to Zig Ziggler and these top speakers you know that that wouldn't reach out to me either and I found that


interesting too but you'll like this story he actually took his book that he


had on his shelf called how to be a working comic all of his notes um were in it you know and he thought I'm going


to get this for this kid that I don't know because he reached out to me to ask for advice he goes to the bookstore he


buys it he uh he then sends it to me but he wrote my name and you'll appreciate


this he wrote my name j a y s o n which it's just j o n and his assistant told


me this story later because he had written it incorrectly my name the way he spelled it he found that out as they


were addressing the labels to send this book to me so instead he grabbed the book off his shelf his own book that he


had all the notes in and he wrote my name correctly and then he sent me his


copy wow and I mean that's a killer story right like


and he kept the one for himself that he had misprinted my name now this guy became a mentor for me you know a guy


that I could look to that I was like now that's how you Mentor somebody and his


assistant told me this whole story about what Gordy Brown who was making millions went through to help a guy he'd never


heard of and he said hey I watched your video I think you're G to make it I I all you have to do is continue to create


material don't stop trying and you know Jason I find it interesting how many of


the a-listers weren't willing to help me but somebody who was just like a couple levels above where I want where I was


like please if I could get here I'd be thrilled right and maybe I'm not going to conquer the world like a movie star


but I could do something at a Cino I could be an act uh I would just say that


you need to reach out and not be fearful when they don't respond and the fact that you can reach out to anyone at any


level until you find that person who will reach back and this is where the promise comes in that I speak on I say


I'm now at a level where a lot of people want to be and I'm not a list but I'm


Hall of Fame speaker I've made a lot of money as an Entertainer and stuff I made a promise to myself that


I'm GNA be like Gordy Brown and anybody that reaches out to me I'm reaching back and I it's I'm not at the top of the


mountain but while I'm climbing the mountain I can certainly reach and help others come along with me right and that


became a true promise for me and so so anybody that ever wants to talk I'm I'm here like I'm ready to talk and there's


a lot of people that do reach out I'm thankful for that but it taught me a lot to say okay if you're at the top of the


mountain maybe you're not going to reach back but if somebody's climbing the mountain I'm going to reach out for them


because nobody did at that top level for me and then I found the guy Gordy Brown


made a huge difference in my life I love that guy he's still down at the I think he's at the golden nuggets still in Las


Vegas he's downtown Gordy Brown he's one of the best there is an amazing impressionist comic musical like he's a


genius he's a he can he can do cartoons he's a great artist anyway I I've


actually never gotten to share that story on a podcast because no one's ever asked me that question that's amazing that's amazing and do you have you kept


in touch with him throughout the years yeah yeah yeah I I'll sometimes I'll go to his show and just be in the back


because he and I have had career past that have been very similar where I've I've had opportunities that uh you know


that he's had as well already so I'd call him and say hey what do you think about this and he was very very cordial


to me very kind yeah and anytime I'm at his show he'll actually the last time I


went I didn't know he looks at the list of people that just buy a ticket online because I'll never call and ask someone


to just come to their show so I buy a ticket somewhere in the theater I'm sitting in the back by myself just laughing my guts out and right before


the end of the show he goes hey everybody I just want to say one of the greatest artists entertainers presenters


in the world is here and I'm looking around and like oh Don Donnie osman's here you know like I didn't know he


talking he goes Jason huet a guy you may not have heard of yet but he's he's on


his way and I mean they always turn the light on me I mean it's crazy he's such a stud so there are guys like that out


there but they're few and far between if you find him you gota hang on to him you know I agree with you man it's amaz I


when I when I go into elementary schools um I don't do a lot of school visits anymore but when I used to always tell


kids I was like you know if we were to Pretend We're going to go on a field trip we're going to go out this big mountain and we all have to put our toes


at the base of the mountain and the rules are we get to take three steps back and on the count of three at the


same time we're all going to Sprint to the top of the mountain and you can't stop to get to the top how how easy


would that be and the kids are like way too hard and then I'm like but but I didn't tell you the other part this


around the corner there's a path and along that path there's benches and people that'll pick up your stuff for


you and carry and there's horses there's places to rest to get food and all stuff like that and uh how much easier would


we get to that top then like oh of course it's a lot easier so I think you know what what just to Echo back what


you're saying is for everybody to hear that is that you know it it's just because the people at the top aren't getting back to you doesn't mean that


