Content Marketing Podcast

Ep 66 - Stop Listening 🎧 Start Posting!

Aaron Witnish Season 1 Episode 66

Stop listening and post a damn video! This episode is on the back of listeners sending their love - but taking no action with the content strategies, frameworks and ideas in this show. It's time to hit record and post!

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In this episode of the Content Marketing Podcast:

- Aaron's rant to listeners who aren't posting content yet.
- A framework to post your next video on social media.
- Exposing the fear and vulnerability of showing up on camera.
- How to get your videos in front of target clients on any budget.
- The importance of marketing and doing what is required to grow a business

AND much more.

Make sure you follow or subscribe to catch each new episode on demand and leave a 5-star review if this is helpful so more people can discover the show.

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Aaron Witnish (00:00):

Stop listening and start posting content. This is a little rant and it's on the backend of a series of messages that I've got across different social media platforms from good intention listeners of the show saying, I really enjoy the content marketing podcast when we connect and I go check out their feeds and profile. There's no video content, there's nothing happening. There's minimal activity. There might be an outdated post with a photo and some text from several weeks or months ago. Now, if you're new to the show, this isn't directed at you. Welcome. My name's Aaron Whitney. I'm the co-founder of Content Only, and we create in the region of 500 original videos and written posts for our clients every single month. If you are sitting there getting dopamine hits from learning something new, but you're not taking action with it, your life is not going to get any better.


It's not going to change. Your business isn't going to grow, your purpose isn't going to expand, and you're not going to help people with the ideas you could be sharing on video. And I understand, and I get it. It is so confronting to put your name, face and voice somewhere online where you can receive a comment. Someone can exchange and interact with that, especially if it's not a natural skillset and you've never done anything like that before. I still get fearful about posting very safe videos and I cringe when I watch myself back. But the reality is, if you're sitting there on the Merry-go-round of consuming information, and you're not putting it into action, then you are not going to achieve the goals and the vision that you've set for your life. So it's time to get on the field. We're going to kick off with an action item.


This is what I want you to do. If you haven't posted a video in a long, long time, or any at all, I want you to pull out your smartphone or someone else to hold it for you and do your first video right now. And it's going to be very simple. I'll tell you what to say. Say hello, I'm Aaron, and replace Aaron with your name. I've got a business. It's called X, Y, Z, or I'm starting to post some videos talking about X, Y, Z topic interchange based on where you're at. This is my first video. It sucks. I know. But what I wanted to hear from you is some questions. What would you want to ask about X, Y, Z topic or X, Y, Z business? So I've got some ideas from an X videos. I promise they're going to get better. Thanks for participating.


Next video will be out soon. Something very simple like that just to get the first one out there, which is always the hardest. So if you do that, I want you to tag me in it so I can get around, give you some love and support. I can share it. And that way you've got someone in your corner with your first video or your most recent video on this content journey. Now, I'm going to go to a secondary story right now. So I've been running some online events lately and we've been getting a really good uptake. So the one that I did yesterday, we had 60 people register across LinkedIn and the Facebook ads campaign that we were running out of the 60 people, four people showed up to the live session, which isn't when you run a live event during the day for business owners, things come up, get in the way, and it's virtual.


But again, I look at some of the businesses and some of the people that registered for the event and it's free. So there's no major incentive. They're not heavily invested to get there. I'm asking them to transact with their time, but I know the back of my mind it's going to be the same merry-go-round for the majority of the people that said, yes, I'm interested in this topic of how to use content to get local clients. And whilst it shouldn't frustrate me, occasionally it does because it's like if you generally want to grow your business, you generally want to make an impact on people's and clients' lives. You have to take action, you have to do things that you know should be doing, but you're not doing them. I was listening to a great man, Garrett J White, he's one of the few podcasts. He's got a podcast called Warrior Wealth, and I listened to the episodes over and over again and he spoke about how, particularly for people in business entrepreneurs, the biggest challenge that they have is getting themselves into the position of power to simply follow through on the things that they know they should be doing.


