The Not Drinking Alcohol Today Podcast
Meg and Bella discuss the ups and downs of navigating an alcohol free life in Australia's alcohol centric culture. This highly rated podcast, featuring in Australia's top 100 self improvement podcasts, is a must for those that are trying to drink less alcohol but need some motivation, are curious about sober life or who are sober but are looking for some extra reinforcement. The Not Drinking Alcohol Today pod provides an invaluable resource to keep you motivated and on track today and beyond. Meg and Bella's guests include neuroscientists, quit-lit authors, journalists, health experts, alcohol coaches and everyday people who have struggled with alcohol but have triumphed over it. Our aim is to support and inspire you to reach your goals to drink less or none at all! Meg and Bella are This Naked Mind Certified Coaches (plus nutritionists and counsellors respectively) who live in Sydney.
The Not Drinking Alcohol Today Podcast
Cindy Johnston: Harnessing Emotional Freedom Techniques to Beat Cravings and Boost Emotional Wellbeing
Have you heard of people raving about the benefits of EFT to help process uncomfortable emotions, but are unsure about what it actually is or how to do it? If so, listen on. Cindy Johnston, founder of Soul Sobriety Coaching and Retreats and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, shares her personal journey to emotional resilience and sobriety and discusses how tapping can enhance overall emotional wellbeing, sharing techniques for managing anxiety, stress, and depression. Additionally, Cindy leads us all through an EFT exercise!
Cindy discusses how calming the brain's stress centre, tapping offers a simple yet powerful way to manage cravings and stress. Whether you're curious about new ways to cope during the challenging "witching hour" or seeking practical tools for emotional wellbeing, this conversation is packed with valuable insights. This episode is explores EFT as another tool to use on your mission to drink less and find greater emotional freedom and resilience. Listen in!
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Unwined Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub
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I'd love to welcome Cindy Johnston of Soul Sobriety Retreats, former grey area drinker but grey area drinking coach, extraordinaire host of the most wonderful retreats local to Australia and beyond, and an emotional freedom technique practitioner. Welcome, cindy.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much, Bella. Thanks for that lovely introduction. Hello to everybody here. It's Cindy. Thank you so much, Bella. Thanks for that lovely introduction. Hello to everybody here. It's great to see you.
Speaker 1:So lovely to see you. You are here as part of the Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge in week five. So we've been through on quite a big journey and a large part of the focus of this challenge has, of course, been emotional resilience. So we've done a whole lot of work on that, but we know that that's ongoing and we all experience those huge emotions that can hit us out of the blue, which are often echoes of past experiences simmering to the surface on occasion. So I am really looking forward to just learning more about this technique emotional freedom technique and I'm sure everybody here is too. So over to you, cindy, thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm excited to be here because I love sharing all things EFT tapping with people, and I just believe it's just one of the most beneficial holistic tools that I've ever come across, especially for what we're trying to achieve here in this group as well, because, changing habits and behaviours, we need to find some other tools that we can manage to help while we're doing that, and that's where EFT comes in. Yeah, so it's actually a really powerful self-help tool that you can use anywhere, anytime, and it's actually based on traditional Chinese medicine. So it's like acupuncture, but without the needles, so it's pain free and we're actually just tapping on parts of our body. So we're tapping on acupressure points on the meridians on the body and that then sends calming signals to the amygdala, which is our stress center in the brain. So I can tell you a little bit more about that afterwards, but just to let you know, some of the other things it's fantastic for is cravings, and we're going to deal a little bit with that tonight, and what I'd like to do is take you all through a round of tapping just to show you how it actually can be beneficial in the moment, and it's not just in this area. It can help you in all aspects of your life. So what I like to focus on is as a stress management tool, really, because often that can be why we reach for that glass of wine in the first place, because we can be stressed, something's triggering us, and so if we could find something else, apart from some of the valuable tools I'm sure that Isabel has already shown you throughout this program, tapping can just be added to it too, and it's something that you've got with you, as I said earlier, anywhere, anytime, and even though I'm going to show you something that you're going to think, wow, that looks really crazy and I can't do this out in public, I'll show you some little, what I call stealth moves at the end as well. So if you are out in public or public transport or wherever, you can still do your tapping and no one will even know. Okay, so I'll share with those two. So a little bit about me, because you're probably thinking, okay, well, she does all that, but I've been in your shoes as well. So a little bit about me, because you're probably thinking, okay, well, she does all that, but I've been in your shoes as well. So I know exactly what you're going through and I know it's not easy and but you have the support and which is such a great thing, and I'm sure, with Bella's program, you've got so much information that really, really help you. You've got so much information that will really, really help you.
