Dr. Sex Fairy

Ep. 96: Dr. Sex Fairy Supplements: The Secret Ingredient for Better Sex

Kanwal Bawa

Hello! Please feel free to text me here but you will have to type your first and last name, email and phone number in your message for me to be able to respond. I look forward to connecting! Sincerely, Dr. Bawa

Let's talk about Dr. Sex Fairy Supplements! They are the secret ingredient for better sex. The days of you taking gas station pills are over. The days of you buying strange pills from shady websites are over. Dr. Sex Fairy supplements are proudly made in the US, with the highest quality ingredients. Click to hear how this supplement line came to be, and how it will transform your life. 

Dr. Kanwal Bawa is America's favorite sex doctor. She is Cleveland Clinic trained, and a pioneer in the fields of sexual wellness, skin rejuvenation and hair restoration. She has a state-of-the-art practice in Boca Raton, Florida called Bawa Medical. She earned the moniker Dr. Sex Fairy due to her incredible advances in the field of intimate and sexual wellness. 

Her patients fly to her from all over the world for vaginal rejuvenation, non-surgical labiaplasty, penis enlargement, Erectile Dysfunction treatments, better performance, increased libido, hormone replacement, and more. She also provides virtual consultations for those who are unable to travel to her for in-office treatments. Dr. Bawa also has her own line of Dr. Sex Fairy supplements which includes a testosterone booster, a nitric oxide booster and a libido enhancer.
To learn more about Dr. Sex Fairy supplements and claim your $100 discount:

To schedule a virtual or in-office consultation: https://www.bawamedical.com/contact/


To learn more about sexual wellness: https://www.bawamedical.com/sexual-health/


TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdC5M5Me/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealdrsexfairy/


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctorsexfairy

Limited Edition Valentine's Day Box:

To schedule a virtual or in-office consultation with Dr. Bawa: https://www.bawamedical.com/contact/

To learn more about Dr. Sex Fairy supplements:

To watch Dr. Sex Fairy in video format: https://www.youtube.com/@drsexfairy

To learn more about sexual wellness: https://www.bawamedical.com/sexual-health/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drsexfairy

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealdrsexfairy/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctorsexfairy

The Secret Ingredients for Better Sex

Welcome to the Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast. I am Dr. Kanwal Bawa, America’s favorite sex doctor and I am here to transform your life. Thank you for loving this podcast and making it one of the most popular podcasts in the world. In fact, Dr. Sex Fairy is in the top 1% of all podcasts worldwide. Thank you to those of you who have left me lovely 5-star reviews. This is such a great way for you to support this podcast and me. The more 5-star reviews you leave, the more the algorithm suggests this podcast to people, and the more people will want to listen to it. You can literally help me grow this podcast into a bigger phenomenon with just a minute of your time. I thank you in advance for the review you will leave me right now!


I am going to read one of the reviews today, and the person who wrote it will win a free phone call with me. This review is by Capt94, and is titled “Answers to questions I didn’t even realize I had…” He says: “Highly informative and detailed podcasts. As a proud owner of a penis, and an on-again, off-again sometime guest of a vagina, I found the information within to be interesting, and eventually likely needed.”


He cracked me up! Capt94, thank you for that funny but pertinent review. Please email me at askme@drsexfairy.com to schedule a call with me. Don’t forget to leave me your full name and phone number.


Today’s episode is about something near and dear to my heart. Last week I announced the launch of BawaRF, our radiofrequency-based treatment for both men and women that will improve sexual function and intimate health for many, many of you. These are exciting times for the Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast and Bawa Medical, my Boca Raton Florida based medical practice. Today I have another exciting announcement for you. The Dr. Sex Fairy sexual wellness supplements are finally here. 


The days of you taking gas station pills are over. The days of you buying strange pills from shady websites are over. Dr. Sex Fairy supplements are proudly made in the US, with the highest quality ingredients. 


