For Dear Life
For Dear Life
40 Days for Life- Boston Campaign Manager Rita Russo on this episode of For Dear Life
40 Days for Life- Boston Campaign Manager Rita Russo on this episode of For Dear Life.
Rita Russo is the current campaign manager for 40 Days for Life in Boston. she is a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.
Rita grew up in Worcester, MA and received a Diploma in Nursing from St. Vincent Hospital School of Nursing, a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Nursing from Worcester State College, a Certificate in Nurse-Midwifery from State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, and a Master of Science Degree in Parent-Child Health from Boston University.
Rita worked for many years as a staff nurse in Labor and Delivery at various institutions and for 3 years as an OB-Gyn Clinical Nurse Specialist for Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. She retired from hospital nursing in 2002 and began working for the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation, which has a hospital in rural Haiti.
Rita began leading the 40 Days for Life Campaign in 2013.
(Rita has worked with Your Options Medical PRC.)
Rita worked in the office at Your Options Medical PRC in Fall River and then on Beacon St. in Brookline.
The Fall campaign for 40 Days begins next week September 27, 2023 to November 5th.
Please Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/boston