Speaker 2:But my career spanning over 40 years with alcohol, so it was really hard to change. So I just wish I had found EFT earlier and it would have been much easier, I'm sure, but I stopped drinking back in 2018, so nearly six and a half years ago, and I'm sure, bella, you can vouch for this. There wasn't a lot of support or resources back in the day, not much at all. No, so I managed to find someone online and it was only because and for years, I'd known that I'd had I was a grey area drinker, but I hadn't heard of that. Known that I'd had I was a grey area drinker, but I hadn't heard of that. I was still filled with so much shame and I was just embarrassed because if you brought up I even mentioned to my doctor once that you know if you've got a problem or you think you're drinking too much, you're judged as being an alcoholic, you know, and you put in that category, like in the park bench with the brown paper bag and that was how I saw it.
Speaker 2:But when I finally did reach out and that's what kept me stuck for so long, because there was no support and when I did finally find somebody online, I had to keep a secret. I didn't tell anyone for 12 months what I had done. I didn't even tell my husband that I had done a course on how to stop drinking, because of all the shame that I felt. But when I found that there were other women like me out there, that was huge. That was just a huge moment for me, like, wow, I'm not the only one in this whole world with this problem. So I just encourage you just to lean on each other and just to use the support that you have, because it really isn't valuable, and I think I mentioned that it was the universe put a a big rash on my face.
Speaker 2:So I had a health issue that I really had to address because I couldn't ignore it any longer, and my doctor thought I'd acquired an autoimmune condition lupus and when I looked at what that meant and how much alcohol would play in that in my health, I'm like, oh, I really have to do something here and I can tell you now it was the the best wake up call I've ever had. It is the best thing that set me on this new path to discover really who I am and who I am meant to be. And it was only by getting rid of the alcohol that I've had this clarity, that I'm enjoying life so much more. So it really does open up so many more pathways for you as well. And I realized over the years that alcohol really kept my life small. I'm like in this little because I couldn't do things, because, well, I can't go out because I can't drive because I've been drinking, and then the next day, no, I better not drive because I've had drinks the night before I could be over the limit. So, but then, once my life started to expand, it's like wow, I really felt I took back my power. And once you realize that you take back your power over alcohol, it's life-changing. It really is so, so well.
Speaker 2:So that's just a little bit about me and how I started my alcohol journey and about two years into my alcohol free living, um, doing a meditation, like we discussed earlier. But I'd I'd never been able to meditate when I was drinking. There was no way, I didn't even know what to do so, but it was part of my unlearning or my bad habits that led me to to start meditating. It was only for a couple of minutes, but eventually it came to me that I needed to be helping other women like me, rather just in my community, to help them get unstuck as well. And and that then I'm like well, how do I do this? So I became a life coach. Life coaching opened the door for me to then become, like Bella did, a grey area drinking coach with Jolene Park about three years ago, and which was just amazing. And from there I wanted to learn and discover for myself, because I knew my reasons for drinking.
Speaker 2:But what were other reasons other women were drinking, and can we maybe go back and help prevent some of that? Um, a little bit like I think it was Desmond Tutu with his quote about, you know, going upstream and rescuing people, rescuing them before they fell in. If we could do something along those lines, maybe it might help um, people a little bit more with this, with the struggle and um, and that's when, yeah, I, I believe the universe this is just me personally guides me and guides where I'm meant to be on my path, and it through my sobriety. It put me in touch with an EFT practitioner in Perth and she became my mentor and trainer. Then I did 18 months study and, yeah, became a certified, accredited practitioner. So that is my specialty, where I like to help women in sobriety but get to the root causes of why they're drinking in the first place, and that's where I think EFT just really shines. So that's a little bit about it and that it's pain-free.
