Dose of DASH
Join Jonathan Ruth and Kathy Zelem, Change Management Leads for the DASH Project at the University of Tennessee, as they bring you updates and insights on the state of the DASH implementation! You can also expect guest appearances from project leadership and key stakeholders across the statewide system! Put in your earbuds and join us as we race toward the finish line and the launch of DASH on July 1, 2024! UT Employees: https://dash-friends.tennessee.edu Become a Friend of DASH (UT Employees): https://liveutk.sharepoint.com/sites/DASHProgram/SitePages/Become-a-Friend-of-DASH.aspx Non-UT Employees: https://dash-erp.tennessee.edu
Dose of DASH
Episode 4: Talking Change with Accenture
Season 1
Episode 4
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00:00 | 22:23
Do you want a Dose of DASH podcast episode where you don't have to listen to Jonathan and Kathy the entire time? Well this is the one for you! Listen in as guests from Accenture join to talk about cloud computing and change management. Did you hear an acronym during the episode that you're not familiar with? You might want to visit our DASH Lingo page!
UT Employees: https://dash-friends.tennessee.edu
Become a Friend of DASH (UT Employees): https://liveutk.sharepoint.com/sites/DASHProgram/SitePages/Become-a-Friend-of-DASH.aspx
Non-UT Employees: https://dash-erp.tennessee.edu