you're on the wrong path it just it just means you just got to keep asking the questions and I think this is where a


lot of people fail is they they think that you know and I'm speaking from my own experience it's like you know what


you're sharing is impactful you've been told what you're doing is impactful it could be really frustrating when you're


trying to reach out to those people and you're not getting that response just like you said it's like having the guts


to reach out I think most people could say especially this day and age where where it's you know a keyboard's in


front of you it's not so hard to send an email but it is dealing with that rejection of that and I'm just curious


like what was it that made you back then because you didn't have the emails and


all that stuff like that like what made you continue to push through that was that just this Burning Desire or was it


something you picked up in books like what would be the what would be that part that was that always that spark that kind said one more reach out like


one like maybe one more like what was that for you uh well I was early 20s obviously


internet was nothing as you know I mean back in what early 2000s we were just


figuring things out yeah like iPods were just showing up for the first time and


emails was really not a thing yet and so I was still using a video cassette to send to people and then it converted to


DVD like I've been through all that craziness I mean I even had cassette tapes and then converted to CDs like


that's how long I've been doing this right wow so yeah I mean it was not as easy as just sending an email which


wasn't even the thing it was writing a letter it was sending a video cassette it was it was like crazy stuff why


didn't I stop I'll tell you I was in my 20s man I


had no fear M I just I thought I was great I don't know what it was I I


remember watching them and thinking I'm as good as that already I just thought that and I think it was because I had


already had a lot of reps being on stage doing stuff anywhere and made everybody


laugh or inspired somebody with a great story and I thought I'm as I'm as good as that or I will be I just need their


help to open some doors and teach me a little bit eventually I found out that a lot of them have written books where


they had documentaries made about them and so then I could study their lives and see where the pitfalls were that


made a big difference but I I just for some reason I felt like I was this is a calling man yeah like this is my thing


that I must do it's not like I want to do it yeah it's like I have to do it or


I will die yeah and there is no other path and it's when people talk about


burn the ships and the whole thing I'm like yeah that was my life I I had full rght scholarships to college offers


other things and I just I was like no I'm going to Las Vegas yeah I am going


to speak to people and perform for everyone and I'm doing this on a street corner if I have to we used to park cars


in circles around me at the snowshack at the grocery store in Utah which is like


not a street dancer place but they' put lights around me on my friend's cars and


I would dance in front of the snow Shack where they'd make the little ices while people walking into a grocery store on a


fr Friday night they're like what is this guy doing in Utah thinking he's a street dancer and I was just dancing and


like getting enough money to take my friends to the Dollar movies like I put in the hours I knew I was good yeah


that's amazing that's where I went where was the uh what was the first place you played in


Vegas oh I I got a show called The Legends in Concert okay and it was at


the Imperial Palace which is gone now but it was the nicest hotel for decades


and it was a show of impersonators oh cool so you could impersonate Elvis then


you were an Elvis impersonator there but you had to be the best in the world you had to look just like him sing Talk


everything just like him you had to keep the promise that the show sold which was


if this person has passed away you now get to see them for real like crazy you know that's wild and and then I got to


impersonate two people for that show that were quite difficult to categorize as somebody that could do both and pull


it off both the look The Sound everything so I would open the show as Elton John okay and then I would come


back a couple of characters later after you know a lady did Tina Turner or a guy did the Elvis and then I would come back


on stage as Ricky Marton and so I was doing both of those characters no one knew it was the same guy that was a cool


start to my career that's wild and so did you did you have to like just watch like tons of videos of these guys and


just was was impersonation something that was in your wheelhouse or was this something you're like I got this gig I


got to learn it kind of thing yeah no I went after it I was I was good at impersonating voices as a kid just you


know when we were little PeeWee Herman was the biggest TV star and so that was like the first voice I figured out I


could do and others for some reason couldn't nail it and I was just like hey


everybody you know and they're like how are you doing that you know a few years later they're like you can't do that at


school man but like yeah found out I could do those types of voices and then I could I


could do cartoons like Mickey and Donald and Goofy from Disney like oh boy hi


everybody Mickey Mouse here all right where's Goofy Mickey hi everybody you know so I


I could do those sounds and and voices and then found out I could sing and do voices like the classics the oldtime