Speaker 2:Nothing will hurt you tonight and I was just going to ask if you would like to perhaps because we haven't got a lot of time go through a demonstration and I can take you through tapping. That way I can show you what we actually say, how to say it, how to do it for yourself, the tapping points that will go around, and then afterwards, if you would like to find out some more information, you can just go to my website. I'm sure Bella's got all the details. I've got a free download, an introductory guide to I think a beginner's guide to EFT, so you can just download that. It's got pages of even what to say, how to say it, all the tapping points and everything about tapping. Okay, right, who's ready to start, great, okay. So just to explain Okay, let's say, tonight we're going to all tap together and what I'll do is I'll say a statement and then I'll get you to repeat it back, okay, and just copy what I do as well. So I'm just going to explain that this side, this part of our hand here is called side of the hand, okay, and this is where we say a setup, a setup statement, three times.
Speaker 2:But prior to doing that, we want to tune into our body and what is it that is coming up for us? And it's around about this time of night when I was drinking, this would have been, oh, I really need a glass of wine time. It was my the witching hour. For me, it was like I used to call it wine o'clock, okay, and the cravings would kick in. Around five o'clock was wine o'clock, so, um, so if we tap on, perhaps this time of night being like cravings, if that would work for you, um so, so if you just tune into your body now and just think about it as okay, yeah, even, and even though you know you probably may not have a craving, but if you were to think about when you were drinking, if you've stopped now, during the challenge.
Speaker 2:What would the emotion be like, coming up for that craving? So you've really got this craving. How strong would it be if you can just think, oh, I really want that glass of rum and I can, just I could taste it in my mouth now. I could just even opening the cupboard just thinking about getting a glass out. That feeling, that emotion is really strong.
Speaker 2:So if you could rate that and give it, say, zero to 10, give it a number of just other thinking in the past or just thinking you know ahead, what would it be for you? And then, okay. So if you're feeling it in your body, sometimes it could be like a knot in the tummy or a tightness in your chest or throat or shoulders okay, if not, that's fine. So don't judge anything, just be gentle on yourself. Okay, so what we need now? So we've got our rating 0 to 10. So I'm just going to say 5 out of 10. So we start tapping on the side of the hand and then we say, even though I've got this craving, I really want this glass of wine. And yeah, it's like a five out of ten right now. But I accept, that's how I feel. So what we're doing is we are bringing up the negative first and then we are going to balance it with an acceptance statement, because it needs to be released from the body and the subconscious as well, okay, so, whatever that emotional feeling is, so, even though I have this craving and I'd really like that glass of wine it's one o'clock somewhere and it's really strong right now but I accept that's how I feel. So, even though I have this extreme craving craving, I really want that glass of wine and I know it would taste really great, but I accept, that's just how I feel right now.
Speaker 2:Okay, and then we're just going to go to the top of the head. So this is our first point, top of the head. So anywhere along there, you can use your fingertips uh, two fingers and your fingers. You can do one side, the other side, you can do both sides, you can. It doesn't matter, okay. So I tend to just use one hand and do one side, but it's up to you. And then we're just going to say this craving, this craving, and then we're going to go to the next point is the outside of the eyebrow. So we're going to follow our orbital bone around, so on the side of the inside of the eyebrow. Once again, you can do both. You can do left or right, it doesn't matter. This craving.
Speaker 2:I have this craving, the next one we're going to do. Next point is just on the side of the eye. So we're not on the temple out here, we're just on that orbital bone coming around here on the side of the eye, this craving. We're just acknowledging it, we have this craving, and then we're going to go under the eye, underneath the pupil, once again. Just feel just just, gentle, I have this craving. And next point is under the nose. Just have this craving, really want that glass of wine. Next point is our chin crease, so just under the lip, and once again, we're just going to repeat this craving.
Speaker 2:I've got this craving, it's really strong, want that glance of mine. And then our next point is our collarbone. So hopefully you can see, okay, so, so, where your collarbone meets here, then if we come down around about two centimeters or an inch, you'll feel there's a little hollow bit there, okay, so, once again, just use any fingertips. We're just tapping in that area there and we're just doing the same thing this craving. Let's tap this craving. And then the last point we're going to tap is around about a hand's width. It's under our armpit and it's like it's on the bra strap.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're just going to tap there this craving, I have this craving. Okay, we're just going to tap there this craving, I have this craving, and then we're just going to take a breath in and breathe out and just tune back in now to that feeling, that emotion that you had around, that craving. Sometimes it can go up, sometimes it can stay the same. Mostly it'll go down and just see what it's doing for you right now, just thinking about, yeah, that thought and would anyone like to share. Has anything shifted or changed?