You must be wondering how a doctor like me ended up with a supplement company. I’m going to tell you a story. As many of you are aware, my career began in the ER. If you can imagine it, I likely saw it. One night I saw a man being brought in by ambulance with a racing heart. He was vomiting profusely. As I tried my best to understand the events that preceded this, I found out that he had tried a new gas station sex pill. I tried to pinpoint what he had taken but it was really confusing to figure out the ingredients. 


It was impossible to find a number or even a website for this company. I wish I could say that this was a rare event. We would check blood work and EKGs showing the activity of the heart on these patients. We would give them IV fluids and multiple medications. Sometimes we would call poison control for guidance, and at times even they would be at a loss. Not everyone survived. 


Once I opened Bawa Medical and began doing consultations for sexual health and performance, I started asking detailed questions about medications, and many people would leave out these pills because they forgot, or because they were embarrassed about taking them. Some of my patients would even be on Royal Honey and considered it to be completely natural. In their defense, it does sound harmless. However, on April 25th 2022 the FDA released a public notification and warning about medication health fraud titled “Royal Honey VIP contains hidden drug ingredient.” 

The alert went on to say, “The Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers not to purchase or use Royal Honey VIP, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement on various websites… and possibly in some retail stores.


FDA laboratory analysis confirmed Royal Honey VIP contains tadalafil, the active ingredient in the FDA-approved prescription drug Cialis, used to treat erectile dysfunction. FDA approval of Cialis is restricted to use under the supervision of a licensed health care professional. This undeclared ingredient may interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs, such as nitroglycerin, and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates.


The alert went on to say, “This notification is to inform the public of products marketed as dietary supplements or conventional foods with hidden drug ingredients and chemicals. These products are typically promoted for sexual enhancement, weight loss, or body building and are often represented as being “all natural.” FDA is unable to test and identify all products marketed as dietary supplements that have potentially harmful hidden ingredients. Consumers should exercise caution before purchasing any product in the above categories.”


Just when I thought this situation couldn’t get any worse I started getting calls at my Boca Raton, Florida office asking about my maca coffee. My front desk staff was genuinely confused because we don’t sell maca coffee. I also noticed comments on my TikTok account @drsexfairy about my maca coffee. And then I found out what this was about. I have something in the vicinity of 110 million views on TikTok, and almost a million followers. 


There are over 40 accounts pretending to be me on TikTok and they are literally putting fake captions over my videos and are selling this crap in my name. I have reported them to TikTok but they have not been taken down. I have now retained a law firm and they are going to go after every single deadbeat trying to use my reputation to make a quick buck. I hope that you won’t try these scam products. How good a product can it be, and how trustworthy are the sellers if they have to pretend to be me to sell their products?


My patients, my followers on TikTok and Instagram, and many of my podcast followers were asking about this maca coffee, and other popular products, and while I was warning them about the dangers, I had no good alternative for them. I am someone who does not like to sit around complaining. I chose to be part of the solution. So the Dr. Sex Fairy supplements came to be, and boy, am I proud of them.


I know that some of you are thinking that you are well past the point of no return, that nothing has ever worked and so nothing ever will. I want you to know that one way or another, there is hope, and that there is a better life ahead. I can treat you with my world-renowned treatments in my office, and I can send you my top quality, US made supplements, but if you are convinced that you will never have function, you never will. So much of what we achieve in our lives is dependent upon what we believe. 


When I decided to become a doctor after obtaining two degrees in English Literature, many people asked me what my back up plan was. I told them that I didn’t have one. Well-meaning people pointed out to me that most people wanting to get into medical school never do, and here I was trying to achieve that feat without the usual Biology or Chemistry background. It wasn’t that I didn’t understand the odds strongly stacked against me. The point was that I didn’t care. You may suffer sexual dysfunction for a host of different reasons. Many of those issues can be treated. I want you to believe that better days are ahead. Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”


I have launched 3 important supplements, and I am going to tell you a little about each of them today. The Dr. Sex Fairy supplements are Renew, a testosterone booster as well as Enhance, a nitric oxide booster, and Passion, a libido and overall sexual performance booster. They are linked in the show notes and you can certainly go ahead and order your own!