Louie Armstrong like and I think to myself what a wonderful word you know


and so add all these things into an act and that's what Gordy Brown was doing he


was doing this show of all these characters that were just perfect impersonation but they were parody yeah


it's like taking weird ow but you sound like the artist yeah and so it was just so funny so I put together a show like


that and uh Legends in Concert saw it I got an audition with the right people and it was a blessing and they saw me do


all these characters they're like okay well we can't have you do Jim Carrey because that makes no sense in the this show you don't sound enough like Billy


Joel you you don't look like Michael Jackson so can you do Ricky Martin I'm like Liv


in hey you know they're like wow right makeup right leather pants you can pull


that right together you and so the next thing I knew I was also becoming Elton John for them and I had to learn the


piano and all his styling that was tricky because he you know you think he just an English accent it's not yeah


it's also a country Honky Tonk twang in that voice when he sings It's like


goodbye those around you know so he has that really interesting thing about him like I


remember when a rock was young me had so much


fun yeah so I got to do that and figured it out I could tell hear it with you


doing I'm like oh yeah that's right yeah I can hear it he has a he has a country voice in an


English accent it's the only one like it that's amazing so it's it you know


sounds like what you've been able to do is is to get to your dream


is understand that it takes multiple paths sometimes it's we have this idea


of what it is you know and especially as young people um I've talked to many young people myself and it's like you


know you think it's a straight line but it's it's going to be twisted in knots and and you're going to want to quit a


thousand times and and I always I've always told people the best part is is


that most people will quit you know it's because it's those of us that are like no no this is what I'm supposed to do


and I think you know um what from a personal standpoint for me and I'm


curious if it was the same for you is I tried running from it many times and like not wanting to do it


but it always kept showing back up and it was like the universe was like yo like you can run but you can't hide and


the last kick for me was without a doubt the brain tumor it was just like all


right like you know do we have to kick harder you know and you know did you


have that same experience or was it always like once you made that decision you're going all in and that's it


well dude that's powerful what you just said and I'll tell you you're absolutely


right it is not a straight path and there are people that think it is and then they're gone I did know that if I


just hung in there it would allow me to succeed there's no question so that's the first thing you're talking about the


calling man I mean you cannot hide from it and it's not just the calling from


the universe it is a from deep inside yeah you cannot run or hide


and I'm proud of you for not going away I mean brain tumor stuff like that my gosh man


I you have to talk right you have to inspire people with that and so I love


that and yeah it's been a crazy path I mean I thought I was going to be an Entertainer in Vegas I had the opportunity at the casinos by the time


I'm 25 I'm being offered the big contracts and you know um timing is is


interesting I had offers from great places from billionaires from


opportunities no people can hardly dream of and they always needed me to have it


be managed and changed and they wanted to shift the direction I wanted to go


and so I turned away a lot of great opportunities in the face of or on the


foundation of what is my promise to myself and my legacy and my family so


even before we had kids I I was thinking what are they going to think if Daddy


accepts this and changes his principles and all that and that was at that time


what I needed to do and so then the straight line curves and you go and you


just pray and well you know it's one thing to pray on your knees it's another thing to get up and work I think you got


to do but a bunch of both and so as I worked hard and obviously other people


also helped me in major ways I can never say it was alone especially my wife my


wife was the ultimate support I'm nothing without her and I'm nothing without these kids that support this dad


who travels and does gigs but there was a thing that said inside of me I I want to entertain I want to make people laugh


but I want to spread Joy it's not just about making you laugh like a comedian can which is amazing but can I move you


can I help you get to a place of doing something different can I teach you something through the wackiness of the


comedy I can do in order for you to step into your greatness and your strength and that was why I said okay I'm going


to entertain first but eventually I'm going to land at this place where I'm an author I'm a speaker I'm I'm teaching


others I'm helping the world in that sense and that's where it's come and it's not a straight line and that's


what's beautiful that's amazing and I I just got to tell you like from from just a personal standpoint I I'll put this on


here but uh you know that what you just said was just like a level of mentorship


to me because I just just had this happen this past week where you you know


I've been going back and forth of like you know I don't want to stop doing the kids stuff in the books 100% but at the


same time I don't like the fact that Publishers are kind of like saying this is what we want or you know directing it


and you're like I but okay that's great but that's not what I want to do and then at the same time going doing you


know I love doing the the Keynotes and things like that and I just did a keynote where I was like I don't think