Speaker 1:I guess I was focusing on sugar craving. That was my, my, thing, yeah, and I think just the time it took and the tapping it just kind of subsided, and I was sort of just more focusing on the sensation rather than the feeling. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay. So did you give it a number, bella, at the start?
Speaker 1:Yes, I gave it an eight at the start because I've had dinner and the sugar cravings die as it is. That's my thing. A little stash of cherry rinds, I do. Indeed, I've got cherry rinds in the cupboard hidden from the boys, right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, look, I could give that a six and a half seven now, okay, that's come down a little bit, yeah, and that was just after one round, so you can see it was changing. And often too, you may get like a clarity or a mindset shift and things will come up for you and sometimes, if it goes up, it could be then another aspect of whatever the problem is can also come up out of your subconscious so it can change and it can shift and weave. Um but um, often what happens too after and it's not as we've just done one round, but when we worked with clients is, um, if you can imagine the top of a table and a lot of issues that might be like it might be like stress, let's just say the top of the table is just stress, but holding up that table are a lot of legs and it could be, these could be all areas of stress that could be holding this table up or issues that are causing you problems. So if we can tap on what those individual problems are, you might find that the whole lot will just collapse and then that whole problem can go away, whatever it is. And it's very important that we're specific'd be really specific. So I know we haven't been tonight, we're just like this craving, but I would also when I'm working individually with people. That's why I suggest sometimes if you just want to tap for yourself just to reduce stress, that's great, but if you do have any issues that are causing the stress or you know emotional problems perhaps that are causing you to drink, it is best to work with a qualified practitioner, because there's other issues that could come up and there could be some trauma and things that you're not even aware of in your subconscious, because it is tapping into the emotional aspects of the body and things can come up. So I always have water and a box of tissues with you when you work with me, because we just never know what's going to come up.
Speaker 2:But it is really important just to be very specific on, because that's how these neural pathways are working. They're all, they're all tapping into each other and parts of the brain and subconscious. They're bringing up memories, because the amygdala that we are calming is also closely situated near the hippocampus, which is the memory center of the brain, and that will often just bring things out that you just don't, you're not prepared for as well. So but we like to just, and I work with my clients, just, I work with you very slowly because we're working with our nervous system, we're helping to regulate our nervous system as well. So, um, we don't want to just dive straight in and say, yes, okay, let's get to that trauma that happened to you when you were five years old, because your body can't take it. So we just need to just work gently with your system, and everybody is different as well with the rate that they can go to. So so, yeah, so that was just a little bit of tapping. Did anyone else want to share what came up for them? Yeah, I'll share.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was. I just focused on, like you know, if we're talking about the craving, I was thinking like post-work, I've had a full day, you know, meeting-filled day. So like my shoulders are super tense and that's when, like for me, it's that, yeah, the tension, like sometimes I feel like it's like an acopic feeling. Like when I'm feeling that tense, I'm like how do I now get on with the rest of the night? Because I'm feeling so like like I can't, you know, like you finish, you've closed your laptop, but then you're like, oh, you've still got like four hours, you know the like in the evening still to get through, and it's like this, I can't get through the evening.
Speaker 3:That's the feeling and so, yeah, so then, starting with the tapping, just kind of, you know, acknowledging the tension that I was feeling, and then, yeah, when we kind of got to the chest bit, I felt like the tension kind of released and I, my brain that was saying I can't believe I had back-to-back meetings and I've had such a stressful day.
Speaker 3:And then my, there was another voice that reminded me by the end of it, like, actually I got to work from home, I had a I did squeeze in a kindy mom lunch, you know, um, uh, yeah, a few other things that I was like, oh actually, yeah, Like my mindset, like you were saying, uh, those thoughts came up so that it made me feel like, yeah, I've had a busy day, but that, but tomorrow is not the same, and it reminded me that I didn't have as much of a chaotic day planned for tomorrow and today. Actually, there were positive bits in the in in today and I made it to this meeting here. So it's like, oh, okay, all I could see in that moment was that I couldn't get through the evening.