And I was like, that is so true. Anytime in my business journey, which my first company started back in 2010, where my results have been poor, it's because I haven't been executing on what I know I should be doing. And it gets to a point where, you know, should be marketing, you know, should be creating content, you know, should be selling, you're making offers, you know, should be doing phenomenal customer services and experiences, but for whatever reason, whatever limiting beliefs you have, you don't do it. And content is one of the biggest areas that I see businesses let themselves down in and also marketing. And they sit in this area of hopium hoping that they get referrals, hoping that people that discover them, hoping for word of mouth. And that's a very dangerous game for a business world that is moving more and more online where the future generations of buyers are looking to build relationships with people on handheld devices.


So if you are not taking action and writing this trend right now, it's a very dangerous game for the future of your business and your personal brand. So I want to share with you some tactics, for lack of a better word, that can help with this because you create a video and you're a business owner, what do you do with it now? So we've spoken in previous episodes and you can learn about posting to the right platform, but if you are got a product or a service, the first thing you want to do is circulate that in your local community. Now, even if you have the ability to service clients worldwide, start locally where there's some trust transference. So post your video to your business account, your company page, and on the platform that you do this on, there'll be a boost button or a sponsor button or a promote button.


You can invest a couple of dollars. And when you put that in, it'll tell you how many people it estimates that'll reach in your target client audience and how engagement it might anticipate or whatever the goal is. So with a video, you can control distribution and make sure it gets in front of the eyeballs of the people that will ultimately be in the position to transact with you. How valuable is that tool? So when you hit that boost button, let's say it's on meta, so Facebook or Instagram, you can put in your suburb that you're currently recording in. So people are close by within a very small radius. You can put in the age range of your target clients. You can put in the gender if it's gender specific, and even narrow that down further if there's particular attributes that you're after. And then you can set a budget of a couple of dollars and it'll tell you roughly how many people that's going to reach.


So you can control getting in front of the right eyeballs even if you're bootstrapping and at a very low investment stage in your business. Whereas if you're just relying on organic circulation and you are not controlling which eyeballs see it, then it's a much longer game. So if you're a business and you have a goal, or even if you know who you want to reach, create some videos, add some value, press that boost button or that sponsor button, circulate it to an audience of your target clients. So you create some goodwill upfront, you share something that makes their life better, you share a strategy, a tip, a trick, some value, and they'll start seeing you as a solution to their problems. And you build an expert gap. And when you have that trust, that's ultimately what's going to lead people towards buying and creating a transaction.


So the more you circulate, the more visibility you have with your target customers and clients, the more goodwill you build up. It's like building a compounding asset. So when people go into business and they create content and they're not sure what to do with that, that's the acceleration path, sponsoring it, circulating it. So that's the action item that I have for you. If you're in business, create that video that I mentioned. Then do the next one. When someone gives you a question, answer that question and then boost that and start with a few dollars and see how many people that reaches and gets in front of. And you'll start to see the impact and what's possible with content and the role it can play in growing your business moving forward. So I also have a very special invitation to you if you're in this spot and you want some help creating content absolutely free.


So we've introduced what we call a test drive offer. So if you're listening to this and you're still a little bit scared or a little bit nervous, let us do it with you so you can experience how easy content creation can be, particularly with video. So if you go to either content only au, there's a test drive button on our website or there'll be a link below in the show notes with a link to Calendly, and I'll get three questions that your target clients, your target audience are searching online. We'll meet up on Google Meet for 15 minutes. We'll have a little fun, get you nice and relaxed. I'll ask you those questions, we'll record the conversation and my team will convert that into on-brand video that you can then go and post

Aaron Witnish (08:55):

To. Social media will also give you a personalised marketing plan so you can get that content in front of your target audience and your target clients so you know what to do with it moving forward to actually accelerate you towards your goals. So take advantage of that free offer and I'll help you create some content so you can get this up and running. Thank you for tuning into this episode. If you are new and you're not falling, make sure you hit that subscribe button and if you can leave a five star review on the platform that you're listening on, that'll help more people discover the show.

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