I've had this many people crying at this thing and people like left and I'm like oh God like I did something wrong like


you know it's like almost like that shame but then you know afterwards you reflect it was like afterwards it was like no no no that was it was really


great and you know all stuff like that but it is that moments where you kind of go like in those Quiet Moments when it's


all over you can start to see the blueprint of it all start to lay out and say like oh wait a minute I can do all


of these things you know and it works out but I think where people get lost in


the shuffle of Chasing the Dream is they think that because our our our line is so straight our one-sided thinking you


don't realize that like it's a convergent path where it may be this but


all it is is finding somebody that helps you get that part done and helps you get this part done it's the same message you


know it's it is it's just filtered through a different filter and um so I appreciate you sharing that with me


because I totally just as you were saying I was like oh my God yeah that's that's what I've experienced just literally over this last week and uh so


yeah good for you man good on you keep keep it rolling because here's the thing you've been you have you have such a


strong brand because you're so good at what you've done and everyone knows you for that and loves you for it but you


also have these other dreams and these other capabilities these other things that you're like come on what about this


and you try to put it over here and they're like no stay in this Lane right right and they're like we won't accept


that so here's what I've had to do which has been tricky I mean I'm known as this Entertainer for all these years and I


tried to then say hey I can also do leadership speeches you know they're like no you're 9 pm show guy and I'm


like what about 9:00 am keynote leadership guy and they're like we don't want that you're not you're not that guy


but I'm thinking wait a minute I know I have all this here and they're gonna love it and here's what I had to do


Jason I had to say goodbye to those clients that only said you're only this


guy and I was like well actually I'm graduating to this other level and I'm going to combine it all and there's no


one that can do what I do there's no one that can do what you do right I believe that everyone listening or watching


there is no one that can do what you do but you must be brave enough to say goodbye to what's good to go to Great


we've heard that quote Yeah but truly what is your promise to yourself if you promised yourself you


were going to do that and let go of what was good and you say I still have gr I got to go for it even if it means we're


going to starve a little bit and we have starved my friend we have


starved but it's finally worked yeah because if you have enough resolve to


say I'll leave those other clients behind in order for this to come in and


create something new then you just get new clients then you build it up again and here's what's fascinating man once I


brought in the news stuff and the leadership and the teachings and the promise and I melded it with the


entertainment once the entertainment didn't just outshine the message but the


message was so strong that it was supported within the entertainment guess who came back those clients all those


clients they're like hey wait why did you leave us and I'm like I've been here the whole time right I didn't go


anywhere yeah that's amazing man that's really great what so I'm just curious


like what in your in between all the entertaining and and the speaking what would be you would say like that was the


coolest moment like do you have one that sticks out in particular where you were just like because I I mean I know we


have these as speakers these moments where you're just like oh dude this is gonna it's it's it's our moment we're


going to never forget that what would be what would be like one or two of yours that you just it's just cemented in


there it's like yeah I did it I nailed it right this is pretty bmk


I mean I burned the ships in 2016 I changed my website I mean it was all


entertainment up until then so from 2001 to 2016 I was just promoting show stuff


entertainment stuff and then in 2016 I said I'm now a speaker I'm happy to MC


your event but I'm not going to come and do a show I'd like to be your your speaker and people thought I was crazy I


mean I was teaching people how to create a career out of it and they were going this is crazy what you're doing but for


me I needed to make a big Stark shift and it and it did not work at first took


a long time and it started really get some steam by 2019 2020 and then boom


right now we're all doing it on Zoom so I can say


this I believe that even what are we 2024 okay eight years


in uh 3 days ago in Vegas I got to do a presentation to a group of a hundred


doctor practitioners and it was a very small thing which I'm normally getting to do


you know thousands of people I did an arena the three days before for 10,000 people so it was a big different week


right 10,000 people now I'm doing a 100 but this is what was cool man those


people saw me 10 years ago and they like this better that's


awesome and this was the speech mixed with the show and they all came away


like what just happened never seen anything like it and I said there isn't


anything like it and you have the same and I hope you'll go for it that's amazing and yeah I think it's


continually confirmed to me and that's what I'm saying there yeah there are duds the one in front of 10,000 people


that was for kids I'm not I'm not good at kids right now it's just not a good time for me


like I don't look like I'm still in my 30s with buff arms like you man I'm like you look amazing I look like the grandpa


that wants to scream at him and so that gig was not great yeah


but the practitioners they went nuts over it right they were like we saw you 10 years ago we didn't think it could


