The Coastal Mompreneur

Wealth & Credit 101

Jerrica Aiken Season 1 Episode 8

The Coastal Mompreneur Podcast: 

Avatar: The female business owner who struggles with balance, self care and running a successful business while actively being a mom!

About: Being a mom and entrepreneur can have its ups and downs. Listen for tips and strategies to help you balance the roles of being a mom and entrepreneur. Be ready to be empowered, educated and equipped with confidence to successfully run your life and your business. 

About the host: Jerrica Aiken is a multi-business owner who balances being a mom of 5, REALTOR®, community leader, PTA parent, sister, daughter & friend! She has had her own share of experiences from being a teen parent, single parent, survivor of sexual assault, married  to a pastor and so much more. Her prayer is to encourage, inspire and uplift women to be their best selves and run a successful business while still being a great mom!

About the guest: As a highly sought after speaker and finance-preneur, Anetra Smalls has helped hundreds repair their personal credit—enabling many of them to birth their own businesses and build business credit wealth. Known as “The Six-Figure Credit Coach” to many, this “Millionaire Mom” is passionate about helping single mothers eliminate debt as they establish credit health—using what’s in their hands to prosper and soar above the societal norms.

After struggling financially for years and experiencing bad credit card debt firsthand, Anetra knows all too well what it’s like to have others give up on you—leaving you to figure out finances—and life in general—on your own. Vowing to herself that she would never be in that vulnerable place again, she not only used every piece of information she received to restore her credit—but she shared her journey transparently, which led to the establishment of her business, Merit Credit Solutions

Merit Credit Solutions is a company created during Anetra's very own hardship and at the time, she had no clue that her journey to financial empowerment would open doors to help others avoid the very pitfalls she was fortunate to dig herself out of.  

Show edited by Kevin Staggers
Focused ONE Media

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