The Not Drinking Alcohol Today Podcast
Meg and Bella discuss the ups and downs of navigating an alcohol free life in Australia's alcohol centric culture. This highly rated podcast, featuring in Australia's top 100 self improvement podcasts, is a must for those that are trying to drink less alcohol but need some motivation, are curious about sober life or who are sober but are looking for some extra reinforcement. The Not Drinking Alcohol Today pod provides an invaluable resource to keep you motivated and on track today and beyond. Meg and Bella's guests include neuroscientists, quit-lit authors, journalists, health experts, alcohol coaches and everyday people who have struggled with alcohol but have triumphed over it. Our aim is to support and inspire you to reach your goals to drink less or none at all! Meg and Bella are This Naked Mind Certified Coaches (plus nutritionists and counsellors respectively) who live in Sydney.
The Not Drinking Alcohol Today Podcast
Lisa Greenberg's Perfectly Imperfect Sobriety Story
(*An oldie but a goodie with the awesome Lisa Greenberg back in the day when our pod was called She's Sober Sydney*) Join us as we talk with the glorious perfectly imperfect Lisa Greenberg about her alcohol addiction and her path to sobriety and beyond. As a highly sought-after speaker, fitness consultant, columnist and founder of SOBEROBICS, Lisa’s passion for inspiring, elevating and empowering women truly resonates. Her energy and enthusiasm for life is contagious. In this episode, Lisa is refreshingly honest and open about how dark her battle with alcohol got for her. We discuss the secrecy and dishonesty that often accompanies addiction including hiding bottles and lying to family and friends about the extent of her drinking; how Lisa believed that alcohol allowed her to be the party girl and that without it she “would have nothing else to add” and that “no one would want to talk to her” and how at rock bottom her self-loathing loomed so large that she chose to sleep on the concrete floor as she believed she no longer deserved her bed. In recovery, Lisa learned to like the girl staring back at her in the mirror and embrace the fact that she no longer needs or wants to be the party girl. Her experience has propelled her into a life full of gratitude and service to others. This episode is essential listening for those of us who are seeking reminders as to why we are living or yearn to live an alcohol-free life and who are looking for some hope and inspiration to reach outwards, onwards and upwards. Lisa can be found on Instagram: @lisagperfectlyimperfect. (Repeat episode. Previously published in 2023.)
Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
Instagram: @glassfulfilled
Unwined Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub
Facebook UpsideAF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1168716054214678
Small group coaching: https://www.elizaparkinson.com/groupcoaching
Web: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
Insta: @alcoholcounsellorisabella
Bi-Yearly 6-Week Small Group Challenges: Learn more: https://www.isabellaferguson.com.au/feb-2025-challenge
Free Do I Have A Drinking Problem 3 x Video Series: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/offers/JTFFgjJL/checkout
Free HOW DO I STOP DRINKING SO MUCH Masterclass: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/offers/7fvkb3FF/checkout
Online Alcohol Self-Paced Course: ...