get better but now you have a message of inspiration yeah and you can teach us


how we can do it ourselves like come on who does this and I'm like nobody yeah


and that's the same as you you are just like nobody you're yourself you're the best yeah that that that's that's so


right on I mean I think that's that's one thing that people Miss is we're all out there seeking right everybody's out


seeking this answer and it really does come down to the fact that like you know there's nobody on Earth that can do


exactly what you do and the exact way you do it like stop looking for that person like you know and I know you and I had that whole conversation you know


uh separately when we just first met it was this like you know thing and you know you were gracious enough to just be


honest and give me honest feedback and and it was just like those are the moments that change your your your life


really it's it's realizing that when you I always like to say is how many damn times do I have to hear the same thing


before I finally let it sink in you know and and it I don't know if it comes from


having that you know I'm not sure you were you a very confident kid like I was


the opposite like for me I was like the kid I was very insecure I went through a lot of bullying stuff like that but I


never learned how to like myself myself at a young age so it wasn't until I got older that I learned to start to like


myself I didn't believe in it but it really truly was the brain TR the brain cancer transformation that really forced


me to face that I had been lying to myself all along like I just was wearing a different mask and I did so I got so


good at it I was able to fake it to myself you know and it was like when I was alone and felt invisible was when I


was like oh wait a minute dude like who are you gonna turn to now and I think that's where it finally started


sinking in and now when people are telling me this stuff it's a whole different ball game so I I have no doubt


that this people that are seeing you 10 years later it's because you're you're living into what you set out to be all along it


just you you figured it out you know naturally which is amazing and you know


um so kudos to you for that that's that's awesome well I think it's a lot of trial


and error really and as a kid no conf confidence no but willingness to be


funny or be stupid or try something be ugly to make a face to make people laugh like I found out I could do this with my


lips you know and people would laugh and and they'd be like that's so ugly but it made them laugh and so I could lean into


oh I'm ugly which you know I mean I I believe that when people say that but I


also think uh when they say that's funny that's more important yeah and so


I can either hide it forever and never do the lip thing again or I can share it


as a gift to them that makes them laugh and that's something that I'm willing to


do and so I would say that yeah I didn't have much confidence but eventually grew into it realizing that yeah I can make


people laugh with these faces or these voices eventually School wasn't as


difficult because I realized all I have to do is enough homework and I can get through it yeah and I became a leader


through being a reader and by serving and by recognizing the talents of others


and realizing oh yeah I'm different I'm weird but so is that guy and I I want to


help him get to where he wants to go and so I think that the confidence comes in


keeping promises to yourself and that was just in how many


how many hours am I willing to put in to draw this picture yeah you know how how


many hours am I willing to put in to figure out how to do a moonwalk like Michael Jackson


you know I mean those types of things to me was powerful enough to say someday somebody's going to look at this and go


whoa and that is where my confidence started to grow is to say yeah if I put


the time in I can make somebody really say wow but it also it says to myself


that if I put my mind to it and it happens um I've I've accomplished


something pretty cool even if it's just a moment on stage and that has really


given me a great chance for many years to bless a lot of lives that's awesome what a great answer man so you know I'm


looking at the clock here I can't believe it's like we've been talking already like you know uh but I do have I


do have a question that I think is a good is a good segue question into talking about the confidence and all


stuff like that if you if you could duplicate the young version of you


that went through all the hard times reading and all of those things and your dad giving you all stuff like that and


you know set him across the table from you and kind of explain to him all the stuff that you're doing now like what do


you think that kid would think about all the stuff that you've been able to


do I bet it think is a lie I I'm serious because like as a kid


and this is a funny one to even think about because I it's weird to say it out loud but as a kid I was told I was ugly


by so many women and girls and people all the time and if would have looked


across this at that kid across the table and said someday you'll impersonate the


sexiest man alive as Ricky Martin like that makes no sense like I would have


thought you are insane but what what I like about it is to say if if I were


looking across little me back then I would say that also in some ways he


would believe it and say okay I I think uh I know I'm a Child of


God so he's got something for me that's enough for me yeah that's awesome well I


do have one last question because I the Micky Martin thing because I didn't ask it earlier how hot are leather pants


dude here's the here's the thing Las Vegas is one thing to wear leather pants that's tough but I actually started


started the career because they hired me at Legends and concert which is based in Vegas but they had shows all over the


country so the first place they sent me to like get my feet wet a little thousand seat theater in a place called