Speaker 2:But then by the end of that session it just made me realise like, oh, actually, it wasn't as horrendous of a day as my brain was telling me, and that was just one round and you were in a lovely positive reframe, yeah, so it's just wonderful to see just the changes that can happen and just yeah, it's amazing it really is. So I'm sorry, that was just a really really quick little demo, yeah.
Speaker 1:I was just going to say Cindy, well, just a comment. But then also I've got a question here from a challenge member that's putting her child down to bed. That what's so lovely about it is that it keeps you embodied and present. Yes, so for somebody like me whose mind just goes off which is why I'm participating in this meditation challenge, just to try and get more into the present, because I'm challenged by that I liked that tapping in those different spots because it just kept me back in the moment it does. It is.
Speaker 2:It is cognitive and it's also somatic, because we're tapping the body, and then it's also energetic because we're working on our energy systems, basically our tapping on our acupoints. Ah, that makes sense. So it's mind, body and spirit, really all soul working together.
Speaker 1:That's what I was going to say too. It felt like a massage. Okay, you know the feeling you get when you start to have a massage and you're just hoping that the therapist will be quiet so you can zone out and not talk to you.
Speaker 2:But yeah, it was very calming, very calming just like a massage yeah, and I mentioned those stealth tactics earlier. So just on the side of our nail bed, so where our fingernail and our skin touches, so they're acupressure points there too. So you could just have your fingers underneath the table, like if you're having some sort of a stressful situation. You can just be tapping just on the side of your thumb, just tap, tap, tap. Or even just at the end of our fingers. You can just tap there just under the desk, or you could just tap on the side of your hand. Some people can just sit there and just do. You know this sort of thing, you know, just no one knows what you're doing.
Speaker 2:And I have to share with you one of my favorites, and it's called because there's different techniques that we use. What I've just shared with you is just our basic technique, but there's one called tap and rant. I love this. And if you want to release stress from your body, just make sure you're not sort of out in public to like at the shopping center, you know, check out or anything like that. But in the car is great, or if you're at home alone or something. But you can just tap. I just tap on the side of my hand and rant, let it out. You know, if you want to swear and yell, and I am so, but you say what the emotion is and if you even, am I allowed to swear, yes go for it.
Speaker 2:I am so pissed off because my husband didn't unpack the dishwasher or something like that. You know, but something you know, just yeah. But whatever that emotion is, just let it out, but tap as you do it and then, after like a round of you know, even if you don't do the whole thing but you can, you know, even if you don't do the whole thing but you can, you'd be amazed your body feels so much calmer. And because the whole idea is we don't want to hold onto that stress in our body it creates that's a whole, nother you know podcast episode. But how much, as you know, bella, the stress it causes in the body can affect, you know, digestive system, your immune system, basically your health in general. So we want to move that energy out of the body and emotions are energy in motion and we want to just keep it flowing as best as we can. So tapping is easy and a wonderful tool for you.
Speaker 1:Cindy, that's fantastic. We have spoken a bit, particularly in our group sessions, about resentment and anger, even overwhelm, anxiety attacks and various techniques to release them, and so I think this is just another tool to add to release. I do have a question here from one of our challenges who just sent it on the chat. She would like to know about whether you can use tapping to manage anxiety and also depression, and can you use it in a preventative way rather than just in the heat of the moment.
Speaker 2:Yes, so well, definitely anxiety and depression and the clinical studies that they have been doing and the trials led, can I say, mostly by an Australian woman scientist. She's a psychologist and a tapper, of course, based out of Bond University on the gold coast, dr peter stapleton, and um. You look up her work if you like on google or youtube or whatever, um, but she's amazing. But I'll just read. I've got some of the markers in front of me too. To do with depression.
Speaker 2:After an hour this is doing random clinical trials, or whatever they call them. Depression was down by 35%. Anxiety down 40%. Cortisol levels down 37%. Pain, because we can use it for pain management as well 57%. Ptsd, which works wonders with that 32%. Food cravings down 74%. We need to work on that cherry right. Yes. Blood pressure down 8% and happiness up 31% Amazing.
Speaker 2:So it is amazing for depression, anxiety and also too. Yes, we can work on past events. We can work on present also too. Yes, we can work on past events, we can work on present and we can also um work on future events as well. So that way you can just say even though I feel really anxious just thinking about this meeting I've got with my managers at work tomorrow and I'm feeling really stressed and I feel this tightness in my chest and it's like eight out of ten and we go and just go through the tapping and then it might come then to when you finish okay, well, I've got this meeting tomorrow, but yeah, I'll be fine, you know, and it just calms everything down, so it just helps you to manage life much more easily. It really does. I just feel I've got to get a T-shirt made up with we can tap on that, because you can tap on anything, cindy.