Let’s start with Renew, our testosterone booster. To discuss how Renew will literally renew your life, let’s first talk about what testosterone does. While both men and women have testosterone, albeit in different amounts, it is the most important male sex hormone. It plays a crucial role in just about everything from the development of male genitalia to muscle mass, bone strength, libido (or the desire for sex) and even sperm production. It helps with mental clarity and combats depression. 


Testosterone levels gradually decrease by 1-2% each year, and so men start showing more symptoms of low testosterone as they age. They experience weight gain and feel sluggish. Performance in the bedroom also suffers. Erectile Dysfunction goes up by 10% for every decade of life so 40% of men in their 40s are suffering from it, and so on. A lower sperm count and infertility are also seen with low testosterone levels. 


While women naturally have less testosterone in their bodies, they need healthy levels of it in their body as well. From low libido to weight gain to weaker bones, they too exhibit signs of low testosterone. An interesting fact that you are probably not aware of is that according to the American Heart Association, low testosterone levels are associated with cardiovascular risk and diseases, major adverse cardiac events, and even death due to cardiovascular events. 


I discussed this with interventional cardiologist Dr. Jyoti Mohanty on Episode 82 of the Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast titled “Erectile Dysfunction & Heart Disease: The Connection You Can’t Ignore,” and I strongly recommend that you listen to it after finishing this episode. 


A high-quality natural testosterone booster like Renew can likely help increase levels without shots, creams and patches but there is a small subsect of people who should not take it. People with cancer especially prostate and breast cancer or those at a high risk for it should not take this supplement. People with severe urinary problems from a large prostate, or those with heart disease should not take it without talking to their doctor first. You should check your testosterone levels and monitor them closely. Results can vary, and this podcast cannot possibly replace a consultation with your doctor.


Next let’s discuss Enhance, our nitric oxide booster. The role of nitric oxide in the body cannot be overstated. It improves blood flow, decreases the chance of blood clots, reduces blood pressure, and more. Since the number one cause of Erectile Dysfunction is poor vascular tone and low blood flow, boosting nitric oxide may well help improve penile function. Moreover, penises shrink over time due to lack of adequate oxygenated blood flowing in the tissue. Increasing blood supply also enhances the penis’ ability to maintain size. While Enhance does not contain nitric oxide it contains ingredients that promote the production of nitric oxide. Flow is often considered a male problem but I dare say that it is a human problem. 


Women need good blood flow as much as men do. Vaginal and clitoral atrophy which involve shrinkage and other damage are a big problem. Boosting vaginal and clitoral blood supply will also their health, function and sensation. Nitric oxide may also decrease muscle soreness and aid in recovery after exercise. Since nitric oxide decreases blood pressure, people with low blood pressure or those on blood pressure medication, especially nitrates should talk to their doctor before starting this supplement. By the way, increasing nitric oxide will also increase blood flow to your skin, nails and hair. So you will look better and have better sex!


Now let’s talk about Passion which is our libido or desire booster, as well as a booster for sexual function and performance. Whether you are male or female, this is a winning combination. Passion contains our proprietary blend of many great ingredients such as Horny Goat Weed Extract,  Maca Root Powder, Tongat Ali Root Powder,  Saw Palmetto Berry Powder, L-Arginine, Panax Ginseng Root Powder, and more. Just call it natural Viagra. Results can vary, and again, this podcast cannot replace a consultation with your doctor.


Combined with our state-of-the-art in-office procedures like BawaWave, our proprietary shockwave therapy protocol for men and women to break down blockages in blood vessels and improve flow, like the BawaShot for men and women to improve function using your growth factor to stimulate your own stem cells, like BawaRF, our protocol for radiofrequency based penile and vaginal rejuvenation, and BawaBig, our world famous non-surgical penis enlargement procedure, the Dr. Sex Fairy supplements are going to be a game changer for both your partner, and you. You can find a link in the show notes to visit our online store to purchase them. We get our supplements made in the US in small batches so make sure that you order enough to last you a while. Our one year combination pack of all three supplements is currently discounted $100 so take advantage of this introductory offer. You have nothing to lose but more time.


Until next time.