Surfside Beach in Myrtle Beach South Carolina in July humid yeah dude I I I


remember the first gig I had was not in the theater it was in the back of a open convertible outside for a Fourth of July


fair oh and I had to be Ricky Martin and all my makeup just dripping off my face


with the leather jacket as women were throwing you know their bras at me on this on this


parade and I was like what am I doing that kid across the table would


never believe this one that's crazy yeah so they didn't have like it was actual


leather pants you didn't have like some fake ones that you could was breathable oh sheez the the pleather breathable or


awful looking on stage so you had to get the real oh yeah I think I bought him at like a Davidson store or something you


know that's wild that's wild well hey you know what you got to do for the for the dream


right I can't if I could still fit into those pants there would be some big laughs around here I was say I was gonna


ask if you ever you ever like go like slip into it and come out with the kids and like be like check this


out daddy Martin yeah that's wild man well Jason


you know before we wrap up and I just I just want to thank you uh for one taking


the time to talk to me like taking a time to talk to a stranger for everybody listening to this I will tell you that


uh Jason was exactly the same authentic person when it was just he and I on a


zoom call when we first talked as he is here so he's a legit uh and I I definitely encourage you if you're


looking uh to to become a speaker performance stuff you know Jason's Jason is out there helping everybody uh in


multiple ways which all those links are going to be in the show notes um you have like every way to connect on in


here which is great so um I encourage you all to reach out um and you know he's a good dude this is this is Jason I


mean this is the same guy I met so and also I just want to just like you know just thank you and celebrate you being


in this world and sharing this world with me and you know taking the time to do what you do and to continually show


up and be resilient in your passion and and pursuit of your dream um you know


and you know it's it's really awesome and and hopeful for me to even see like that you can have multiple levels of


this dream Chase and you know what you start in one and change direction and end up where you're ultimately doing


some of the stuff you really love and it's a combo of all those things so uh kudos to you for doing that man and uh


just appreciate you and uh yeah and you know share this hope with people because


I know and Jason knows there's at least two people out there that you know that need to hear this thing you should be sharing with them so they can share with


two people and this is how we're going to share this hope and this message to other people so I'll give the floor to you do you have anything else you'd like


to say before we go Jason I'm honored to know you I mean honestly a guy that's been through what you've been through


and come out the other side and being this Light Of Hope to others that you're


you are a champion it's a great title for yourself I'm telling you that I know it's been given to you and so that's


that's right on and I'm just thankful that I get to meet such power amazing people what's sad to me is how many of


us think that we need to stay in The Stadium seats when we should be in the arena and we should just be down there


getting beat up a little bit and it's okay I I've had a lot of critics that have said some really hurtful things through the years and it pushes me to


continue to just say I know I'm going on the right path if people don't like what I'm doing and it's it's the right thing


for me I know it and so yeah I've been grateful and lucky to write books and


obviously there's some on Amazon about me you know the promise to the one is a great book that I've written and it's a


it's a good book and it makes you think what's my promise to myself and how am I going to keep that or am I just going to


set a goal and miss it you know make a promise and keep it and uh at the same


time I also I don't promote this much but I do I do help uh aspiring speakers


performers people that are Executives that are looking to transition out of doing that anymore and Bec someone who


shares that message and so if people are interested in that I'd love to hear from him and let him know that I do some Zoom


Retreat type things we do stuff in Utah where people come here and help help with their career aspirations I think


that that's cool is we started this whole thing talking about Gordy Brown and how a guy like his this famous


wonderful Entertainer who said hey I want to help this kid has no idea what he's doing and thinks he's as good as me


already and then you know now now are peers yeah and that's what's important


is to realize that as you reach out to somebody who's maybe where you're at where you're wanting to go and if


they're cool enough to reach back and help you and bring you along my goodness right why would you not reach out yeah


and so don't let that stop you don't ever let them possibly turning you down or not responding don't let that stop


you because if you know this is what you're supposed to do if you have it as a calling if it's your promise you must


go for it or you're breaking a promise to to the world so it's been great to be with you brother I'm proud of you and I


I'm look forward to all that you're going to do from here on out even though youve done a lot of great things already


awesome man thank you so much dude appreciate your time today you have a wonderful evening man thank you you too


thanks [Music]


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