Speaker 1:thank you. I've always got a range of questions, but I'll open it up to the group to see if there are any burning questions that might pop be asked of Cindy.
Speaker 4:I don't have any. Hi, cindy, I had a massage today, so it's quite interesting. I actually started off really chill, so I've kind of oh, that's so good. And I wonder if you know, when you have the Chinese acupressure massages particularly and the last thing they do is the little you know the cupping type of tapping on the head and all over your back. I wonder if it follows a similar kind of philosophy. And all over your back.
Speaker 2:I wonder if it follows a similar kind of philosophy, I would definitely say yes. Yeah, because it's all based on traditional Chinese medicine, the Eastern philosophies of where the meridians run in the body and what they're attached to.
Speaker 4:So, yeah, I think, yeah, one of my goals is to actually help my teenager when she gets in a dysregulated state. And you know it's like they're in that fight or flight mode and you can see what they need. But how do you actually get them to transition from that flight mode of their brain to listen to me, sit with me, let's just do some tapping.
Speaker 2:You know that kind of thing Totally Just get them to start tapping and just say yeah, and you don't even have to say anything, you can just tap, just just just go through the motions, yeah, and if you can get them just doing that, you'll find their nervous system will just calm straight away and, um, so we can tap on um pets as well, and animals.
Speaker 4:Yes, we can tap on you. Look at you, you're gorgeous. He arrived as I was doing it.
Speaker 1:He's like I need some tapping. You just said something then that reminded me that when I took one of my sons to a doctor because he was getting racing heart at night when he was going through stress exams, I think he was just eating too much sugar. I think that runs in the family. But the doctor suggested EFT and she suggested walking barefoot outside and maybe oils and then see an EFT practitioner just to kick off that technique.
Speaker 2:And they're actually doing studies now. Well, trials, and there's out west New South Wales they're doing some out there and some other places, but more of high school students and teaching them tapping through their HSC exams. And another one of my colleagues in Copse Harbour she's working with the mums and bubs, so for the mums but also for toddlers. They're doing some trials up that way as well on just tapping on children. And there's other trials that I know going on overseas as well in schools, but also too with autism and other health issues too with children. So there's a lot of studies. So over the next few years you're going to see so much more of EFT. It is a relatively new modality but it's just doing wonders everywhere. So, yeah, thank you Cindy. Yeah, I'm happy if you've got anything.
Speaker 2:If you want me to send you any more information, I could send it over to Bella if you wanted to share. Or, as I said, just go on and, yeah, get my beginner's guide. So much information in that too. And can I just mention too, if anyone did want to work with me or find out more, I have got a EFT taster bundle that I offer it like it's $100 discount, so you get a discovery session, and then we do three sessions as well, so you get the full sessions. It's all on my website, but it just gives you an idea whether EFT is something that's good for you or if you'd like to continue with it, and it doesn't have to be about sob you, or if you'd like to continue with it, and it doesn't have to be about, you know, sobriety. If you don't want to, I can work in all sorts of other areas that might be having issues for you. So it's just amazing. I highly recommend it. Even if you find any other practitioners elsewhere or local that you want to work with, just yeah, go try it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, thank you so much, cindy. I'll refer a link in in our group to your beginner bundle, but also the the other um offering there, because I I really like it. It's doable, it's cheap, it's free, it's easy, you can do it yourself, you can do it in the moment, and it's just another modality there to offer if you're finding the meditation, the breath work, the other types of tools that we have when we're trying to break free from alcohol, a little difficult. I love it. Thank you so much for joining our challenge group.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for joining our challenge group. Thank you so much for having me. It's lovely to meet you all tonight and, yeah, all the best and happy going forward with everything that you're learning here with Bella, and have a lovely Christmas and keep tapping, keep tapping.
Speaker 1:You can tap on that. You can tap on that.
Speaker 4:Thank you so much, Sydney. Thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you, everybody here. What I'm just going to do, I'm going to hit off recording on the computer and if anybody wants to check in and hang around, I'm very happy to to have a chat.